Sighed and smiled reading your words. What joys do we lose while crawling through the mud and mire? And how if more could walk into their dreams for awhile, and see what's truly of value; these sacred towers of light. I wish this for a world that seems to live in shadows, in endless sorrows. Dreams, sweet dreams.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
wow! that review was better than the poem itself!Hahahaha
i'm not surprised though! your word.. read morewow! that review was better than the poem itself!Hahahaha
i'm not surprised though! your words have always inspired me old friend
thank you
6 Years Ago
Oh, my friend! How your presence is such a poem! Ah, and your kindness knows no bounds. Let your mus.. read moreOh, my friend! How your presence is such a poem! Ah, and your kindness knows no bounds. Let your music ever flow. :)
"pretend! for in our gloomy days,
dreams are the only havens,
where we can really be safe..."
a point of view i believe we'd all benefit from. maybe if we dreamed a little bit bigger, a little more often, we'd be more inspired and more determined to change the way things are here and now. I really love this one. it's great. we should all drift off to our ivory tower here and there, to remember why we do the things we do, and what we're all living for. incredible write!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
thanks sooooo very much :) i really agree with you, we should dream
Oh, the Ivory Tower.. You know why this write caught my attention? Because The Neverending Story was my all-time favorite. You just brought me back to my childhood, pretty girl with your pretty words written in jovial and rakish in manner.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
wow this just made my day! thank you!!!
i'm glad i could take you back there :)
I like the perspective you spin into this piece. We all have our towers of sanctuary and solitude for sure. I find that there are times in life that the best thing to do is take a step back and retreat to our ivory tower, take a moment to reflect and renegotiate with our selves just what our next course of action in the world outside must be. While it is important to listen to what the voice beyond are saying, it's just as important to listen to the resonance of our own soul and spirit. Often the only place we can hear them clearly is in our sacred tower.
Great Ink!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
thanks Aaron
you are right, we can only find that peace and the pleasure to hear those thought.. read morethanks Aaron
you are right, we can only find that peace and the pleasure to hear those thoughts in our castles
thanks :)
Although individual, formal organizations, commonly identified as "institutions," may be deliberately and intentionally created by people, the development and functioning of institutions in society in general may be regarded as an instance of emergence; that is, institutions arise, develop and function in a pattern of social self-organization, which goes beyond the conscious intentions of the individual humans involved.
As mechanisms of social interaction, institutions are manifest in both formal organizations, such as the U.S. Congress, or the Roman Catholic Church, and, also, in informal social order and organization, reflecting human psychology, culture, habits and customs, and encompassing subjective experience of meaningful enactments. Most important institutions, considered abstractly, have both objective and subjective aspects: examples include money and marriage. The institution of money encompasses many formal organizations, including banks and government treasury departments and stock exchanges, which may be termed, "institutions," as well as subjective experiences, which guide people in their pursuit of personal well-being. Powerful institutions are able to imbue a paper currency with certain value, and to induce millions into cooperative production and trade in pursuit of economic ends abstractly denominated in that currency's units.[citation needed] The subjective experience of money is so pervasive and persuasive that economists talk of the "money illusion" and try to disabuse their students of it, in preparation for learning economic analysis.[citation needed]
Posted 11 Years Ago
0 of 2 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
*eyes wide open*
this is the most effective review ANYONE has ever given me, i'm grateful read more*eyes wide open*
this is the most effective review ANYONE has ever given me, i'm grateful
i like how you refer to the imaginary towers as institutions, and i like how real you get! thank you!
This comment has been deleted by the poster.
11 Years Ago
It's a quote, word for word "copy/paste" from Wikipedia.... like EVERY comment he ever leaves!! Ther.. read moreIt's a quote, word for word "copy/paste" from Wikipedia.... like EVERY comment he ever leaves!! There is no better example of plagiarism on this site. He even left the SAME quoted copy/paste on a few of your poems already. I vote: Block him. Maybe, I'm just old fashion. lol xxoxo -Your Mark, Aurora.
11 Years Ago
i kinda found that out when i saw this on my other poems and was like a bit embarrassed sooo yeah, i.. read morei kinda found that out when i saw this on my other poems and was like a bit embarrassed sooo yeah, i think it is silly though, to think of taking the time for posting the exact same thing over and over again, it makes people tired of you, and putting that aside, reviewing a poem with such words as ''fine'' or ''ok'' as he did on some of my other poems, it doesn't makes the writer feel good about what he/she wrote, it makes them say like what the hell is wrong with this person, either you like something and SAY why you like it or you don't and SAY why you don't.
never really thought of bloking him, i think blocking is rude but all these points put together, not to mention making me feel so naive and silly after reading this exact copy/paste on other works tells me that yeah, maybe blocking isn't that rude, thanks Mark :)
hehe i even felt so good reading the review and thinking of the ways it resembled the poem that now .. read morehehe i even felt so good reading the review and thinking of the ways it resembled the poem that now i feel as silly as a child XD
thanks for making me think over these things Mark
11 Years Ago
If anything, I thought if I put it on your poem as ME saying it aloud, it would ease whatever.. read more
If anything, I thought if I put it on your poem as ME saying it aloud, it would ease whatever concern or issue you would have. : ) Personally, I think it's silly to visit you and not have SOMETHING to say!! lol When I visit you, I feel you wish me off to sleep and dream, I want to ride a skateboard with you "used to do it in High school for a company", and wanting to hug you aaaaaalllll the time never gets boring. lol I Love You, Aurora. It's so very sweet to see you have the same enthusiasm you had when I came to your page for the first time. So beautiful..... As far as blocking goes, I've blocked everyone who blocked ME. There are some that even talked with me day in and day out for ever, and then one day after a few days of not being here: Boom, they're gone!! So, if they block me.... I "return the favor" so I never have to ask why or have them come back and erase all their comments on my page. I, still, miss Sye incredibly..... You and a very few others are what made my poems mean something. : ) What that guy did for the copy/paste thing, is actually illegal, and being that it is a writer's site, first, plagiarism is a heavy dose of how much he DOESN'T have to say. Always in my heart, Aurora!! : ) xoxoxoxoxox -Your Mark
11 Years Ago
thank you so very much for saying that Mark
OMG that was beautiful!!! You are truely talented :)
Yes, i do tend to spend alot of time in my ivory tower, just watching the world go by, so quiet and peaceful and safe... well done :)
We all need a place that's solely for self, a bubble, a hidey.hole, a momentary escape where compromise is set aside just for a while. Just a while, time to recoup lost moments, memories of what were, what can be. Maybe ivory towers are like a return to the womb, and, when we emerge, we go through renaissance, go through the layers of life we mishandled, etc, We all have choices.. mine is to rest now and again, but not to leave beloveds behind for too long when i climb into my own.time capsule. And anyway, fresh air is such a gift!!! This is a very beautiful piece of writing, read twice, made me think ..
i'm really glad it got to you that much
you are so right about that, not leaving loved ones t.. read morei'm really glad it got to you that much
you are so right about that, not leaving loved ones too long, i spaced out today in class, and ended up doing extra work for the teacher XD
but i can't deny that i loved where i was, well what can i say, must love ivory towers XD
thanks a lot!
11 Years Ago
Nobody's right or wrong ... we all need a little freedom from life now and again .. just that for me.. read moreNobody's right or wrong ... we all need a little freedom from life now and again .. just that for me, being alone too long would hurt. Your writing's wonderful.
hey i'm Salar, you can call me Sal, or Aurora
This site has given me a lot, i don't know if i can explain it but, it's the place where i truly was happy for a while, i met genuine friends, loyal incr.. more..