![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Tanner“It’s only been three days, give it time, I’m sure he’ll call,” Agent Green tried to cheer up Agent Gold, but it wasn’t working. “I really thought this kid was the one. I mean we’ve got a lot of strong candidates, but this kid is a natural leader, and I think he’s the only one strong enough to lead the group I’m hopping will win.” Agent green smiled, “I knew you had favorites, but I have to say, I was surprised to see you pair up this group the way you did. I mean they all have their similarities, but they’re all messed up too. I mean the one girl is known as the shadow demon in her home city. The other ran away to live with monks, and the boy doesn’t even know who he is.” “Exactly,” Gold said enthusiastically. “They’ve all experienced hardships, and loss. They all know what it’s like to need a hero, and Ren may not know it, but he’s been a hero his whole life. He’s someone they would all follow into a fight, and someone that could lead them to being the group to stop Anarchy.” Green loved the way Gold always saw the best in people, and always had that light of hope. She believes that’s why the director chose him to be Agent Gold. He’s inspiring, and can make you believe even when you think all hope is lost. A couple years ago we were afraid the Government had found out about us, and was going to send everything they have after us before we even got started. But Gold kept everybody level headed, and calm. He helped everyone hold onto hope, and because of him we figured out how to really disappear. “What are you thinking about?” Gold snapped Green out of her trance. She just smiled with her bright blue eyes, “nothing, just how I know this is going to work.” Just then Agent Black came into the kitchen, and leaned against the stainless steel table the Gold was sitting on. “Any word from the kid?” Gold shook his head silently. “Dang, we really need this kid for Group D. Without him I think they’ll just fall apart.” Gold nodded his head in agreement. “Maybe we shouldn’t have talked about his father, it might of been too much.” “No, you can’t go easy on him in the interview, if you hadn’t mentioned his father you guys would have been cheating him into thinking this was some happy little adventure with no sacrifices. You mentioning his father is the reason he’s going to say yes.” Black chuckled, “alright Ms. Green, at least someone’s thinking positive.” Then Gold suddenly jumped to his feet and shoved his hand down his pocket, and fumbled around to find a phone. Gold looked around at Green and Black with wide eyes. “It’s him.” Gold answered the phone, and then hung up in a matter of seconds. Green and Black were practically jumping up and down with anticipation. Gold smiled and said, “Black get the chopper ready, we have a hero to pick up.” *** Sophie walked into her room to find her roommate had already made herself quite at home. She stood up as soon as she saw Sophie and flashed her a smile. “Hello, you must be Sophie, I’m Alexa. As you can see I’ve already been here for a couple of days, but I left your side of the room empty so you can decorate it yourself.” Sophie smiled back happy to have someone be kind to her for once. “Thanks, so what’s your power?” “I can heat objects, and my body, I can also produce a blinding light. Friends call me Flare. What about you?” “I’m nearly the opposite. I can control darkness, and can control people through their shadows. I also do a little magic. I know I sound all evil and depressing.” Alexa Smiled, “it’s beautiful just like you, you should have a name for your power that’s as beautiful as you and your power. How about eclipse?” Sophie beamed, “I love it. thank you.” Before Sophie closed the door a boy put his hand out and stopped it. She turned around prepared to see some creep, but rather came face to face with a beast. The boy was in fact no boy, but a man. He wasn’t exactly tall, but had muscle all over his body, and dark black hair, with deep brown eyes that reminded her of autumn. He flashed her a friendly smile and then spoke with a deep, commanding, yet friendly voice. “Sorry to bother you guys, I was just wondering if you knew how I find out what room I’m in? I’m so lost,” the boy gave an awkward laugh hoping the girls didn’t think he was weird. “Uh.. yeah let me see your badge.” He gave her his badge, and she showed him which number was his room number, which conveniently was right next to theirs. “Oh, thanks uh… Sorry what’s your name?” “I’m Sophie, and this is Alexa,” Sophie said as Alexa walked up to the door. “Nice to meet you guys, I’m Ren.” He started to walk away to go into his room, but Alexa stopped him. “Wait, if you’re in the room next to us that means we’re on the same team, so Ren what’s your power?” Ren turned around with a wide smile on his face, and then a crackling noise covered the hallway and the lights start flickering. Then Ren disappeared, and reappeared behind them with a flash of blinding light. “Cool, so you can teleport?” Alexa asked. Ren laughed, “not exactly, that’s just part of my power. I can control electricity. So because the human body has electrical currents running through it, I can break down my cells into little pieces and travel through electrical currents. I can do tons more, but that’s the only cool trick I’m gonna show for now.” Wow, Sophie thought, this dudes pretty powerful. If he can control electricity, then he can basically control everything the world runs on. And told her he was way more powerful than he was showing right now too. The very second he walked up to her she could feel his power oozing out like radiation. “Alright Sparky, well you better go meet Roy, our other teammate, he’s your roommate. Not much of a talker though.” “Alright thanks.” Ren walked across the hall to his room and went in to find it empty. Apparently Roy was out, but it barely looked like he had been in here. The only thing that gave away there being another person in here was his made bed, other than that the room was empty. Man, no T.V.? Ren complained to himself. I guess I’ll have to make our room a little more fun. Ren went over to his bed and began making it, and putting his clothes in the drawers. After the long trip he had to get here it was nice to have a bed to sleep in. Agent Gold picked him up in a helicopter, and they flew 3 hours in it. So Ren hopped on his new bed and began to nap. He slept lightly, because he still wasn’t sure he trusted these people. So an hour later when his roommate walked into their plane room, he sat up and greeted him. “What’s up man, I’m Ren.” The boy stuck his hand out to shake Rens, and Ren became very aware that this guy was huge. Not huge like extremely muscular huge, but tall. This guy had to be “6’6” and had a very solid build. He had short blonde hair, and bright blue eyes with very pale skin. He looked like the classic pretty boy, but something about him said he didn’t act like he looks. “My names Roy,” he looked unsure as he said it. “Roy’s just the name I was given, but I don’t actually know my real name, most people just call me Alpha, or Al for short. Which I like better than Roy.” “Wait, you don’t know your real name? Do you not know your parents?” He looked down sadly shaking his head. “I’m so sorry man, I know what it’s like to not have parents, mine were both killed.” “It’s alright man, I can’t really be that sad because I have no memory of them or my like before I woke up 4 years ago. For all I know I’m not even a real human.” Ren looked confused, “wait...What?” Al laughed, “we can share our life stories some other time.” Before Ren could question anymore a voice came over the speakers, “all teams please report to the gym now.” “I guess we should meet the girls,” Al said grabbing a bag and walking to the door. Ren followed him out just in time to see Sophie and Alexa coming out of their room. “You guys know what’s going on?” Alexa asked stepping in close to Al. Al backed up stuttering, “Uh.. no, no we don’t know.” “Well we’re not gonna find out standing around here, let’s go.” Ren led the rest of the team down the empty hallway but stopped when he caught a very strange scent. “Does anyone else smell that?” Al stuck his nose in the air using his heightened sense of smell. “It smells like smoke.” Just as he said that smoke began to seep in from the vents, and cover the hall with a blurry haze. Then when they couldn’t see anymore someone running across the hall in the distance echoed. No one said anything, but Ren and Al made quick eye contact to reassure the other of what they heard. “Alexa, when I tell you to light this place up. And I mean blinding, hurts to see light.” She gave Ren a nod, and started summoning energy. Ren Kneeled down, and closed his eyes trying to get a feel for the electric pulse inside the smoke. He rubbed his hands together as he found it and tried to match it. His fingers began to spark, as electricity circled around his hand. Ren shouted “Now!” as he clapped his hands together, and Alexa let out a blinding light comparable to the sun. Men shouted in the distance as the pain from being blinded so suddenly hit them. “Sophie cover them in darkness. Al with me, let’s take them down. Alexa you cut them off at the exit.” Sophie shoot her arms out producing a pitch black light around their assailants, and Ren and Al Jumped into the action. Al having heightened senses could still see using night vision, but ren saw only the bad guy by sensing their electrical currents. Al was tossing around an unsuspecting guy before Ren even got there, so when he did get there they were ready. Ren jumped on one, but the man was much stronger than he looked. He pushed Ren off so hard he touched the ceiling and then came crashing back down. Ren sensed one getting ready to land a powerful hit on him, so he rolled out of the way just missing the foot about to stomp on him. The cursed as he missed, then it occurred to Ren they had no way of seeing him, but he could still see them. As silently as possible Ren got up, and moved in on the small one who threw him moments before. Ren grabbed the boy’s arm and pulsed a surge of electricity that knocked him out. Ren looked over to Al who was dominating his attacker with lightning quick punches that were packed with force strong enough to break through a concrete wall. “Al I think he’s done.” Al paused before he stepped away, “sorry, sometimes I get carried away.” “Sophie we got ‘em you can let the light back now.” The darkness faded, and it was then Ren really saw Sophie. Her hair was her best feature, it was a brown auburn color that turned darker at the roots. She was small in size, but large in power, and her obvious latin root showed clear in her skin color. She was by all means beautiful. “Ren check it out, these guys have name badges, their students.” Al was right, and now things started to make sense. “No wonder that kid was strong, he has powers.” “We should get outside and make sure Alexa’s ok.” Sophie was right about that. Granted Alexa has powers, she doesn’t exactly look like the fighting type, she was more like a cheerleader. But everyone was proven wrong when they got outside to see Alexa fighting two boys twice her side with amazing skill and precision. One boy had spikes covering his arms, and tried to cut her, but she evaded him until he left himself open and she sent a kick to his chest that knocked the air out of him, and sent him flying 5 feet back into a tree. The other boy sent flames right at her which she avoided, but she wasn’t close enough to hit him. Al tried to close the distance but got scotched. When Ren saw his roommate go down he disappeared into a bolt of lightning that flew through the fire boy’s body, and left him unconscious. Sophie and Alexa ran to Al’s side, but he pushed them away. “I’m fine, I heal fast.” And he was right, as he stood up his burn marks disappeared. “What was all that about?” Alexa asked breathing heavy. Ren shook his head, “I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.” Ren stalked over to the boy Alexa kicked against the tree, and lifted him up off the ground. “Why’d you attack us?” “Go screw yourself,” the boy spat back at him. “You ever hear of the electrolyetes?” The boy nodded, “yeah, well until last night I was their leader.” The boy’s eyes widened to the size of a grapefruit as he realized who Ren is. “Judging by your reaction I’m going to assume you know how powerful I am, and you know I’ll burn you to the ground. So I’m gonna give you one more chance, why’d you attack us?” The boy spoke quickly, “calm down man! I swear it was just a game! My team and I are group C, we were supposed to attack you as you guys headed to the gym. The Agents wanted to test all of us and our abilities to work as a team. Please don’t kill me, we were just trying to win,” the boy was practically crying. Ren let him go, and turned around to face his team who all stood shell shocked as they realized who he was. “Don’t look at me like that, we all have our secrets, and I just met all of you.” Al was the first to recover, “so… what do we do know?” “I guess go to the gym.” Ren waited for everyone to agree, and when they did led the team to the gym. Inside there was a group of four more meta’s watching the four of them as they came in. Ren called out to them and said “hey do you guys have any idea what we’re doing in here?” They laughed, and ignored the question like they were too good to answer. Before Al could say anything the door opened and in walked a group of nine normal humans, two of which Ren knew as Agents Gold and Black. They each wore an armband with different colors on them. Since Agent Gold had a gold arm band on Ren made the assumption the each wore the color of their code name. Behind the Agents came in 7 very injured looking meta’s. Two groups. but it looked like one group was missing someone since every other team had 4 people. “Everyone please take a seat in the bleachers,” a woman said into the microphone on the stage. When everyone was seated she spoke again, “hello everyone, I am the director, that is what you will call me, and all you will ever know me by. As I’m sure you are all aware you are all metamorphs, and we have split you into four teams of four. We did this not to rule any of you out as heroes, but to determine your mission levels as a team, and to make sure you can all play well with others. Over the next month you will all go through training as a team, and be scored. The team with the highest score at the end of the month will be our lead group, the team with the lowest will be small task team. Today you all had your first test, and two teams came out on top, group A,” the team that was in the gym first gave each other high fives and celebrated. “And group D. Group B one of your members is currently receiving treatment, but Malcom should be fine, and back with you all later this evening.” The group of three casted glares over at group A. “Tonight you may all relax and get to know each other, but tomorrow you start going through team building. Next week we will begin the placement tests. For now you are all dismissed, have a great evening.” The director gave a small smile to the 15 meta’s sitting in the bleachers, and then left, with a trail of agents behind her. Ren and Al left together going back to their building, Sophie and Alexa stayed though, and tried to get to know the other meta’s. They both made their way over to group A, the other group that won. “Hey congratulations on the win, did you guys know they were gonna attack or was it a surprise for you too?” They looked at Alexa like she was an idiot, “we were the attackers, and no need to congratulate us, we knew we were gonna win.” The girl who spoke was about Alexa’s height, and had red hair, with a face covered in freckles. “Hey no need to be hostile, we’re all here for the same reason, we’re on the same side.” It was Sophie who came back. Even though everyone in their group towered over her, she had no fear. “We’re not on the same side as you, we’re on the winning side. When the world gets its heroes it deserves the best, not some second hand trash the agents found on the street.” It was a boy who spoke this time. His voice was deep, and the only person here taller than him was Al maybe. He just looked powerful. Alexa grabbed Sophie’s arm and began pulling away, “come on Sophie, lets go.” *** Ren answered the door to see Sophie, Alexa, and the dude that blasted Al with the fire. Alexa strode in the room before Ren or Al could object, and reluctantly he let in Sophie and the fire guy in. “This guy’s Seth, he’s the one you fried Ren,” Alexa laughed. “Well he did blast my roommate with fire, so I’d say we’re even.” He shrugged it off, “no biggie, you guy’s were the last group to get here so none of you knew what was going on, but I must say, you guys handled us pretty well,” his eyes moved over to Ren. “Of course with the leader of a world wide gang on your team I’d say you had a slight edge.” The rest of the group all turned their looks to Ren as they remembered who he was. Ren felt their gazes, and didn’t like the accusing tones in them. “Look, I know you guys think you know me because you’ve heard of the electrolytes. You guys think we were some big bad gang because that’s what the government led you to believe, but we actually helped people. I don’t need to feel guilty for leading them because I’ve saved more lives in the past year than you people have saved in your entire life, if you’ve ever even had the guts to stand up and save someone,” a white light covered the room and then Ren was gone. “I’ll go see if I can find him, I’ve already heard what Seth has to tell us,” Sophie walked out of the room. “Well then, can I talk again or does anyone else wanna leave?” Seth had a smart alecky tone to his voice. Rolling her eyes Alexa motioned for him to continue. “Well my group may have figured some things out about how the groups are made, and what we’re working for here. We noticed that everyone in my group is above average intelligence, by a lot. Group A is a bunch of rich kids, and group B is all the super star athletes. The only group we can’t figure out is yours, somehow you’re all connected, we just don’t know how yet.” Al gave him an annoyed look, “did you really just claim the only reason you figured that out is because you and your group are smart? Because if that’s true I’m in the wrong group because I figured that out the second I saw the other groups.” Alexa jumped in, “hey no reason to be rude, he’s got more information than just that.” She looked back at Seth, “please continue, he’ll be nice now.” Seth nodded, “thanks Alexa, anyways one of the guys in my group is a bit of a technical genius, and he was able to hack into their servers. So now we know exactly who we’re working with.” Al cut him off before he could finish, “So wait this guy of yours in theory could probably hack just about anything?” Seth stuttered a bit, “uh, yeah I guess. Why?” “Just wondering.” “Why are you just wondering?” Alexa jumped on the bed, and got closer to Al than he was comfortable with. “Because not all of us grew up with happy families, some of us had a tougher time growing up.” Alexa didn’t say anything. It was the first time since he’d met her that Al saw her stay quiet, and she was actually kind of pretty. Not that he hadn’t noticed her good looks when he met her, I mean you’d have to be blind not to see how gorgeous she is, but this was different. For the first time he really looked at her, and noticed how gracefully her blond hair fell past her shoulders, and touched her back. And for the first time he noticed how bright her eyes are, he felt dumb for not seeing it before, but her eyes are practically gold, deep in color, and staring as hard at him as he is at her. Starting to feel a little awkward, and like a third wheel Seth stammered on, “so… anyways,” Seth continued. “We found out our ‘employers’ are thankfully not with the government. Actually, each of them have a specific hatred for the people in charge. Unfortunately they are smart enough not to keep too much information about what this organization is on there computers. So until they tell us what and who they are, alls we know is that we are probably defying the government by being apart of this, and that these people so far actually want to help people.” Al sat silently on his bed thinking about it. He was quite too long, because before he could talk Alexa jumped in, “did you hear that? I figured you of all people would be relieved that we’re not in some government science lab.” Al snapped, “What do you know!? You don’t know anything about me! and don’t pretend like you understand me, you don’t even know my real name. Hell, I don’t even know my real name, so stop trying to talk to me like you know me, and stop trying to help me. I don’t need you.” Al stood up and walked to the door, turning back to Seth and Alexa he opened the door, “get out please.” Seth left without hesitation, but Alexa stopped in front of Al. “I know life’s hard, believe me, but you don’t have to be alone, we’re a team now. So, whenever you’re ready, I’ll be across the hall.” She left, and Al realized he wished she stayed. She was the only person in a long time to try to understand him for him, and not for what he came from. It was nice, but he couldn’t let her get in the way of what he was really here for. I need answers, he thought, and I can’t let some girl distract me from finding them. *** Sophie found Ren in the weight room, which was a task all in itself because she was still trying to figure out their new “home”. But she didn’t go in after him, he’d been in their going pretty hard with a training bot for a while, and she was afraid he’d turn her into an outlet if she surprised him. So instead she just watched him as he gracefully traded punches with the bot that he could have powered down any second if he really wanted to. His fist came down hard on the metal frame and he didn’t even flinch from the pain that must be coursing up his arm after hitting something so hard. But instead he kept an intense stare at the bot, never letting his eyes move from it, like lion getting ready to take down a gazelle. The bot threw a punch so fast Sophie barley saw it, but Ren seemed to know it was coming and caught it’s arm, he flipped it over and snapped the arm off, then sent an arch of lightning out of his hand and melted to robots metal body in mere seconds from the intense power that flowed through his hands. It was actually quite beautiful she thought, really scary, but still beautiful. Ren slowly looked up to the side, past all the training equipment, and to the counter that Sophie was crouching behind. As their eyes looked her heart started racing in fear that he was still mad and might try to fry her too. But something told her that she was wrong, that he wasn’t as bad as everyone said he was, and that he was a good guy. So she stood up, exposing herself so that he could see who it was. “It’s me,” she said stepping out into the light, “Sophie.” He smiled, “I know, I can sense you guys. everyone gives off a different signal.” “Oh,” she couldn’t even begin to understand the extent to his power. His power was practically limitless, and he had already mastered it. If you stood close to him you could actually feel the power that radiates off of him, like an overflowing power plant. Yet he seems to keep absolute control over it. As Ren stepped closer to her he could feel her eyes scanning his body, but when he looked in her eyes he saw that she didn’t look at him the same way other people did. The Electrolytes all looked at him like he was some sort of god, and everyone else looks at him like he’s a nuclear bomb, and their lives are about to end. But she looked at him like he was a normal guy. “You’re different,” Ren spoke. “Once everyone else here found out who I am they all started looking at me like I’m the bad guy, but not you. You started looking at me like you knew what it was like.” Sophie turned away, “I do unfortunately, and I know how much it sucks to have people assume you’re bad. In fact I know better than anybody what it’s like.” “Well wanna talk about it? I hear it helps.” She laughed, “you first.” He nodded, agreeing to tell her about his life. “Well back in the day when those meta’s attacked New York they killed my mom, I was only 11 at the time,” Sophie touched his hand to comfort him, but quickly pulled it back deciding it wasn’t the right time for that. “My dad could control liquids, anything in the liquid state was pretty much at the mercy of him, and he was out of blood after these guys killed my mom. He went public and challenged them to a fight, of course they showed up assuming that one man would be nothing compared to 7. That where they were wrong,” Ren gave a laugh as he stared off in the distance, trying to remember what his parents looked like. “As soon as they stepped foot on the peer they were dead. A wall of raging covered their backs, as he literally ripped the blood out of their bodies. When they were dead he washed their bodies out to sea. After that we thought it was all over, he figured people would be grateful, but leave us alone because people always fear the powerful. He was right about one thing, they feared him, but they weren’t as grateful as he thought they would be, because a year later we were at the park and a sniper put a bullet in my dad’s head. I was 12 years old when I saw my dad killed,” he stopped to choke back his tears. “They covered it up accourse, I think it was a heart attack, they said his son accidently electrocuted him. I was placed in foster care the next week, and was moved three times in the next two months, that’s where I met Xavier, my first general, and my best friend. I came up with the idea years before anything even happened, and once they put me in foster care I knew it was only a matter of time before I mysteriously died too. So once I decided I trusted Xavier I told him my plan, and was almost as excited as me to get out of there. With him we were able to recruit a few more people. Five more to be exact, and those sixe became my generals. Now we were all rather young, in fact number Three was only 8 when he joined, but even then he was the most clever of us all,” Ren laughed remembering how Three used to alway try and trick all of them. “So how did you get such a big following if you were all so young?” Sophie was intrigued. “We spread out into districts. At first we started just in Chicago, it took a couple months, but when you live on the street word spreads fast. People were begging to join us, and at first we took just about anybody who wanted in, but then we realized criminals were starting join us take us south. So we started being more selective, only taking people who deserved help. When we grew to about 300 in chicago I went back to New York, and took Two with me. He and I both grew up there and had more connections. Within a month we added over 600 to our cause, and then word started to spread. People were hearing about how people on the street were coming together, and forming their own society, so the generals decided we needed a name, and they came up with the Electrolytes. That’s when we really grew. I split the Six generals into six different locations around the Country, and within 3 years the Electrolytes pulled over 12,000 people off the streets, and most of them we helped rebuild their lives and they were able to leave and go on their own. But they left knowing that they always had a home with the Electrolytes.” Sophie sat in silence for a moment soaking in everything Ren told her. Not only was he powerful, but he literally created an army. An army that could have probably toppled governments, but he only used it to help people. But still that didn’t explain a few things. “So then what about those attacks that were reported to be caused by the Electrolytes?” “So, you really are just one of the good guys.” He nodded, and made a hand gesture to say it was her turn to talk. Sighing Sophie went through the painful memories in her head, bringing up all the horrors of her past. “Well I grew up in a small village in Mexico with my family. A lot of us lived in the same house, my parents, grandparents, two uncles, three aunts, my older brother, and my twin sister,” She grimaced as she remembered their faces. “I was four when my powers started developing. My family stopped letting me leave the house, and I was only allowed to go outside if I stayed in our backyard. By the time I was 12 my powers started to get stronger and I started having issues controlling them. My family did everything they could to help me, but the only person who was any help was my older brother, Lupe. He had been hanging out with a group of Meta’s, and they were teaching him things to help me gain control, and it was working. Eventually I was able to even start moving through shadows the same way you travel through currents of electricity.” She smiled longingly at the memory of her brother, and how happy he always made her. Then her smile disappeared as the memory of the rest of the story came back to her. “One day my brother convinced my father to let him take me to the group of Metamorphs so they could teach me first hand. I had enough control over my powers that he agreed it would be ok as long as my father was allowed to go too. We got there and these other Pros were amazing, they weren’t particularly strong, but they had full control over their powers, and just how to use them to their advantage. In that one day they taught me more than I could ever imagine. It started out as one of the best day’s of my life, but then it took an evil twist when a bullet went straight through one of the Metas head. Before any of the others could react they were dropped to the ground, dead, but I escaped. I grabbed my brother and father's hand took them with me through the shadows,” tears began to fall from her face as she continued. “When we appeared inside the house my brothers shirt was wet with blood, and he was starting to pale. My father got him on couch, and my aunts and mother started trying to patch the wound. My uncle ran outside to get the car, and get him to the hospital, but as soon as he stepped out the door he was dead. The men killed the Metas somehow followed us here. My father yelled for me to get my sister and go to my mom’s parents house.” Now tears were gushing out of her deep brown eyes, and leaving streaks down her tan cheeks. “I didn’t listen at first, I refused to leave my family behind when I knew I could help fight these people off. I sent shadows at them but at the time my powers weren’t strong enough to keep them together. The bullets tore my creations to shreds. My uncle and two of my aunts ran at the men hoping to reach them before the bullets planted in their chests, but they didn’t. My father yelled for me to leave, and feeling helpless I finally listened. I hoped that if I wasn’t there they might leave the rest of my family alone, but I was wrong. Both my parents were killed, and my brother’s body was so torn up that they couldn’t even identify it as his, but the second I saw his necklace I knew it was him.” Ren laid his arm across her shoulder and pulled her in for hug that she happily embraced. “I’m so sorry,” he tried to comfort her. “I’m not done yet,” she whispered like it was secret. “The only surviving family I had left was my twin sister Aria, and my grandparents on my mother’s side. Everyone else was dead. They lived here in America though, so we had to come here to live with them, only when we got here they told me I couldn’t stay in their house. They called me a demon, and said that it was my fault that their only daughter was killed. So I was placed in foster care, and Aria stayed there with our grandparents. Of course foster care wasn’t much better, I was in and out of homes for six years before I turned 18 and got my own apartment. After living there for three months Agent Gold and Black came to me and offered me this,” she motioned to the facility surrounding them. They both sat their silently for a moment, Sophie still crying against Ren’s shoulder. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes until Ren sensed someone else coming. Agent Green Walked in the training room to see why the alarm was going off in security office, and then she saw what used to be the sparring bot, and two students on the bench looking defeated. The boy looked up first and she knew who he was immediately. The boy Agent Gold so badly wanted to join the program, and lead his group. The boy that he said was one of the greatest leaders of our time, and stronger than anyone you’ve ever met. Right now though he looked like a deer in headlights, like someone who needs a hug, and that was right up Agent Greens alley. “Are you two ok?” Sophie looked up with red eyes that showed she’d just finished crying. Not wanting to speak Sophie nodded, and stood up. Ren slowly stood, and next to her he was a mammoth, though still not quite as tall as Agent Green imagined. He looked over at the robot and then back to Agent Green, “I’m sorry about the robot, I was kind of pissed off when I fought it.” Agent Green laughed because she had completely forgotten about the bot, she was distracted by the two broken down super powered teen agers standing infront of her. “It’s fine, Agent Gray can make a new one.” She then looked down at her watch and realized it was well past curfew now, “so what are you two doing down here so late?” “Getting to know our teammates,” Ren shrugged. Agent Green nodded skeptically, but didn’t say anything. “Well, you guys are going to have a long day tomorrow so you should head back to your dorms, and get some rest.” Without another word they both vanished, leaving Agent Green alone. © 2017 Tanner |
Added on April 18, 2017 Last Updated on April 18, 2017 Author![]() TannerSpringfield, ILAboutI enjoy Writing, I don't really know what else to say because it's kind of irrelevant. more..Writing