![]() ~~untitled for now~~A Story by Closed Account![]() i had no idea what to title this. Please leave any suggestions you have for a title. Thanks! And Enjoy!! =) (P.S. Not a true story)![]()
“C+K forever”
That’s what our tree in my backyard said. We’d declared it “ours” because we always sat under it. It’s where I’d fall asleep on his shoulder, or we’d just sit and talk. It really was “ours”.
I just don’t know anymore, though. Collin had always been so afraid to ask me out. I could tell. But he finally did. I was so happy. But the summer’s starting to bring us apart.
It’d only been 2 weeks into summer, and I could already tell it was gonna be hard. We never talk anymore. We’d promised, when we learned how it might be, that we’d try as hard as we could to get together sometime.
But it’s my fault we never see each other. Or at least, that’s what I tell myself. I don’t know if it’s true, but I think it. Work pissed me off so much, I just couldn’t take it, so I’d run it off. I was never home in the afternoons. So, it really was my fault.
Now it’s July. We still haven’t talked to each other since the beginning of June. It’s killing me. But then I met Ty.
He seemed so nice. And he was really nice. We worked together, so we were almost always together. After work one day, he asked me if I wanted to go out that night. It was a Friday, so there wasn’t much else to do. And I had to admit, he was kinda cute. So, I accepted. We agreed that he’d come to my house, and pick me up around 7. Then we’d go to the movies, and then go eat. Then he’d return me to my front porch by midnight.
That night, at exactly 5 minutes till 7, I heard my mom, yelling for me that my “date” was here. The whole evening, while I was getting ready, I’d been thinking about Collin. But when I heard my mom, I actually forgot about my extreme problem for about 5 minutes. But then I remembered again.
As Ty and I had agreed, we went to see some action movie, that he seemed to enjoy, but I totally hated. It was so boring.
Afterwards, while we were sitting in his truck, on the way to dinner, he asked me some pointless question about what I loved about him. I just awkwardly sat there, wondering why he was conceited. I was probably being a bit too hard on him, but still. I’d only agreed to go with him, because he was cute, and he seemed nice. What made him think I loved him?
Dinner passed slower than the car ride from my house to the movies, from the movies to dinner, and from dinner to my house all put together. He kept asking me questions about my favorite things about him, and my favorite thing about working with him. It was all about him. But finally, it was time for him to drop me off at home. I was kinda sad, cuz it meant I had to go, and face my friends asking me how my date with one of the most handsome guys we work with was, but I was really happy to get rid of him. Plus, I was starting to worry about what Collin would say about my date.
I was afraid of hurting him. I should’ve said no, when Ty asked. I probably just ruined my relationship with the guy I really loved, because I agreed to go out with cute guy that lacked knowledge, and everything else, except conceited-ness. I knew I shouldn’t cry in front of Ty, so I just sucked it up, and left with him. The ride home wasn’t too long. It was only 9 minutes and 37 seconds. Yes, I counted. I needed to know how long it would be until I could cry in peace.
When I finally got home, I said my goodbyes, and got out of the car. He didn’t follow, and I was glad. No one was going to be home, because my mom had a meeting. And Lacey and Will would be who-knows-where. So, I was left alone. Or so I thought.
I got upstairs and logged on to my computer before the tears started to come. I cried for a good 20 minutes before I noticed my IM’s. One from Ami, about the date, one from Sierra, about the date. And one from... Collin. I hadn’t noticed he was on until just then. But it didn’t matter to me. I just wouldn’t tell him about the date, and he would never know.
But something inside of me told me that I had to tell him. But I couldn’t tell him over the internet. There was only one solution...
His IM was (H): Hey Krissy! I miss you so much. (That made me cry even harder than I already was. He really loved me. How was I supposed to tell him that I went out with another guy?)
Me (K): Hey Collin. I miss you too. But I need to tell you something. Can u come over?
H: Sure. But right now? Its 11PM. Wouldn’t your mom get angry?
K: Yeah, right now. She’s not home, and I personally don’t think she would care. And I don’t care if she would.
H: Okay, I’ll be over soon. I <3 you!
K: Love you too. C u soon
(Collin P. has gone offline. Click here to email him)
I shut off my computer, and just sat there and cried for a little while. I figured it might be a while till he got here, so I didn’t think he would see me crying. Well, I was wrong.
My room is on the second floor of our house, and I have a little balcony with a set of stairs to get to the backyard from my room. That was usually how he came, but I forgot that, since he hadn’t been over in a month.
I heard a knock on the sliding door to my balcony. I saw him outside, and I quickly wiped away all the tears. I rubbed my eyes a little, then went to open the door.
“Hey hun. Is something wrong? Why were you crying?” he asked, as soon as I opened the door.
“Hey. Ummm... I need to tell you something. But you have to promise not to get angry at me, until I finish the story. Okay?” I said, slowly, trying to keep back the next round of tears that were coming.
“Okay. What is it?” he said, grabbing my hand, and sitting down, on the floor. I sat down next to him.
“You know, we haven’t seen much of each other in the last month. Well, I, um.... thought maybe you didn’t love me anymore. I knew it probably wasn’t true, but I wasn’t sure. So, I, um.... went on a date tonight. With a guy named Ty. We went to the movies, and saw some crappy movie, and then went to dinner. He seemed nice at first, but now I know that he’s just conceited. But I always knew that I could never love him as much as I love you. I’m so sorry for thinking you didn’t love my anymore. And I’m so sorry for going out with him. I was so stupid. I never should’ve said yes. Baby, please forgive me. I never meant to do this. I just thought.... that maybe you never came to see me, was because you didn’t wanna us to be together anymore. But I know I was wrong.”
The round of tears I’d been holding back couldn’t be held back anymore. But I just let them fall down my cheek. Collin pulled me in, and kissed the top of my head. We just sat there. And I cried into his chest, like they do in the decent romance movies. He hugged me, and kept whispering things like “I love you” or “its ok. Everything’s gonna be alright”
We stayed like that pretty much all night/morning. When I finally stopped crying, I looked up at him, and he smiled. I smiled back, and he kissed me. And somehow I knew he still loved me. I just couldn’t figure out how he could after everything I did to him, but he did. And I loved him.
It’s kinda like Cinderella and Prince Charming, in a way. But I’m not exactly sure what way, yet. But it just seems like it. Some way, some how, we were just meant to be together, even though we may have to get dumped/dump other people just to find out that we love each other. Just like the prince had to let so many girls try on the slipper just to find the right girl, who fit in it was a maid. But he still loved her anyway, and in the end, it worked out perfectly. Just I had hoped would happen to me and Collin. And it happened.
Now, there’s a happy ending for you.
© 2009 Closed AccountAuthor's Note
10 Reviews Added on August 12, 2009 Last Updated on August 13, 2009 Author
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