

A Chapter by Bellamorte

White: being of the achromatic colour of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"

free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied; "in shining white armour"

Black: being of the achromatic colour of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light; "black leather jackets"; "as black as coal"; "rich black soil"

         stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonourable; "black deeds"; "a black lie"; "his black heart has concocted yet another black deed"; "Darth Vader of the dark side"; "a dark purpose"; "dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility"; "the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent ...”


White is the absence of all colour; there is nothing there, there never has been. Colour can be added to it, though. The white can be moulded and shaped into something. Perhaps even something it’s not. White has the potential to change. Colour does not come from white, but instead must be added by others; colour is the pioneer of what white becomes. White does not make a conscious decision to change; it is forced to accept the colour, it does not have a choice in the matter. White has the potential to become anything, be it good or evil; white is not in control of its own destiny.  That is decided by the other colours.

Once there is a colour on the white, it can never be removed. It can be covered up by other colours, but the original colour will always be there, in the depths of the memories of the white. Forgotten maybe, but not gone. It will always be hiding behind the other colours that have tried, and failed, to cover it up. Eventually the colour will be remembered; it would surface and mar the perfection portrayed by the other colours.

If black is added to the white, it will certainly never disappear. Attempts to cover the black up would be deemed pointless as there will always be the harsh undertone of the black, darkening the colour being added, destroying it.


A human being starts off as white; pure and innocent, a clean canvas. All the colour of a previous life would have been washed away in death. A human is born into the world without any knowledge or memories. They are expected to learn to gain intelligence and to collect memories through experiences as they grow older.

And they do learn; there mind is a dry sponge just waiting to soak up the water that is knowledge.

And they do remember, perhaps that is the problem.

A child mimics the actions of others; they pick up habits by watching, and they learn to speak by hearing. They do not do this through knowing, the do this through the art of copying. Therefore, it is, ultimately, the responsibility of others as to how the child behaves.

 As a human being grows older, they gain more knowledge and mimic more habits. Each new piece of knowledge and each new habit adds a splash of colour to whiteness that is their mind and soul. The white becomes tainted, collecting impurities, until eventually the white is so covered with colour that is turns black. Once a humans’ soul is black, it can’t change.

They can’t change.

No matter what other colours are added, they will always be evil. Streaks of the other colours would shine through, perhaps they would even appear ‘normal’, but the evilness will always be there. It will never fade. It will never change. It will never die. It will control the human in all its actions and words. The other colours will still be there, but the blackness will over ride any other personality traits. It would not be the humans fault; it would be the fault of the people she grew up with.


© 2011 Bellamorte

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Added on November 10, 2011
Last Updated on November 10, 2011



Lordswood, Kent, United Kingdom

I go by the names Sophiey or Kitten. I'm currently writing a lot more poetry since all of mky work got deleted for some unknown reason. Enjoy. more..

Addiction Addiction

A Poem by Bellamorte