What makes someone special? There are over seven billion people on this world. I have removed religion and other social fabrication from my life and so when I write this is the personality, voice, and opinion it is from. That being said, I am merely 1/7 billionth of this group known as man. Man’s only difference from anything else is the world is that we can communicate with each other. And for the more advanced in our communicable species understand thought and process ideas. And hence evolve. But back to the topic at hand. Being such a small percentage of such a vast and impressive fraction-what truly separates one person from another? And as of lately my answer to this question has been nothing at its simplest. Everyone deep down tries to strive to make an impact on the world. But billion people who are all the same in flesh are separated by free will and free thinking. Those that are allowed that are special. The great thing about their specialness is that it truly is available to everyone. The only requirement is to open your ears as well as your mind to openness. Listen to what others have to say in order to understand all people start the same. From there through their life they have changed. Everyone develops and learns. So if you realize that everyone has a story and that anyone’s story could have been any other persons story. But each person has chosen their own story. Okay I know that sounded crazy. It could be. However, let me explain. Think of a movie or television program. They are made up of scripts that tell a story. The story is made up of scenes that are memorable, exciting, or important. Our own lives when looked back on are much like movies. Old memories, brought back in our minds, hours or years of happy or sad memories in a present moments reflection to the past. That’s why movies work so well. A movie is nothing more than a handful of memory blips from a persons story. Given those exact circumstances for the most part these stories can be true. And if not in some degree our own lives are the same way. Made up of these significant moments or choices that determine our path for any given time. The people who understand that are now more successful than those who don’t. Yet still, the door is open for anyone, so if we are now but millionth or hundred thousandth of “special” people which so far allow anyone to be special as long as they still have open ears and minds that work- how special are we? Ok. I want to be more special than everybody who understand life is a story made up of significant choices which are our memories. Well the simplest answer to that is to make our choices good ones. I once remember sitting in my youth mens’, Bible, study meeting are hearing the term and good and thinking who the f**k wants to be good. Sounds so ordinary. Good…who isn’t or can’t be good ? With a lifetime of good and bad decisions under my belt…good is more than enough and more than most can hope for. But what we can do is accept who we are. I know I am good and evil. I contain both light and dark. The simplest most over used yet all encompassing phrases of truth. If you can accept that you’re special. Again, anyone can be special? Weak criteria for being special. Know that any person is as we are, all the same in flesh, communicable and have the power of thought, made up of our own choices based our situation and circumstance, all people are capable of good and bad and all people do good and bad,. So how do we become more special than the people who understand that? Now for the cutting the point. If you truly believe this yourself and can take an honest look at your life in all it’s moments and in your present state. Now label one’s own life good or bad. That is your current assessment for good or bad at this current moment in time. Now if done quickly like I did the first time. Search your memory for significant memories and label them good or bad and why. Through this I learned that what was good or bad for others wasn’t necessarily good or bad in my opinion. And how did you come to define good? I defined good as doing more help than harm to myself and to the world. Maybe a coin flip or a gut reaction but all are based off my own life and learning. Then I realized everyone is different. So if you can agree to that, you’re more special than those who don’t. You just agreed that everyone is different?
I thought everyone is the same? (side note…people who are learning disabled are special and beautiful but because of their lack of communicable ability in advanced forms of expression, more than a beautiful smile or hug leaves them excluded from this, but I still think they are special. I feel that much of my depression or unhappy feelings can be related to being misunderstood or lack of communication between myself and others. O they torture of being trapped in ones own mind…like so many are, whether from birth like mental retardation or the stigmas they allow on free thought. But either way you both have the potential. And the one with a biological handicap gets the benefit of the doubt…cause I’m a glass half full kinda guy ). A healthy body and mind are the same at the beginning. Then from birth on it’s a crap shoot. Nature which is full of situation and circumstance, the stuff the rest of us call the s**t that happens in our life, creates choices for our intelligent and able bodies. Cause and effect the whole process alters our brain. The unexplainable in the world is ourself. No one can ever understand you but you. We find like thing and surround ourselves with likes or pleasant dislikes. We call them friends and family. You may disagree and want to believe it’s more than that…write me and tell me about it but this is my story so if you can understand what I’m saying you’re special. Now all inherently the same have changed and altered in billionth of a fractions but all are separated from each other, yet that common bond reunites us all. Odd conundrum. But if you can accept all that you are more special than those who can’t….