Time pt1

Time pt1

A Chapter by Becky_Jade

My views/thoughts about time.


Summary: My ramblings about time



Its a curious thing, time.
Its always the same, yet forever changing.
Some say it goes to slow, others to fast.
But it doesn’t, not really.
Its just the same, constantly changing, at its own pace
Always the same never changing, never stopping.

The third greatest fear in the world.
Maybe second, next to fear itself.

The fear that time, your time, will eventually run out.

There’s really no point in trying to deny it, no point in saying that scientist will find a way for us to live on.
Not even putting our brains into robots will be enough, it will buy us more time, yes.

But we cannot run from time forever.

Time will always win.

Almost everyone constantly watches the ticking of the clock.
Some wishing it would go faster, others slower.

Tick tock, goes the clock.
As the old saying goes.

I wonder, does the ticking of the clock strike fear into the hearts of men?
As they listen to the clock ticking time away.
As they listen to the clock ticking their life away.

How many seconds wasted?
Wasted thinking about unimportant things?
Wasted thinking about thoughts that can never be said to another soul out of fear?
Wasted trying to be someone you're not, just to fit in with what society wants?

How many times have you heard someone complaining about time?


Is there a point?

Time is time, its the same as it always has been… Yet time has a strange way of changing things, yet its almost the same as before.

Do you think that over time people will change?

Will they look back and see the pain that time has caused us, and change the future? 
Or is it too late?
Will it just progressively get worse as time goes by?


Its so confusing, yet so simple.

Why do we have time? 

I doubt animals have any proper sense of time. Oh they have the change in seasons, do you suppose they use the weather and change of season to tell time?
I wonder if they are aware of what time is?

I wonder if time is the reason mankind doesn’t know peace?

You have heard of peace, and maybe you believe you are living in peace, but you aren’t.
Take a look around.
We are dieing.
Slowly we destroy ourselves, one way or another.
We destroy ourselves, we destroy each other, one way or another.
Look back through time and you will see.


War on ourselves.

Looking in the mirror, and cringing at what we see.

The pain you feel inside, at the disappointment that you feel you are.
Are you? I don’t believe you are. But I could spin you a tale of how no matter what I say, you won’t believe a word I say.

I can tell you how beautiful you truly are, but I fear you will think nothing of it, nothing positive anyway. 
If I was to tell you that you’re beautiful, what would you do? 
Would you smile and blush?
Or would you run and cry, believing my words to be cruel lies?

We look in the mirror and criticise what we see, think of all the things we want to change; only focusing on the negative never the positives.

Most cry from the pain they feel inside. 
And its OK to cry, its not a sign of weakness. 
It really is good to cry, let all those emotions come pouring out, you feel much better afterwards.

Some may or may not cry, and chose other outlets to help control the pain they feel on the inside.
They self harm.
The physical pain, a distraction from the internal pain.
Some even believe that by cutting, its like wiping the slate clean, getting rid of the ‘badness’ thats inside them.

Why do we feel this way? 

You know there are some people, who are quite lucky not to feel this way.

Or maybe they do, but some it just seems like they don’t.

These are the people who wage war on others… And maybe its because secretly they wage war on themselves, maybe they have people who wage war on them.
Maybe their families hurt them, either physically or psychologically.

These are the kind of people, who try their hardest to be what society wants them to be, and if you do not fit in or act in the way they believe in.

Then they shall make you suffer.

And suffer you shall, as they call you names; stabbing at your little flaws and digging holes in your soul, you will go home, there cutting words, racing through your head, mixed with your own dark thoughts, as you look into the mirror, silent tears falling down your face, trying to put up a brave face and telling everyone that you’re fine, not letting anyone know that you’re dying on the inside.

And why?

Because you are different?

People fear what is different.

So when they find something that is different, or doesn’t see or agree to things that society would, then they must be made an example of.
Time hasn’t changed in that sense.

I wonder why the worst of things seem to stay the same, yet the best things always change, and not always for the good.

Countries wage war on other countries, some city’s turn on themselves.

I wonder if they will stop, and realise, that their pettie war’s are nothing more than lost causes, there’s so very little time, and the human race wish to waste it with abuse.


Will it end time will tell.

I don’t think I fear my time coming to an end, because maybe at the end, we will find our paradise, and find peace.

No, I do not fear my inevitable end, I just fear that I may never of had the chance to truly live, but what's living in such a world, a world that is full of violence.

I wonder if there is anybody sane enough, in this cruel cold world, that will look back over the time that has passed, and realise that things need to change.

It worries me that this may not be the case. Funny, how as time went by, many things began changing, men’s greed worsening, to the point that half the world is now suffering, they haven’t learned from their past mistakes yet.

Time will soon tell.

Some say time is a cruel thing.
There may even be some truth in it.
But time is time, it does not influence our choices or decisions, if so maybe the world would be a better place, everyone would have learnt from their mistakes, but just looking around it is obvious that this is not the case.

How many times have you made the same mistake?
Did you learn from it the first time?
Or perhaps, after a few more times you learnt from it?

I wonder, if enough time passes will we learn from our past mistakes?

Its a curious thing, time.
Its forever changing, yet always the same.
We can only wonder what it brings.

I only fear what the future can hold, but then again, don’t we all?

Time is a valuable and precious thing, so try your best not to waste it.


© 2014 Becky_Jade

My Review

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Greetings Madame Jade.

It is a pleasure to encounter a piece such as this, in honesty I admire this greatly. It seems these are not just "thoughts" and "views" as you label them, no no, there is more to these words, and if I could be so bold as to class them as a self-evaluation - no; an introverted exploration seems more appropriate - then I feel there is more to be understood here.

I wish to review this in my traditional style if I may; from the top down, abstracting the points I feel a strong urge to give my own take upon. Ahem, okay.

Instantly I understand a contradiction, and the contradiction is this: you comment on others' worry, fear, incomprehension, and misunderstanding of this "time" theory, yet is that not what this piece is about? Perhaps you are simply helping yourself understand your relation to others, or perhaps helping relate yourself to yourself - nevertheless, either way sends one down the path of interconnectedness, and that unevenly cobbled path is strewn with the potholes and bracken of all those who have previously walked it, and also by the termoils and sorrows of those who share it. To compare oneself to another is to detract from one's own identity and to place it into that "other", of whom disregard that offering instantly - that is if they even recieve it at all. Yet, that path is a path indeed, and such a path can be backtracked - treat the potholes and bracken as lessons that remind us of the dangers that losing our identity amongst others brings. Remain an individual existance. If this piece is to find a relation between yourself and yourself, then it is a very good start indeed - nothing comes greater than a test of one's own identity, and there are only a handful of ways to do so with positive results. However, keep in mind that to seach too deep into the core of oneself can have devastating consequences - to conserve my thoughts at this stage, allow me to suggest reading a piece on my profile entitled "One thing to avoid - mirrors" - that will basically sum up the point I am trying to make.

Now, animals and their conception of time. My first impression was of interest, yet only for a second or two, for you see, what is this "time" in truth? "Time" is a man made concept, and nothing more than a theory of mind - therefore, almost instantly, an animals comprehension of time is out of question, inapt, and unknown to them - simply because it's a concept of our own creation, and only communicated through our supposed "advanced" intelligence and ability to share ideas. We all - almost from the moment of birth - are forced to feed from time's apparently undeniable existence. Time now is a physical manifestation of otherwise abstract, and somewhat ridiculous ideals - who in their right mind would deem a procession of events as consecutive? ("events" here depict literally; everything as we know it to be). We are young, we "fear" the future, we reach middle age and "fear" the past, the present, and the future, we reach old-age and "fear" the entirety of time in its undeniable existence - 'Look at these wrinkles,' an old man may announce, 'do they not prove the existance of time!?' - No, is the response. Wrinkles, are infallibly more real than time; more prominent when it comes to understanding reality as a whole, for wrinkles are a natural occurance to the living organism, when "time", yes, this magical "time", is nothing more than nothingness itself - "time" is, and will always just...be, for it is firmly wedged into the minds of homo-sapians - so much so is it implanted, that as you say "The fear that time, your time, will eventually run out." This fear of time, this deadful fear; it is a fear of a concept, a fear of an ideal that does NOT exist. What was, was. What is, is. What will be, will be. These sentences have roots in the concept of time, yet remain indifferent to the abhorrent ideal and simply understand that existance only is, and remains only that - that everything is. There is consistency in the universe, and what is that consistency? - not this "time" idea, but infinite creation - ever-expansion of all. And what is time in relation? Nil. Nada. Zilch. Time never creates, nor does it destroy, for it simply isn't. However, and somewhat paradoxically, time does destroy though...doesn't it? For consistency to the human race means to keep things going at a measureable rate...using... you got it: "time" as the measurement. Oh, irony, you pleasureable fool.

But I sense I drastically swing off-topic, so I shall wrap up these thoughts of my own. Compare time to money - both are worthless. No? Well, compare these things to the individual and its life, but firstly understand life - life is to simply...exist...to be...to breathe. [the existence of an individual human being or animal] - Oxford Dictionary. Everything else we encounter after our conception is superfluous, and holds only the meaning we derive from it, and no matter what that meaning may be, that, in truth is worthless when compared to our conscious "being" - to be. Money brings not life, nor does time, and in actual fact, both things detract from it, for we all strive to work hours [ TIME ] from our [ LIVES ] to obtain [ MONEY ] to be able to [ LIVE ] - oh dear, hello irony again. Isn't it funny how us humans forget that to live is a gift that lasts from conception to death? No, it's not funny really, taking into account all the stupid elements that detract from us this stupendous experience of life.

I hope you are well, and that you continue to write these grand works! And have just noticed, you are a fellow Dorset-er... that's not a word, but I like it.

A farewell from me!

Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Wow, what a wonderful review, thank you :3

I have read your story 'One thing to avoid-m.. read more


Greetings Madame Jade.

It is a pleasure to encounter a piece such as this, in honesty I admire this greatly. It seems these are not just "thoughts" and "views" as you label them, no no, there is more to these words, and if I could be so bold as to class them as a self-evaluation - no; an introverted exploration seems more appropriate - then I feel there is more to be understood here.

I wish to review this in my traditional style if I may; from the top down, abstracting the points I feel a strong urge to give my own take upon. Ahem, okay.

Instantly I understand a contradiction, and the contradiction is this: you comment on others' worry, fear, incomprehension, and misunderstanding of this "time" theory, yet is that not what this piece is about? Perhaps you are simply helping yourself understand your relation to others, or perhaps helping relate yourself to yourself - nevertheless, either way sends one down the path of interconnectedness, and that unevenly cobbled path is strewn with the potholes and bracken of all those who have previously walked it, and also by the termoils and sorrows of those who share it. To compare oneself to another is to detract from one's own identity and to place it into that "other", of whom disregard that offering instantly - that is if they even recieve it at all. Yet, that path is a path indeed, and such a path can be backtracked - treat the potholes and bracken as lessons that remind us of the dangers that losing our identity amongst others brings. Remain an individual existance. If this piece is to find a relation between yourself and yourself, then it is a very good start indeed - nothing comes greater than a test of one's own identity, and there are only a handful of ways to do so with positive results. However, keep in mind that to seach too deep into the core of oneself can have devastating consequences - to conserve my thoughts at this stage, allow me to suggest reading a piece on my profile entitled "One thing to avoid - mirrors" - that will basically sum up the point I am trying to make.

Now, animals and their conception of time. My first impression was of interest, yet only for a second or two, for you see, what is this "time" in truth? "Time" is a man made concept, and nothing more than a theory of mind - therefore, almost instantly, an animals comprehension of time is out of question, inapt, and unknown to them - simply because it's a concept of our own creation, and only communicated through our supposed "advanced" intelligence and ability to share ideas. We all - almost from the moment of birth - are forced to feed from time's apparently undeniable existence. Time now is a physical manifestation of otherwise abstract, and somewhat ridiculous ideals - who in their right mind would deem a procession of events as consecutive? ("events" here depict literally; everything as we know it to be). We are young, we "fear" the future, we reach middle age and "fear" the past, the present, and the future, we reach old-age and "fear" the entirety of time in its undeniable existence - 'Look at these wrinkles,' an old man may announce, 'do they not prove the existance of time!?' - No, is the response. Wrinkles, are infallibly more real than time; more prominent when it comes to understanding reality as a whole, for wrinkles are a natural occurance to the living organism, when "time", yes, this magical "time", is nothing more than nothingness itself - "time" is, and will always just...be, for it is firmly wedged into the minds of homo-sapians - so much so is it implanted, that as you say "The fear that time, your time, will eventually run out." This fear of time, this deadful fear; it is a fear of a concept, a fear of an ideal that does NOT exist. What was, was. What is, is. What will be, will be. These sentences have roots in the concept of time, yet remain indifferent to the abhorrent ideal and simply understand that existance only is, and remains only that - that everything is. There is consistency in the universe, and what is that consistency? - not this "time" idea, but infinite creation - ever-expansion of all. And what is time in relation? Nil. Nada. Zilch. Time never creates, nor does it destroy, for it simply isn't. However, and somewhat paradoxically, time does destroy though...doesn't it? For consistency to the human race means to keep things going at a measureable rate...using... you got it: "time" as the measurement. Oh, irony, you pleasureable fool.

But I sense I drastically swing off-topic, so I shall wrap up these thoughts of my own. Compare time to money - both are worthless. No? Well, compare these things to the individual and its life, but firstly understand life - life is to simply...exist...to be...to breathe. [the existence of an individual human being or animal] - Oxford Dictionary. Everything else we encounter after our conception is superfluous, and holds only the meaning we derive from it, and no matter what that meaning may be, that, in truth is worthless when compared to our conscious "being" - to be. Money brings not life, nor does time, and in actual fact, both things detract from it, for we all strive to work hours [ TIME ] from our [ LIVES ] to obtain [ MONEY ] to be able to [ LIVE ] - oh dear, hello irony again. Isn't it funny how us humans forget that to live is a gift that lasts from conception to death? No, it's not funny really, taking into account all the stupid elements that detract from us this stupendous experience of life.

I hope you are well, and that you continue to write these grand works! And have just noticed, you are a fellow Dorset-er... that's not a word, but I like it.

A farewell from me!

Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Wow, what a wonderful review, thank you :3

I have read your story 'One thing to avoid-m.. read more
Isn't that chick Becky married to Chris? I remember when she treated you so s****y because you didn't have enough 'money' for her, and publicly humiliated you and threw in your face the time she and Chris went on a plane and took a vacation. And you know what my thought was then? Wow...I haven't even told Kelly my secret yet, what I have planned for us. How much money we have in a holding company! I can't wait to take him on so many wonderful vacations, and since that dumbass b***h only plays head games with him, and acts "re-interested" in him all of a sudden because she realizes that he and i are now together...well, too bad for her. She lost the best man in the world! (That's of course when i thought the world of you, and that you were actually a good man) and i remember thinking her karma for what she did to you would be to see you happy, and married, and all of my money would've been OUR money. You were always good enough for me. But you fucked it up entirely. And my regret is that i ever believed in you, and trusted that you were a good man.

Posted 11 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sophia Lewis

11 Years Ago

Like, it's special code? And if you solve it, you solve the meaning of life?

11 Years Ago

... I think that may be a bit of a stretch... but you never know XD
Sophia Lewis

11 Years Ago

Indeed, it may just be, YOU NEVER KNOW! :3
Okay, criticisms first: there's a couple of spellings and grammar inaccuracies, but that doesn't matter too much; they can be fixed.
The sentiment is really intriguing, time is a funny old thing and you have expressed the intrigue of it very well.
So... well done!! Great work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you :3
And I know, I'm not the best when it comes to spelling and grammar, I will try ho.. read more
Sophia Lewis

11 Years Ago

You're welcome :D
It's not an urgent thing, don't worry. Writing more and more will help impro.. read more

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 30, 2014
Last Updated on January 31, 2014



Dorset, United Kingdom

Becky, 18, UK 'Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.' more..

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