Skeptic Reality

Skeptic Reality

A Chapter by Davey-sama

The morning was sunny and slightly warm. Mia actually enjoyed her walk to school in the summertime, it was peaceful. The tranquil shine from the sun was the best thing about it. It gave her a glimpse of hope and happiness.

Each morning she’d carry out the same routine as though her life was on an everlasting circuit; setting her alarm for 7 the night before, turning it off as soon as it screams her awake so she can have a half an hour lay in which eventually turned into an hour. When she finally got out of bed she’d go in the bathroom, wash her hair and her face then go downstairs where breakfast would always be waiting for her; the aroma would make her stomach call out with pleasure. Following that she would take her refreshing walk to school.

As she got through the gates she was greeted by her friends Erianna; her hair tied up in a long beautiful blonde ponytail with bangs that fluttered just above her dark brown eyes. Éclair; her long brunette hair worn down who also has bangs; her eyes a lighter shade of Erianna’s, and Serah who wore her pastel pink hair in a small wavy ponytail to the left of her head with her fringe swept to her right side.

“Oh my God Mia, you actually got out of bed today?” Erianna said sarcastically.

“Hey, how is that surprising?” Mia snapped back crossing her arms.

“Well. You’re late half the time, maybe y-”

“You should be more like Mika, yeah how many times have I heard that? Just because we’re twins doesn’t mean we’re going to be the same.” She interrupted getting more irritated.

“Oh come on Mia, you know I’m just messing. You always get so riled up over it.”

“That’s because you tease me about it all the time.”

Serah giggled which focused everyone’s attention on her.

“What are you giggling at?” Mia grumbled.

“I’m sorry, it’s just so cute when you get defensive.” Serah explained slightly flustered with a sweet smile. Erianna grinned after she got the picture and threw her arm around Serah’s shoulder unexpectedly. “Is there something you need to tell Mia?” She teased.

Serah’s face grew redder and she looked down from Mia’s confused expression. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She huffed.

“Oh I see!” Éclair joined in also throwing her arm over her. “Your face is really red, shall Mia check if you have a fever?” She smirked.

“I’m perfectly fine.” Serah replied freeing herself from them.

“You are slightly red,” Mia said moving towards her. “Just in case..” She lifted Serah’s fringe out the way and pressed her forehead on hers. Serah’s red face deepened. “Huh, you don’t seem to have a temperature.”

“L-l-let’s just go to reg..” Serah suggested strolling off dazzled.

“You just made a young girl very happy.” Erianna exclaimed slapping Mia on the back.

“What did I do?”

The group of girls made their way into registration; a period which they never truly understood seeing as it was pointless but yet it came to be an enjoyable waste of time. School ended surprisingly quickly that day and as usual Mika waited by the school front for her sister. Her curly scarlet hair was always tied up in two loose pigtails which hung down the front of her shoulders as she stood elegantly; her posture so perfect.

There’s my perfect little sister, I wonder who tried to hit on her today. Mia thought to herself. “Hey sis!” As Mia called out it startled Mika; she had always been shy and delicate, the complete opposite of her identical twin.

“Oh, Mia it’s just you.” She sighed in relief.

“What’s wrong Mi? You’re acting more jumpy than usual, has something happened?”

“Well, there was this guy in my class...”

Mia’s eye began to twitch at the thought of a guy touching her fragile little sister; knowing she was too nice to reject or retaliate to anyone. “Carry on.”

“And when I walked past him he tou-“

“What’s this pervert’s name!?”  Mia exploded before she was able to finish her sentence.

“He-he’s there!” Mika pointed to a tall chubby boy. His hair was blonde and looked like it hadn’t been washed let alone brushed; wearing a scruffy and dirty uniform which made it obvious that hygiene wasn’t in his dictionary. That’s Evan Pierce. she thought to herself.  Mia’s expression changed from anger, to surprise, and then to fury. She marched over to him, before he knew it she lifted up her leg swiftly-but-relentlessly, serving him a kick under his chin that forced his tubby body to fall hard onto the solid ground. His cry gathered a nosey crowd. Mia towered over his body as it lay on the floor, his face stricken with pain and fear. “Ever go near my little sister again, I’ll do more than a little kick.” She said with a devilish tone.

The crowd murmured intensely. “Is that the famous Lightning?” A girl whispered to another.

“Yeah, she’s so cool! But scary...” Another girl replied.

“Why is her nickname ‘Lightning’?”

“Because she’s the fastest runner in school, she is so athletic.”

“Is that so?”

Mia walked away and the crowd dispersed rapidly pretending nothing happened as always.

“Mia, wasn’t that a bit too much?” Mika asked nervously.

Mia looked at her with a discouraging serious look and then grinned cheerfully. “Of course not, it’s my Job to protect my little sister.”

“Thank you,” she giggled.

“Let’s go home, Mi,”

At home Mia slouched down onto their living room sofa, automatically kicking her shoes off to rest her feet on the coffee table, too tired to care that Mika would freak about walking through the house with them on. It wasn’t often she could sit down in peace and watch what was broadcast to the world; her parents were gone so they had to keep up on household chores. Mia and Mika’s mother died when they were only six leaving them in the care of their father. A military crazed man who was seemingly brutish. Mia had always been a daddy’s girl so she got along with him well, that was up until he abandoned them just after their 17th birthday only leaving them with enough money to pay for the house and no reason why. Her love turned to hatred rapidly.

Mia switched the T.V on hoping to catch her favourite series ‘Red Dwarf’, an old series about a hopeless crew of idiots stuck in space. Their many ‘adventures’ and sarcastic insults could always leave her in stitches. Unfortunately the channel was overtaken by Alkia News where a rather large lady was speaking.

“This is an emergency broadcast. Seriously strange disappearances have been happening in Alkia City,” The woman began.

“Disappearances?” Mia said to herself, now interested she sat up

The lady continued. “Reports show that when these people disappear, they are often seen or found later, but they seem to be in an almost lifeless state. Police advise to anyone who comes across one of these ‘people’ to approach with caution as they are said to be extremely dangerous. Anyone who see’s someone in this state should immediately ring the police. The people will be sectioned in a special underground Lab. Here is one of the scientists who work with them.”

The next shot was a man stood in front of what looked like a glass cage, inside of it was another grown man pressing against the window with cannibalistic lust for the scientist. “Thank you Jenny.” He said sophisticatedly. “The government believes that these poor, innocent people have been kidnapped used for a mad experiment and then when it fails just simply abandoned on the road,” He paused for a moment. “But, I believe they are wrong.” The man suddenly got a crazed look on his face and then began to scream. “They’re all wrong! We’re all going to die! This is the end of the world!” On the screen police seized and tried to drag the scientist away but that didn’t stop his preaching “The living dead! We’re all goi-”

Mia turned the T.V off quickly, her face had turned pale. “It’s probably just some sick joke... Right?” She reassured herself.

Mika sat at her desk engrossed in her studying. There was a reason she was a straight A student, she would study 4 hours a night on all subjects being taken. Only then could she enjoy her free time leisurely. A knock on the door didn’t break her concentration. “Come in.” She said still scribbling eagerly in her subject books. Mia opened the door and without a word wrapped her arms around Mika from behind.

“Mia I’m trying to study.” Mika groaned

“Mi-chan, Aishiteru. Sore o oboete oite kudasai.*” (*Mi-chan, I love you. Please remember that.) Mika stopped writing and stayed quiet. “What’s wrong Mi?”

“Nani mo arimasen. Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu.**” (**Nothing. I love you too.) Mika turned her head towards her sister. “What’s brought this on?”

“Well it’s not often we have sentimental moments.”

“We’re Japanese. Families never express their love through words.”

“But we’re in England now. They throw about their words carelessly.”

“Yes, Western culture is a mystery.” Mika flicked Mia’s forehead.

“Ouch” She exclaimed jumping backward holding her forehead. “What was that for?”

She pouted. “You’re disturbing my study time.”

“Fine fine. Don’t burn out okay. Good night.” Mia left the room and Mika tried to go back to her studying though she lost her motivation. With a deep sigh she dropped her head onto the desk. “What’s with her? I can’t concentrate now.”

Morning came, Mika was already up and ready for school. Early mornings were natural for her. Being student council vice president it was a part of her duty to be at school for half seven to help the president with paperwork and organizing student body activities. Mika tossed the eggs she was cooking in the pan, scrambled and placed them onto a plate. After doing so she pulled a tray of bacon and sausages out of the oven and put them on the plate as well. Continuing to serve up Mia’s breakfast thoughts ran through her mind. I don’t get why Mia love’s English breakfast so much. It’s so unhealthy. Why can’t she let me do her a simple Japanese dish? We are Japanese, we should eat our own food right? Mika packed her small bento box into her bag. Thinking about that reminded me of something. She was acting rather strange last night. It was weird her saying she loved me before we went to sleep, she never does that. A small bang startled her. “Ah, Mia!”

Mia was stood in the kitchen doorway supporting herself on the sturdy white frame. Underneath her usually bright green eyes were dark bags indicating she hadn’t slept properly. “Mika...” She mumbled fatigued.

“What’s wrong? Why are you up so early?” She replied worried and hurrying over to her.


“Huh? Is that it?” The confused face on Mika changed and she giggled. “Well, your breakfast is here.”

“Ah! Really?” The thought of consuming food made Mia lively again, she sat down quickly at the table.

Her twin smiled “Yes, it’s the usual.”

“Oh, Mi you’re the best! Thank you for the food!” Mia devoured her breakfast and as usual started on her seconds. How does she eat so much and stay thin... Mika thought to herself.

When school started, as usual Mia was greeted by her friends. But something was wrong. Éclair’s usually well presented uniform, looked as if it had been rushed. Her usually beautiful long brunette hair hadn’t been treated to either. It was the same with Erianna, her bright red uniform was messy and creased. Her blonde hair was rushed into a scruffy ponytail and her blue eyes had large bags underneath them.

“Hey guys. Why so depressed?” Mia said cheerfully trying to lighten the atmosphere. They both looked up at her with melancholic expressions on their faces. Without warning Erianna erupted with tears and cries for Serah.

“Ah, Eri!” Mia exclaimed hugging her tightly.

“Serah has disappeared.” Éclair explained. A cold shiver ran down both the twins’ spines, and they both felt their hearts sink like a rock thrown into the ocean; Mia fought the tears bravely whereas Mika began to shake.

“Disappeared?” Mia asked. All she could think of as they explained, was the report she watched yesterday.

The rest of the day at school was gloomy; everyone was silent because they were thinking deeply about Serah. Speaking of memories and good times they shared with the bubbly girl; desperately hoping nothing bad had happened to her. Erianna’s heart ached, her eyes throbbed from crying. She had grown up with Serah. They did everything together; dragged each other through hell and back. To her, they were sisters. Now a part of her was gone.

At the end of the day Mia dazzled everyone with her seemingly ‘brilliant’ plan, yet as always lacked the intellect to explain it thoroughly. “Okay, has everyone got the plan?” Mia asked.

“Err, we’re all going to walk each other home?” Éclair asked puzzled.


“Question” Erianna said raising her hand.

“Yes Eri?”

“How are we going to walk each other home?”

Mika cleared her throat “Mia, if you don’t mind, I’ll explain correctly this time. What Mia is trying to say is that if we walk in a group it will be safer. Me and Mia will be the last ones to walk home since we live in the same house and there are two of us. So we’ll go to the furthest house which is yours Erianna, then we’ll go to Éclair’s house, and then back to ours. Do you understand now?”

“Yes,” They both replied.

Mia dawdled behind them aimlessly as everyone ahead chattered to each other. Something didn’t feel right. Next to a bush there was a small pool of thick red liquid. Mia knelt down and dipped her finger. Cautious, she sniffed it. Blood? It’s congealed too. She thought to herself. But why is there congealed blood here? That only happens after death. She stood up observing the foliage carefully when something shiny caught her eye. Curious, she reached in and pulled out a 9mm handgun which had been home-modded with an extended mag. Her eyes widened in shock. What!? Why was this in a bu- “Oi, Mia, what are you doing?” Éclair called. Startled, Mia instinctively hid the gun behind her back.

“No-n-nothing.” She called back.

“Well hurry up”

Mia tucked the gun on the inside pocket of her blazer and caught up to them but still trailed behind. She checked that no one was watching and carefully pulled the handgun out of her blazer. Knowingly she pressed the release catch. The magazine fell into her hand then one by one she took the bullets out of it to count them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I guess there’s only eight left. I wonder what happened... She put the bullets back in, re-attached the magazine than placed it back into her blazer.

© 2016 Davey-sama

Author's Note

please let me know of any mistakes guys ^^
Edit: Fixed a few mistakes, now translates the small bit of Japanese.

My Review

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Hmm, I have just skimmed it myself, interesting plot, honestly just hard to hard since it's all wordy together honest I like to leave a space between each paragraph but that just a personal option!
Other than that selfish thing, its good, and I am looking forward to what happens next~

Posted 6 Years Ago

It's good. I like the way you phrase things, it's fresh and unique. I skimmed through it at times though; you need to cut out some unnecessary words. However, I did enjoy it and I hope you keep writing! The more you write, the better you'll get. :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 8, 2012
Last Updated on October 27, 2016
Tags: Zombie, Super-Natural



Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Name's Dave. Nice to meet you. I like writing. more..

Dead Debut Dead Debut

A Chapter by Davey-sama