COOL JOE - Chapter 2

COOL JOE - Chapter 2

A Story by Betty Hermelee

Next generation


It was all my fault!


I, Peter, the eldest child should have been more supportive to our family. It is preposterous of me to think that mom and dad could raise eight kids alone without help, and work in all of his businesses. And, when they aged and dad got sick, I failed to note the severity of their circumstances. We’ve had two tragedies, both of which are horrific deaths.


It has taken me a long time to recover from these traumas. I’ll never forget when my little brother Donny passed away. Yes, my adorable, funny, smart guy, who I believe is my parents’ favorite. Donny, struck down by a vicious bullet to the chest, in the middle of the street. He was dead at the scene, blood oozing down his limp body and into the gutter. I’ll never forget this sight for as long as I live; it haunts me day and night. Our family still lives in fear every day. And, when my dad died the way he did, I thought I would never recoup. But I’m still here, and closer to my mom and the rest of our large family. We miss our beloveds who passed and now we stick together as a team.


I’m in the dock loading business in Brooklyn, N.Y. I work big rigs and take cargo off of giant ships, usually from China. I just got a job promotion to assistant manager of loading and unloading. My boss is proud of me and always stashes extra cash in my pocket. I have my own body guards, just in case, but it’s never enough; the bosses’ hit men are clever and watch for loopholes where they can do some bloody harm when you’re not always in agreement with them. I’m in good standing with the bosses at the docks, but not always in other trades. I’m getting a radio call right now.

“Yo, hello, it’s Pete here.”

“Mo here; hey you know what the deal is right?”

“Which one?”

“Stop f�"ckin around wit me.”

“Oh, you mean the loan deal?” says I

“Yo, it’s due in one-week pal.”

See what I mean? They bug you to death!


I took a second loan to pay the mortgage on my house in Brooklyn.

This guy is a loan shark, who makes lots of money on the loan, a real crook.

He’s part of the mob too and is a very tough guy, but he’s not a hit man.

I’m gonna have to discuss this with my wife, Vivian, who has some money stashed under the mattress. I gave her an anniversary gift and told her to hide it. I feel bad to do this, but otherwise I’ll keep getting phone calls and threats. I try to keep my business apart from family affairs.


“I’m home honey!”

“How was your day?”

“Eh, same old thing.”

‘I’m tired of cooking Pete, let’s go out to dinner tonight.”

“I’m too tired Vivian, lets do it another night; hey, what about ordering a pizza? Where are the boys?”

“Playing soccer, won’t be done til late. I made P.B.J. sandwiches for them before they left”

“So, it’s just you and me; we can get a small one and save bucks. You phone and I’ll pick it up.”


So, on my way to the pizza place, I was trying to think of how to approach Vivian about the money under the mattress. I really would prefer that she doesn’t know how much we owe on the loan. Let’s see, I could tell her we need a new roof, as I was told by an expert. Or, I could say maybe we should send the boys to private school, as there has been some trouble at their current school. DAMN! Whatever I tell her she’s gonna give me a fight or start bawling like she has a habit of doing.


I’m on my way home now from the pizza place, and I’m just gonna give it to her straight; tell her about the loan.


“Yum, that pizza is delish eh?”

I’ve had better” says Vivian.

We sat there, eating our pizza, TV news on, but no talking. I’m getting up the courage to tell her.



“Yes Pete, what is it? The tone in your voice is a bit suspicious.”

Uh oh, she knows something’s coming.

“Well, you know that promotion I got? Well is it’s not a whole lot of money; it’s okay but we still need more to pay our mortgage, the kids’ expenses and all.  I couldn’t ask mom, but she only has enough to live on and I want her to be comfortable, you know. So, I had to borrow money from Eddie, the loan shark.

“Eddie the loan shark? He’s the cruelest mobster of them all. I know you can’t touch a real bank, but couldn’t you have asked me first? I would of suggested a person of known repute you know, in the real world. By the way is he a hit man? We need some extra personnel (wink wink).”

“I gotta pay this loan off by next Monday, one week from today!”

“Or else?”

“Or else it’s one strike against me, three strikes you’re out dead.”

“Can I think about it tonight?”

“While you’re sleeping?”

“No dummy, while I’m up!”


I couldn’t wait for her response, so I stepped out of the house and took a walk. It was late and the stars were out, a half-moon too. I looked up to the bright sky to find someone to help me. I’m a spiritual man. I will pray to whoever will listen…I pray that Vivian lets me use her money (really my money, I gave to her) to pay off the loan shark. I found a bench to sit on cause my feet are killing after walking so long. Vivian can be tough sometimes, real tough. But she has a soft side too, like when she bought me a gold chain to wear around my neck. Heck, it isn’t even real gold but who cares; it was a kind thought. My mind wanders to my family. My brothers and their wives all work hard to keep their families afloat. They’re also involved with bosses, but much cleaner than me. I think their houses are paid off. Can’t ask them for money.



I start to walk home, feel sick to my stomach, begin to sweat at the thought that Vivian may give me a fight about the money. I look up at the sky, see some billowy clouds pass over the moon, a real pretty sight. I hope whoever I spoke to up there will grant my wishes and I won’t have to worry about Eddie. Another call is coming in


“Yo Pete, this is Eddie; you should know my voice by now, geez.”

“Yes Eddie, I know it’s you.”

“Well I got something to tell ya.


“Well, I called one of my buddies who has ties to, you know, loot.”

“Ye Eddie and…?”

“And you know these are hard times, this other boss with all the loot is gonna pay off your loan for ya; but I’m warnin you, he may ask a favor of you sometime, you know, that’s just how it works… keep your guards.”

“Wow Eddie, that’s amazing; you’ve answered my prayers; I swear I was praying hard tonight.”

“Okay Pete, just remember what I just told ya.”


We hang up. I have tears running down my face, I’m so happy I walk faster so I can tell Vivian the good news. Man! I almost can’t believe it!


I walk in the house all smiles and such. And, who is waiting for me with big smiles on their faces? Vivian and my two boys.

“Guess what Viv?”


“I got the loan taken care of…not telling who, but we’re okay; you can keep the money under the mattress.”

“Well guess what we decided? I talked with the boys and we agreed to give you the money from under the mattress!”


What a night! We all hug, rain flows down our cheeks.

© 2021 Betty Hermelee

Author's Note

Betty Hermelee
this is part 3 0f a family saga

My Review

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Featured Review

Tasty third part, Betty... started, kept reading, and mpre, maybe picked up little hint - you've drop those in so subtly. Joe's relationship with Vivian is interesting, is a comfortable one - they appear to balance each other well.. and so the end came asa bit of a surprise! The quite slick exchange with Pete.. plus the various cues for future goings on, went oh so well. Seems the power of the gun and such is pretty powerful hereabouts.. and clues point to that. Any details about the area, clubs, churches and bells, places to avoid, noises - voices, vehicles.. etc.?

Such good dialogue, you really have rounded out the 'players' characters very well. Now waiting for the next part!!!! Read a second time and really am waiting to see what happens NEXT!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

Dearest Emma, you are the best! I really appreciate your attention to my writing, as I am a novice.... read more

4 Years Ago

So much goes into writing, especially stories., Some bright spark said tis easy to find the beginnin.. read more


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This is the first part I've read, and I hope you don't mind that I didn't start at the beginning. I was thirsty to read prose, and this was in my 'read request' list. It reads like noir to me - the testy male dialogue, the way the wife is addressed, the way they both communicate - and the bosses and loans and favors. You hit the old-fashioned jackpot with your word choices, and the action is fast, loose and suspenseful. I honestly felt like I was back in the fifties, maybe the forties or so; like I was in an old detective novel for a minute or two. The information is plotted pretty well and the atmosphere is quite realistic. I'll read more when I find it. Are you still writing chapters of this? Thanks for the read.

Posted 3 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Good - and good luck with sales. Will you be doing tours and such? Is the title still "Cool Joe"?
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Yes! and B&N and all other online platforms!!!
very excited
Best, B
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

No tours at all, not that crazy!!! Just encouraging people to buy and review it!
Hello, Betty! :)
I half expected Pete to be killed when he went for the pizza. This is such a violent and risky world you've written that the pleasant ending was almost disturbing. Haha
The first two sections were a bit of a repeat since I just read chapter 1, but you used them well in introducing the new character, and from section three on this chapter is just as compelling as the first. Great writing!

Posted 3 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

3 Years Ago

Thanks so much Mat….I really appreciate this!
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Hey Mat, you can write a review on Google reviews, just pull up name of book:
Cool Joe's Rede.. read more
A great chapter! I also really loved how Vivian was written here. Her relationship with Joe is very fun and satisfying to read- a playful, comfortable loving thing. The dialogue is very realistic and any foreshadowing is done brilliantly. The emotions and the feelings are done so well too, something that's very, very hard in writing. I'm enjoying this story so much, so far! It's such a fun, good read. Sometimes you just want a great book- and this is that book.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

HI! The book is out on all on line platforms...
Cool Joe's Redemption; if you buy, reviews ap.. read more
Vertigo Cat1111

2 Years Ago

That’s such amazing news!! That will be a definite buy! Congrats (:
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

YAY! That would be so great. A million thanks
You just know when someone pays your loan off they've bought your soul.
Am I thinking Pete's wife is maybe got connections Pete is unaware of?
How much money is under all the mattresses in the world, I wonder.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

keep wondering and always I appreciate it Paul!
In the earlier parts, I did not get the "mobster" sound like in this part. Here, the entire thing, not just the dialogue, sounds like a mobster talking. This chapter seems to be inner-dialogue-esque so I heard this guy talking to himself with a very realistic sound thru the entire thing. At first it felt like a jolt to be thrown from that last dramatic scene & then into this guy's head. I struggled a little at first, trying to figure out where this story went & who this was. You resolved this fairly quickly, but maybe it would've been clear quicker if the first line included something to explain what "It" is . . . perhaps: Dad's death was all my fault! My other moment of weirdness came at the end becuz it feels unresolved. If the wifey has decided to give hubby the dough, we are left wondering what happens. It feels anti-climactic. I'm let down becuz you write a fancy story to lead up to something, but it turns out to be nothing, just some inconceivably handy answer to this guy's prayer & the reader left wondering if they're going to use the money under the mattress for something else or not? Since they're all full of the warm fuzzies at the end, I kinda expected that they might decide to take a trip to the Bahamas with that money or something. This is great storytelling, all in all. As you know, I'm not commenting on all the good stuff to the degree that I've pointed out the things that distracted me (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

Margie, I appreciate all of you comments positive and constructive ( not negative)...I’m working o.. read more
It's hard for me to imagine growing up and living in a big city where behaviors and actions can so easily veer from the straight and narrow. I guess Pete does what he thinks is necessary to get by, so that's not a bad thing. Hopefully, he will never suffer his brother's sad fate. Nice work--just keep at it.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

Thanks for reading! This kind of behavior went on in NYC especially during the 20's, 30' I wa.. read more
Tasty third part, Betty... started, kept reading, and mpre, maybe picked up little hint - you've drop those in so subtly. Joe's relationship with Vivian is interesting, is a comfortable one - they appear to balance each other well.. and so the end came asa bit of a surprise! The quite slick exchange with Pete.. plus the various cues for future goings on, went oh so well. Seems the power of the gun and such is pretty powerful hereabouts.. and clues point to that. Any details about the area, clubs, churches and bells, places to avoid, noises - voices, vehicles.. etc.?

Such good dialogue, you really have rounded out the 'players' characters very well. Now waiting for the next part!!!! Read a second time and really am waiting to see what happens NEXT!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

Dearest Emma, you are the best! I really appreciate your attention to my writing, as I am a novice.... read more

4 Years Ago

So much goes into writing, especially stories., Some bright spark said tis easy to find the beginnin.. read more
Mobsters, money lenders and owing on a debt! Whatever could go wrong? 😀
Starting to take shape nicely and connecting with the characterrs the more we read.
I like how there are things mentioned that you know will crop up again later and it's really opening up a lot of avenues as to where the story goes and perhaps who will make it to the sequel 😀
Really enjoying so far. Pace is just right, but I'm sure mayhem ensuing will put paid to that 😀

Posted 4 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

Hey Lorry, what a great review! It really makes me happy to know I can actually write a story, so fa.. read more

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8 Reviews
Added on August 27, 2020
Last Updated on January 5, 2021


Betty Hermelee
Betty Hermelee

Black Mountain, NC

My love of poetry results from my love of art. As a painter I am able to express myself on a canvas. As a poet my words come from my heart, my moods, sometimes sad, mostly upbeat. I like to use vivid .. more..


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