{Cemented Duplicity}

{Cemented Duplicity}

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

Written by me and a dear friend. The parts I have Written are in bold.


Thank you, Courtney for making this possible



Slamming hammers,
brushing anger,
rain on my umbrella,
I’ll be untouched but
I hope you’ve crashed.
Pucker your lips for the kiss,
poison lines the trace bliss.
Mirror me dé·jà vu,
you think you’ve defeated
me in your statements?
I’ve had 50x worse thrown
at me in judgment wrongs,
why are you so special in
your mind of plotted adieu?

Blood thirst
Flesh eating names
Calling me out
Stalking my name
Endlessly searching
For motive to escape
Mindless confusion
You know not what you say
You speak of me
Placing me in your game
Nut case fusion
Bursting in my chest
False accusations
Do you even know the truth
Why are you stalking me
I’m sure there is

better for you to do
Endless ranting
Running a stream
Filling people with lies of me
Table confusion
What move will be next
Fear of the lies
Made contagious
Devotion to many
In my poems made clear
Most you’ve done
Drive others in fear
Name on a list
You won’t drive me there
I refuse to hide
Give in to you here
Take what you must
Slay me in bed
I won’t pack my bags
Go running in dread.


The night of day,
the day of night,
we live in awe,
is because we have visibly
showing depression and
bi-polar disorders on our about me
sections that make it okay in your
mind to consider us weak and fallen?
Descendents of Judas Iscariot,
how dare you “devoutly” preach
your delusional hate fantasies
about what we do to survive
a bleed on the ravenous flaw?
Murderous lust controls your brain,
call me the names in your burn book,
I have some for you ignorant one.
Wean away from your hate
desires you barbaric baboon,
you’re missing a crucial element
to making me be completed in cracks,
I’ll fly and your wings are empty loaded.
Up and away I’ll go and you stay lost
in the biggest lies you’ve showered
in the duplicity cemented for
an evening spawned moon.

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

Author's Note

Alicia Hirshey
It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things."~ Lawrence G. Lovasi"

"Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers."~ Voltaire

With cyber bullying, you can't escape from it. Fifty-four percent of the kids who were bullied said they didn't know who was bullying them on the Internet. ~Ali

There’s this serious nut job running loose particularly on here, writer café, the most recent username I believe, is “justgal,” so everyone be on the lookout. She comments repeatedly on your poems and to your inbox when she feels up to it for both, and makes absolutely no sense in her statements and random religious accusations, etc. I’ve now had to block her at least 3 straight times and report her for numerous things. Ali, who wrote this poem with me, understands exactly all too well this struggle we now face to deal with being harassed over the web because she is another object of fascination to this person. I am not making any type of joke out of it, I think this person is honestly mentally off balanced and it is scary to have to constantly watch your back awaiting the next blow. Practice internet safety always, while being honest on your identity, crazies like this lady lurk in corners. Thank you, Ali, for your contribution to this poem making. ~C.M.

My Review

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This was very strong and it left me speechless. Great job.
♥ Ta'Shandra

Posted 13 Years Ago

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A very frantic and strong poem. I felt everything coming in from every direction, and then it flowed very well. I read the confusion created by the poem and the way you made it seem so intense. A very nice write :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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long poem but such a powerful meaning good job:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

you leave me speechless with this.... great work

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awe, you guys write so well together!

Definitely a favorite. Boy, that list is getting longer everyday.

Posted 13 Years Ago

two muses can create a firework and you have prove it Ali Gay!

Posted 13 Years Ago

One word... Damn!

A lot of fire lashes out between each line, its almost like looking straight into the eyes of the devil. I love when your poems express anger, its a very effective emotion and truly does lash out with either a cold chain of contempt or a thorn-lined whip of punishment. I love it. Favorite.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I loved this especially the first stanza.
Awesome write here. I so agree with your authors note.
I was attack by the nut job myself.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The first stanza is my favorite. I like this part too: "Up and away I’ll go and you stay lost, in the biggest lies you’ve showered, in the duplicity cemented for, an evening spawned moon."

Posted 13 Years Ago

great work and sentiment

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 12, 2011
Last Updated on May 12, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

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