For those who know my work, see I don't have to rhyme I just like tooooooo :~)
Fan the flames of my own internal hell And from my very ashes shall arise A black and twisted scar covered soul Void of conscious responsibility to morals Death liberated of human guilt's and virtues Expelled into the fragile plane of man Thrash in pain the torture of a diseased mind To cringe in fear the touch of a pure thought Bleed forth a shadow from the darkest heart And glut from the feast of honest souls Made corrupt by its foul presence Vulnerable only the resurrection of flesh And the sharp sword of good deeds Bear
I leave most punctuation to the reader that they can read the poem in their own meter, mood and motility. I thank you for taking the time to read my work.
My Review
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Very evil sounding. But clear has a clear and powerful word choice. Well done.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
The power to do good is only as strong as the potential to do evil one is possible of. I fan my flam.. read moreThe power to do good is only as strong as the potential to do evil one is possible of. I fan my flames and set my soul ablaze only to freeze the flames in all their splendor as red, orange and yellow ice cycles. Knowing I could do such evil but have to will power to defy the urge gives me hope and the desire to reach out to others. It is nice to have you back in the 101, I give you welcome my friend :~)
8 Years Ago
Thank you Bear, I appreciate the welcoming. It does feel good to be back. Writing is fun. And indeed.. read moreThank you Bear, I appreciate the welcoming. It does feel good to be back. Writing is fun. And indeed it is, good and evil exist in everyone, meaning that it is just a flip of a switch away from being activated.
WOW...this is powerful, Bear.
So many lines I loved...but perhaps this is my favorite:
Bleed forth a shadow from the darkest heart
It is so vivid.
Great job with this.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you, this is the darkest poem I have ever written and it was part of a writing challenge for t.. read moreThank you, this is the darkest poem I have ever written and it was part of a writing challenge for the old poetry circle back in the 90's. I have been thinking of trying to write another poem on the topic just to see how much darkness I have acquired since I wrote this one 25 years :~)
Now I get why you leave most punctuation to the reader. This is very wise. We read and re read and get nearer to the soul of the poem within our abilities.
Very powerful presentation giving us vivid images in every verse. My little mind was looking for some kind of preposition after the word vulnerable, to get more clarity.
The darker side of one' s hidden self, it's scary form and ugly presence all come out very well in this well crafted work of yours. Kudos to your poetry!
Thanks for sharing . Keep writing
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Right you are, in truth everyone can relate to every poem if you leave out the directions that are n.. read moreRight you are, in truth everyone can relate to every poem if you leave out the directions that are not necessary. A love poem can be viewed sarcastically and appeal even to haters if read right and the lack of punctuation makes it easier to read to suites each individual reader. Now the line "Vulnerable only the resurrection of flesh" was meant to be a witty reference to both Christ and being reborn regardless of faith :~)
Very beautifully structured dark piece and I love it!!!
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you, if I remember correctly I wrote this for one of the writing challenges for the old Poetry.. read moreThank you, if I remember correctly I wrote this for one of the writing challenges for the old Poetry Circle. Once a week a picture was posted and everyone it the group was invited to write a poem for it and we then met in the old virtual places chat program on Friday nights to read and discuss them as a group. It was always a great writing exercise as well as fun to see how differently the same image was viewed by others :~)
i love this work! it is pure and has a truthful feel to it. it is a very nice the whole thing you could most like write a whole story out of it that how good it is. thanks for sharing it with us!
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you, my story writing days are behind me, poetry is my hobby and best friend as well as a grea.. read moreThank you, my story writing days are behind me, poetry is my hobby and best friend as well as a great way of expressing myself. I will gladly return the read and review favor soon :~)
I'm not usually into this kind of poetry, but in today's world, it seems to be very fitting. This seems to describe the curse that's come over our planet, the way so many are being killed & killing themselves & just living quiet hopeless lives, not to mention the extermination of so much natural beauty & species that will never grace the earth again. In short, I usually don't like such bleakness in a poem, but this poem sounds exactly as bleak as the world has been feeling in recent weeks & months.
So dark, so well written, and so amazing. I don't think that I have to write much more, your poem pretty much speaks for itself. Love it!
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words, we can't truly understand the light of life without an understanding .. read moreThank you for your kind words, we can't truly understand the light of life without an understanding of the darkness of life as well :~)
The way you portrayed hell was just amazing. The detail and imagery is superb. Your poem this time gave me something to shoot for when I make my next dark poem. Bearly anyone I've seen so far online has shown me what hell looks like. Whether that's good or bad I'm still not sure. lol
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you, I love dark poetry because how can you really understand things like love and the happier.. read moreThank you, I love dark poetry because how can you really understand things like love and the happier side of life if you have no understanding of the underbelly and painful side of life? :~)