![]() COOL JOE, Chapter 9A Story by Betty Hermelee![]() FAMILY SAGA![]() COOL JOE, Chapter 9 MARGARET Two Days Later
The phone has been dead. Two days ago, we heard that Robbie is alive and now silence. So, we’re all nervous and jerky and can hardly mention Robbie’s name without tears in our eyes. We’re all asking questions, especially to Pete and Sylvia, but no answers yet. You would think by now that we’d have some concrete information because Pete has the most ties to the bosses and they owe him a favor as I understand it. Oh well, we all have to be patient, even though we aren’t, and I’m probably the most anxious next to Sylvia and Simone.
Guess what? I live in Brooklyn too, along with my hubby Ted. We have three kids in middle school, only one year apart. Boy we worked hard those three years and even now they’re triple trouble, but we love them to death. Ken is the oldest, about to go to high school next year. Then, there’s Mary in seventh grade (a genius), and finally Chris in sixth grade who is most handsome. We live near the school so the kids can walk there, though sometimes my sweet Ted will drive them cause they can be lazy. Sometimes the kids stop at a drug store/ soda fountain after school and don’t get home until almost dinner time. I think they sit and chat and maybe go to the park two blocks away. I hope they are behaving!
Ted owns a pawn shop in Brooklyn. It’s been in his family for many years; he got ownership after his father passed away. He sells all kinds of junk (well I call it junk!) Because we sell guns and gold and jewelry and stuff, we have a sliding gate which Ted puts up at closing time because its not the best neighborhood and the wrong people tend to steal from pawn shops. Sometimes if it’s real busy, I will help sell stuff, but like real weirdo’s come in and they scare me. Sometimes a policeman will stop by and ask if everything is okay and that makes me feel safer for both of us.
It’s a Friday afternoon and I’m at the store with Ted, as it’s very busy. Mostly, people are looking and testing guns, I don’t mean they’re shooting them, just feeling them. I help a guy who is looking for a used piece of jewelry for his wife. I show him several rings, bracelets and necklaces and he takes his sweet time, handling every piece. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, he chooses a cheap bracelet, not real gold and I wrap it up and he pays cash. That’s all we take here, no credit cards and definitely no personal checks. We’ve been burned before, never again. “So, what do you think, we should wrap it up for the day?” says Ted in a cheerful voice. I look at my watch and it’s 5:30 pm. “Yes, my dear, I think it’s time to hit the road.” We put valuable stuff away from the window facing the street and grab our personal things, put up the “closed” sign and swing the gate shut. We walk home hand in hand, glad the day is over. It’s stressful working in a pawn shop, too many characters.
“We’re home kids” Ted says, happy to see his three adorable nuts. I’ll start dinner, you check on the kids and make sure they’re doing their homework.” As I’m making a meatloaf for dinner, I get a call from Pete. “Hi Pete, I was just going to make my daily call to you, but you beat me to it. What’s up?” “Well, I got a quick call from boss Johnnie and he told me that they don’t think Robbie is the suspect, but here’s the bad part, they smashed in all of his teeth before they really knew for sure. He’s in pretty bad shape physically and mentally. They told me that my favor is I could go see him, but they’re not ready to let him go for a few more days.” Silence. “Are you still there Margaret?” I feel as if I’m going to throw up. “Yeah, gee z, I can’t believe it, that’s “That’s like torture, it’s horrible Pete and that’s your favor that you can go see your beaten-up brother?” “Yup, that’s it. I didn’t want to cross these guys; you want me alive right?” “Of course, I do, but I can’t believe these guys, they’re so cruel.” I’m thinking of what Robbie looks like, poor brother. “Pete? When are you going to see him?” My voice is shaky and I have a tear in my eye. “Probably tomorrow if I can get off work; Johnnie said to be there at 10:00AM sharp.” “Do you think I can come with you?” I feel dizzy and afraid they may do something else to Robbie. “Well, you could escort me for sure, but whether they will let you see him is something else. We can try, so meet me at work and we’ll go together. Don’t tell anyone else or Sylvia will have a freak-out okay?” “Of course, I understand.”
My meat loaf is still cooking, I check on it and go to the den where Ted is watching TV. I’m scared to talk about Robbie, but I feel that Ted should know. I sit next to him on the loveseat, curl my head in his neck. Silence “Ted?’ “What is it? You look so pale and feel clammy.” “I just got off the phone with Pete, and he told me that boss Johnnie told him that Robbie got his teeth smashed in and they won’t bring him home for a few more days. Pete is allowed to see him tomorrow and I’m going to try to get in with Pete.” “Oh, my goodness, that’s horrific, those dirty crooks, they’ll do almost anything to get you to talk, I’m sick of this whole thing”, says Ted with an angry-looking face. “Does Sylvia know?” “No, nobody, except Pete, you and me. We made a pact not to say anything yet.” “I think it’s a good idea for you to go and support Pete.” I’m so glad he said that, he’s so understanding, I just love that man.
The next day, I make breakfast for the family and my hands are shaking as I turn the eggs. I hope nobody notices; I mean the kids. “Mom, you’re shaking, what’s wrong with you?” says Ken, the oldest, with a questioning look on his face. “Nothing, I just didn’t get enough sleep last night, that’s all, so a bit shaky. Did you guys get your homework done and backpacks stuffed?” They all said yes mom and ate their breakfast. After they left for school, Ted and I talked about Robbie. “I hope you have the stomach for this Margaret, it’s pretty nasty you know?” “Yeah, I know, maybe they won’t let me in, but I really want to see him, he’s my brother! Well, I’ve got to get ready to meet Pete at his office, so I’ll see you later. Wish me good luck honey, because I need it.” I’m feeling squeamish as I head toward Ted to plant a kiss on his forehead. “Goodbye my sweet Ted, I’ll keep you posted okay?” “Yes, darling, and be very careful, those guys are nuts.”
I leave the house, and take the rail to Pete’s office. I’m’ sweating like a pig and it’s 50 degrees out!” Pete is waiting for me in the lobby. I guess he sees my pale face. “Calm down Margaret, we have to act civil, not all teary and freaked out.”
We arrive at the Boss’ brownstone row house in Brooklyn. His house looks like a mansion compared to any of ours. He’s been known to have some kind of dungeon in the basement where he interrogates his “subjects.” I feel like my hands are all clammy and my throat is closing up. Pete takes my clammy hand and tells me not to worry.
Pete rings the bell and we wait about a minute. A well-dressed butler-type man greets us. Pete does all the talking and I kind of hide behind him. “We have an appointment with Boss Johnnie at 10:00 AM”, Pete says. “And who are you?” “I am an acquaintance sir and this is my sister”, Pete says. “Step in, I’ll let the boss know you’re here.” We wait in a dark hallway with no seats for about 10 minutes, then finally we are asked to follow this gentleman. The place is a maze with antique furniture and walls covered in wallpaper. Finally, we get to boss Johnnie’s office, a sprawling room with more antique furniture and paintings of the clan. “What can I do for you Pete?” Well sir, this is my sister, Margaret and we got permission from you to visit our brother Robbie who has been here a long time.” “I see”, Says the boss with a cigar in his mouth, puffing away. “yeah, you might not recognize him too well, kinda beat up you know?” “That’s quite alright” says Pete. We’re ready. As I’m trembling like crazy standing there, feel like I have to pee. “Okay then”, says the boss. “you asked for it” as he puffs away and smiles. “Take them to see Mr. Robbie.” The butler type gentleman takes us through more mazes, then downstairs where it gets darker and darker. He opens a door and there is our brother sitting on a wooden chair. I get dizzy and fall into Pete’s arms. As he pulls me up, I begin to scream.
© 2021 Betty HermeleeReviews
4 Reviews Added on February 5, 2021 Last Updated on February 5, 2021 Author![]() Betty HermeleeBlack Mountain, NCAboutMy love of poetry results from my love of art. As a painter I am able to express myself on a canvas. As a poet my words come from my heart, my moods, sometimes sad, mostly upbeat. I like to use vivid .. more..Writing
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