![]() ~Un-named~A Story by Berry![]() Little story I wrote, never finished it though =D![]() Chapter 1
It was a dark, cold, drizzly day. Hally Tompkins stared out the window of her English class at William H. Harrison High in northern Iowa . She sighed as she fiddled with her pencil. She could hear the wind howl and see the tree branches swinging wildly. She closed her eyes and imagined being outside. She could almost feel the cold, rejuvenating wind against her face, her arms, and her legs. She breathed calmly. Inhale….Exhale……
She could almost hear the trees talking to her. Calling her gently, speaking to her. She strained to hear what they were saying:
What? What? she thought
“HALLY TOMPKINS!!” her English teacher Mrs. Dunrea screamed. Her voice bought Hally back to reality. She opened her eyes and felt her face grow hot as two dozen people tuned in their seats to stare at her with Mrs. Dunrea in the front of the room giving her a lecture about staying awake. She cursed herself inside. She was usually always on task, awake, and prepared. That’s why she was liked by most of the teachers. Including Mrs. Dunrea. Nice way to start the first day back Hally!
The bell rang. It was music to Hally’s ears. She pulled her handbag out and slumped it over her shoulder. She yawned as she made her way through the crowd.
One period down she thought seven more to go.
“Hally! Hally! HAAAAAALEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!” Her friend Laila Walters came racing down the hall, blonde hair flying all over the place. “Guess what??? You will never believe who’s in my ACE Bio class.” Hally stared at her. Marion Cartwright she said to herself as she stifled a yawn.
Laila squealed and flipped her hair. “Marion Cartwright!!!! Can you believe it? This is like HEAVEN!!!”
Hally continued to walk with her friend. Laila has been in love with Marion since the eighth grade. It was weird; Laila was the watch of every guy in the school with her wavy blonde hair, curvy figure, and baby blue eyes. She was always looking gorgeous with her model clothes, flawless makeup and cute hairstyles. But she spent so much time drooling over Marion , that she chased away the other guys in school. Hally wasn’t that bad herself, with straight brown hair, perfect teeth, curvy figure and soft brown puppy eyes.
Personally, Hally didn’t see what she saw in him. He wasn’t her type. He was a mysterious guy, with dark brown eyes, wavy jet black hair, and a tan that made every girl fall in love with him. He was always wearing black, or something dark. Hally knew him since the sixth grade and he never seemed to have any friends. Always alone…in the back of the classroom, or anywhere where it was isolated. Not that he seemed to mind though. Nobody messed with him; everybody knew the story of him nearly killing a boy who tripped him for amusement. He ended up in a hospital with a fractured rib, a broken arm, and severe bruising. Marion served ninety-six hours of community service and the family of the boy moved away after he was released from the hospital. End of story.
Hally thought about Laila. How obsessed she was with Marion . Hally wondered if Marion had ever been obsessed over anybody or anything. And what he had done to get it. Hally shivered even though it was warm inside the school. She said goodbye to Laila who was still daydreaming about Marion and quickened her pace to get to Advanced Photography.
The bell rung and she started to jog. That’s when she bumped into someone-or something. She fought to gain her balance but couldn’t….she felt herself falling; she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth.
She felt a pair of strong, muscular hands wrap around her waist, and then pulled her forward.
She opened to see her savior. Her face drained of color when she saw Marion Cartwright staring at her a few inches from her face. He let go of her and she backed away a few feet.
“Um, er, thanks.” She mumbled. He continued to stare at her. She felt herself blushing. Then, with Marion still staring at her, she rushed down the hallway.
She stopped in front of her Photo class. Great Hally, just great! Of all classes, you had to be late to this one! Everyone at WHH (William Harrison High) knew about the Photography teacher Mr. Reed who will rip your head off if you’re late. He took his teaching seriously and he expected all of his students to. Hally’s sister Jennifer, who took his class last year, said he expected his students to be on time, in their seats, prepared and ready to listen everyday.
Well, here goes nothing. Hally took a deep breath as she turned the doorknob. Immediately, it looked as if twenty-five to thirty people turned their heads towards the door, including Mr. Reed.
“So you will need to get those signed by tomo-” Mr. Reed was saying. Then he snapped his head towards Hally. “Excuse me young lady, what is your name?”
Again, she felt her face burning. “Hally Tompkins sir, um…..I’m sorry I’m late. I um…..tr….tripped.” She was able to stutter.
Mr. Reed stared at her for a moment. “Tompkins! I should have known. Like sister like sister,” He said referring to Jennifer. And then to the class, “Class, what do I have to say to students who are late to my class on purpose?”
Like a chorus, the class recited in a bored voice, “To learn your lesson, you get a detention.”
Hally gawked at Mr. Reed. He was an ugly man. Balding at the top of his head, glasses and a sweater vest? Ugh! “But-“
“No buts Ms. Tompkins!”
“But I jus-”
“Ms Tompkins, I’ll have you know, I won’t tolerate students who are mouthy!” Mr. Reed interrupted. “Now, take your seat!”
Hally slowly searched the room. She didn’t know anybody in there except Melissa McGough, who was waving her arms frantically. Hally hesitated. Melissa was the school dork. With her silver braces, red poofy hair that looked as if it was never brushed, and big dork glasses that you’d only see on television, it was hard for her to make friends. In seventh grade, Hally felt sorry for her and invited her to sit at her table during lunch. Big mistake. Hally’s “cool” friends at her table ignored her for a week, not to mention, Melissa acted as if Hally was her best friend from then on.
But now, she couldn’t just go to another seat, Melissa knew that Hally saw her. Besides, she didn’t want to be mean. Hally sighed and walked towards Melissa.
“Ah-ah ah! Ms. Tompkins, YOU will be sitting in the back.” Mr. Reed said. Melissa frowned and gave Hally a sympathetic look. Hally shrugged her shoulders at her then turned her back away from Melissa before smiling. Thank you Mr. Reed!
As she walked towards her desk, another student walked in, late. Hally put her stuff down before taking a look. He walked up to Mr. Reed and mumbled something quietly. Then Mr. Reed said something. The boy nodded and turned around. Hally gasped when she saw Marion Cartwright. He was the one who saved her from tripping; he could set things right with Mr. Reed!
Hally thought about going up and talking to Mr. Reed, right that instant. But Mr. Reed interrupted so she decided not to embarrass herself anymore. Besides, Marion Cartwright just sat next to her which didn’t make her happy. Okay, so what? He saved me from tripping, and might get me out of detention. Doesn’t mean I will allow him to sit next to me the entire year!
“The person sitting next to you will be your lab partner for the rest of the year. And yes, you will have to talk to them.” Mr. Reed laughed as if he made a joke. “So talk, get to know each other, and if your having a problem with them, (Hally looked up) DEAL WITH IT!”
Hally pouted. So much for that. Maybe if I hurry, I can sneak into another desk quickly. Hmmm…..every seat is taken! All except Melissa….Hally groaned. No way, not Melissa.
“Lets see, Mizzzzzzzz McGough? Did I say that right?” Mr. Reed nodded towards Melissa. “Yes, um, you will be working with Gwen Gates and Liza Harts, I’m only making this exception, because as you know, there aren’t enough students.”
Gwen and Liza looked horrified. Melissa, on the other hand looked like she was asked out by the hottest guy in school.
“So, I’ve been over the expectations and for those of you who were late,” He raised his eyebrow at Hally and Marion , “You can see me after class. Today we will be doing a fun activity. You should be grateful. I usually get right to work because we have no time to waste! I have much to teach you. You will be learning how to use the enlargers in the darkroom, learn how to develop your film, use Photoshop, use a camera…not just a baby camera, a professional camera, and much more!”
“But!” Mr. Reed raised his finger in the air as he paced the room. “I want to see how well you can use a camera without me teaching you anything. So, your first assignment is to go out and take pictures of trees! Any kind of trees, big, small, red, green, fat, skinny, any tree! But, it has to be a tree! You and your lab partner or partners (he nodded at Gwen, Liza and Melissa) will each take five pictures. It is due the day after tomorrow, which is Wednesday”
“Do not waste the film!” He hissed. “Film is very expensive! If you think this is a joke, you can buy your own film. And one more thing, please be careful! These cameras are old, but usable.”
“Now, when I call your name, one person from your group will come up and take your camera.” Mr. Reed scratched his hair. “Janet Morrow and Michael Roads.”
Hally couldn’t breathe. She had to be partners with him all year?
“Gwen Gates, Liza Harts and Melissa McGough…..” Hally saw Melissa strut up to the room, head held high, hands clenched into fists, and face lightly pink. She seemed so happy.
Hally saw Michael Roads stick his foot out. Melissa, being the klutz she was, didn’t see it and flew nearly five feet before she hit the ground with a thud.
“Ugh…LOSER…ahem, ahem.” Michael pretended to cough as the whole class burst into laughter. Hally closed her eyes. Poor Melissa. Normally she would have laughed at that but she was too stressed about her partner.
Mr. Reed whirled around. He had not seen what Michael did because he had his back turned to get the camera. “What’s so funny? Oh, Ms. McGough, are you all right? Here let me help you up,” He said. Melissa’s face was redder than a tomato. “These floors have tricks sometimes. Be careful next time.”
“Yeah, be careful Melissa. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” Michael laughed. Melissa hurried to her seat, camera in one hand.
Hally glared at Michael. He is such a jerk! I can’t believe I actually liked him once. Hally shivered. Now he just disgusts her.
“Hally Tompkins and Marion Cartwright……”
Hally looked at Marion . He had his head on the desk. With an exasperated sigh, Hally walked up to the room, ready to take the camera. But Mr. Reed had other things in mind.
“Mrs. Tompkins, did you or did you not receive a school code of conduct during the summer?” He said in drawl.
Hally had no idea where he was going with this. “Yeah, I did. What’s that got to do with anything?” She snapped. She was surprised by her prissy attitude.
“And, did you read all of every section?” He asked with a smirk on his face that made Hally want to punch him.
“No, why would I?”
“Mrs. Tompkins, I will let you off with a warning this time, but the next time, I’m hoping you will read the booklet, specifically the Dress Code.” He walked over to his desk and pulled out a small white booklet. He then handed her a camera and the booklet which was entitled “Stanford City School District Schools Code of Conduct.”
Hally felt her face burning. Why would she need to read the Dress Code? Her outfit wasn’t violating any rules, were they? She thought she looked cute today. She was wearing a thin, maroon v-neck sweater, a pair of white shorts, and maroon flats with a bow on top. Her brown hair, flowed over her shoulder, making her brown eyes look beautiful. Her lips were smooth, with cherry lip gloss, making them shine and show off her perfectly straight and white teeth.
Hally turned around to leave, furious and embarrassed for the fourth time today, when Michael stopped her. “Hey, I think you look hot”
Hally was able to mutter “thanks.”
“Maybe we can get together after school, at my place y’know.” Hally saw his eyes move up and down her body and linger at her legs for a moment.
Janet glared at her. Hally knew she liked Michael. But Hally knew he would never like her like that. Janet was exceptionally pretty. Never did anything with herself though. She was short, with dirty blonde hair that looked a light brown. She was pudgy, so she didn’t have any curves. She always wore heels, to make herself feel and look taller. She wasn’t really Hally’s friend. Hally thought she was too preppy.
As she neared her seat, she noticed that Marion still has his head on the desk. She thought of Laila and smiled. If Laila were sitting here, she would be blushing so hard; she wouldn’t be able to speak. Hally’s smile turned into a soft laughter. She was still laughing when she turned in her head to find Marion staring at her.
She stared back.
“Um,” She fumbled for something to say. “I’ll just take it home today, do my pictures, and then you can do yours tomorrow or something.” She slipped the camera into her handbag.
He continued to stare at her.
“You know, it would really help if you would actually talk for once.” She felt herself getting angry. I will NOT spend the entire year with him!
Hally was thinking of possibilities. Talk to her mom? No that would make Mr. Reed hate her even more. Why bother taking the class then? She should just drop the class.
Hally looked around. She always wanted to take Photography. And Mr. Reed was the only Photo teacher in the school. But, with a teacher who hated her guts, and a partner who doesn’t even talk, there is no point.
She looked up at Mr. Reed who was smiling and talking on the phone. Hally felt angered.
As a matter of fact, I will take this class, she thought I’m not going to give him the satisfaction.
Hally smiled. She knew Mr. Reed was expecting her to drop the class. He’ll find every excuse in the book to make me embarrassed. Psshhh, who cares? I’m not going to give in.
Hally decided that starting the next day, she will come on time and be prepared.
She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the bell ring. Melissa came running up to her.
“HI HALLY! Isn’t this class great? Don’t you love it? It’s SO amazing! Mr. Reed is really nice,” Melissa squealed with delight. “That’s too bad we couldn’t be partners, then the class would be perfect.”
Hally half smirked. Melissa was like this with every class. Including study halls.
Hally saw Michael walking towards her. She looked at Melissa. Her face turned from happiness to embarrassment. She looked at Hally. “Melissa, I’ll talk to you later okay?” She said desperately hoping Melissa would understand and leave.
But it was too late. “Hey dork,” Michael shoved Melissa, she stumbled back a few steps.
Hally stood up. “There’s something on your shirt.” Michael pointed to her shirt and when she looked down, he flung his hand, so that it hit her face. He laughed.
Hally had enough. “What the hell is your problem? Get the hell away from her Michael,” Hally got between them. Melissa ran out of the room, but not before Hally saw tears in her eyes. “Do you like her or something? You’re a jerk, you know that?”
“Awww, you sticking up for your bwest fwend?” Michael said in a babyish voice.
“Go to hell.”
Michael suddenly grabbed her and stuck his tongue down her throat. She squirmed, trying her hardest to get out of his reach. But she couldn’t. He was way to strong. When he finally let go of her, to come up for air, she was able to get out of his arms.
“Wha…..what the hell was tha…that?” She gasped, still struggling for air.
He smiled and walked out of the door. Hally took a few moments to gather herself before leaving. Did Michael like her? She smiled then frowned. It doesn’t matter, because you don’t like him Hally!
September 3, 2006
They think they’re so much better than me. I hate them! I hate them so much! They think they can easily take advantage f me. Well I’ll show them. Yes, soon they’re going to realize what its like to be on the bottom, like I always was.
© 2008 BerryAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 10, 2008 Author![]() BerryElmira, NYAboutAbout me: My name is called Berry Elffrost. Some of my passions are: Politics, Reading, Writing, World History, and Science Just to name a few of my favorite books: Harry Potter Series Twilight Ser.. more..Writing