![]() Stairway to HavenA Chapter by Davey-samaAs the girls drove they saw a lot of police and ambulances about. “It’s getting worse isn’t it,” Mika sobbed. “Hey, hey. Don’t cry Mi. Everything’s going to be okay.” Mia lied to her. Keeping one hand on the wheel she held her sister's hand with the other to comfort her. But Mia knew she was right. It was progressing. The life they once knew was fading out right before their eyes. Humanity was becoming endangered. They got to the outskirts of the city without further conversation and Mia spoke. “How much further Eclair?” “I’d say about another 30 miles.” She replied. “Not too far the-” “Hey Mia, look!” Éclair gasped and pointed out the windscreen at a short slim girl. Her long blue hair blowing elegantly in the gentle wind. On her back a large instrument case. As the girl turned her head, she fixed her eyes on their van with a plain expression. In a moment her and Mia locked eyes as the van passed. Impulsively, Mia slammed her foot onto the break and they stopped just ahead of her. “Whoa Mia that was dangero-” “Sorry” Mia interrupted Eclair and jumped out the car. She and the girl stood facing each other. She’s Japanese, Mia thought. “Sumi masen, daijobu?” She asked the girl. “I can speak English you know.” The stranger replied with a grim tone. “Oh. Sorry. Why are you here?” The girl's expression stayed blank. “I have nowhere else to go,” “What about your family?” “I killed them.” Mia’s eyes widened. “Killed... Them?” “To be honest, I didn’t fancy being their dinner,” They both stood there and stared at each other which made the atmosphere awkward. S**t... I’m starting to sweat. How can she say she killed her family without even twitching or even tearing up? She looks so emotionless. Maybe it’s was so traumatising for her, it’s made her like this. Mia got lost in thought. “Is there something wrong?” The girl asked. Mia snapped back into focus to notice the girl has her face close to her. “Ah!” Mia screamed jumping backwards. “Why so close? what the hell!” The stranger frowned slightly. “Oh sorry, you looked pale so I was checking your temperature.” Her face changed.. “Oh right... Well do you want to travel with us?” “Why not.” The girl shrugged. Mia slid the Van door open for her, and helped her up since she was rather short. She got back into the driver’s seat, adjusted her rear-view mirror, and continued to drive. In the back of the van Éclair and the girl greeted, and shook hands. Then the journey for the rest of the way was silent. When they got to the beach at Alkia Harbour it was completely empty. It was perfect for them. As it was privately owned, and because Eclair’s parents were wealthy the security was tight. There were thick tall concrete walls that surrounded the beach, and an Iron Gate stood at the entrance. Not far from the house there was a small boardwalk which had a speed boat attached to it. The house only had one floor but the size of the whole building made up for it. It had 6 large rooms, a kitchen, a living room, one big Japanese styled bathroom and the last 3 were bedrooms. “Whoa!” Mia exclaimed. “I feel like I’m back in Japan!” Mia enthusiastically ran around the house looking in all the rooms. “The whole place, Japanese styled” Mika added in surprise. “Yeah, my father built it especially because he’s not used to English houses so he said when he stays he’s going to come here.” “Your father doesn’t live in England?” Mika tilted her head a little in surprise. “No, he owns a very busy business in Japan and doesn’t have time to move down here.” “Ah, I see. Where’s Mia?” “She’s gone inside with that girl.” Inside the house Mia and the girl had already dragged all the shopping bags in, and began to put them away in the kitchen. Mia kept on glancing back and forth at the girl as they stocked the cupboards. She’s so quiet, she thought. Lost in her head again, Mia reached for the last can and grabbed the girl's hand instead which startled her. She whipped her hand back and her face burned up, “err, I got to go to the bathroom” She explained as she rushed out of the room. “What was that about?” Mia said to herself. She put the last can away. “Although her expression for once wasn’t so scary. She sighed and flopped onto her back. “I didn't even catch her name.” Later on everyone sat in the living room, and the stranger was in the kitchen cooking them dinner. “Hey Mia, do you know that girls name yet?” Mika asked her. “I was hoping to catch her name when we were putting the shopping away, but she went all weird and ran out. She’s been quiet ever since” Mia sighed putting her head on the table. “I see. You should go in there and help her then.” Mia pouted. “Mi, you know I can’t cook.” “Just help her.” Her twin demanded. “Alright,” Mia huffed. She stood up in a grump. Made her way to the kitchen and then slid the door open. The girl didn’t make any motion and carried on stirring the rice. Mia pulled out a pan, filled it with water and put it on a hob. She then cracked open a can of sliced carrots and put them into the pan. “Rice and carrots should do, right?” She asked. “Yeah” Was the only response she got. “What’s your name?” The girl looked up at Mia to see her smiling at her. She quickly faced forward again and her cheeks reddened. “It’s Kurusu Yue.” “Kiriaki Mia, nice to meet you.” She reach her hand out and the girl looked at her surprised. “Let’s get on from here on out.” “Very well.” Yue shook her hand. Dinner was finished up quickly and served onto the table. They all ate together making small talk, getting to know each other. When dinner was finished, Yue and Mika washed up the bowls and plates and Éclair laid on the living room floor watching the news to see if anything had gotten worse. On the other hand, Mia was in one of the rooms which they kept the guns they hauled from her basement. She placed the bag next to the table and zipped it open. If I remember what Saito taught me I should be able to remember all of the names for each weapon. Right. She pulled out the first one and placed it onto the table. This one is a 9mm, which means we now have two. She grabs the second and puts it next to the first. Hmm. This one’s a Smith and Wesson 4’’ and the next. A P90? Saito must have taken the rest of his collection when he fucked off. After she had finished sorting the guns Mia emptied all the ammunition that she picked up onto the floor. “3 Magazines for the 9mm, 2 boxes of 24 bullets for the S-W, and 2 magazines for the P90” She muttered. Out of nowhere the door slid open which made Mia jump. “Ah, Kurusu. You startled me there.” She chuckled. Yue kept a stern look on her face as she walked up to Mia. She sat down next to her and slammed the instrument case that she always carried around on the floor in front of her. Mia watched her in amazement when she opened the case and pulled out a base for a large gun. Quickly and fluently she put the gun together, piece by piece, bolt by bolt, not making one mistake. When she was finished she pulled out a bullet which was as long as one of her fingers, she jammed it into the breach, cocked it and aimed at a wall. “No no no, wait!” Mia screamed. But it was too late, by the time she had finished her sentence Yue had already shot a hole straight through the wall. Mika and Éclair rushed into the room scared of what they might find. “What happened?” Mika demanded as she rushed over to Mia. “That... Was amazing! Kurusu, where did you get that gun?” Mia unintentionally ignored her sister. “I raided a gun shop for it” “Raided? What with?” Yue pulled her skirt up and grabbed two .45 ACP’s from holsters strapped around her thighs. “I saw the .50 cal and couldn’t help myself. When you picked me up I was actually walking away from Alkia Harbour. The weapon shop is just in the town.” Yue explained with a proud look. Mia thought back to a few hours ago when her and her sister were waiting for Éclair. Mika words played back in her head “The only way it could get even weirder is if we found a depressed little girl who carries around a gun almost her size and robs people.” Short person, big gun, robs people... It’s Yue!? “So you’re a thief?” Mia finally asked “My dad was one, I picked up things from growing up.” “Wow, that’s surprising. Mika added with Eclair nodding in agreement next to her. “So only me and you have real experience with weapons” Both Yue and Mia turned to the other two girls. “I guess you two can just stay around the house, and keep your eyes out for things. “ “Oh yeah, we’re so useful” Éclair huffed sarcastically. “Well, we're always gonna need eyes here and it's best if there was two of you just in case something happened.” Mika crossed her arms. “Now I regret not learning to shoot with you.” © 2016 Davey-samaAuthor's Note
Added on April 9, 2012 Last Updated on July 29, 2016 Author![]() Davey-samaPeterborough, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutName's Dave. Nice to meet you. I like writing. more..Writing