Ars Gratia ArtisA Story by Beautifully Tragic xPoetry QueenLatin - "Art For Art's Sake" I'm gonna go crazy on the next person who thinks they know what art is, and tells me how to do poetry.I'm trying to understand why some people around here think they know what art is. I've seen so many reviews and things claiming 'you have no muse!' ...'poetry has to rhyme' ---you get the point, I'm sure you've recieved those types of reviews before.
Point is, those of you leaving those types of reviews for other writers truly do not know what art is. Poetry does not have to rhyme - it is merely an rythmic, visual expression and the perfume of someone's soul dating back to greek times and will probably continue long after you and I are no longer on this planet. To be honest, there was a time I thought poetry was dying - but I am so happy to be proven wrong.
You claim to be a serious writer ... I'm kind of borderline. Though I take my work seriously only because it is my passion and has saved me from Life's trials and tribulations through my hardest of times. While on the other hand, there are times where I write 'whiney poetry' as I call it and despise it - it makes me feel better in the end. It is not because I have 'no muse' - It is because I want to unleash whatever demon is inside my very soul. Sometimes it doesn't matter all that much to me on how it comes out. As some of you know I have mental issues, and writing is my escape - otherwise I wouldn't be writing today ... I'd be dead.
There are some mezmerizingly wonderful writers on this website that create the most beautiful works of art I've ever seen. And I mean it, and I'm lucky to have become friends with most of them. But some people also have taken their work and turned it into a popularity contest rather than something enjoyable. That shouldn't be. I quote Charles Bukowski 'So You Want To Be A Writer' when I say if you're writing for money or fame, drugs, a girlfriend or boyfriend, constantly searching for words to make it in to poetry - if it doesnt come bursting out of your soul like a rocket - don't do it. You're not a true artist, nor are you a true writer. Art cannot be rushed...I've learned that many times through my encounters with Writer's Block.
If you are using drugs - or are under the influence, do not consider yourself an artist. Clearly, you are not using your pure soul. You're using the intoxicated soul - it is not the real you it is the toxin controlling you. Sure, maybe there are drugs out there that 'influence' creativity but again this not the real and pure soul of an artist. It sickens me that there are people around here who are like that, continuing to label themselves as artists and writers. I'm sorry to inform you but you are not. And you're using the pen in senseles manor and taking advantage of it, and I do not consider that true art. It is shameful and disgraceful art.
So in conclusion, if you think you really know what art is - I honestly don't think you do - forget what you have learned in school about poetry and art and express what ever truth only you hold inside, not letting anyone else tell you otherwise. Giving honest critques and no revenge reviews is the best thing any writer can recieve - its what makes them into something better. And don't judge someone on one peice, writers have good pieces, and bad pieces. Ars gratia artis!
Art for Art's sake
© 2008 Beautifully Tragic xPoetry QueenAuthor's Note
Featured Review
13 Reviews Added on March 6, 2008 Last Updated on March 28, 2008 AuthorBeautifully Tragic xPoetry QueenPassionate kisses of a mind gone wild, NJAboutMy name is Rayne and I have been writing since high school. I took a long vacation from writing, and slowly starting to come back into it again. I admit that I am not the greatest writer, I'm just doi.. more..Writing
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