‘Society’ is the media (the media and in some aspects the Government), or is ‘controlled’ by the media, as I suppose we are ‘society’.
However much I hate it, I know there is nothing I can truly do to break away from it, not completely.
How many of you have tried to break away from society?
How many of you believe you have?
Since our childhood, we have been groomed by the media to think certain ways, and as children are mental awareness is… well it isn’t all that aware yet, thus this left us completely vulnerable to the influence of the media as is subliminally messaged us to think in certain ways.
A well known popular example of this is the Barbie dolls, what little girl didn’t have a barbie doll, or a similar doll, instantly young girls are lead to think that they must obviously grow up to be ‘pretty and thin’ and anything else is ‘wrong’ therefore ‘ugly’ and an ‘outcast’ to society.
Don’t think for one minute that young boys got away with it for being boys, whilst we still live in a world that is sexist, (there is no point in trying to deny it) young girls weren’t the only ones to have an image to build up to.
Tell me, did anyone have a Action man doll?
Boys are lead to grow up and be strong (not in the good way) and fight in wars and to become violent.
Do you disagree?
Boys got off somewhat easier, however I could be entirely wrong, not being a boy and all I can’t truly understand how society views you… I can only tell you that if you expect girls to look like victoria’s secret models, then boys, we want you to look like David Beckham look alikes… what? You don’t? Pity, shouldn’t expect it of us to have to change who we are, and become nothing more than skin and bones, with a ton of makeup to cover our faces up with, just so you can be happy… I suppose not all of you boys/men think girls should be like this, this is just what I was told by another boy when we were having a conversation, and he told me how he thinks girls should be, after staring at him rather incredulously I told him how he should look, he just sneered and shook his head saying that he doesn’t have to, that hardly seems fair to me, if he wants to wear trackies with a checkered jacket then fine, but please don’t tell me to where some makeup and more ‘appealing’ clothes...
What do you think?
If you want a girl to be ‘pretty and thin’... what makes you think she will stick to you the average guy, who like the young man I was speaking to, wouldn’t change how they were, when these ‘pretty and thin’ girls can obviously do so much better.
I am more of a believer of the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
What do you think?
Do you think we all need to look a certain way? Behave in a certain way?
To the point that everything that makes us who we are, uniquely different from everyone else… exactly the same as everyone else.
When you next go out in a crowded place, take a look around, look at everyones face, look at their clothes their hair, the friends they are with, do they look like individual beings? Or do they look the same?
Even when people try to break out of the conventional light of society, they still end up like others, whilst having more uniqueness than those who stick to traditional society, they still end up looking like each other, expressing themselves through piercings, tattoos and their hair, most of society disagrees with this style (especially the piercings and tattoos) however it is now considered the ‘norm’ for those who are consider outcasts from society, that is still a form of society… Do you understand?
My teachers used to say,
“Now remember children, no bullying people for what they look like on the outside, as we are all the same on the inside, and its whats on the inside that counts.”
Now while they never said we have to look a certain way, we were told that we have no… originality, we are all the ‘same’ on the inside, of course they could of meant our internal organs are all the same, however that is not completely true, so therefore I have to assume they meant that we just are exactly the same, just with a different covering on the front.
But then again, if we are all the same on the ‘inside’ why are there some differences… perhaps there just small differences, or even in some cases big.
Society is confusing at the best of times.
Especially with the ‘image’ of how we should look.
What on earth would make anybody think that they should influence girls to be thin… and I don’t mean healthy weight, ‘sexy’ curves thin… I mean ‘look-like-at-deaths-door-thin’... maybe it was never meant to be like that… but I honestly doubt it… I remember reading in a magazine wants about this terribly overweight girl, at first I felt sympathetic towards the girl.. however that soon turned to disgust at the magazine when I realised the girl was only a size 14… I do not remember the name of the girl or the magazine, but I remember being angry.
How can the media expect us all to be a size 10 or below… Clearly, they want girls to suffer from anorexia… maybe the media believes girls look truly beautiful showing off their bones.
It doesn’t help any that celebrities like to show off how skinny they are, they should know that by constantly being in the limelight they are influencing millions and millions of followers and fans, some of them should know better.
But then again some of them are still young themselves, and are experimenting with their lives, the way many others have before them (and I don’t just mean celeb’s)
For example Miley Cyrus.
She is now considered a ‘bad’ idly.
Is she not acting the same way other girls her age do?
Is it because the fact she is a celeb she can’t have fun?
I am aware that I have just contradicted what I had previously stated, I just think that people need to stop judging her, I’m pretty sure we all know at least one person who acts similar to this… ‘outgoing’ lifestyle.
Of course there is a limit, and yes she has gone over it by, instead of just doing what any other girl would do, and just go clubbing with her friends, she choose to instead, show the world how she is ‘now’ by her music videos, but each to their own I guess..
Of course her music videos (her newest ones anyway) are making girls believe they need to look this way so they can be ‘just like Miley’, however no one complains when lady gaga walks out on stage with nothing but bra and undies on, but thats OK, its not the same (apparently) as everyone is used to it, but because Miley was a disney star she is forbidden to be or do what she wants.
One of the reason I would not want to be famous, if you don’t act in the right way, then you are completely put in a bad light.
Not even celeb’s get away from it all, ‘Society’ still rules over all.
Is there ever going to be an escape from it all?
I rather doubt it.
But that doesn’t mean you should give up trying to break convention, be original in your own right.
Be who you are, not what the rest of the world wants you to be no matter what others will say, because yes, someones going to say something to you about, theres always going to be that one person who will try to ruin things for you, ignore them, pity them, because they are someone who got stuck with becoming something ‘society’ wants them to be.
And I wish you all the good Luck you will need, just to become you.
Because if you are not already you you're one of them.
I was looking for a good philosophical pondering and I am so glad I stumble on this one.
You said it is your thoughts and ramblings about society. So I will also say my ramblings and contemplation upon finishing reading this piece. It is so amusing and fascinating to read your thoughts.
I have stumble on this issue before. More often time society cuts our wings of freedom – in thought or in the way we expressed ourselves. You have taken great deal and valid point in this piece.
Here is my thoughts about the government through a poem I made awhile back.
Community System ~
Complicated right and wrong,
human mistakes gone prolong.
It cannot be stop when truth hides
from many unseen lies.
Corruptions & conspiracies
Mimics love for money.
Population demands increase
and supply decrease.
Shortage of goods from over consumption.
Rare find in a brink of extinction.
Organization ~
Organize teaching limits some learning
Blinds us from truth, the shiny is alluring.
Organize media sometimes mislead information
Their freedom has boundaries of confrontation.
Organize politics always have hidden agenda
A self-absorb Propaganda.
But wait, that’s not the only point your pointing here. It is about how you shape up yourself based on societies media influence or the people around us. I see the norms of society or cultural in this piece but more on the personal perspective style. I mean it is more on the choices people do. They do what other do not, because it is what societies or their parents tells them to but what their society or parent or the media shows them. Perhaps we idolized or fantasize that we should be like this or that and for that knowing or unknowingly we follow what we just watch.
I believe this piece tells more on how a person should look like or how you groom yourself according to what you really want. Or how the certain groups of society thinks what’s sexy, what’s beautiful, or even who’s thin or not. All that didn’t matter when you know how love & compassion works its way to understanding everything.
School now a days limits our freedom too. From the very first, we are taught rules to follow and more often they neglect to explain or expound it more for the benefit creating precaution or fair warning for us to know what is really bad to just plain good.
Also it depends on the culture. In our culture, in school uniforms is mandatory and no long hair on boys and no piercing or tattoo in every part of the body. And while girls must not shorten their skirt and so goes with tattoo and piercing the body anywhere(except for the ears). So I guess the school never explained why to us. It just we know from somebody else.
You know our cultural ways of life really differs. Depends on the country who is the most influential – the media or government or church.
In ours first is church, maybe because I am showered with my parents beliefs and tradition. I really don’t mind. Because I came out good or so I think I am. All learning and coping always starts at home, second is the school and friends around us and government only the third.
Beauty and Perfection are heavily influence by media attention. If we like what we see, we follow it or follow it with our own blend what we wanted it to be or we follow it by instinct without knowing it came from them.
You asked:
However much I hate it, I know there is nothing I can truly do to break away from it, not completely.
How many of you have tried to break away from society?
How many of you believe you have?
Then I asked you backed with much bigger picture, to help you see what society really is to us. To help you see the bigger picture.
Can we really do break away? Can you do anything without technologies of the media – like cellphone, tv and other gadgets? Can we really break away from all the discoveries of the society’s concepts of living? Can we really go back to the old ways?
Do you know that society becomes a part of our daily lives. We grow up with it. if we don’t have it, then it is as good as we become isolated on our own. I believed that society imparts a big role in our lives. Breaking away from it is just saying you go and isolate yourself.
Okay now that is clear, let us go to the next of what some groups of the society thinks of us. I believe in this saying that says: “you can never please everyone”. So we can never really push our thoughts in what is beauty to everyone, we can only let them see what it is to us, if they can’t get what we wanted them to understand, then that is there problem, at least we tried.
I was intrigue when you put an example about Miley Cyrus, I am not sure but I think she does all this for publicity so that she will be the talk of the country. Do you know that she have sell more records because of what she just did in her music video. The negative connotation brings more attention to her – curiosity does that.
People believe too much on reputation. In the media it is all about who has a perfect image, the goodie or the bad one. And some people do tend to get curious on it like a fiesta that we want to devour – that’s a celebrity or politicians lives.
“But that doesn’t mean you should give up trying to break convention, be original in your own right.” – with this I see your point now about breaking away from the conventional or clichés of society. I think you can only be unique in our own way. No matter how we avoid, some of society’s groups will always judge us. That’s their problem as long as you are not stepping someone along the way and running your own race to be better than the person you are in the past – then you are in a good path. It is not about them or the media or some groups of the society – it’s about us on how we become a better individual in our own ways as part of society.
To end this long essay, I will save this to my library. This is really worth a read and worth to contemplate about. Very good observations ms. Jade :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
(great poems by the way)
Everything you have written has left me with a lot to ponder. .. read more(great poems by the way)
Everything you have written has left me with a lot to ponder.
You said can we really go back to our old ways, without all our technology and such. Well there are many great advantages as it has managed to help us perfect medical equipment and such however, doesn't it seem that now there is more violence in the world?
Granted there was always violence, but when we had nothing, we were happy and carefree... now people are more violent and I don't think I know anybody who is all that carefree anymore.. Do you see what I mean?
No, we cannot please everyone, it seems like a known fact, it seems sad in a way. I mean if one person doesn't like the way you are, then fine, suffer silently and keep out of that persons way. But some of the things people do to make an example out of others... though once more I find myself drifting off topic.
I appreciate your review, and as I said previously it has left with a lot to think about.
10 Years Ago
Hello ms. Jade, it so nice to hear your response about my review.
To answer you, I bel.. read moreHello ms. Jade, it so nice to hear your response about my review.
To answer you, I believed or I assumed that there is a time and place to be carefree about. Technologies helps us, our Knowledge helps & guide us through our life’s Journey.
Humans can be cruel, Mother Nature can be cruel or everything in this world is capable of cruelty. Utopia is a farfetched dream or alteast I assume it to be, perhaps someday there is one in the future, we will never know…
Violence to me, is a side effect of losing temper. It’s part of human nature to act that way. It’s all up to us on how to control or manage to release it in a good way or else bad things will happen.
I need you to clarify this: when we had nothing, we were happy and carefree... what do you mean? Because when you do nothing, nothing will progress. You’ll just stay there not learning by doing nothing.
“I mean if one person doesn't like the way you are, then fine, suffer silently and keep out of that persons way.”
~ I am not sure what you mean, but why would you suffer in silent if you ignore them, why? do you like this person?
“But some of the things people do to make an example out of others..”
~ why do they bully you around?
I can only say:
There are some things in life we can never ignore totally. In that matter we must stood up for our respect, because we all deserves it. We will suffer in silence if we keep on letting them step upon us. Be strong and stand up for your right.
It’s a pleasure to hear your stand ms. Jade…
Hope my answers gives you little clarity…
I was looking for a good philosophical pondering and I am so glad I stumble on this one.
You said it is your thoughts and ramblings about society. So I will also say my ramblings and contemplation upon finishing reading this piece. It is so amusing and fascinating to read your thoughts.
I have stumble on this issue before. More often time society cuts our wings of freedom – in thought or in the way we expressed ourselves. You have taken great deal and valid point in this piece.
Here is my thoughts about the government through a poem I made awhile back.
Community System ~
Complicated right and wrong,
human mistakes gone prolong.
It cannot be stop when truth hides
from many unseen lies.
Corruptions & conspiracies
Mimics love for money.
Population demands increase
and supply decrease.
Shortage of goods from over consumption.
Rare find in a brink of extinction.
Organization ~
Organize teaching limits some learning
Blinds us from truth, the shiny is alluring.
Organize media sometimes mislead information
Their freedom has boundaries of confrontation.
Organize politics always have hidden agenda
A self-absorb Propaganda.
But wait, that’s not the only point your pointing here. It is about how you shape up yourself based on societies media influence or the people around us. I see the norms of society or cultural in this piece but more on the personal perspective style. I mean it is more on the choices people do. They do what other do not, because it is what societies or their parents tells them to but what their society or parent or the media shows them. Perhaps we idolized or fantasize that we should be like this or that and for that knowing or unknowingly we follow what we just watch.
I believe this piece tells more on how a person should look like or how you groom yourself according to what you really want. Or how the certain groups of society thinks what’s sexy, what’s beautiful, or even who’s thin or not. All that didn’t matter when you know how love & compassion works its way to understanding everything.
School now a days limits our freedom too. From the very first, we are taught rules to follow and more often they neglect to explain or expound it more for the benefit creating precaution or fair warning for us to know what is really bad to just plain good.
Also it depends on the culture. In our culture, in school uniforms is mandatory and no long hair on boys and no piercing or tattoo in every part of the body. And while girls must not shorten their skirt and so goes with tattoo and piercing the body anywhere(except for the ears). So I guess the school never explained why to us. It just we know from somebody else.
You know our cultural ways of life really differs. Depends on the country who is the most influential – the media or government or church.
In ours first is church, maybe because I am showered with my parents beliefs and tradition. I really don’t mind. Because I came out good or so I think I am. All learning and coping always starts at home, second is the school and friends around us and government only the third.
Beauty and Perfection are heavily influence by media attention. If we like what we see, we follow it or follow it with our own blend what we wanted it to be or we follow it by instinct without knowing it came from them.
You asked:
However much I hate it, I know there is nothing I can truly do to break away from it, not completely.
How many of you have tried to break away from society?
How many of you believe you have?
Then I asked you backed with much bigger picture, to help you see what society really is to us. To help you see the bigger picture.
Can we really do break away? Can you do anything without technologies of the media – like cellphone, tv and other gadgets? Can we really break away from all the discoveries of the society’s concepts of living? Can we really go back to the old ways?
Do you know that society becomes a part of our daily lives. We grow up with it. if we don’t have it, then it is as good as we become isolated on our own. I believed that society imparts a big role in our lives. Breaking away from it is just saying you go and isolate yourself.
Okay now that is clear, let us go to the next of what some groups of the society thinks of us. I believe in this saying that says: “you can never please everyone”. So we can never really push our thoughts in what is beauty to everyone, we can only let them see what it is to us, if they can’t get what we wanted them to understand, then that is there problem, at least we tried.
I was intrigue when you put an example about Miley Cyrus, I am not sure but I think she does all this for publicity so that she will be the talk of the country. Do you know that she have sell more records because of what she just did in her music video. The negative connotation brings more attention to her – curiosity does that.
People believe too much on reputation. In the media it is all about who has a perfect image, the goodie or the bad one. And some people do tend to get curious on it like a fiesta that we want to devour – that’s a celebrity or politicians lives.
“But that doesn’t mean you should give up trying to break convention, be original in your own right.” – with this I see your point now about breaking away from the conventional or clichés of society. I think you can only be unique in our own way. No matter how we avoid, some of society’s groups will always judge us. That’s their problem as long as you are not stepping someone along the way and running your own race to be better than the person you are in the past – then you are in a good path. It is not about them or the media or some groups of the society – it’s about us on how we become a better individual in our own ways as part of society.
To end this long essay, I will save this to my library. This is really worth a read and worth to contemplate about. Very good observations ms. Jade :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
(great poems by the way)
Everything you have written has left me with a lot to ponder. .. read more(great poems by the way)
Everything you have written has left me with a lot to ponder.
You said can we really go back to our old ways, without all our technology and such. Well there are many great advantages as it has managed to help us perfect medical equipment and such however, doesn't it seem that now there is more violence in the world?
Granted there was always violence, but when we had nothing, we were happy and carefree... now people are more violent and I don't think I know anybody who is all that carefree anymore.. Do you see what I mean?
No, we cannot please everyone, it seems like a known fact, it seems sad in a way. I mean if one person doesn't like the way you are, then fine, suffer silently and keep out of that persons way. But some of the things people do to make an example out of others... though once more I find myself drifting off topic.
I appreciate your review, and as I said previously it has left with a lot to think about.
10 Years Ago
Hello ms. Jade, it so nice to hear your response about my review.
To answer you, I bel.. read moreHello ms. Jade, it so nice to hear your response about my review.
To answer you, I believed or I assumed that there is a time and place to be carefree about. Technologies helps us, our Knowledge helps & guide us through our life’s Journey.
Humans can be cruel, Mother Nature can be cruel or everything in this world is capable of cruelty. Utopia is a farfetched dream or alteast I assume it to be, perhaps someday there is one in the future, we will never know…
Violence to me, is a side effect of losing temper. It’s part of human nature to act that way. It’s all up to us on how to control or manage to release it in a good way or else bad things will happen.
I need you to clarify this: when we had nothing, we were happy and carefree... what do you mean? Because when you do nothing, nothing will progress. You’ll just stay there not learning by doing nothing.
“I mean if one person doesn't like the way you are, then fine, suffer silently and keep out of that persons way.”
~ I am not sure what you mean, but why would you suffer in silent if you ignore them, why? do you like this person?
“But some of the things people do to make an example out of others..”
~ why do they bully you around?
I can only say:
There are some things in life we can never ignore totally. In that matter we must stood up for our respect, because we all deserves it. We will suffer in silence if we keep on letting them step upon us. Be strong and stand up for your right.
It’s a pleasure to hear your stand ms. Jade…
Hope my answers gives you little clarity…
Strong words! Such a true message as well; there is a big issue with what girls are meant to look like, and the same can be said for boys too. The Miley Cyrus example was well picked too.
Well done! Write more, can't wait to read :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks :3
You should right some philosophy, I mean you are studying the subject after a.. read moreThanks :3
You should right some philosophy, I mean you are studying the subject after all.
11 Years Ago
You're welcome :)
Guess I could indeed write some philosophy... I will try and write something.. read moreYou're welcome :)
Guess I could indeed write some philosophy... I will try and write something, see how it goes.
(Oh, and I think you meant 'write', sorry - grammar nazi)
11 Years Ago
Oh lol I didn't notice XD
This comment has been deleted by the poster.
11 Years Ago
Bad Becky, grammar must ALWAYS be right :) (unless, y'know, I make a mistake... As then it's fine :P.. read moreBad Becky, grammar must ALWAYS be right :) (unless, y'know, I make a mistake... As then it's fine :P)
11 Years Ago
Well I never... :o ... Now who do you think you are!!!
'Who do you think you are... Can'tremembertherestofthelyrics... la la la la... Collecting your jar o.. read more'Who do you think you are... Can'tremembertherestofthelyrics... la la la la... Collecting your jar of hearts'
Yes, lost train of thought there... :)
11 Years Ago
'Who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars' XD