Escape me while you can

Escape me while you can

A Poem by Becca

I'm sorry for acting the way I do.
Truth be told,
I might as well be considered a psychotic b***h.
I'm a lunatic and a ticking time bomb.
I can't help but be needy.
I can't help but be pushy.
I can't help that I let people in too quickly.
I can't help how I feel.
I can't stop my brain from over processing everything.
I can't help but hide from everyone.
I'm sorry.
I'm not good enough for anyone.
Or for anything.
I can't turn off my thoughts and my emotions.
Oh how I wish I could.
Some might call me anti-social.
Some might say it's my choice.
Little do people know, I try.
I try to talk to people.
But it leaves me forcing a fake smile and acting happy.
Half the time I believe it.
Maybe if I trick myself enough, I'll believe I'm actually happy?
No, doubtful.
Because everything I shoved back, forces its way up.
And if I could have more confidence, more self-esteem, maybe i'll feel better.
But that's doubtful as well.
I'm literally good for nothing, fat, and a lazy f**k.
I'm sorry for even being in anyone's lives...
I truly am sorry for cursing you with my presence.
But, I'm here to stay because it's not like I have courage to do s**t.
I'm giving you the option to leave now while you can.
And when you leave, don't look back.
I don't want to hurt anyone with my depressive states, my bitchy moods,
Or my anti-socialness.

© 2014 Becca

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Added on August 5, 2014
Last Updated on November 17, 2014



Rochester, NY

I'm 23 and I write poems to keep me sane. Poems are my way of getting out how I feel. When I'm upset, I tend to write more. But there are times where I will get randomly inspired and write something c.. more..

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