

A Story by Bella

Contemplating to write an actual, full length story inspired by this short story.

This was the problem with Lena; she was in love with someone who would bring to her nothing but pain, nuisance and eventually, heartache. If she had decided to let Clarke in, she would have gone too far, creating an emotional massacre and plead for his heart, which she would never receive. She's usually a realist, an independent lady who has class and a passion for fiction. She doesn't mourn for the male presence; and although she admires them, she doesn't need them. Maybe she was cynical about love, but she didn't care; she was content with her own company and her own company kept her content. And then Clarke came along.

One glimpse of him and her knees were weakened, thank goodness she managed to not collapse in the middle of the cafeteria. His style, oh, his style was her mind's definition of swish. The way he rocked those dungarees, those edgy looking t-shirts and turtle necks. She had always found furred coats tacky and mentally declared that whoever decided to wear them was a "posh-wannabe". And then Clarke wore one, and he was still as beautiful as ever. He stood out, his style prospering and it was a shame because he knew it just as much as Lena did. She had never defined urban looking guys as her 'type' until she met Clarke. His face, filled with character, cheekbones clenching when he looked at her, the sun reflecting upon his ocean blue eyes. His dreadlocks scraped back and his face reminded her of vogue.

He added her on social media sites, he made the effort. She already knew who he was. Before completely observing him, she found his presence irritating. He was a player, no doubt. She even knew some of the girls he slept with, girls she spoke to also spoke about him, he was bad news. And then it was her turn. Go away  was her mental reaction and cold words were her verbal response. Why? Because she wasn't interested. She wasn't interested in being some attractive player's temporary bimbo until he got bored. She didn't want to make a mistake. All she saw was a beautiful mistake that she could resist.

And then she caught his eyes whilst sitting across the cafeteria. It made sense to her; why girl's were unable to resist him. She got lost and focused, tilting her head towards her friends and blocking him out. She could do it, she could seem uninterested. Small talk secretly intrigued her; the way he sigh's about his parent's divorce, the way he exaggerates his life, the way he's always advertising those "positive vibes" yet Lena catches glimpses of emptiness and vulnerability in his eyes.

His interest in her decreased within days of her not bothering. It's because what she felt was completely different to what he was feeling. If the time was to ever arrive, this wasn't it. She knew what he was looking for: temporary lust with an attractive girl. It made her feel physically sick. And this wasn't typical Lena; because typical Lena was focused, oblivious to her own feelings and would never let her self emotionally dig this deep. If she ever felt like something it was temporary lust with an attractive guy. She liked flirtation, controlling guys because it amused her. She would break hearts simply because she could. She never felt like any guy was 'the one' and she didn't necessarily feel that with Clarke either. What she did feel was entrapment and fantasy whenever he approached her though, what's that called?

Although she has her stoner moments, him smoking weed didn't impress her whatsoever. It would be fun, she thought, getting high with Clarke, she then removed that thought because she knew that he'd see stoned Lena as easy meat. She wasn't easy meat, she never was, but it'd be disappointing, right? What she'll do instead is get stoned by herself and dream of her and Clarke running across a field naked listening to reggae.

And now he doesn't even notice her, he's probably preying on his next potential meal. Oh well, she sighs, wondering what he's wearing and if she should make the effort to impress him again. The answer to her question is no, unless she feels like it. Why should she? it's only a crush.

© 2015 Bella

My Review

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I agree, the ending is a fine bow on this little present.
She seems still unsure. And even though she speaks with conviction, there's and insecurity and uncertainty there in her tone. "She won't, unless she feels like it" sort of vibe.

I also like the almost stream of consciousness type approach you used for this. Expressing ones innermost feelings is normally scattered, in a way. Almost haphazard.

You pulled it off nicely.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you, I like your analysis
Very interesting story with vivid descriptions. I could visualize Lena and Clarke and see this story in my head. I admire Lena for controlling her emotions and not becoming a meal for Clarke. I really thought she was going to fall for him when you wrote "All she saw was a beautiful mistake that she could resist. "
Excellent writing. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

I'm so happy you were able to visualize, thank you :)
Love this story well written

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much :)
A interesting story. Had a feel of real life. Many people are the predators. The prey must protect themselves. I liked the ending to the excellent story.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much :)
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 24, 2015
Last Updated on May 24, 2015
Tags: #love #oblivious #lena #clarke #



Burton , United Kingdom

Strange student who questions everything more..

fff fff

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