Dedicated Nobody

Dedicated Nobody

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

Read Authors note


Dedicated to no one
World fades to black
Always taking something
Refusing to give it back
Mother to you children
All a staged show
Time is consumed with love
Would the dysfunction show?
Never to happy
Turns the wheel of fate
All the time longing
To redirect the hate
Longing for something
Never anything more
Will you miss me
When I lie dead on the floor?
Stuck in a bubble
My dreams easily popped
Give up the gamble
My hand is a flop
Overwhelming emotions
Channel all the pain
everyday I question
If I am even truly sane
Weary in bed
No rest will come
All emotions
Leave my heart dead
Dedicated to no one
World fades to black
Always taking something
Refusing to give it back

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

Author's Note

Alicia Hirshey
Everything Feels out of place. I feel unwanted, unwelcome, unloved. Everything feels like it is getting worse. I first thought that it was my Medication playing mind games but it is not a side effect I was told. That with everything going on it is normal for any patient to feel the way I do. But do they really understand? Can they really save me from myself like they claim to be able to do? I have built my poetry around saving people from themselves and trying to save the world, that in the process I've lost sight of myself and who I was and still am. I am me, and I can't be saved. I have helped a lot of people but where are they when I need help? Where are they when I need someone to listen or vent? I'm going on the constant notion that maybe I am not good enough to save. That maybe I will never be good enough to save. But if that were true, would you even be reading this poem? Taking the time to read my author's note. Taking the time to see the true me that lies behind the mirrors?

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Longing for something
Never anything more
Will you miss me
When I lie dead on the floor?

the pic is really suited for this poem!
love it....the pic and the poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is so good. And the picture is REALLY cool. Great job.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Its amazing! A really good poem. I hope everything gets better

Posted 13 Years Ago

it all starts getting better once you start loving yourself... :)))

Posted 13 Years Ago

Whether you believe it or not, there's always at least 5 people in the world that care about you, if not more. (Okay, it may not be a real statistic, but it's what I believe from own experience). There's always people who will take the time to read what you write and hear what you think. There is always someone who will take the time to save you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You are to worth saving Ali, and you can be. You need to concentrate on yourself for a while. Get yourself emotionally up to speed with the rest of you. You aren't unwanted, we all want you here, and your fully welcome. You aren't unloved, your kids love you, so many other poeple love you, and I love you (: I can really relate to this :/ I would miss you terribly if anything ever happened to you, because you've made a huge differance in my life. Don't let anybody drag you down, don't let them win. Your so much stronger than that, you can do anything in your life, you can be anybody you want to be. I'm alwasy here if you wanna talk or vent. Smile Ali, cause the world smiles back at you, even if you can't always see. (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

It sounds like you really need to concentrate on yourself and what you want out of life. It starts by learning to love yourself which for me was not an easy task at all and I still battle with that everyday. Ali, you've got to start living your life for you and not everyone else. You will always encourage and help other people but you cannot let them consume you or let your happiness depend on how others feel. Stay positive and I am here if you need someone to talk to. Ive got classes tonight but I'll be home around 8:30. Keep your chin up.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sad, i feel that way often too. Its how despair gets you, it keeps stacking bricks on you and messing with your thoughts until you are under its heel and unsure of everything. It makes possible the impossible and makes believable the unbelievable. Its like a rip current pulling you out to sea, and before long you feel alone and lost. And when no hope breaks through to you, when nothing or no one seems to help you you then begin to feel unloved and uncared for. Lost at sea. And so you drift, farther, and farther away with the bricks getting heavier and your mind getting more rebellious. A very unpleasant situation... But thats how despair works. I cant say how to fight it, just to be aware of it and it's tricks.
It seems everyone is now noticing how selfish mankind is. Most of them are like that, all take and no give. Its up to you to decide how long you are willing to put up with it. Ive given up on the world long ago, there is no hope for it. People wont change. Sure there are some good people, but the ratio keeps growing in thier disfavor. Be careful who you pull close and who you get close to. Because the closer they are, the deeper they can stab.

You are worth saving, you are worth more than you can imagine. Despair is twisting your thoughts, making you believe what you normally wouldnt. It puts up a curtain over your eyes and heart and forces you to feel alone. And when that happens its hard to see even the closest people that are beside you. Its impossible for anyone to completely understand this stuff unless they experience it themselves. Inexperience is the one negative ignorance that can be excused. There are people there for you, there are people there for everyone. You have to reach out, push away the curtains and look by your side. And the ones you see reaching out to you are the real friends, regardless if they make the right decisions. Only the true friend will reach out and actually take the time to understand. You just cannot expect that from a lot of people, and so do not be disappointed when you see no one at first.

Btw, im adding this as a favorite. Its a very good poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 24, 2011
Last Updated on May 24, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

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