Twenty One

Twenty One

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

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It won't be long now
Until childhood dies
Before I rid myself
Of childish eyes
It won't be long
Until replaced with beer
This is my tragedy
I will hold it dear.
Won't be much longer
Until what I held close
Is dead
Won't be long
Until replaced
With memories
In my head
Jaded lovers
No longer mean a thing
Fairytale endings
Only happen in my dreams
With each day approaching
I feel it build up
The horror
The magic
Of not giving a f**k
Once I was innocent
But I surly will see
Those days are long gone
For even me.
Twenty one
The age we all love
For some reason
This love makes me run
Back to the days
When childhood was sweet
Back to the days
The sand between my feet.
Take it or leave it
What I was told to do
It's what you make it
It's no big deal
Won't be much longer
Until what I held close
Is dead
Won't be long
Until replaced
With memories
In my head
Jaded lovers
No longer mean a thing
Fairytale endings
Only happen in my dreams
I am changing
Into something
I know longer know
I hate myself
And life's twisted show
Another year older
To others
It's just another day
People Like pictures
Will soon decay
High school memories
Remembered another day
Friendships lost
And trials faced
Look where life
Has taken us
A simple kind of race.
Simple dreams
A house on a hill
Little notions
Back then I would kill
Grown up with
Two children
A mom myself
I can't help but hide
My feelings of guilt
One day
Their childhood
Will melt
It won't be long now
Until childhood dies
Before I rid myself
Of childish eyes
It won't be long
Until replaced with beer
This is my tragedy
I will hold it dear.

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

Author's Note

Alicia Hirshey
I am turning twenty one on the 31 of July. And I have been feeling horrible about it, I can feel my childhood and my dreams fading away. Everyday it comes closer and I am still getting older and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I hate it.

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I'm not even 18 yet so I can't begin to imagine what it was like to have turned 21. I realize this poem is almost a couple years old, but I can still see where it may continue to have some truth in your life. I most certainly hope that you aren't filled with such a disgust for age, for it sounds to me like it brings with it more memories, people, and places. It may not mean much coming from someone my age, but try to embrace it and move towards it with a smile.
I love this poem and I hope that you are having wonderful days!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Happy birthday BTW. I enjoyed this poem. I am eighteen and know what is like to have responsibility unwillingly thrust upon you. Not a day goes by that I simply wish to go back to those days when I was a child. Very well written. Bravo.

Posted 13 Years Ago

There is only two things that we know,we are born and we die.Everything in between is icing on the cake ,so enjoy the icing!

Posted 13 Years Ago

A beautiful write. But you need to remember that with age comes new adventures, deeper understanding, and the beautiful memories of fairie-filled dreams. :) At least this is what keeps me from despairing over the future. Even if it could be stopped; eventually I'd wish for new challenges, :) At least this is my point of view. :) Love the poem. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Well, there is nothing we can do but go forth and make the best of it, no matter what, life must go on til our lives come to an end.
Your dreams wont fade away, as time passes us by, at times we need to revise our wishes and goals, some things wont be as we hoped...but it doesnt mean its the end of the world.
Stay strong, I know the feeling all to well, I for one am 35, age didnt bother me til I turned 35 in April and realized I am almost 40! I began sweating and almost cried lol...
I wish and hope the best for you, take it in stride and run with it, not from it!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sweetie, Please listen to me, this s a very strong write and if you feel it's all over at 21? I am sorry for you... Really your life is just beginning. As for your childhood slipping away darling that happened the day you gave birth to your first child.
Read my poem "Time" then think about life slipping away. Are things really honestly that bad. Or are you truly that good of a writer to make me feel that it what your feeling. lol... do you know what I would give to turn 21 again keep what I know now but just start from there just have back those 24yrs. Embrase your life sweetie, it is way to short. Now my lecture is done and you can be mad at me if you want but seriously here. Wait till your looking at 45...xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

I hate my birthday too. Which just happens to be the day before yours, but I'm turning older then 21...

It's very hard to feel like you're losing your childhood, but I figure, that if your still a child at heart, then you never really lose it. You can choose to be like Peter Pan.

The poem itself portrays the sadness at getting older well.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Excellent work, I can really relate to this one

Posted 13 Years Ago

Fantastic piece Ali. I can relate to these feelings as well. I love how you really applied your memories in this write and mix them with your fears of tomorrow. I also like how you said "until replaced with beer" Lot of sad truth in that line. Overall I love it. Well done. xoxo

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2011
Last Updated on July 2, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

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