Fear No More

Fear No More

A Story by BeautifulyImperfect

Short Story for my English Class




Looking through her fathers old year books, Aleeah noticed the all the mean things that their classmates wrote. She couldn’t understand where all the judgment came from. She knew so many gay parents and even transsexual parents.

“Why is there so many awful thing written in your yearbooks Dad?”

“Well you see., Aleeah ,back in mine and dad’s day  the LGBT was not accepted and society didn’t understand what it meant to be truly happy with who you are and who you’re with”.

“What the LGBT?”

“It’s the lesbian, gay, bisexual and Transsexual community, it was community where your father and I used to meet new people who didn’t judge and believed that we were equal with the rest of the world”

“That sounds like you guys almost were condemned from society for being different.”

The more Aleeah discovered about the past, the more upset she got. It made no sense to her how the world was so discriminating before. She was so used to living in a world where the LGBT was accepted and lived as part of everyday society. She grew up thinking it was normal to have gay parents and was taught to accept others difference and choices in life.

“I can’t handle this ridiculousness; it’s insane to think that people were so closed minded before. I need to plan something to celebrate how far the people of earth have come over the past 50 years, something that everyone can enjoy and that celebrates individuality.”

Aleeah planned for almost a month on what she could do to bring the people of her community together and possibly make it a worldwide event. Her best friend Jonathan came over on a Saturday evening to discuss his ideals for her extravagant Party. The even sent a letter to the prime minister which read as follows:

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

I am an 18 year old girl named Aleeah Lockheart, I am writing to inform you of this wonderful party a friend of mine and I want to throw on the 21st of December every year. It is to celebrate how open minded the world has become about the LGBT and it is also to celebrate our differences as a whole. I was going through my fathers things and noticed that a long time ago equality was a huge problem. Now we are so different and I believe we should make a special to celebrate the greatness that the world has accomplished. I do hope that you can join us and that you will consider making it a holiday for our country and convince other countries to join in.

Thank you for your time,

Aleeah Lockheart

A week later Aleeah received a telephone call from the Prime Minister.

“Hello Miss Lockheart, I’ve read your letter and I am inspired by this wonderful idea. I am in total awe with this wonderful idea of yours. I do agree that the world has come very far in the last 50 years. I am drawing up the paper work to make December 21st Pride day. I would also love to make arrangements for your family, friends and yourself to join me on that day in the capital. I am going to have a ribbon cutting celebrations and have news crews from all over the world to join us”

“Oh my gosh! That’s truly amazing, I will most definitely be there and I am so glad you accepted this. This will have such a big impact on the world! This is the most amazing thing to have ever happen to me!”

“I am glad I can be a part of this grand celebration, the 21st will be one of the most excitable holidays just like Christmas and Halloween. See you on the 21st my dear, good bye for now”

Months went by and Aleeah bought Rainbow everything for this day and even dyed her hair multicolored. Jonathan had a special shirt made that read “Pride is alive”.  

“That’s an amazing shirt! Wish I would have thought of that. I’m so excited to be in the capital tomorrow and see how many people show up for this great event that we thought up! How are you feeling now that it’s finally here?”

“I’m actually pretty excited too. I ordered thousands of these shirts so we can sell them at the event. Think it’s a good idea?”

“That’s an amazing idea! Then we can donate the money to a charity for endangered animals.”

The two friends couldn’t sleep that night, their bags were packed and when the alarm rang 5 am they knew it was time to go to the airport and catch their flight to the capital. Mr. and Mr. Lockheart were so excited that their daughter pulled together such an amazing event and even got the Prime Minister involved.

“Our daughter is so amazing; this is what she always envisioned when we spoke to her about the world having pride and a forever changed mind.”

“Father I never thought it was possible from all the cruel things I read in your yearbooks and from all the movies full of hatred. I’m glad the world has changed and learned to accept the LGBT and taken pride in the ever growing differences.”

“I am amazed by it as well darling, but we are proud that you have such passion in everything you do. Because of you the world no longer needs to hide its pride. We all get to celebrate this amazing accomplishment.”

After an hour flight, the family and friend were greeted by the Prime Minister and his entourage and escorted to Parliament Hill for the celebration. To her surprise, the whole court yard was filled and most of the streets in the city were blocked off and filled with all the wonderful people of the city and news crews.

Her vision came true and the celebration end with fireworks and a photo-shoot. She couldn’t have asked for a better First International Pride Day. Aleeah was the proudest 18 year old in the world that night. 






© 2013 BeautifulyImperfect

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Added on September 30, 2013
Last Updated on September 30, 2013



Sault Ste. Marie , Canada

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