Werewolves of Manhattan Hate the Brits

Werewolves of Manhattan Hate the Brits

A Story by Bea Batts

A book about vampires, werewolves and a whole lot more of magical madness.


1. The New Thing In Town.
Portals. Possibly the most brilliant and most uncomfortable way to travel. I mean sure it's useful to be able to cross borders and jump oceans in one single step but my God it was painful. First your ears pop and not even swallowing can fix them, then there is the pressure, building up around you, squashing you like tonnes of water. Your head spins and you can't tell up from down left from right and then when it stops you are spat out and left reeling with spots in your vision and ears ringing.
"I will never get used to that," I gasped, one hand rubbed at my eyes whilst the other I stretched out to help with my balance. I probably looked like a drunk from the way I was staggering and looking around with wide blinking eyes with my jaw moving up and down trying to pop my ears back.
"Stop complaining," my travel companion was not effected - he never was - and was standing a little ahead of me, completely unruffled and cool. Well, I guess other people would only see one of him, right now I was trying to figure out which was the real Cosmo. His voice was mild and he barely glanced my in my direction.
"I wasn't complaining," I grumbled, as the other two Cosmo's came together to create the real thing, I stumbled over to him. "I was merely saying that they are unpleasant and once in a while I'd like to try travelling by car."
"A car would be too slow," he told me mildly as he picked at his nails, "plus, they would not have got us across the Atlantic."
"A plane, then," I snapped back. "I hear they have television and free meals." Of the two of us I had the temper and he had the charm. He also had the looks and manners and style and magic, I liked to think that I had the brains, but who was I kidding. Cosmo was a Warlock, he'd been around two thousand years and didn't look a day over twenty. He had long black hair which he kept tied back in a loose knot, he preferred to wear black jeans, black tops - mostly tight ones, and then his own smart jacket. He had unnerving golden eyes and a lazy smile, he was probably Greek, if I asked about his background he'd just smile, look away into the distance and say, ah, the good old days.
Of course that hurt me, I often thought that he was lucky to have me, his dishevelled cynical sidekick, Marietta Kingdom. He'd picked me up a year ago after I'd - successfully I might add - pick pocketed him on the streets of London. Straight away he'd noticed some potential, so he tracked me down and offered to let me travel with him, I was basically free so long as I did a few jobs for him. I'd leapt at the offer, and it wasn't as though I'd had anything else to stay for; my messy apartment that I shared with a foul smelling goblin and a devious Fairy was not somewhere I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I have no family, I was abandoned when I was a baby on the steps of Charing Cross hospital, and I ran away from all my foster homes, I even gave myself my own name. Marietta, for the Bitterly wanted child, and Kingdom just because. At sixteen I was doing quite well, I'd been to Paris, Madrid, Rome, Vienna, Venice - practically all over Europe.
And here we were, in another street, in another city, in another country.
"What do you think to New York then?" Cosmo asked, throwing his arms out wide in a theatrical gesture. "Isn't she beautiful? The Big Apple," He sighed blissfully.
"I can't see an apple," other than the half eaten one rotting on the floor beside the over flowing dustbin. I took in the bustle at the end of the alley, the yellow taxis, the traffic, the honking of horns and the streams of people, all in a rush to get somewhere. All those pockets... now that was overwhelming, almost as overwhelming as the ridiculously high buildings - skyscrapers. It was almost as bad as being in London again, I was suddenly homesick for Venice, with the ancient buildings, the rivers, the sun and the tranquillity.
Gone, just by stepping through a god awful magical doorway. Cosmo gave a pained sigh but otherwise ignored my snarky comment and walked down the alley to the crowd. I followed with a scowl on my face, pulling my leather jacket tightly around me I kept a close eye on him, not wanting to lose him in the throngs of people. I could hardly stay unhappy for long, once I was pushing my way through the crowds I was happy as Larry, whoever Larry was, I bumped into a few people but the bruises on my shoulders were nothing when compared to my full hands as they came out of pockets and handbags; purses, change, jewellery, were soon in my own hands.
It was a gift, I only had to touch someone to have their valuables in my fingers. I was like a magpie, show me something shiny and it was mine. Except, having a good eye and sticky fingers wasn't the only reason Cosmo wanted me around, I just had to look at someone to know what they had on them.
Like that man in the pinstripe suit walking directly towards me, phone glued to his ear and his face scrunched up in concentration. Left inside pocket, two pens - ball point, black and blue - right hand outside pocket, a to-do list. Very boring. In his trouser pockets, fifty dollars and three twenty cent coins. And as he brushed past me my fingers slipped in and brought that money out.
Like I said, a gift.
And soon my khaki short pockets were overflowing with American bills, bracelets, a few watches and even an iPod. Cosmo and I had a deal, I'd help him and I get to keep the stuff I pocketed that he didn't need. And as he wasn't lacking in money or jewellery, he didn't need anything I got from walking two hundred yards in busy New York. Finally we crossed into a less busy street and sat on a bench, Cosmo leaning back so his head tilted up to catch the afternoon sun, or what was showing of it. Horrible grey clouds covered the sky, two hundred years worth of chemicals and smoke destroying the atmosphere. What a lovely image.
"You know the plan don't you?" Cosmo asked mildly, his eyes still shut so he missed my own eye roll.
"Go around every supernatural bar, asking around for someone who knows you, getting kicked out of said bars," - literally - "and told never to come back and getting verbally abused for ever mentioning your name. Yeah. I know the plan. Same old, same old." My voice was sardonic as usual so he didn't turn to look at me. He had learnt pretty quickly that I was a very sarcastic person, very British, he'd told me when I had first mocked him.
I knew the plan, it had been the same for the past year as we travelled from city to city, visiting every bar where the paranormal liked to get smashed. Cosmo was looking for someone, someone who had stolen something from him, the only person who could steal from him and get away with it carried a six point demon's trap around their neck, that's where I came in. Demon's traps aren't for showing, so only I would know if they had one. Since a lot of people have them, or so I've found out, its quite hard to single this fellow out. And since Cosmo didn't have the best reputation it was the worst of blasphemes to even utter his name, hence me getting thrown physically out of quite a few bars.
"As soon as we find him," Cosmo said pensively, "I'll finally retire and find some hideaway villa on the hills of Italy overlooking the blue sea, maybe own a vineyard..." And whilst that all sounded very nice I wondered what in hell I would do. I couldn't be a pickpocket all my life, even if in ten minutes I had acquired one hundred and fifty seven dollars, three Rolexes (one fake), a silver Links bracelet and a very suave iPod touch. Neat.
"This is too easy it's just no fun anymore," I lamented, looking mournfully at my hands, one had a fresh bandage around it - results of a recent bar fight in Venice Undergrounds. That was how it was, me doing the dirty work, often getting cuts and bruises for my pains, whilst Cosmo get's manicures, drinks expensive coffee and eats croissants.
"It's not easy!" Cosmo snapped, furious, "do you have any idea how hard it is to find this man! If he didn't wear that damn charm I could have used my magic to find him long ago, but no, I have to resort to a grouchy child with no manners."
"I wasn't talking about that," I told him, my voice unusually mild, "but nice to know where you're at. I'll be sure not to sulk anymore, at least not whilst you're around, if it annoys you so much." I wasn't hurt by his outburst; he was often angry that he could not use his magic to get a simple job done. And I already knew I complained, and I also knew that it annoyed the hell out of him, that's why I do it. I am so evil sometimes.
"Oh," he looked down at my hands before looking up at the sky again, his feline face seemed to glitter in the sunlight and I noticed a group of girls stop to admire him, before checking me out. I probably looked a mess beside him. With my tattered gladiator shoes, my ripped khaki shorts, my tattered polo neck, my old leather jacket with its rips and patches, and an old rucksack at my feet, I was looking particularly unkempt. But I wasn't a complete hobo. I was tall with a full figure and a chest any girl would be jealous of, my face was not narrow or sharp like those supermodels but ample - not chubby. I had Angelina Jolie lips, soft cheek bones and thickly framed green eyes. My bronze curling hair fell more to the right hand side, easily over my shoulder, and half hid my face, and as Cosmo said, if I tried, I could enchant any man with my looks, maybe even a woman. An old man in Venice had compared me to the Goddess Venus, who was painted on the domed ceiling of the local cathedral stark naked with long tresses of gold hair only just covering her lady parts - another reason why I wanted to stay in Venice; where real women were accepted, not those stork like stick people. So I didn't really care what those fake pucker lipped girls thought about me, not when I already knew what I looked like. Being called Venus sort of makes insults a lot hollower.
"I mean, if people just tried to at least protect their loot," I carried on, after glaring at the girls until they turned awkwardly away, "then that might make it a bit trickier, even zips are getting boring."
"Maybe you should rob a bank," Cosmo suggested, "that would be a lot more challenging, I'm sure." I pursed my lips thoughtfully, that would be interesting, I'd have to think about that one... He looked down at me and added hastily, "that was a joke, Marietta."
I was quick to reassure him that I knew that and I'd never even consider it, although there was something alluring about bank robbers, I'd always had respect for them...
Cosmo took a Rolex from me and checked the time before standing up and strapping it to his wrist, "time to get started." He strode down the street to an even more isolated part, shadows emerging in the alleys, whispers in the gloom and shifty, wary looks from the occasional passer by marked the time of the day when the monsters came out to play.
There were plenty of monsters, anywhere you went, in a café, in a shop, there was bound to be some sort of paranormal creature buying crisps and coke like you were, maybe even serving you at the till. It was a strange thing to know that the very stuff of legends were part of our everyday life. They could probably be sat next to you in the cinema as you watch a horror film that is actually about them. Had I not been brought up in that world from a young age I would have been downright terrified. As it was I still found it odd to look across the check out and find the person serving me has horns.
He finally came to a stop and promised to wait outside, just in case things got rough - not that he'd actually come inside. 'I've got your back' is meant to strengthen my morale, but when I knew I was going into a dodgy and possibly life threatening environment my morale was pretty much non-existent. Instead I was resigned. No doubt this would end with blood spilt, anymore than a pint and I might consider quitting.
But, call me mad, though this was not the safest job to have I didn't want to leave it, because honestly, I had never had so much excitement in my life. If I could go back I would not change a thing, even after I've lost count of how many windows I have been tossed through, how many bones I have broken, mine and other peoples, and how many bar fights I have been in, no force in heaven would make me change anything.
So with a pained smile at Cosmo I crossed the small road and pushed through the door of A Wolf's Whistle, the distant familiar sounds of a busy city were lost to the even more appallingly familiar sounds of a buzzing bar. Cosmo had already given me the facts of almost every bar in New York, so I knew that Wolf's Whistle was a bar really for Werewolves, although any other underworlder was welcome enough. Underworlders being warlocks, nymphs etcetera - but no vampires. Werewolves and vampires were long-standing enemies and wouldn't be seen dead together - unless one had killed the other first. So seeing a girl coming in alone was not unusual, I could have been any old demon, maybe even a witch, but as always I attracted attention. My aura was different to any other magical creature, I was noticeably human, I had magic - my little tricks and a few others - and then my aura also had a trace of something not quite human or magical. People never knew what to make of me, so I generally catch a few peoples interest. Which surprisingly was what I didn't need.
I could tell what every person was, another gift. The majority were Werewolves, which crossed them off my list; they would never carry a devil's trap. Their animal eyes watched me curiously as I slipped through the chairs and up to the bar. The bar keep was also a werewolf, I guessed this was where the local pack came for a little hair of the dog. Ha, ironic that.
I ordered a shot, age, I knew, did not apply in these places, and looked around subtly. As always everyone carried a knife, sometimes even more than one, no one, unsurprisingly, carried silver - not in a werewolf's tavern. Eyes slid away from mine as I looked over everyone, except for one guy, he would only have been twenty at least, with scruffy brown hair, tanned skin darkened by the low lights of the room, and his eyes a mysterious obsidian as he looked at me with open interest. He wore a white shirt and loose jeans, looking oddly out of place with the baggy clothed punters around him. And I didn't miss the tension around him, the wary untrusting looks, but what he was? I found he was something oddly unfamiliar, I would have to ask Cosmo. Before I got too curious about him I carried on looking around, no one had a damn Devil's Trap charm. I downed the shot and paid up, I was instructed to spend the whole night in a bar until someone with the damn charm arrived so I sat down and ordered a beer this time.
"You English?" The bar keep asked curiously, a scar deforming his left cheek and giving him a squint and permanent snarl.
"Yeah, came over today," I paid him for the pint he put in front of me, "been sightseeing all day; I needed somewhere to rest up for a bit. I'll probably be a disgrace when I leave, when that happens expect me to just hand over all my money." I lifted my drink up to him in a toast, "I'll be too far gone to count it." And I couldn't help but tell just how sad it was that I was so at home in a bar. The bar keep shook his head and walked away from me to serve the lad, I couldn't help but notice how he almost slammed the glass down in front of him and the way the boy smirked ever so slightly and ever so cockily.
After ten minutes I was starting to get bored, I was studiously ignoring the smelly old man who was trying to engage in conversation with me. He was leaning heavily on the bar, incapable of standing on his own two feet and slurring heavily over his whisky.
"You know," Jonesy pointed at me with a crooked finger, "you look awful familiar, have we met before?"
"My God, you'd think I'd remember the smell if we had," I finally snapped impatiently. And instantly regretted it if the sly look in his eyes was any inclination that I had made a mistake.
"Aye," he said loudly, suddenly outraged, "Streets of London - you filched an invaluable trinket of mine. I remember very clearly, I was sat in a bar just like this and you had the arrogance to nick it right out from under me nose!" His slur was suddenly gone and I could hear his slight cockney accent. I winced, I didn't recognize him but I wouldn't put it past me.
"You made it pretty easy," I muttered, suddenly wary of the ears listening in, "if you were as drunk as you were now even the most obvious fool would have been able to steal it."
"I want it back," he snarled, suddenly sober and ferocious, I was not meant to make a scene - not yet anyway, but if he threatened me any more than I would probably have to. I saw the bar keep come forward, a stern expression on his face, but Jonesy was already reaching for a knife. Which wasn't there.
I held up his old rusted blade, the wooden handle worn from years of handling, and saw the confusion clear in his face. But then he started spluttering in anger and he reached for me, but years of self defence learnt from the streets kicked in and I grabbed his arm, twisted it quickly behind his back and had him bent over, his cheek pressed uncomfortably on the bar. With my other hand I raised the knife and quickly brought it down. It went through his coat collar and kept him pinned by his neck. He let out a string of impressive curses whilst the other spectators laughed rowdily at seeing a grown man ridiculed by a girl like myself. I twisted his arm a bit and his curses turned more colourful at the pain,
"Leave me be," I told him calmly, "and I'll leave your shoulder in it's socket." He swore again so I twisted more. Only logical.
"Alright, alright," he gasped, and I loosened my hold, cautiously, he made no move to fight, he didn't even curse. So I let him go and stood back as he pulled out his knife and pocketed it, "I only wanted me coin back. Roman, you know." He rubbed his shoulder and drank the last of his whisky and started to stumble out.
"Oi, Jonesy," I called him back and flicked something at him. Even half drunk he had good reflexes and caught it in his wrinkled hand. He looked at it blankly before an expression of such elation passed across his face and he went out the bar whistling, his roman coin clenched tightly in his hand. So I did have a decent bone in me, take that Cosmo. The barman looked gave me a stern look as I sat back down,
"There will be no thieving in my Bar," he rumbled and I looked at him innocently.
"The thought never crossed my mind," although it had, everyone knew that because they'd all witnessed me with Jonesy's own knife. I didn't know whether to be amused or hurt when people near me began to check their pockets.

2. A Name To Cause Hell.
"You kept the coin?" A voice asked, amused, beside me, and I turned to find the Cocky lad beside me. He was surprisingly taller than me and looked down at me with interest.
I shrugged and turned away, "it was a lucky penny."
Which was true, after thieving that penny I had then managed to get through the night unhindered and the next day I met Cosmo. I'd kept it with me since and I figured that Jonesy had needed it more than I did.
"It obviously didn't work for him if it led to him being robbed," he leant against the bar and asked for two more beers.
"His luck could change," I murmured after thanking him and the bar keep, not missing again his hostility towards the boy. Except there was nothing threatening about the boy other than his muscles. He had no weapons, only money in his pockets. Either he was very confident in his skills or he was very dumb.
"I'm Lucas," he held out a hand but I was distracted by someone who had entered the bar. A man with a devil's trap hanging from a chain and hidden beneath his clothes. He was tall but hunched over slightly, a leather coat hanging from his lanky frame. Like always the Devil's trap hid what he was from my senses but though he looked unthreatening I knew I should not underestimate him. I hoped this was the guy, like I always hoped.
"Nice to meet you," I said distractedly, ignoring the hand and walking over to the man as he sat down at a far table, thankfully alone. I sat down opposite the man and he looked at me sharply.
"What?" He snapped in a nasally voice, close up he looked appalling. He had a crooked nose, a pencil moustache looking like it had been drawn on by a marker pen and his black greasy hair was slicked back, leaving his face pinched and pale.
"I'm curious to know something," I asked, tilting my head to the side, smiling slightly at him, enchantingly I hoped. He looked wary and he licked his thin lips, his blue eyes darting from my chest back up to my eyes.
"Have you ever been to Ireland?" That being the place where Cosmo had been robbed. I was rewarded by the man stiffening and his eyes shadowed.
"Why?" He licked his lips again, nervously as he looked around, looking for someone, then he glanced back at me, obviously relieved that I was alone.
"I was just wondering if you met someone," I answered, completely innocent, "A friend of a friend."
"Who?" he was still and I couldn't help but think how pathetic he looked, greasy, slimy disgusting... there was no way he could have robbed someone like Cosmo but I had to be wary. I knew making assumptions on looks would lead to my downfall one day.
"Some Warlock, Corny... Comet... Cosmic," I pursed my lips and sighed with fake impatience, "its on the tip of my tongue." But from the way he was shaking I had already hit a mark, "that's the one, Cosmo!" I said it loudly, like I always did, as though ignorant of its meaning. And the ensuing hush was just as I had expected. Chatter stopped instantly, drinks froze in midair and the man had stood up so quickly his stool fell over. "Did you know him?" I asked curiously, as though oblivious to the tension around me.
"Definitely not," he spat out, his face half fearful half angry, as though he was angry at being found - I would be too. I had been when Cosmo had first found me.
"Yep, Cosmo has that effect on people," I told him sympathetically. I stretched and stood up, "He'll be awfully pleased to know I found you. He's been desperate to get in touch." I turned and saw that almost all the werewolves were up and looking at me, daggers in their eyes. The bar keep stood behind the bar, his hands white from clenching the side so tightly.
"There'll be none of that talk in here, girl," he rumbled, his face transformed. Like I said, Cosmo had that effect, he had been around two thousand years so it wasn't surprising that he'd made himself enemies everywhere. "Now should I ask politely for you to leave or will you cause trouble?"
I blinked wide eyes at him, genuinely shocked, "you're actually giving me a choice?" They say there's a first for everything. But before he could respond the lanky guy had roared and chucked himself across the table at me, only to be stopped by Lucas, who had miraculously appeared, and chucked him effortlessly back across the table.
He turned and grinned at my incredulous face, "I've been hankering for a fight all day." That got a startled laugh out of me and I turned back to the outraged expressions of the punters. "Bet you wish you'd kept that lucky coin right about now, huh?" he murmured into my ear and I sighed,
"Honestly, it never did me any good anywhere else so I guess my luck has never really changed."
"You mean this happens a lot?" Lucas actually looked away from the tightening mass and turned his eyes onto me.
"You have no idea," I gave another sigh and tensed as someone finally made a move and lunged for us, wanting to take down Lucas first. Typical sexist pigs, surely I didn't appear so girly that it looked like I couldn't throw a punch. But then a broad female werewolf lunged at me, so I guess the catfight - even if she was a dog - stayed separate from the big boy's fight. I dodged lightly from her swinging fists, trying to dance towards the door, or at least the window. Her face was scrunched up in an unattractive snarl as each fist skimmed past me. Though I had to admit she looked like she could pack one hellova punch.
"You know," I reasoned as I dipped under her fist, "you could just let me go, I really don't want to fight."
"No," she snarled, in agreement? "But I want to fight." And she did a roundhouse kick in my direction.
A thrashing body landed behind me and I jumped backwards over it just as her foot kicked into the air where my face had been and a bottle smashed on the wall beside me after flying a breaths width in front of my eyes. Another skimmed the air and only just missed my torso as I continued to duck and dart.
It was my other gift kicking in, my ability to shirk flying objects, it had kicked in a few months back when flying bottles and daggers had become a constant in my life. Now it was natural for them to miss me by millimetres when they could have done permanent damage. So when the bar keep came out from behind the bar with a baseball bat I was in no way concerned. She pushed me back with her lethal punches towards the waiting bar keep, his muscles flexing as he braced the bat. When I was cornered, then I was concerned and was torn between letting myself fall to the crazy lady or the mad sports extremist.
But then I slipped on some spilled beer and landed on the floor, looking up to see the bat swing over where I had been and crack into the lady's ribs. I winced at the noise and she crumpled to the floor, not before I had a good look of her snarling face gasping like a fish out of water. Nice. I rolled over, grabbed the bar keeps legs and pulled them from beneath him, he went down heavily, like they do in those exaggerated comedies, and I was up and running out the door as he tried to get back up.
Outside I skidded to a stop beside Cosmo, he was leaning on the wall opposite the bar and looked at me, waiting with a patient expression.
"Well?" He didn't sound hopeful, "any luck?"
I bent over to get my breath back but looked up at him and grinned, then we both turned back as there was an almighty crash and the sound of shattering glass. We watched, him with amusement and me with relief that it wasn't my body breaking the window, as a body and stool flew through the window and the body rolled to a stop at my feet. I looked down at Lucas's bruised face, his white shirt splattered with blood - not just his own. All relief was gone and I gasped sharply with shock and concern. I'd completely forgotten him.
"Well, he's not mine," I said defensively to Cosmo as he looked from him to me with raised brows. The Warlock passed me my rucksack, anxious to be off.
"He's a Hunter," he told me with dry amusement as I reached down to feel for a pulse and tried to wake Lucas up. I instantly stepped back, as though burned. Hunters were demon hunters, more dangerous than any other creature, I hadn't recognized him because I'd been hoping never to meet one. It was no wonder the bar had been on edge with him around. How many of their friends had he killed?
"What was he doing in there?" I asked incredulously, Cosmo shrugged but another croaky voice answered,
"Like I said, waiting for a fight," Lucas rolled over and stood up on steady legs, he wiped his nose and grinned at me.
"You never said Hunter's were suicidal," I said to Cosmo mildly as he began to walk away, I followed him like an obedient dog, tossing my bag over my shoulder - not expecting Lucas to follow, but he did anyway.
"So this is the mighty Cosmo," he said amused and Cosmo stiffened, looked at me hard and I looked back defiantly,
"Don't blame me! The whole bloody bar knows that I work for you," he still looked angry, "why do you think I always come out through windows? Its an occupational hazard just saying your name!" The Warlock looked mildly comforted by that and carried on walking. I turned angrily to Lucas, without sympathy, not now that I knew what he was and did, "go home, clean yourself up and re-think your life.'Death by Stupidity' would not look good on a gravestone." He stopped and actually looked thoughtful; I left him there and ran back to Cosmo.
"You never said," He carried on mildly, "did you find him?"
"Surprisingly, yes, I did," and I was a tad smug about it. First bar in a new city and I had come out of it with no broken bones and results. Booya!!
"His name?"
Ah. "No idea," I admitted and he looked fit to burst from outrage, "but I did get this." I passed him the wallet I had taken from Greasy Lock's leather coat. He took it daintily and began to check through the pockets, and bingo, an ID card.
"Jonas Abate," Cosmo said with a stifled anger, then smiled dangerously, stopped and looked at me. "Thank you, Marietta, you have no idea what this means to me." I blushed, pleased, but worried about what comes next. He hid the wallet in his jacket, I never knew what he carried, some sort of spell kept his possessions secret, and produced a set of keys. He told me an address, "It's a penthouse, its yours now. I will not take you with me, from now on I am my own man. You are free to do what you will," he dropped the keys into my bewildered hands, and I stared at them speechless. "I hope you have a good life, Marietta Kingdom, God knows you deserve it." He patted my hair affectionately and turned away from me, about to mingle into the crowd. I gathered my wits and managed to call out to him before he disappeared.
"Don't I get to know?" I asked and he waited for me continue, "After all this time, don't I get to know what it was you wanted back?"
His slow smile reappeared and he held his arms out in the same theatrical gesture I was so used to, "The Holy Grail, of course."And with that he stepped back into the crowd and vanished.
Whether I believed him or not I could not decide, it was more than likely that he had had in his possession the Grail itself, but then again he was so secretive he came up with the most ridiculous lies. Shaking my head I hailed a taxi and repeated the address to him, I looked down at the keys and clenched my fist around them, tears springing to my eyes. It was over, and he was gone, but he hadn't left me alone, he had given me a home, and for that I would be forever grateful.

3. Nice Place, Shame About the Location.
The cab pulled up outside a tall posh apartment building on a busy street. It was one of those old but modern type of buildings with the doorman and everything. I paid the cabbie quickly and went up to the door, the doorman said good evening and eyed my scruffy state with a suspicious eyes. A year with Cosmo I was used to fancy hotels and expensive restaurants, and just as I was at home in bars surrounded by drunkards, I was just at home in the stylish accommodations like this. So with a polite thank you to him I went into the marble lobby and looked around with a critical eye, it had a very posh fountain, with water sprouting from goggle eyed fish, a reception to one side, and two golden door elevators. I made my way over to them but a voice called me back.
"Miss?" I froze and made my way over to the reception desk where a tall Italian man was looking at me with forced politeness, "Miss Kingdom?" he asked and I confirmed that I was, he smiled tightly, "A letter for you, Miss Kingdom, and a delivery was made to your Penthouse." I smiled and took the letter with my non-bandaged hand and didn't open it, not even when I was in the elevator after pressing the single P button. The elevator pinged and I unlocked the double door and looked around with awe.
It was furnished just like the rest of the building, the walls were cream, the living room down a few steps with three white soft couches facing a wall hidden by a plasma TV. The windows were large and opened out to a balcony so I could look over the streets of New York. The night view was awesome. The kitchen was open to the living room and the surfaces creamy granite. I raced through the rooms, taking everything in, a guest bedroom, very nice, comfortable nothing too special, en suite bathroom though. Then I got to the main bedroom, it was on the far side of the apartment and joined onto a smaller living room, I opened the double door and looked in shocked. It was just like my room at the house in Venice, with old golden rustic wallpaper, a large burgundy four poster bed in the centre, another balcony with the delicate French windows. Old paintings hung from the walls, a mirror above the chest of drawers and a walk in wardrobe.
And the clothes were awesome. My normal boots, trainers and sandals lined the bottom shelf whilst above them there were different styles of jeans, polo tops, vests, and joy of joys, some more of my customary leather jackets. None were like my original, they weren't worn in and familiar but they were stylish. I had to admit that I did a girlish squeal, ran out of the wardrobe and dived onto the bed singing my praises to Cosmo I ripped open the letter and read the fine calligraphy.

Dear Marietta,
You have no doubt arrived at the Penthouse and I hope it is to your liking; I did not know how to repay you for all the troubles you have gone through. I hope this new home makes up for all the hits you have taken in my place. I know that New York is not Venice, or Vienna, but there are certain things that may remind you of it. Your room, for example, the furniture is specially delivered from the home in Venice and from Vienna - you will soon find out.
I will not return but know that if you ever need my help I will come. I am eternally grateful to you and wish you a better life than the one you have led so far.
Yours truly,
Cosmo, x

I clutched the letter close and called him an idiot in three different languages. He had nothing to repay me, it was I in debt to him, he was the one to give me shelter and give me some sort of purpose. Damn him and his manners, now I felt like I was in humongous debt. I put the letter on the side and went to find some food, it was almost seven o clock and I was starving - a bar bust up does that to you. I had gone so quickly through the kitchen that I hadn't noticed the large wicker cage on the floor with a red ribbon tied around it. I stopped cautiously and looked inside, a black nose and pink tongue appeared through the wires and I excitedly opened the door to reveal a young dog. The excitable Alsatian leapt on me with paws and tail everywhere. I laughed and hugged him as he sniffed at all the interesting smells on my clothes.
Damn Cosmo had remembered. I'd told him about a dog at one of my foster homes, Jerry had been the only reason why I had stayed for more than three years with that family, and when he had died I had run away. I turned the collar around and checked the name tag, Boots. Fitting name when the dog's feet were as almost as large as my hands. I managed to calm him down and before I began praising him in a gooey voice. He sat and looked up at me with a ridiculous grin, his tongue lolling out. He was probably only a year old, and from his thin frame probably a rescued dog. I quickly rummaged in the cupboards to find some food and as last struck gold. A bottom cupboard completely dedicated to Boots, sacks of dog biscuits, toys and treats lined the shelves and I opened the sack and poured a generous amount into a metal dog bowl as he pranced loudly at my feet.
Whilst he was eating I finally roused myself to get my own meal sorted and since I could only cook an English breakfast I had to make do with a bowl of special K, I sat in front of the telly and skimmed through the channels before settling on one of those harmless soaps. Boots came and joined me, jumping onto the couch and curling up by my side, from his round belly I'd no doubt have to take him out later.
Three hours later after I'd showered and put on some warm clothes I got into the elevator, Boots on a lead beside me. When I walked out the lobby I nodded to Frank again and he said it was best not to go too far, I thanked him, knowing well enough just how dangerous it was at night. And it seemed Boots knew it too because on the first strip of grass he did his business, which I then had the unfortunate business of picking up in a doggy bag and chucked it into a bin at the first opportunity. I had the annoying feeling that I was being watched and subtly picked up my speed, only when I was back in my apartment did I feel safe.
That night I went to sleep with Boots stretched out along side me, reassured by his warmth.
As I had gone to sleep with a dog beside me It was only fitting that I was woken up by the same dog. His horrible breath reached by nose and I sat up quickly, he excitably licked at my arms and I pushed him away again, laughing as I shuffled to the kitchen, and froze at a noise in the room. I looked cautiously in and saw something that made me think I was still dreaming.
"Henny?" I asked amazed and the older lady looked over to me and smiled beautifully.
"Hello, Butterfly," she held her arms out as Boots danced around her legs and embraced me tightly, I relaxed in her familiar arms. She had been the housemaid in Vienna, she was a sensible hedge witch and had looked after me like a mother hen, clucking over my battered state when I came back from a night with Cosmo. She was short and plump with long mousse hair and smiling grey eyes, in her own way she was beautiful and I loved her to bits.
"But, Henny, what are you doing here?" I asked ecstatic as she forced me to sit down and firmly told the dog to stop jumping.
"Master Cosmo told me he would leave you in New York when he finished his quest," her voice was lightly accented Austrian and she shrugged as she tossed some bacon on to sizzling oil, she had managed to get the oven working and was working deftly, completely at home in a kitchen thousands of miles away from her own home. "I demanded to come over, I would not have you abandoned in an unfamiliar city." She smiled at me and I grinned, imagining what Cosmo would have said to that, of all the people Henny was the only one he really listened to.
"It's nice to have you here, Henny," I told her sincerely and she chuckled and put a bacon butty in front of me.
"You have not been eating enough," she admonished, tapping my head before she began sorting out food for Boots.
"I'm too excited to eat," I mumbled through a mouthful of warm bacon, ketchup and toast, and she looked at me unbelieving. After the initial greetings were over Henny said that she would be cleaning and I should take 'the dawg' out before he relieved himself on the furniture. So I changed into some jeans and a top, brushed my hair and went out again with Boots. This time the Lobby guy stopped me again and gave me another letter, I smiled and thanked him, studying his name tag, Mike, I wondered if his Italian accent was fake, it certainly seemed to falter as he told me my dog was about to jump into the fountain. I was too distracted to open the letter as I left, Henny had had a serious talk with me.
As I had been eating she had sat down solemnly and looked so serious that I had trouble swallowing my food.
"Butterfly," she had used my old nickname, originating from when she had first met me and I had been chasing a butterfly, "Are you still up to your tricks?" She had meant my thieving, Henny had never approved of it.
"Ye-es..." I had replied cautiously.
"Now that Cosmo has gone, and you have settled," Henny had carried on, staring earnestly into my eyes, "I would like it if you stopped." I hadn't expected that and I had sat staring at her dumbfounded, I'd expected her to tell me to hand over everything I had stolen, strange that I hadn't thought of the most obvious. "Will you promise me that you will stop?" And I hadn't had the heart to tell her that I would always be a thief,
"I promise, Henny," I had said sincerely and she had looked relieved and happy.
Now as I walked down a street that was supposed to lead me to a park or something I figured that I could probably do what Robin Hood did and only steal from the rich and give to the poor. As it was I walked past a small boy who was being dragged around by a harassed looking mother and I slipped the iPod into his pocket. Something to cheer him up.
...At least until the battery ran out...

4. Pleasant Conversation With A Stalker.

The next three days were pretty much uneventful. And I mean uneventful, I'd kept my promise to Henny; I hadn't stolen anything. No matter how much I wanted to, no matter how loud those pockets begged to be emptied, I didn't steal anything. I would have been proud if I had been giving up, say, cocaine or something - not that I use it, I'm clean - but thieving was part of who I was.
Plus, I think the only reason I didn't steal anything was because I kept myself locked up in my apartment watching re-runs of Friends and the Simpsons. Lame, I know, but there were other reasons to stay inside. One, I was worried that the werewolves from A Wolf's Whistle would come after me, and two, that the stupid suicidal Hunter would come find me. I did have reasons to be worried, I walked Boots every early morning, and every time I did I felt the same uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Lets just say my spidey senses were a-telling me something was up.
It turned out that I had good reason to be so paranoid. On the fourth day I got up at six o clock, as you do, and went through the whole morning ritual of showers, changing into random clothes and then to breakfast. And at breakfast Henny complained about my random clothes.
"I don't care if it's comfortable!" She said impatiently, holding her hand out to take my favourite jacket from me, I had thought it would be better to say the jacket was practical instead of a normal teenager's argument of, 'but it looks so cool'. That wouldn't have gone down well but it seems neither did my logical approach. She was adamant that the jacket was so bad a homeless person wouldn't want it, the insult burnt my ears. "It's got stains, rips, burns and you can hardly call it a jacket!"
"But it's my stained, ripped, burnt not-quite-resembling-a-jacket jacket," I complained back to her. Boots cowered by my feet, watching to the two of us with wide brown eyes. I bet he thought I didn't look to bad, I doubt he'd care, so long as I took him for a walk and threw sticks for him. I thought I didn't look too bad, I just had on my baggy 'boyfriend' jeans, tucked them into my scuffed boots and then a red polo top on to finish the whole ragamuffin look.
A smile broke through her stern features and she softened her accented voice, "Give it to me and I will have it cleaned and put back together." I pursed my lips considering, either she threw it away and I lost my favourite jacket, or she got it all cleaned up and it lost its nice worn in appeal. Of course I went for option B. I handed it to her reluctantly then went back to my room and picked out one of the new jackets Cosmo had stocked up on for me.
Outside Boots ran around my legs, tangling his lead around me and causing a scene.
"Damn Dog," I muttered to him as he dragged me around, yanking on his lead as he sniffed at the trees and chased pigeons. I was telling him that he had better learn some bloody manners when I had that feeling again, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I shivered. I glanced around subtly and saw nothing, but I picked up my pace a bit. I pulled Boots to my side and walked cautiously along the path. Then I heard a chuckle and a tall figure appeared from behind a tree. I swore as I recognised the face and the aura coming from him.
"Lucas!" He smiled and came forward, looking handsome and cool in a tight fitting white shirt, enhancing not only his lean body but also his dark tan. I couldn't see the weapons concealed in his jeans but I knew he had a lot of them, try six daggers, one ten inch hunting knife and a silver bullet handgun.
"It seems rather unfair that you know my name but I don't know yours," he said in that cocky voice of his, when he stepped closer Boots, the traitor, tugged at his lead and went to greet the Hunter. Looking closely I could see that though his nose was crooked there were no marks of the recent fight. I guess Hunters' had magic that let them heal faster. Wish I did, that would have come in handy... a lot.
"It seems rather unfair that you've been following me when I don't want you to," I snapped back, it was a lame one but I was nervous. I didn't want to be talking to a Hunter; I'd heard all about their talents. A thirteen year old Hunter could kill an ogre - I was seventeen and could hardly fight off a werewolf. He shrugged, unruffled and knelt to stroke Boots,
"I was just making sure you didn't start any more fights," he grinned up at me, "it's my job to take out troublesome people you know." I was surprised by how easily he could mention his 'job' let alone joke about it.
"As if you'd be able to take me out," I grinned evilly then my voice became wry, "More like you were looking for Cosmo."
"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't, I don't really care about Cosmo," He stood up in one fluid motion and began walking with me, now I knew who was following me I wouldn't go home. "I just wanted to know your name."
I sighed, there was no harm in telling him my name, he already knew where I lived, "Marietta Kingdom, pleased to meet you, I think," I held my hand out for him to shake. His hand was warm and calloused; his returning smile would have been breath taking to any other normal girl. But I'd grown up around the magical, like vampires. Vampires were stunningly beautiful and used their looks to catch their prey; I had learnt not to be distracted by looks. But that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate them. Damn the guy was handsome.
"So," he started, still walking beside me, "how long are you in New York for? I'm only curious," he added, looking at me and smiling again. He really was curious, at least I hoped my senses weren't wrong, his eyes were so dark I could hardly read them. When I didn't answer he sighed, "hows about I tell you something about myself and you do the same?"
I laughed, "I can't get rid of you can I?" I didn't wait for a response but decided to trust this guy, "I honestly don't know how long I'm in New York for, but I doubt I'll be going away any time soon." I thought it was probably best to give people time to calm down after mine and Cosmo's rampage through European bars.
"Let me guess, you've got some big reputation out there?"
"It's not too big, but people know I worked for Cosmo and I'd rather they didn't," I looked at him expectantly, "your turn."
He ran his hand through his hair and it stood up at odd angles, "I live at the Sanctuary, it's a safe house for Hunters. My parents are the Keepers." I frowned, Cosmo had mentioned Sanctuaries; there was one in almost every major city. There had been one in London, but the riffraff, like say, me, weren't allowed in. The Keepers were the Hunters that kept the protective spells up around the place, just in case an angry Underworlder wanted to exact revenge on them for killing their friend. "Do you have any family?" The question caught me off guard and I looked at him surprised,
"Not that I know of," I smiled at his puzzled expression, I let Boots off the lead and threw a stick for him and he sped off through the grass. "I was abandoned when I was very, very young. I grew up in different foster families... then I ran away from my last one when I was thirteen. I spent the rest of my time on the streets, that's when I found out about the whole Supernatural shebang. What about you? Any brothers and sisters?"
God, here we were, in the middle of Central Park sharing our life stories, could it be anymore of an Oprah moment?
"I have a little sister, Rose, she's nine, and then there are the twins, they're eighteen and orphans, they've lived at the Sanctuary with us for almost ten years now."
I had never really liked the whole big family scenario, constant bickering and no privacy, it really wasn't my scene. I guess I'm what you'd call a solitary misfit... that's why Cosmo and I got on so well. I didn't like company and he didn't want to be recognized so the isolated lifestyle was ideal for the both of us.
"You said you worked for Cosmo," Lucas had walked a way off and leant against a tree, he had his hands in his pockets and was looking very suave. "Does that mean you're alone here?"
I pulled the stick from a panting Boots and threw it again, smiling as he chased after it. People were running around the paths and he would dodge in between them, causing a ruckus.
"I have an old friend back in the apartment, she's looking after me here," I didn't want to reveal too much about Henny, I wasn't that I didn't trust Lucas, but I just didn't want my big mouth to be the cause of trouble for the old lady. I owed her that much.
"You know, you don't act like someone out of place," he was looking thoughtfully at me but turned away when Boots came back. He played tug of war with the dog before he finally pried the stick out the slobbering mouth and chucked it away. Lucas looked back at my confused expression, "I mean, you only found out about Underworlders and the rest, what, five years ago?"
"three," I corrected him, flattered that he thought I was eighteen; I caught Boots by the collar and clipped the lead to him before he could run off again.
"Three years. It's a lot to take in and suddenly you're Cosmo's apprentice and right at home with all the werewolves -"
"When I'm not causing fights, you mean?" I grinned and began walking out of the park, I had a bad feeling about something, and I wasn't coming from Lucas. It was more than being watched, it was something I couldn't put my finger on and it scared me.
"Precisely, only a really confident person would go into a werewolves' bar and start a fight knowing that they'd come out in one piece," his long strides match mine and I wondered where we should go. I wouldn't go back to the apartment with him and this feeling. Call me over cautious but despite appearances my paranoia is what's kept my alive these past years.
"Or a really naïve person," I added, but I was a bit distracted, I hoped he didn't notice but in the now busy street I was catching onto the auras around us - werewolves. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Your foster families, I'm guessing were human but you act like you've been around witches and warlocks all your life," I didn't know whether he was complimenting me and I doubted I was about to find out.
"That's not really a good thing," I murmured and he finally caught onto my agitation, he did a subtle 360, his black eyes skimming the crowd and cars for danger. His hand caught my arm and he steered me into a secluded corner beside a newspaper stand.
"What is it?" He scanned the area over my head whilst I absently patted Boots' head as he whined, catching onto our tense mood.
"I think it's our good friends from the other night," I muttered, looking over his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of them. It was hard in a crowd like this to pinpoint where the auras were coming from. I could sense them, I knew they were there, but the tricky thing with werewolves is that they don't need glamour to look like humans. "Let's get a taxi and lose them," I suggested and Lucas nodded.
He pulled me after him to the side of the road and waved for a taxi. After two passed by one finally stopped and he got in, I was about to get in after him when Boots began growling. I looked back at the dog and he was staring at something in the traffic, his fur was on end and before I knew it he was gone. He had just bolted, yanking the lead from my hand. I swore loudly and chased after him, ignoring Lucas' yells from behind me.

5. From one Nuisance to the other.

I dodged past people and then the damn dog went onto the road. I shouted for Boots to come back but of course the dog ignored me, he was on a mission. Yelling obscenities after him and promising him hell when I caught him I failed to notice the car coming at me. I had managed to dodge a few of them already with the help of my nifty power but this time my power must have failed because the next thing I knew there was a flurry of screeching tyres and a bonnet, funnily enough attached to a car, was speeding right at me.
I just had time to jump and tuck my legs in - to prevent them from being smashed up, I saw that on TV once, gross - and cradle my head before the red Vauxhall hit me. I thought I managed quite well. Sure my whole right hand side was killing me, my shoulder had hit the windshield and my hip had caught the little metal figure on the front, creating a throbbing gash, but it could have been a lot worse. Trust the one car that hit me to be patriotic and have the American eagle flying shotgun on the bonnet. I just had time to thank God I wasn't wearing my favourite jacket before instinct took over.
I reacted instantly; ignoring the pain I rolled and used the momentum to push myself off the car. I kicked off and flipped in the air, all rather graceful really, before landing in a crouch back on the sweet, solid non-lethal tarmac. Cars had braked all around me and people were staring in shock and surprise, quite a few people had phones pressed to their ears, calling for an ambulance. Lucas was on the other side of the road looking worried and impressed. I didn't stop to look at the ruckus I'd caused, all I knew was that Boots was still running riot, damn dog hadn't even stopped to make sure I was okay.
Ignoring the pain I pushed on, like the little soldier I was, and carried on through the crowd. My shoulder was numb but my hip was burning. Looking down I saw that red stained most of my side, that damn eagle had barely been the size of my hand and it had done more damage than a pixie on crack. I ignored the pain and carried on after Boots, I could see him now, we were on a less busy street and people were scarce. Trust the dog to use the bloody sidewalk now.
I saw his brown and gold furry shape come to a stop and he growled into a darkened alley. He looked up as I stormed up to him, panting heavily from pain and exertion.
"Man's best friend?!" I snapped as I grabbed his lead again, "Loyal? Faithful? Lying b******s, they never mentioned their dogs running away and leaving their master's to be hit by cars. Unless you're an exception, huh? Trust me to get the faulty dog." I continued with my rant until I my senses kicked in again, warning bells ringing loudly in my head I glanced around, Lucas was running towards me at the other end of the street before I could shout out to him to stay back bodies appeared from the alley. And they were huge bodies, and moving. And grabbing me. I could barely kick out or yell before a hood fell over my face and I lost sight of Boots, Lucas and everything else.

6. Waking Up On The Wrong Side of The Dungeon.
I guess I passed out because when I woke up I was not in the streets of New York. I was chained - yes, chained  - to a wall, my arms tied above my head and lifted me high enough so that I had to stand up on my toes. My shoulder throbbed from the car crash and my hip burned constantly. God, how medieval were these werewolves, no one uses chains any more! I tried to shift so that not all my weight was on the biting handcuffs but it was useless, I slumped, ignoring my complaining arms.
I looked around and saw that I was in some sort of dungeon type room, the walls were grimy grey stone and there were other chains and hand cuffs lining the walls. Iron bar walls separated most of them. I guessed from the stink that this was where they all locked themselves up during a full moon. Thank god that's not for another two weeks. I sensed a werewolf just outside my cell and I called out to it.
"Hey," my voice was hoarse and I coughed, "Anyone want to tell me where I am?"
A head appeared and I looked at the stranger in front of me. He could have been Lucas's age, maybe older; his hair was a messy mix of tawny brown and hazel and stuck up at odd angles, like he was constantly running his hands through it. His face was handsome, with prominent features and a strong jaw line. Whereas Lucas was tall and lean muscle this guy was huge, he could have been 6'5 and his muscles were enough to make even the Rock jealous. His sharp grey eyes studied me for a long second, resting on what I hoped was my hip.
"Howdy, face is up here, big guy," I made a whistle sound and tried to catch his attention. I refused to be intimidated by him but his aura was suffocating, swamping around me, and it wasn't completely unpleasant. I guessed this guy was pretty high up in the ranks of the pack. His eyes snapped to my face and I swallowed. "Is my dog okay?"
A small smile twitched at his lips, "your dog and the Hunter are fine. We left them unharmed."
"How'd you get Boots to follow you?" I was genuinely curious on how they'd orchestrated the whole thing. It seemed to take him a moment before he realized I was talking about the dog.
"We used a dog whistle," the giant told me, sounding quite smug with himself.
"Well that was bloody sneaky," I retorted. A dog whistle was a magical tool, if you used it you could command every dog around you, or if you were really talented you could use it to command one dog. Boots never had a chance.
"What happened to you?" he asked curiously, leaning against the metal bars he motioned to my injury, which felt like it was still bleeding.
"Didn't you see? You werewolves were all over the place," I frowned at him and he looked thoughtful.
"You were mistaken - whoever you saw was not of my pack," great, either I'm over reacting and it was just coincidence or there's another pack of werewolves out for my head. "What happened?"
"Persistent little b*****d aren't you?" I was rewarded with a smile and it was the same as it had been with Lucas; it was a breath taking smile. "I had a fight with a car. Guess who won."
"The car?" I scowled at him,
"God no, I whooped his a*s, you'd hardly recognize the thing. It was the damn Eagle on the front that caused the gory mess, which by the way hurts like Hell and I'd appreciate it if you would stop looking at it," his eyes came once again to my face, almost guiltily and I stared back angrily.
"What's your name?"
"What, you mean you kidnapped me and you don't even know what my name is!" I laughed in disbelief, "Are you really such amateurs?" Suddenly he was standing right in front of me, eyes blazing. Despite me being on my very tip toes I still had to look up at him. I wanted to flinch away from him but pride kept me still and staring up at him defiantly. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."
He considered this, not moving away, just staring down at me with those incredible eyes. His intense gaze almost made me blush but I forced it back and instead stuck my chin out stubbornly, refusing to be intimidated, no matter how overwhelming his aura was and no matter how big he was.
"Gage," he said simply. Not a name I had heard often, in fact, I'd never heard of it. Interesting.
"Marietta Kingdom, I'd shake your hand but I'm a bit tied up at the moment..." he must have heard the accusation and hurt in my voice because he stepped back, eyes softening.
"We needed to be sure you wouldn't cause any trouble," I rolled my eyes,
"Sure, a little girl like me could really do so much damage against fifteen or more werewolves," I shook my head and saw him frown.
"They said you started a fight at the bar," his voice was thoughtful.
"I didn't start the fight, ask anyone, that guy, quite clearly, leapt over the table at me first," it was a reasonable argument. I'm full of them.
"They said you worked for Cosmo," he was still watching me with a thoughtful expression.
"They sure say a lot," I mentioned mildly, tilting my head at him. He turned sharply as a door opened somewhere outside the cell. Three more werewolves appeared. I recognized the one of them as the female werewolf who had been hit by the baseball bat. I waved my hand feebly at her and was rewarded with a fierce scowl.
"Boss wants to see her," she snarled at Gage before stalking away, leaving the new two and Gage. One went to unlock my wrists and the metal fell off and I breathed relieved, my wrists were sore and bruised, I went to rub them but the second guy grabbed them and roughly snapped a new pair of cuffs on me, locking them behind my back. I scowled at the tighter metal and saw Gage frown. My shoulders were stiff and painful from holding me up and my body felt really weak. The two grabbed an arm each and dragged me after them, Gage walked ahead of them and I focused on the back of his head, hoping he would feel the daggers I was mentally sending him. Our footsteps echoed off the stone walls and I counted at least forty cells, Christ how big was this pack?

7. I Just Got Hit By A Car And You Expect Me To Be In A Good Mood?

I was pushed up some grimy stone steps and through a door and suddenly the dungeons were in the past and I was in a really plush looking corridor. Looking at it I could only guess that this was one huge mansion, the furnishing was old, it reminded me of the Victorian houses back in London. Werewolves stood in doorways here and there, watching me with curious and mocking eyes. I just glared right back at them. Finally we came to a stop outside a huge oak door. Gage knocked before opening it, I prepared myself for what was about to happen, I was about to meet the Alpha, I'd sensed his aura about twenty feet away, if I'd thought Gage's was overwhelming then this guy was drowning me with his. It left me weak and I was barely awake as the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum pulled me forwards and sat me on a chair, twisting my arms behind the back. I took deep breaths and finally the room came into focus. Damn his aura was worse than a friggin' portal.
I studied the room I was in; it was a large office type room, the walls painted deep burgundy and the furniture a dark mahogany. Gage was stood beside a large window, watching me with a strange expression. I looked away quickly and studied the man sitting behind the desk. He was every bit as impressive as Gage; he wore a smart dark suit that matched his dark hair and eyes. He was probably Arnold Schwarzenegger size, jeez, how big did these werewolves have to get? He was watching me impassively and I stared back, trying to hold onto any grain of defiance and pride I had left. I was aware that I was sweating and practically panting from the suffocating power of his aura, I had to get a hold of myself.
"Is there a reason you have me here?" I asked with forced politeness and I saw him smile slightly.
"There are lots of reasons for you being here," his voice was a mixture of compassion and sincerity, a voice you could trust. I didn't know what to do.
"Uh huh, sure, do you even know my name?" Well, I could be myself, that's a start but not very positive...
I saw his eyes move swiftly to Gage and back to me again, I smiled smugly and a hand hit me over the back of the head. My smile vanished instantly, "Bugger! Bloody hell, Tweedle Dum, what's your deal? It was a reasonable question!" I glared over my shoulder at the now grinning werewolf, his black hair was cropped and he was a short, broad hulk of a man. His partner Dee was taller and lean but had the same goofy hair cut. I turned back to the Alpha,
"You're minions need to learn something about the whole cooperation thing, they hit me again and you will learn a whole new meaning to the phrase stubborn as a mule."
"Do not push me," he stated simply but dangerously. Don't push him!! Who the hell did he think he was? My anger pushed me through his sickening Aura.
"Look Shrek, I have no idea what you're so annoyed about, I was walking my dog when he goes AWOL and leads me right to the jaws of hell - literally! And not to mention I end up getting hit by a car along the way. Then I wake up chained to a friggin' wall and still bleeding! You think you're annoyed! I'm the picture of annoyed, pissed, grumpy and any other negative bloody word. So cut the whole cryptic 'we have our reasons' crap because I am not in the mood!"
There was a stunned silence and Gage stared at me, silently telling me to shut up, too late for that. I was fuming, ready for a fight. The Alpha stood up slowly and came around the desk; I watched his movements with narrowed eyes, expecting him to hit me. I knew if he did he could probably break my neck with the force of it. Instead he leant against the desk casually. A small smile crossed his face and the tension dissipated.
"My name is Sebastian Valentine, and you are..."
"Marietta Kingdom," and I really, really want to go home. I just hoped Lucas took Boots back to Henny; I suppressed a groan as I imagined her reaction. There'd be Hell to pay when I got back, if I got back.
"And you work for Cosmo," he stated simply and I laughed once, it was a harsh sound even to my ears.
"Worked. I don't any more; I was working for him a while. And before you ask I wasn't some close friend or whatnot, he employed me to find someone. This guy had stolen something from him and Cosmo wanted it back," I sighed and began bouncing my leg, something I did when I was tired and impatient, Sebastian watched my face closely, waiting for me to lie.
"He's one of the most powerful Warlocks alive," he said, folding his arms, "Why would he need you?" I graciously ignored the blatant insult.
"The b*****d that stole from him wore a Devils Trap," I didn't need a better explanation than that, everyone knew they prevented magic.
"I hear you caused quite a bit of a stir in Europe," Sebastian said mildly, watching for any change of reaction. How did he know that but not my name... "You were quite careful to only ever mention Cosmo's name, but we heard the stories that there was a 'minx with the face of a goddess' working for him." I didn't know whether to be flattered, instead a small smug smile formed on my lips, glad that no one else knew my name.
"Disappointed now you've seen me?" I asked dryly, sure that I must look like a mess. Sebastian grinned and looked at Gage,
"What do you think lads? Does Marietta have the Face of a Goddess?" The two idiots behind me stepped round to study me but I noticed Gage didn't, he just looked away disinterested. Good lad, I hated flaunting whatever looks I had.
"Are you done?" I asked politely, glaring at Tweedle Dum until he backed off.
"Not quite," Sebastian stared at me intently, "where is Cosmo now?"
I sighed resigned, "Believe me, if I knew where he was I'd find him myself and kick his a*s for the trouble he's caused me. He left the night of the fight," I waited for the next question, knowing that sooner or later it would come up.
"I guess that since Jonas Abate has recently gone missing that you found Cosmo's thief." I nodded, I sure hoped Abate wasn't a good friend of theirs, I could only imagine what Cosmo had done to him. "Where do you think Cosmo is?"
I sighed again and stared up at the ceiling, I'd just looked out the window and realized that it was evening; I'd been out of it for the whole bloody day.
"Honestly? He's probably off looking for the Holy Grail," a hand hit me again on the back of my head and I yelped, my head jerking forwards. "He's Cosmo for Christ's sake! He could be God knows where doing God knows what! He'd never tell me; he probably knew I'd be kidnapped by werewolves." I wish I'd thought of it or I wouldn't have stuck around.
There was silence and then Sebastian nodded. Tweedle Dum stepped closer and I flinched away, ready for him to hit me, but instead his fingers gently caught my wrist and unlocked the handcuffs.
Sweet blessed relief! I hissed through my teeth as I brought my arms forward, my shoulder protested with every movement and I cradled my raw wrists. I looked up at Sebastian, waiting for him to make the next move.
"You may stay here for the night, I hope you get some rest, Marietta," his voice was kind but I knew it was pointless to argue with him. "Gage, if I can talk to you a moment," it was a dismissal and the two Tweedles motioned me out of the room. Without touching me. Hoorah for that. The door shut behind us with a final click and I slumped with relief, his Aura firmly locked away. I glanced at the two escorts, the short one grinned a wide wicked grin that I liked immediately,
"I'm Roman and he's Luc," He held out a beefy hand and I shook it warily, narrowing my eyes at them both.
"A pleasure I'm sure," I said wryly, rubbing the back of my head as I did. Roman chuckled and shrugged innocently then motioned for me to follow him. Roman stood on one side whilst Luc stayed on the other and they walked me, thankfully, away from the dungeons.
"You know from the way everyone was talking about you I thought you'd be different," Roman said casually, shaking his head at any werewolf that started to get a little too curious for my liking. They were like my bodyguards, I wasn't sure if that was reassuring. Some of the werewolves I saw were familiar faces from the bar and they knew who I was.
"What, Ten feet tall and breathing fire?" I laughed; people were always surprised that I could hold my own. Did I really not look like I could fight?
"We thought you'd be older," Luc finally spoke; his voice was calm and quiet, meaning you had to concentrate to hear every word.
"And smarter," Roman added, I resisted the urge to hit him. Instead I shrugged,
"Too old and I wouldn't be spry enough to beat you all up, and if I was smarter I wouldn't exactly have agreed to work for Cosmo," that was a lie; I think I would still have worked for him. They agreed with me with their own shrugs.
"We should get you looked at," Luc looked pointedly at my hip and I finally looked down to study it. My shirt was soaked with dry and fresh blood, it had even stained into my jeans, good thing I didn't wear these often. I winced as I lifted the shirt up and looked at the gash in my side. Roman whistled impressed whilst I prodded it softly. My poor hip, I'd have a horrible scar to go with the rest that dotted my body. Blood leaked from it and I shook my head,
"That damn car... that damn dog... my poor top," I looked up pouting, "I blame you for this! This is my only England Polo Team top. God I am so screwed when I get home and to think I thought I was safe now that Cosmo was gone, I had no idea it would be the non-magical stuff to hurt me."
"You have a hole in your side and you're complaining about your top?" Luc was saying that like it was wrong; did he not know how essential some clothes were in my life?
"I like this top," I snapped back defensively. "In my line of work I don't get to say that a lot because my clothes often get ruined but when I finally think, hey, I can wear that because I probably won't get in a fight and get blood stains in it, this happens," I pointed to the blood and the gash. I swayed and slumped against a wall whilst the other two hovered, "God hates me, he's making up for all the times I used his name in vain," Roman burst into raucous laughter whilst Luc looked incredulous.
"You're different, I'll tell you that," Roman gasped between laughter, I tried to scowl at him but by heart wasn't in it. I was tired, I'd probably lost a gallon of blood and I was hurting, mentally and physically. I stood up straighter but swayed forwards, arms caught me before I could do a face plant. I murmured thanks but for the second time that day I passed out.

8. Never Cry Wolf Or To One.

I had a pretty generic dream, fluffy clouds, flying hippos and talking geese, the works. You'd never have guessed that I had been kidnapped by werewolves and my life was pretty disastrous at the moment. Nope, I was such a weird person; you would have thought that the information of preternatural creatures existing would have affected my dreams in some way a long time ago, but I still found myself dreaming of Disney characters.
When I woke up I was relieved for two reasons: one, I was leaving my Alice in Wonderland type dream, and two, I was alive. I really needed to get my priorities straightened. My body was stiff and my arms and torso ached and when I studied my surroundings I found myself in a room I didn't recognize, sunlight was filtering around the curtains so I knew I had been out of it for a while. I looked down at my body and was relieved to see I was in a large pair of flannel pyjamas. Then not so happy because that meant someone had changed me, and my favourite top had probably been chucked away. I'd mourn for it as soon as I got out of this mess. God, I felt like hell, and I probably looked like it as well. Touching my hair I knew it would be bad, I could barely run my fingers through an inch before they got caught in the knots. Bugger.
A cough drew my attention to the side of my bed where a huge figure was sat in an even larger armchair. I jumped at the familiar face, Gage. And the familiar aura, once again, wrapped around me like a secure blanket and it wasn't, unlike Sebastian's, a completely unpleasant feeling
"Howdy," I croaked then coughed and he passed me a glass of water quickly which I drank gratefully. I cradled it in my hands and watched his face thoughtfully, how long had he been there? "How long have I been out?"
"All night, its ten in the morning now," his voice was amused at something and I looked away biting my lip. I'd been gone a whole day and night, Henny was probably in hospital with a heart attack, or even worse she was using her powers to force the answers out of cornered pixies. Not even the image I had of her in black combat clothes and army face paint wielding a wand cheered me up. God, she'd probably forced Lucas into helping her, now that was a pair, I could just imagine her hitting him over the head when he did something she didn't approve of.
"I really need to get back," I rubbed my face, forcing away the comedic images, and grumbled into my hands.
"What did you say?" I jumped; I had forgotten Gage was there. I looked at him and took in his tousled heart shatteringly handsome appearance; I just wanted to run my hands through his hair... wait what! No, no I didn't. God get a hold of yourself! I was acting like some desperate sex depraved woman! Not that I wanted sex but oh he was handsome... I remembered he was waiting for an answer and kicked myself mentally for my lack of suavity.
"I said that I'm going to kill Cosmo if he ever shows his face again," thank god I kept my voice steady, no guy had ever had that effect on me before; maybe he was part incubus. He chuckled and then put something on the bed. I looked over curiously and saw that it was my clothes.
"We had them thoroughly cleaned; Luc and Roman told me you were... attached to them," he grinned and held up my polo top, stain free and the tear was neatly sewn up. I breathed out an incredulous laugh as he passed the clothes over to me and held the top in my hands, looking down at it I smiled.
It was a memoir of my last family. It had been my foster father's top, Nick his name was. He wasn't a bad guy; he was pretty decent compared to all the other foster families. His wife Charlotte had been stern but meant well in her own way and they hadn't had any kids. They had been a nice couple and I had reminders of each of them. The top was one of Nick's and back at the apartment I had a pretty hair clip which Charlotte had bought me. I was suddenly aware of eyes on me and I turned to look at Gage, he smiled softly when I thanked him then held out a small white envelope.
"It was in your jeans," he explained at my quizzical expression, I took it from him and tried to remember when I had been given it. Of course, the last time I'd worn these jeans had been the day when Henny had arrived and Boots had tried to jump in the apartment fountain. Mike had given it to me. I had put it in my pocket to open in private but the thought of giving up thieving had distracted me a little. I weighed the envelope in my hands now, it was still sealed, which I appreciated, and there was something vaguely familiar about the writing. I leaned over, ignoring the angry throb in my side and switched on the lamp, brightening the room.
I looked at Gage who was watching me curiously, "Do you mind if I read it?" I still had manners, I wasn't about to ignore him over some letter. He shook his head good naturedly and settled back in the chair, watching my every move. It was oddly comforting.
I quickly peeled open the heavy envelope and pulled out some pretty fancy writing paper. What I read shocked me, I felt empty as I read the words,

Dear Marietta 22/03/09
I regret to inform you that Marcus passed away last Monday. He had been weakening for the past year, as you know and, despite the fact that he'd recently spent his 90th birthday surrounded by friends and family at home, a week later, on the 20th of March, he died peacefully in his sleep, Basil beside him.
His funeral took place at St. Paul's Church in his home village, where he was laid to rest alongside his wife, Isabella. I understand that you were very close to him and I tried to get in touch sooner but it was pure luck that I found your address in America. I thought you would like to know that your time spent with him were the last times I had seen him so content. You brought him such memories of Isabella and whilst I thought that wrong at the time I must admit that I was mistaken. His final few weeks were full of joy and laughter and you brought him that happiness.
I'm so sorry to have to bring you this sad news and hope to be able to speak to you about happier events the next time I write. Meanwhile, if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to call.
With my fondest love to you,

I didn't realize I was crying until a wet drop fell onto the letter I was reading over and over, the ink smudged and my hands shook. Strong arms were suddenly around me and I leant into the strong reassuring body, sobs erupting from my chest. Poor, poor Marcus... I hadn't seen him in months; he had been the first person I had stayed with after joining Cosmo. He had been a sweet old man, still sad after the loss of his wife Isabella who had died ten years previously. He had always compared me to her, although I had never known why, from what I'd heard about Isabella she was an angel. I'm a lot of things but I was definitely no angel. He'd take me out for walks in the country, he couldn't go far but we'd sit in his orchard for hours on end. I'd thought that he was like the grandfather I'd never had and had loved to sit beside him and listen to his stories. His German Setter, Basil, was just as old and would also sit beside us, dozing in the sun; he was as loyal as his master and never left the old man's side.
His daughter Elizabeth was another story. She had hated me from the beginning, calling me an impolite scruff and wanted me as far away from Marcus as possible. To have her send a letter to me was just so sweet that it brought more tears, and that she had my address? I could only thank Cosmo for that, all these little things that he did for me made me realize how much he cared. I'd tried hard to keep in touch with Marcus, calling him every week and writing letters, even sending him the odd sketch of where I was staying. I had hoped that small things like that kept him happy, I had reasoned that if I was an old lady, confined to my house and garden, I would love to hear about my grand child's adventures. And now he was gone. No one back 'home' to care about what I was doing, no evening chats.
This whole mourning thing was more exhausting than I'd thought, I'd never lost someone I cared about before, if I saw a mourner I'd think, the person's dead, crying won't bring them back. But I was pretty hypocritical at the moment and the tears kept coming. It was alright if I cried, I reasoned, Marcus would understand that I missed him, I could just imagine what he'd say, chin up, love, the winds still blowing, the sun's still shining and at night the stars still fill the sky. Life's alright, you just know how to live it.
Typical Marcus, poetic and practical all in one.
Finally I became aware that Gage was still holding me tightly, one hand smoothing my hair and his lips pressed against the top of my head. I must have soaked through his shirt, I was practically squished against his chest - not that it was uncomfortable; I could have stayed there for years. I soon composed myself so that the sobs stopped and it was just the odd tear running down my face. Gage didn't seem to care that I was calm now but just rocked me slightly, making soothing noises in the back of throat. Big softy, I thought. I rubbed my eyes and he went to move away but I clung to him quickly, content just to stay in his arms. I took it as a good sign when he didn't complain.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly, his chest vibrating against me with each word. I could feel his heart beat against my ear and I smiled slightly.
"About what, exactly? 'It' is a fascinating subject, I could talk about 'it' for a very long time. For example I used to call my next door neighbour an 'it', just because she acted like a monster and looked like something out of a horror movie. I could have called her the bogey man but she had such good hearing she would have known I was talking about her straight away. I usually call people an 'it' when I don't like them, or I give them nick names, but if you give someone a nickname it usually gives the impression of liking that person, so I just use 'it'. I'm afraid after the stunt yesterday I may have to start calling Boots an 'it', but that's fine for him because he won't be able to understand but at least people who hear me call him an 'it' will know that he is, officially and literally, in the dog house. Also -" He cut me off by tightening his arms around me; he was chuckling lightly, vibrating his chest and shaking me.
"I get the point; you know a lot about 'it'," his voice sobered, "I understand if you don't want to tell me."
I sighed and relaxed slightly, looking at the slightly crumpled letter in my hand, "I've spent most of my life being passed from family to family, it was probably my own fault I never settled down; I was such a handful... when I was thirteen I thought that my new family were about to get rid of me. I'd already been with them for three years, and in my experience they never kept you for longer. I didn't want to go through the whole disappointment again, so I ran away. I went to London, and there I learnt all about the supernatural world, and that I was one of them. Hell, you have know idea how glad I was to find out that there was a world I could fit in, even if it wasn't the one I had wanted. I spent the next three years earning my living on the streets, taking odd jobs from different people, thieving at every opportunity."
I was silent for a moment, staring unseeingly at the lamp over Gage's shoulder, I was lost in my past.
"And then I passed a weird looking man. I was working my own corner in Convent garden and I liked the look of his pockets. It didn't matter that he had charms around them, I just stole some odd looking trinket and then I bolted. I had, and still have, no idea what it was I stole, but that evening the weird guy came over to the apartment I was renting. Turned out he wasn't just any bloody Warlock but the most powerful one. Man, I thought I was a goner, but instead he offered me a job, I help him and he'd look after me. I thought it would be an easy job, find a guy, tell Cosmo and be done with it. But it wasn't, it was a little more complicated than that, it always is. I've spent the last year going into every bloody supernatural bar in Europe, I've made friends, and I've left friends. I've had cuts, bruises and broken bones and a pretty rough year, but it was worth it all. The first month that I was with Cosmo he took me to a town in Scotland. He had a friend up there, an eighty nine year old man called Marcus. He was such a nice old man, I started calling him Grandpa, just because... I kept in touch, he turned ninety two weeks ago and I sent him a painting I'd done of the Vatican and rang him up. I spoke to him for two hours." I looked down at the letter in my hands and Gage looked at it as well, I did the maths: it had been written on the 22nd, six days ago, two days after his death, and eight days after his birthday. I bit back tears again and took a deep breath; Gage pulled the letter out of my tightly clenched hand and folded it up neatly.
"It's an interesting and hard life you live," he commented, his lips brushed the top of my forehead and I laughed once.
"To put it mildly," I murmured and after a few more minutes he began to pull away. He slipped off the bed and stood awkwardly over me, and me? I just blushed big time and rubbed my face to wake myself up, why the hell had I just told this guy my life story? There was a huge patch on the side of his chest that showed where I'd bawled my eyes out. God, when did I become so emotional, sure I'd just found out Marcus had died and I was pretty cut up about it but usually I'd wait until I was alone before I started with the waterworks, I do not, and I repeat, I do not cry in front of strangers. No matter how hot and sensitive they appear to be. Never. I stretched and took a deep breath before looking up at him, "I think I'd like to go home now." He nodded and left me to get changed, and to complain to myself about my appearance. My hair was like a bird's nest and my eyes were red from crying, my face pale and tired.
Ten minutes later I thought I looked reasonably human and there was at a knock on the door. I opened the door hesitantly, a familiar face grinned through the gap. I smiled and pulled the door wider, letting Roman in, I was relieved and disappointed that it wasn't Gage, the former because I was still embarrassed over my 'moment' and the latter... I had no idea, maybe it's because I missed his comforting presence. Crap, I was acting like a lovelorn idiot, this day just got weirder and weirder.
"Sleeping beauty is awake now, huh?" Roman looked me up and down before motioning me to leave the room, "you like the top? Luc washed it for you," I fingered the top and looked up at him wryly,
"Does that mean you stitched it back together?" He blushed red as a tomato as there were peals of laughter from further down the corridor. I studied the woman skipping down the corridor towards us. (Although it wasn't really skipping, she was walking but she bounced, a lot, giving the impression that she was skipping.) Her burgundy hair was long and fell in elegant curls to her waist, any longer and she'd trip over it... She had sweet elfin features and her body was lithe and tall, her blue eyes sparkled as she studied me.
"Marietta this is Elise, Elise meet Marietta," I guessed from the way Roman and Elise held hands that they were a couple, an odd looking one at that. She was all elegance and curves whilst Roman was short and bulky with muscles, but hey, they looked happy. At least she was a werewolf, I'd seen interspecies relationships and when a guy's girlfriend is twice his size and has horns then you know that Cupid has a messed up sense of humour or just no sense of aim.
"I did the sewing," Elise laughed after shaking my hand, "his hands are too big to do anything useful." I laughed with her, deciding that I liked her. She didn't ask the mundane questions like, how are you feeling? How long are you in America for? What's your favourite colour? But instead she asked about something that caught me off guard.
"How do you know the Hunter?" She was watching me curiously as I walked between her and Roman, this house was like a blooming maze; there were so many corridors! And they all looked the same!
"The Hunter?" I floundered, hoping that they didn't know his name, "he was at A Wolf's Whistle and got caught up in the fight with me." And I still had no idea why he had, he must have been 'hankering for a fight' for a reason.
"But I heard he was there when they," at 'they' I noticed her eyes slid to Roman, "picked you up."
Picked me up, that was a nice way of putting it. How about lured me to a darkened alley grabbed me and stuck a hood over my head. I decided not to say this out loud, just in case she didn't appreciate my snarky persona.
"Yeah, he'd been following me for a while and finally caught up with me," I glared at Roman for the whole kidnapping thing. Understandably I was still sore over it, despite how well they'd treated me after. But when I knew I was most likely going to be killed when I got home I was a little pissed. Roman studiously ignored my glare and we finally came to a stop at some steps leading down. I looked down them suspiciously. The steps led down a small stone corridor and who knew where they led. Elise grinned at me and went down, Roman gestured for me to follow and said cheerfully,
"Ladies first," his smile didn't falter when I looked at him suspiciously,
"Is this where you kill me after luring me into a false sense of security?" He was silent a tad too long but then he burst into boisterous laughter and went down the steps on his own. I frowned at his descending back, not sure that he had answered, and if he had it wasn't very reassuring.
"Don't worry," a voice behind me made me jump around quickly; I let out a heavy breath and shook my head at Luc. Then wondered how the Hell I hadn't sensed him. I put it down to fatigue and nerves. "We're just taking you home," and this time when he motioned for me to go down, I did. It was a long descent and the steps were well worn under my feet. I kept a hand trailing faintly on the wall, counting the steps as I went.

9. The Ancient Room Of Eeriness

When we finally got to the bottom I looked around the room in amazement. It was like a big underground chamber. I guessed they had a lot, like dungeons in one part and then big fancy rooms in another. There was a small antechamber of regular grey stone and a huge arch etched with intricate patterns led into the greater chamber. The floor was marble, pure white and pristine clean, they must use one hellova brand of floor cleaner... the ceiling was high and domed and held up with columns that tapered into arches at the top. The whole room was white, screw the floor cleaner; they used bleach. The columns were the only source of colour and were blood red; it was creepy in a beautiful kind of way. And whilst I could see no source of light the chamber was quite blatantly glowing. My admiration was short lived when I realised who was in the chamber. His aura once again left me breathless and ill. I shook my head against it and looked at Sebastian with accusing eyes.
He frowned back at me, "Why do you do that?" He gestured to my clenched hands and shaking body.
"It's you, I can't stand being around you," I probably should have worded that better if the reactions from Elise, Roman and Luc were any indication that I had insulted the Alpha. I held up my shaky hands quickly, "whoa, I didn't mean like that. I meant your Aura, its -" I struggled to find a word for how it, 'sickening' probably wouldn't go down too well, "so strong, I can't handle it." Sebastian and the others stared at me for a long time before I felt his Aura shrink away; I slumped with the release of it and glanced at him surprised. His aura was only just visible around his body, like an extra skin, the way other werewolves, like Roman, Elise and Luc had theirs'. I'd never heard of someone controlling their aura, everyone had one and it reacted to their power. Sebastian was an Alpha so it was natural for him to have such a strong aura, he had to be powerful to hold his title and control his pack, but for him to make his power near non-existent was... stupidly considerate of him.
He smiled gently at my astounded face, "was that why you were so rude last night?"
"Ha, God no, that's just me," I laughed and was rewarded by his widening eyes. Then he let out one booming laugh, if I'd thought Roman had a loud laugh then this guy was the King of loud. I smiled at him and looked around the chamber again; apart from wondering how the hell I was supposed to go home from here I thought there was something fishy about the place. My eyes scanned the walls and floor and then I found what I was looking for, in a slightly darker burgundy runes were carved into the columns, running in spirals around marble pillars. Like some possessed book junkie I walked towards the nearest column and stared at the runes, racking my brain for a reason as to why they were so familiar.

10. Regretting the Tattoo.

I couldn't think as to why they were so familiar; I was certain I had never seen the runes from my time with Cosmo. I reached out to touch them and stopped, shocked at my foolishness. The answer was right in front of me, or in this case, behind me. I had the same type of runes tattooed up my back. I'd been happy after a good day in Convent Garden and had thought getting a tattoo was a pretty good way to treat myself. I'd just designed the tattoo and they'd put it in ink up my spine. The runes on the column weren't the same exact symbols on my back but the style was unique and similar. The marks always consisted of graceful lines and dots, what I'd thought to be my own made up code turned out to be a real language... And magical.
"Bloody Hell," I breathed and stepped back awed and kind of freaked, I looked up the column, straining my neck. Now I had sought out the cause of my discomfort I could sense the power coming from the runes, strengthening the chamber.
"You know the Script?" A puzzled voice came from behind me; I glanced back and saw Sebastian watched me curiously. Roman, Luc and Elise had been talking amongst themselves but now they looked up at us.
"The Script?" I echoed, feeling way out of my depth. I didn't have a good feeling about this, and usually my feelings were correct, ninety nine point nine percent of the time... Almost a hundred percent.
"The Script of the Angel," he elaborated, stepping up to my side, I had to crane my neck to see his brooding expression. "They say it's the first written language, it's so old no one knows what the symbols mean any more. This chamber is centuries old, the runes have kept it as it is. The mansion was built over the chamber, whether the magic provided safety for the house I do not know. But what I do know is that the Runes are very powerful."
Right, so the symbols I just happened to have tattooed on my back, permanently, were powerful in ways no one seemed to understand and I just happened to think them up? I don't know about a lot of things but I did know that it was a huge understatement when I said I was out of my depth; I was way out of my league, way out of the country and in another universe. I'd never had this feeling before, not even when I first learnt about the magical creatures lurking in the shadows, and I could just guess that it meant I was slightly screwed. Someone up there must really hate me, and they probably do if it's their bloody language I'm carrying around. God only knows that it could be a curse, and he would know, and it would be just my luck if it was a curse.
"Have you seen the Script before?" Sebastian's curious voice brought me out of my mental cursing and I looked at him sharply, I knew I could probably trust him with a lot of things but telling him I had the Script of the Angel all over my body? I don't think so.
"I've seen it around," I murmured. I glanced once more at the runes before turning my back to them. During my initial shock I had missed Gage's entrance and I nodded to him as a greeting, standing uncomfortably in the suddenly stuffy room. I shoved my hands in my pockets and hunched my shoulders, frowning at the ground. I was wasting time here, I needed to get back home, and, if I survived Henny's thunder, I would go get some answers about the runes. It didn't help that I was aware of every movement and noise Gage made. I'd be thinking about one thing and he'd shift on one foot and distract me. What the Hell was wrong with me? I coughed and looked at Sebastian as he joined his little group of werewolves, "How am I getting home?"
"Through this," he held up a ring in his fingers, I could just about make out that it was made of a thick silver coloured metal before Sebastian had tossed it through the air with a casual flick of the wrist. I watched dumbfounded as the ring froze in mid air, spinning slowly on the spot. A bright light began to appear inside, growing with every turn the ring made. It flashed out once and I flinched back, covering my eyes.

11. Stepping Into Hell.

When I looked up again there was a portal door right in front of me. It glimmered like a mirror, hanging in the air and shimmering at the edges, I could just make out iridescent shapes on the surface and I looked back at Sebastian, they were all grinning at my reaction.
"That was slightly cool," I admitted wryly then tapped my finger against my chin thoughtfully, "how'd you get a hold on a Strega Ring? They're quite rare." Judging by their looks they hadn't expected me to know about them, they were after all one of the most sacred of trinkets created by the Five and not many people knew what they looked like, let alone that they existed. The Five being the five most powerful witches in the world, they make Cosmo look like a widdle puddycat. Of course, no one knows where the witches are any more, there were rumours that they were living on an uncharted secluded island; I thought that they were probably pretending to be humans, living the normal life. I had proof... kind of.
"You know about the Strega Rings?" Elise asked, leaning forward curiously, Roman grin had faded slightly and Luc's face was impassive. Sebastian and Gage watched me intently, I felt like a science experiment from the stares, as though I was some strange new thing and they wanted to dissect me, not a pleasant feeling.
"'Salti Fra la Terra'," I shrugged, 'jump between the land', that was the saying that went with a portal, and judging from Sebastian's wide eyes he had finally clicked that there was a lot that I knew that other people would not. "What can I say? Cosmo was a diligent teacher." Except the truth was I hadn't learnt any of that from Cosmo, I found things out by myself, not from reading books, just by touching, and knowing. A strange little power and doesn't always work the way I want it to.
It wasn't completely different to my little trick of knowing what someone has in their pocket, or how I knew exactly what creature someone is. It was part of the whole psychic thing, I guess, I didn't know much about my 'powers'; I just knew that they were temperamental. Sometimes I could touch things and learn about its history, like collecting data, and most of the time it stuck in my mind. In this case with the Strega Ring it was pure fluke that I knew about it. It came about when I was in Venice. I had been minding my own business, recuperating after a pretty disastrous night on the town, when a lady had walked by and tripped over my box of paints. She'd gone down like a felled tree and I'd been too horrified to laugh. I could tell she was something different but I couldn't put my finger on it. I'd offered her a hand and BANG! Information overload, I suddenly knew all her spells and whatnot, every second of her extremely long life. It didn't affect her and she went on none the wiser, whilst I was left reeling thinking I was a three thousand year old witch called Aurora. That was how I met one of the Five and accidentally stole her identity, at least for a moment, then it passed and I had random facts about her in my head - so that's how I know she is a piccolo teacher in Venice, pretty solid proof, huh? She wasn't the only person it had happened to either, I'd got random bits of information from passing pedestrians, touching a bicycle, a handrail, a public loo and lots of books. Hell, I'd even got some information from a cat. Fascinating yet creepy. It never really affected me too much; I just learnt random titbits that came in handy some times.
I usually kept my hands to myself now, just in case my power decides to kick in. It was another reason I kept to myself, I mean the whole learning new things without going to school was great and all but it came with draw backs, I mean, I didn't want to know about Stacy and the night she lost her virginity to Terrence. I didn't want to know that Adam was going to come out of the closet, I mean good for him and all, but it wasn't my problem.
"Am I okay to go?" I brought them out of their contemplating and pointed to the portal, I may have hated the things but I really didn't want to stay here and reveal anymore about myself. Sebastian pursed his lips before stepping forward, offering me his hand. I shook it quickly, his hand swamped mine and it was slightly unnerving. He let go and I was relieved that I didn't get anything from him; I didn't want to know about all the things he'd seen and done. He had that look in his eyes that came from years of seeing things even nightmares couldn't compare to. Roman, Luc and Elise stepped up to my side, nodding respectfully to their Alpha. Roman grinned at me as he walked past,
"We're tagging along," his voice was wicked and with a final wink at me he pulled Elise into the portal with him, stepping through leaving ripples in his wake. Luc followed silently and I looked back at Sebastian frowning quizzically.
"They have business in the city," he explained, "I hope we did not cause you too much trouble, Marietta. I'm sure we'll meet again." He nodded to Gage and my heart sped as Gage stepped closer. He put a hand on the small of my back and pushed me to the portal. I didn't dare hope that he was coming with us.
He looked down at me and grinned as we stopped beside the portal, my heart stopped at his perfectness... then he stepped into the portal, yanking me in after him. Did I say perfect? What a joke!
I managed to get a glimpse of Sebastian's smiling face before I was sucked into darkness, the pressure building up around me, crushing me.
Did I ever mention that I hate Portals? Because I really, really, really hate them. A lot.

12. I Do Not Need Mommy Coddling.

"Bloody hell! Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, wanker, bollocks, oh God! My head!" I collapsed on the ground and clutched my head at the agonising pain. It felt as if it some guy was beating my brain with a hammer, over and over. Not a lovely image but my God! I was in pain people! Why did portals have to have this affect on me?
Through the dizzying pain I became aware of my surroundings. I had stepped into Central Park - well technically I'd been pulled into Central Park - I doubted it would have made any difference to the pain but I was still indignant. A large hand was pressed against my back as I knelt in the damp grass and I slowly looked up from my hands. Laughter filled the air around me and I scowled at the source.
"How. Many. Swear. Words. Do. You. Know?" Roman wheezed between laughter. He was doubled over and red in the face whilst Elise watched him with a small smile, Luc was standing off to one side, leaning casually against a tree. He smiled slightly at me and shrugged so I snapped my attention back to Roman.
"Sod off you b*****d," I growled and pushed myself to my feet, the hand stayed steady on my back and looked up to see Gage watching me with concerned eyes, his aura wrapped around me comfortingly. I leant back into his hand and rubbed my temples, trying to push away all the lovey dovey thoughts I kept having about him.
"Oh," Roman held his hands up in mock horror, the effect ruined by the fact he was shaking with stifled laughter, "I'm quaking."
I just glared, too tired and distracted to do anything else. Elise stepped up to us and hugged me quickly but tightly, her aura, sweet and soft brushed against me, and then she stepped back, smiling lightly.
"We'll see you soon, Marietta," I smiled back tightly and she tapped Roman on the shoulder as she passed him. He composed himself slightly and came up to me; he clapped his hand against mine and pumped my arm, hard.
"Nice meeting you, Kingdom," he stepped back and saluted me mockingly before trotting to catch up with Elise. Luc didn't come up to me, just nodded and smiled kindly,
"Take care of yourself, Marietta," and with that he followed after the other two.
Roman called over his shoulder, "And look out for those cars!" I swore after him and his laughter drifted back to me. I studied their retreating backs, smiling at the differences. Elise stood in the middle, a slim figure in tight jeans and a hugging top, Roman at her side, his head parallel to her shoulder and in baggy clothes that still gave off the impression of sophistication. And Luc? He was taller than the both of them, his black cropped hair contrasting with his white shirt and baby blue jeans. He reminded me of a cowboy for some reason... probably because of the boots he wore. Typical country lad.
I shook my head and looked back at Gage, subtly admiring him. He was still wearing a black t shirt that was stretched over his muscular torso, he also wore black leather fingerless gloves - the kind that looked like he was a keen motorcyclist, his boots also matched the whole Hell's Angel bad boy look. His dark jean trousers had just the right amount of bagginess, tight enough to show off his tree trunks for legs, and strapped in clear view in a leather holster was a huge knife, Crocodile Dundee kind, sitting comfortably on his ribs. He was luckily not watching me drool over him but was instead fiddling with his glove straps.
"They were quick to leave, aren't you going with them?" I asked casually, debating whether or not I wanted him to go. Yes because then I wouldn't act like a blush-at-every-comment-he-makes-girl and no because I'd miss him. What can I say? He was nice to look at.
He glanced up at me and smiled, he finally seemed to relax now that everyone - Sebastian, more like - was gone. "I'm your bodyguard," My mouth dropped open and I stared at him, my mind blank for a few moments before my anger caught up with me.
"Bodyguard! I do not need a stupid bodyguard!" I kept my voice low and lethal, it usually had people edging away from me but this guy just stood and grinned affably. Cocky mongrel! My pride had taken some serious hits these past two days. First I get hit by a car and walk right into the most blatant of traps, and then I cave under the smallest of pressure and give Sebastian answers. Not to forget my passing out, twice, and baring my soul, and tears, to a friggin' stranger. And now this, a bodyguard, what else would God throw at me, because if it was a bus I was seriously considering throwing myself in front of it.
"It wasn't my idea, I told Sebastian that there had been other werewolves tailing you and he asked me to protect you," He shrugged and began walking away, obviously expecting me to follow, which I didn't. Instead I huffed angrily and snarled at him,
"You're going the wrong way, mutt," and I walked onto another path towards the familiar route I usually took with Boots. He was quickly at my side, slowing his pace so that I stayed beside him. He was either oblivious to my dark glares or he was doing a very good job at ignoring him. The thing was though I knew he wasn't just here to protect me.
Sebastian wanted me watched. He wanted Cosmo and he wanted to know more about me. What better way to do that then having a spy undercover as a bodyguard? Though I was reassured by his presence, I mean nobody likes having a whole load of werewolves out for your head, I still knew that I had to get rid of him, Gage or no Gage I was not having a spy; I had too many secrets to protect.
He thought that I was stubborn and would come around to having him there, but little did he know that no matter how much I liked him I was going to make his life hell. The fact that this guy had kidnapped me only strengthened my resolve. Poor guy had no idea what he was getting himself into.
"What's your surname?" I kept my voice light and friendly and from the corner of my eye I saw some of the tension leave his shoulders and a smile twitched at his lips. Just you wait, mutt, I was a-biding my time.
"Summers, my name's Gage Summers," he reached out and caught my arm, yanking me back before I could go through the gates onto the crowded path. I glared up at him indignantly but he was staring at the street suspiciously,
"You're jumping at nothing, Summers, now hurry up and let's get moving. Its lunchtime and the last time I ate was early morning yesterday. I. am. Hungry." I tried unsuccessfully to pull my arm from his grasp and he frowned down at me.
"There could be werewolves out there," he murmured, looking around shiftily, god, he was more paranoid than I was, and that was saying something.
"If there were werewolves I'd know, trust me," it broke my heart when he nodded and followed me into the crowd; little did he know that the trust was undeserved. Gage kept his hand on the small of my back as we worked our way through the crowd and stopped at the road to yell for a taxi. He pushed me in, nicely this time, and I told the cabbie where to go then sunk back into the seat, preparing myself for the storm awaiting my return. Gage didn't seem to know that I needed silence for that.
"Do you live with anyone?" how did his voice get to be so nice? I could listen to it for hours. I kept my eyes shut and frowned, mentally yelling at myself not to feel anything for him. No mushy stuff! Come on, Etta, focus!
"Only Henny, and Boots, Henny's an Austrian Hedgewitch, she came over to look after me," I reasoned that since he was going to be coming home with me, my annoyingly solid shadow, then he was allowed to know this stuff. "Mike works in the lobby, he sounds Italian but I'm not so sure, Frank is the doorman and blind as a bat, but he's nice enough. And no, none of them are supernatural; you can sniff them for yourself if you don't believe me." The taxi came to a halt outside the familiar building and I practically fell out of the taxi in my haste to leave. Food! Bacon, sausages, fried egg and crumpets! Glorious, tasty grub! Frank looked nodded kindly and let me in, then did a double take when he saw Gage.
"S'alright Frank, Fido's with me," the old man nodded slightly and said a feeble good afternoon whilst Gage glowered at me; I shrugged innocently, "Heel boy." He looked around the fancy lobby and whistled impressed; I had made it to the elevator when the familiar voice called out to me, my shoulders slumped in defeat, how many more distractions? Did they not know how hungry I was?
"Miss?" I plastered a smile on my face and skipped over to Mike; his eyes flickered over my shoulder to where Gage was waiting patiently at the elevator, he swallowed nervously.
"Don't worry, Mike, he doesn't bite," Only on a full moon. I was rewarded by a faint smile.
"There have been certain people using your apartment, Miss Kingdom," he told me and I processed this information, I smiled reassuringly at Mike,
"Must be Henny, she does like her company," everyone in the building knew who Henny was, she had made it her job to befriend every living thing and the Lobby gang were just a few of her victims. He bought it and I went back to the elevator, musing.
"Is everything alright?" Gage asked as the doors pinged closed on us. I nodded, wondering how much of that he had heard. The only person who knew where I lived was Lucas, Lucas was a Hunter, Lucas had seen the werewolves grab me, and Lucas didn't know that they now considered me their friend. There would be some misunderstandings, someone could get hurt... and Lucas or his Hunter friends were in my apartment.
I glanced at Gage, a wickedly evil plan forming in my head.

13. I Admit It, I'm The Devil

When the doors opened I looked at my apartment door thoughtfully, and then looked back at Gage.
"I'll go first in case anyone else is in there," he was a good bodyguard... shame. I passed him my key and stood behind him as he unlocked and cautiously opened the door. I followed him in silently as he looked around my apartment with quick professional eyes. I slammed the door shut and Gage glared at me, I shrugged and mouthed an innocent what?
There was a flash of movement as someone burst into the kitchen and the next thing I knew something shiny sped through the air and Gage grunted, collapsing to his knees, the hilt of a knife protruding from his right chest. I gasped, and caught him before he fell, he slumped against me and I couldn't take his weight, I went down against the side of the sofa as he practically sat on top of me.
"Whoa, we come in peace!" I held my hands up in surrender, looking over Gage's head at the girl who had attacked him. "Nice aim, but save it for the real bad guys." She was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair that fell around her shoulders. She was definitely a Hunter, if the gear she wore under her fancy clothes was any indication. I didn't study her for too long but instead wrapped my arms around Gage and put pressure on the wound around the knife. He was breathing through his teeth, and growling but I decided to ignore that, he was also still trying to put himself between myself and the stranger. Idiot.
Another Hunter appeared behind her and I looked at the two of them confused, although he was a boy they looked exactly the same. Same sharp features, same light blonde hair. I twigged who they were,
"So you're the twins Lucas was on about, huh?" I saw surprise flash through their eyes,
"You're Marietta?" The boy asked and I nodded, still trying to stop Gage's bleeding, Henny would know what to do with him, but in all my injuries I'd never been stabbed by a knife, only slashed, so I was useless.
"The one and only, I'm guessing Lucas told you to watch the house, good job so far but you attacked the wrong guy." Gage grunted in agreement, a string of swearwords escaping his lips with such venom that I almost patted him on the back. That was the spirit.
"He's a werewolf, you were kidnapped by werewolves, what were we supposed to think?" The girl was haughty and a little offended,
I shook my head then looked up at a scream, from the other bedroom Henny's familiar figure appeared, she hovered over me and Gage. I waved from my trapped position, "Hello, Henny, are you any good at healing knife wounds?" She muttered some Austrian at me before snapping at the boy,
"Oscar, you help me take him to the bedroom," the boy came over quickly, he looked slightly nicer than the girl and he pulled Gage off of me, I helped by pushing the lump up. I watched from my position on the floor as Gage stumbled after Henny, Oscar dragging him. I looked up at the girl, she watched me with disdain before going to the kitchen and pouring herself a drink. I used the sofa to pull myself up and wandered over to my bedroom, ignoring her gaze.
I showered and changed, wincing at the sting of my hip, it had been stitched and bandaged back at the werewolves place and I'd pretty much forgotten about it. I was glad to see no one had been in my bedroom, I didn't like the idea of that girl using any of my stuff, call me childish but I hated that she acted like she owned the place. I went out and found her sat at the kitchen table, I ignored her again and began cooking, it was only as I switched the bacon from the frying pan onto my plate that I noticed something missing.
"Where's Boots?" I looked around, missing his excited barking. The girl put her cup down and frowned,
"Lucas took the damn thing out, it wouldn't stop howling," I bristled at her calling him a thing. Only I could use terms like that for my dog. And I probably should have asked about Lucas...
"I got your brother's name, but what's yours?" I liked to know the names of people who cursed my dog.
"I'm Francesca," my god she even did the whole hair flick thing, I, on the other hand, dug into my bacon butty, dripping ketchup everywhere. "And you are a pig," she added, watching me with disgust,
"When you haven't eaten for two days you kind of forget about everything else, like manners," I shrugged, "Be thankful because it's the only reason I haven't chucked you out yet."
She smirked, "I doubt you could chuck me a foot, let alone out of your apartment,"
"Why? Do you weigh so much? I've taken on a car, so I guess if you weigh roughly the same I could manage." I was rewarded by her reddening face and I was waiting for her to explode.
"You cow! You come back in here after two days acting like everything's fine, Lucas has been tearing his hair out trying to get answers on your whereabouts, he's gone to every werewolf pack, he's made more enemies these past two days than he has in two months and all you care about is food!" She had stood up and was leaning across the table, shouting into my face, and spitting on my butty... I frowned up at her,
"How in love with Lucas are you?" I was curious, it was so obvious from her reaction that it was more than brotherly love. She looked stunned then ready to hit me, I held up my hands complacently, "sorry, I really am. But don't you think I'm tired as well?" I saw her hesitate and she looked down at me, waiting, I carried on, "I was hit by a car, for Christ's sake! Then I was kidnapped and when I woke up I was chained to a friggin' wall in the dungeons of their mansion. And whilst the Alpha asked me questions I was still bleeding! I am tired, I am hungry, I've apparently still got a bounty on my head and now I'm being attacked in my own bloody house! So excuse me for being such a pig but I'm kind of in a bad mood," I was so using the car crash thing for sympathy, and it seemed to soften Frannie because she sat down and smiled softly at me.
"It's been rough for a lot of us," 'us' what the hell has she done other than sit in my house watching TV and throwing knives at unsuspecting werewolves. I decided not to break whatever fragile friendship we had formed and kept quiet, falling into a comfortable silence as I finished my butty and drained a whole carton of orange juice.
"Good shot by the way," I said mildly, nodding to where the blood stained the floor. She looked confused,
"I thought you were angry about that?" Her frown deepened at my laugh,
"No, I was expecting it. I knew there would be Hunters here," I elaborated for her.
"Why would you want him to be stabbed?" I shrugged, I couldn't actually tell her that I hadn't wanted him to be stabbed, just attacked so that he got a little shaken.
"He's my bodyguard," I said as if that explained everything, from the knowing look and wry smile on her face she did. I decided that maybe it was time I checked on him, it had been half an hour since he had been stabbed - that was long enough at torture for him with Henny. I went in, Oscar was stood at the side, and he smiled nervously at me, shifting from foot to foot. I grinned at him and looked over at Gage, he was conscious and watching the little hedgewitch with a bemused expression, I almost laughed until I saw the bloodied bandages that surrounded him. For a moment I felt bad, I had known about this...
Henny was muttering Austrian curses to herself as she put the last of her famous salve onto the wound. I gagged at the familiar smell of the stuff and Henny's eyes snapped up to me. Something flashed in her eyes and it chilled me to the bone, my senses blared and I tried to keep my shocked expression back. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled, never a good sign.
"I told you to be careful, Marietta Kingdom! I told you! And look what happens!" She pointed to her patient who I smiled nervously at, he didn't return it, his grey eyes were so dull that it wrenched at my heart. Then I saw the knife, god it had to be five inches long, I pulled a face. No one could survive that...
I didn't know what to do about Henny, even when she's angry she never calls me my full name, "Good to see you too, Henny, I'm fine by the way." Before she could yell at my selfish comment I added, "Did it hit anything vital?" I wanted to keep her attention off of me, and I wanted her out of the room, I couldn't focus with her around.
She turned away and glanced at the horrible red wound, "fortunately for you and for him he is a werewolf and he will heal." She turned back to me and pushed the pot of salve into my hands roughly, "finish this off. You know how to use the stuff by now, huh?" And with that she dragged Oscar out the room and slammed the door.

14. My Housekeeper Wouldn't Hurt a Fly, So Why's she trying to kill a Werewolf?

I stood thoughtfully, looking down at the salve in my hands. Henny was not a violent person, she never slammed doors, she never shouted and she never said 'huh'. There was really something wrong with Henny and it scared the hell out of me. On a hunch I sniffed the salve and winced at the revolting odour, but it was laced with a sharp burning smell and if I hadn't had Aurora's memories floating around in my head I'd never had recognized the smell.
Wolfsbane. Ever read those books that said werewolves could use Wolfsbane to help control the wolf? They were lying. Rumours also had it that Wolfsbane repelled werewolves, they were right about that, but in a cut as bad as Gage's? Even the smallest of doses would kill him, so slowly that no one would notice. Since when was Henny a vindictive cow?
I swore, dropped the salve and ran to the adjoined bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth and running it under water. Then I ran back and knelt on the bed, practically sitting on top of Gage, he caught my hands before I could do anything,
"Marietta, what are you doing?" I tried to pull my hands away but he wasn't letting go without an answer,
"Wolfsbane," I hissed, glancing at the door in case 'Henny' was listening in. His hands fell limp and I immediately began wiping any salve that had been on him off. I was so worried that even the awesomeness of his chiselled chest didn't distract me.
"Does she know I'm a werewolf?" I had to give him credit, he kept his voice calm and quiet. I didn't look up from the puckered wound; even if it reminded me of some gruesome C.S.I autopsy.
"She has never used Wolfsbane before," I replied and when I thought it was clean I leaned over his lap and rummaged through the first aid kit quickly. I found some anti septic swabs and quickly pressed them on his chest. "How are you feeling? Dizzy? Tired? Sluggish?"
Gage frowned in concentration and wiggled his fingers, "Nothing out of the ordinary, the healing process usually leaves us stiff." I watched him closely for a minute and he stared back. I was horrified, with myself and with 'Henny'. I had got him stabbed and then he'd almost been poisoned by the person meant to heal him,
"House of Horrors, huh?" I joked weakly and saw a muscle twitch in his jaw. His already dull eyes softened and he cupped my cheek with a warm hand. I reacted automatically, sighing and leaning into his hand, losing myself into his aura and gaze, it felt so good, but my guilt came back to me and I dropped my eyes quickly, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" He had moved his hand away but not too far, instead he began toying with my hair, curling it around his fingers.
"For getting you hurt and having a sadistic house keeper," I murmured, my fingers fiddled with the wash cloth and I refused to gaze at the bloody bandages around me. "It was my fault, I knew there'd be Hunters here; I thought it might discourage you from being my bodyguard if you knew I was associated with them."
I waited painfully for his reaction and then he chuckled, chuckled! Can you believe it? This was probably my first ever sincere apology and the guy was half out of it and laughing! I frowned at him and he smiled, his eyes sparkling with some of the former energy I had become so attached to.
"I knew you would hate having a bodyguard, I thought you'd throw a huge tantrum and hit things but when you didn't I knew you would be trouble. I expected tricks of all kind to get rid of me and putting me in the path of Hunters was one I had considered," a small smile played at his lips as I stared at him, incredulous. The moron had been prepared to go through all my tricks? What an idiot! Was he expecting water bombs and hide and seek? I was a cruel twisted person, I would have thrown more than water to get rid of him - the gaping wound in his chest was proof enough of that.
"You could have been seriously hurt - scratch that, you are seriously hurt! What were you thinking? You should have told me from the start that you were here to stay and none of this would have happened!" I waved at the bandages, annoyed by his relaxed approach. I didn't know why but I think I would have felt better if he was at least disappointed in me. I felt my eyes prickle and I stood up angrily, I would not cry! Not for this lumbering imbecile. He caught my hand, his fingers twining through mine and he pulled me down again, his other hand caught my face and turned me stiffly to look at him.
"It's my job to get seriously hurt," he said softly, like that made me feel better, "I'll take anything you dish, I'll take all the flying knives, any bullet, fight all the a******s. For you, as long as you are safe, I'll take them all." I stared at him in amazement and he traced my face with his fingertips leaving tingling trails in his wake. I was so close to leaning forwards and kissing him, I swear after hearing all that mush I would have done anything. But as I prided myself in being a cold hearted unemotional individual I didn't lean forward and kiss those oh so inviting lips. Instead I smiled slightly,
"Very poetic, but I still hate bodyguards and you won't be staying around to fight any of my battles," I was cut by his disappointed expression but I carried on, gently removing his hands I said wryly, "plus, I've been against werewolves, pixies, knives, flying bottles and fire, I still need to cross bullets off my list." I stood up and picked the salve up from the floor. Standing at the window I tried to distract myself from what I had just done. It wasn't too hard.
Henny. She would never hurt a soul and yet she had put Wolfsbane in her special healing potion. She was an herbalist and knew every property of every plant under the sun, so it was no mistake. I tried to think back to when her strange behaviour might have changed but I couldn't, she had been cheerful Henny through and through. So that only meant that she had changed when I was with the wolves. I doubted she was possessed as she had so many charms and spells to protect herself. But I couldn't think of any other reason, other than that the Henny next door wasn't Henny at all, but a doppelganger. Surely if it was an imposter I would have noticed the auras were different.
But then again, I'd seen an Alpha shrink his own Aura, maybe some people could change theirs. If that was the case and this was some malevolent imposter then Henny was probably gone... dead. My breath caught in my throat at the thought, I couldn't imagine Henny dead it was too horrible. I knew I couldn't afford to be weak here: I needed to leave this apartment, I needed answers, and I needed to be sure. This was where my powers would really come in handy.
I took a deep breath and carefully picked up the pot of salve. I held it in my hands and shut my eyes, trying to feel it, not the wooden pot but the emotions and the history of behind it. I thought it wouldn't work for a while and I was conscious of Gage staring at me, probably thinking there was something wrong with me.
"What are -" Gage started but then it happened and all noise stopped, just like that, like a switch had turned off all my senses.
There's that saying, that when you have a close scrape with death that you see your life flash before your eyes, that's pretty much what happened to me when my power finally decided to kick in. Images of unfamiliar places appeared here and there, faces caught in mid sentence, laughing, crying and talking. The familiar sights of Vienna swamped my mind; this was Henny's pot so it showed her life, but then the images darkened, horrific flashes of someone else's life. The one that caught me off guard and stabbed through my heart was of Henny's sweet face frozen in the pain of her death.
I gave a strangled scream and threw the pot away from me, the images faded into smoke to reveal the familiar cream carpet of the bedroom.
"- you doing?" Gage finished then swore as I doubled over, clutching my head panting, trying to stop the bile that rose in my throat. It had barely been a second and, though the images were gone, the facts stayed burned in my mind. I took deep breaths, I knew who the imposter was, and I knew that Henny was dead - the image was still fresh in my eyes - and I knew who had devised the whole plan. I was so screwed. "Marietta, what happened?"
I turned to answer him, blinking through my clouded mind when there was howling through the door. I quickly went to the door and turned to Gage before I went out, "hurry up with the healing thing; we need to leave." I didn't stop to see his reaction, just closed the door behind me and went to the living room.

15. I've Found You Out, Frenchie.

I had a glimpse of brown fur before I was bowled over; I fell to the floor and was attacked by a tongue, paws all over me. I huffed and laughed once before pushing Boots off me, my relief was short lived before I remembered everything else. I stood up and saw the twins in the kitchen, they were watching the door. I followed their gaze and saw Henny shouting at a very tired and tousled looking Lucas.
"That dog is mental! I told you not to bring him back here, to let him calm down!" her voice was shrill and Boots growled, cowering behind my legs, his fur bristled as he watched fake Henny. I knew exactly how he felt. Now I knew who the doppelganger was and what she had done I was repulsed to even look at her, I was surprised I hadn't noticed the filthy aura before, it clung to her like bad perfume.
Lucas's eyes found me and his smile broke through his hard features, he slipped past the cow and pulled me into a brief, tight hug. He looked down at me and grinned, I smiled back tightly,
"I hear you've been causing one hell of a ruckus to find me," I found it hard to tease when I knew who was in my house, "My hero," I hit him lightly on the chest and he shrugged,
"Yeah, I go through all that and then you walk through your front door like being kidnapped was an everyday thing," he shook his head mournfully, "I feel so useless." I laughed but stopped when Boots growled loudly again, a harsh bark coming from his menacing jaws.
"How long has he been acting like this?" I asked casually, the answer would only confirm what I already knew; I'd just touched Boots and saw all that had happened to him, despite being a dog he was quite good to pick up on detail.
"Well, he was howling when you got nabbed but stopped pretty much when I got to him. I brought him back here and he started acting up again," I nodded and glanced at 'Henny', her eyes were sneaky and cold although she kept her face, no Henny's, kind and attractive.
"He was probably worried about you, Marietta, and he probably didn't like the strangers," she smiled adoringly at the dog but there was an edge to it. "He must have thought they were going to hurt him," was I the only one who caught that meaning behind the lie? Obviously not from the way Lucas glanced from my stony expression back to the supposed house keeper.
"Yeah, animals can smell danger from a mile away," I answered mildly. I stepped to the side and looked through a magazine, thinking quickly. "Apparently there are still werewolves after me, hence Fido next door."
"You think his pack will protect you?" Lucas asked, he collapsed onto the sofa but he seemed to have caught up on my mood -he was good at that I was learning- and was wound tightly, ready to pounce. The twins came round from the kitchen and sat on the armchair, Frannie leaning on the arm, her eyes never left Lucas.
I was well aware of the ears listening in although she pretended to be busy by cleaning up the kitchen.
"I can't be sure," I said, still skimming the magazine, it seemed that now my psychic ability had started it wasn't going away and everything I touched had a story behind it. The magazine had been read by Frannie right before we burst in, I offered it to her; "You want to finish this?" She took it from me surprised and seemed even more stunned when it was on the page she had got up to.
"So what do you want to do?" Oscar asked, leaning forwards eagerly. I picked up a pen and twirled it round my fingers, Boots was silently staring up at me, just like Lucas was, switched on to my eerily calm mood.
"I think we should find out what we're up against," I answered mildly; the cow appeared with some bowls of crisps and biscuits. Boots backed away from her with a yelp and I looked at her musingly, "what do you think... Priscilla?" Lucas was up and ready, wielding a knife in his hands, the twins didn't need to know what was happening, they just followed Lucas's lead and snapped out some weapons. Oscar wielded a crossbow which I hadn't noticed he had whilst his sister had quite a few lethal throwing knives. I simply stood and stared at the face I had come to love and was now worn by a b***h of a witch.
She stepped away coolly, smiling an evil smile which looked so out of place on Henny's plump face, "so you know me, sweetheart?" The Austrian was gone to be replaced by a musical French accent and as we all watched her glamour poured away from her body like running water. Gone was Henny and in her place was a tall stunning woman. Her skin was unblemished and the palest of whites, bright red curls framed an angelic face and she wore a hugging corset dress that complimented her every curve.
And though she looked an angel she was far from it. Priscilla was one of the strongest witches of France, and the cruellest. She worked for one man and one man only; Jean-Claude, a French master vampire, he controlled half the covens in Europe and had influence over a third of the werewolf packs. I'd never met him and I had been hoping to keep it that way. I knew why he was after me, I was the only connection to Cosmo that they had, and Jean-Claude had a particular bone to pick with the Warlock. Didn't everyone.
"I think everyone knows who you are, Priscilla," I muttered, clenching my hands. "You're Jean-Claude's blood bank and b***h to call." Her face twisted into a sneer,
"Oh the famous Marietta and her Mockery," she laughed one harsh sound; "How you survived France with that as your only defence I have no idea. But here in America you don't seem too helpless," she motioned to the Hunters; the three were ready to attack. I knew it was dangerous to talk to her, but there wasn't much else I could do, knives and arrows would not hurt her, not with the magic she had.
"I'd love to know how you found me," I said, still trying to appear calm and unruffled I spun the pencil in my fingers. "Wait, I already do. Jonas Abate." I was rewarded by a small frown wrinkling her brow, the sneer gone. "Your master had commissioned Abate to steal something very valuable from Cosmo. Claude kept his hands clean from the whole thing and the Warlock was none the wiser that his 'friend' had crossed him. But then I found Abate and told the Warlock, bugger for you guys when Cosmo found out who was really behind the whole theft. Let me guess, Cosmo stormed in, literally, spells blazing and did a bit of damage to your lovely chateau?"
To say that she was looking slightly surprised that I knew this was an understatement, but then she relaxed, "Cosmo must have told you all -" I cut her off, shaking my head,
"The last time I saw Cosmo was right after I'd told him Abate's name," I glanced at Lucas, he was creeping round steadily, never taking his eyes off the witch.
"Didn't Cosmo kill Abate?" Lucas asked, I was discerned when Priscilla's sneaky eyes snapped to him.
"Yes, he did, but Priscilla here can talk to the dead," a pretty creepy trick if you asked me, but the Hunters were looking at her thoroughly impressed. "He gave her a pretty detailed description of me, signing my death warrant from beyond the grave."
I was talking pretty big for someone without a plan. I mean sure there were four of us and one wounded werewolf, but against a powerful witch like Priscilla we were dog meat. Cosmo was always complaining about her, apparently they'd had some sort of relationship, from what I got from her mind she was still cut up about it. Poor b***h of a witch. I didn't want to know why she was still hanging about when she could have been done with us ages ago, was she waiting for some back up or something? I really didn't hope so; we were on the top floor with no chance in hell of getting out here if the exits were blocked. The windows were a no-no, I really didn't want to end up a human pancake, if I was going to die I was going out in style, and neatly.
"You know an awful lot," Priscilla mused, "why did you come back if you knew we'd be here for you?"
"If I tell you I only just found out would you believe me?" I didn't look over her shoulder as the door to the guest bedroom opened and Gage crept out, still topless. Well, at least I'd die with a view.
"What gave me away?" She was looking awful shifty and I didn't trust her one bit, but I still wanted to act tough, to give some impression that I knew what I was doing.
"How about you're a terrible actress and should forget about Broadway?" I laughed once at revealing her little fantasy, then tilted my head and pursed my lips, "or maybe it was the Wolfsbane in a healing balm, that just screams 'Something's up with Henny' in big flashing Neon lights. Or maybe it's just because I'm so amazingly awesome... yep, that's probably it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Brits will always be that much higher up in the Knowledge Tree than you frogs." Her face contorted into a vicious scowl,
"You will regret the day you crossed us, Marietta," I rolled my eyes at her dramatics,
"I'm oh so scared, Priscilla," I waved my fingers as though casting spells, "Hooga booga! Real brave of you to declare war on me in foreign lands, you frogs are getting to be quite the daredevils."

16. Dangerous Things, These Kitchens.

Maybe I overlooked the fact that her magic allowed her to control people. Yep, I definitely overlooked that because the next thing I knew a strong body had tackled me from the side, taking me down. I swore loudly and twisted before I went head first to the floor, and the impact of the fall meant Lucas loosened his hold on me and I used that opportunity to get him off. I elbowed him hard on his collar bone and he yelled in my ear and flew off me. I jumped, flashy style, to my feet and glanced around. Priscilla was in a battle with the twins and trying to fend off a very angry werewolf. I didn't have the time to study Gage's magnificent wolf as Lucas suddenly lunged at me, his knife skimmed my ribs by a breath as I skipped to the side, dancing backwards to the kitchen as he lunged over and over, his expression was eerily blank but the eyes were desperate and pleading. He was just a puppet here.
He got too close this time and the blade sliced my neck; I winced and dodged around the table, keeping it between me and him and keeping an eye on the fight in the living room. Between the four of them they'd done a darn good job at destroying the furniture, and the TV, my poor plasma screen! It was hanging precariously from the wall, the screen shattered. Gage was a whirlwind of brown fur, impressive claws and gleaming fangs but magic kept flying at him in purple flying fire. The twins were just as remarkable; between them they shot arrows and knives at the witch but they always glanced off Priscilla's skin, as though she had a protective layer on her. Sometimes one nicked her skin and she'd scream indignantly, but other than that the frog wasn't tiring yet the others weren't giving up anytime soon. Gage really was a persistent little b*****d.
I jumped back as Lucas jumped up and landed on the table, hovering over me, I ducked under the sweeping blade then grabbed his ankles, pulling them from under him so he crashed painfully onto the floor. I took that opportunity to look for a weapon, knives weren't really my speciality but that didn't mean I didn't know how to use one. I opened all the drawers desperately searching for the kitchen utensils. Typically it was the one I hadn't opened that had them and I had only just managed to grab a handle when Lucas came at me. I spun round and held up my weapon to knock away the blade. Trust me to pick up the spatula.
The blade glanced off my flimsy metal; bending it and making the knife miss my eye but catch my cheek. I yelled out, indignant, and kicked Lucas, leaning back on the counter for more force. Werewolves I could deal with, pixies I could deal with, but a Hunter? They were designed and trained to fight the meanest of creatures, and little old me was hardly competition. I ran past him, hoping to get past the table but he caught my ankle in a tight grip and I fell forward, I rolled just as he jumped onto me, straddling me. I gasped and caught his wrist before he could stab me, but he was close. We both froze at a huge crash and the walls seemed to vibrate, we watched each other, surprised, and I took the opportunity to attack him, whacking him repeatedly over the head with my spatula before his free hand caught my wrist and pinned it to the floor. I tried to buck him off but he was stronger and heavier than I was. My eyes sought his face for any sign of the spell wearing off; all I could see were wild eyes and a determinedly set face. My psychic connection to things seemed to have died down so I didn't know whether it was just his body being controlled or his mind as well.
Get him off, get him off. Get. Him. off! I was chanting to myself, not sure whether I could keep his knife away from me much longer. And suddenly I felt a rush of power, it burst from me like a physical force and suddenly Lucas was off, flying through the air with wide eyes before crashing into the cupboards and landing limply on the floor. I sat up and stared at the unconscious Hunter then at my hands; I seemed to have acquired the wonderful gift of telekinesis. Thought transference was a thing of the past compared to this baby! My list of psychic powers was expanding to dizzying heights, any more lurking around that I should know about? It seemed that whenever I got into some spot of bother another power would materialise, I was turning into an ESP directory!

17. A New Determination And A Cleaner Jacket.

I finally got over my shock and crawled to Lucas's body, he was possessed so I really didn't want to hurt him too bad. Luckily he was still breathing and it seemed the only major injury was the huge gash on his forehead. I peeked over the kitchen side and looked at the wreckage. Priscilla was gone, hoorah for that, but where exactly had she gone? The answer was obvious; Frannie was leaning heavily against the wall and beside her the huge window that overlooked the busy street was smashed, a human sized hole in it. Oscar had collapsed in the remains of a chair, bleeding from a split lip but otherwise okay. And Gage? I couldn't see him anywhere.
"Everything alright over there?" I called, staggering to my feet; Oscar looked up panting and gave a weak smile whilst Frannie waved blithely,
"Sure, sure, we deal with witches all the time, no biggie," I smiled slightly at her sarcasm, "Did she possess Lucas?"
"Ha, yeah, he's having a pretty bad day, huh?" I looked down at him then edged away and into the living room. "Where's Gage?" The twins looked around, blinking as though only just noticing that the big wolf wasn't there. I heard a whimper and turned sharply to look at the guest bedroom, Boots appeared and came towards me, tail between his legs and slinking across the floor, "well that's one dog, where's the other?" I frowned and glanced around, then did a double take. When did the wall collapse? So that had been the noise we'd heard... I rushed to the flimsy plaster wall and looked through at the destruction, a light flickered on and off casting eerie shadows around what had been the office. I raced to the huge shape on the floor, tripping over plaster to get to him. Close up he was even more impressive, the size of a bear he was lying flat on his side, panting and wheezing, his furry chest rising and falling rapidly. His fur was sticky with blood here and there and green eyes stared at me mournfully.
I raced to the wolf's side, kneeling beside him and shushing him, telling him not to move when he tried. I ran my hand gently over his jaw and looked up at Oscar who had appeared at the hole.
"Go get Lucas up, we need to leave, now," I didn't want to risk Priscilla's cronies coming after us.
"We have a car outside," he hesitated as he turned away, "I think Priscilla flew away." I laughed and nodded, agreeing that that sounded just like Priscilla, at least it saved us a mess outside. Not even I could bluff my way out of a body flying from my window.
"Hey, Fido," I smiled at Gage and the jaws parted in a grin, "We kind of need to leave, but it'd be a bit suspicious with you coming out looking like you are. Any chance you could poof back to a good old homosapian for us?" The wolf growled and I held up my hands complacently, "Unless you want to stay here like a sitting duck? Your choice big guy," I rocked back on my heels and watched him expectantly. The wolf grumbled at me in annoyance and slowly pushed itself to its legs then I watched in awe as the wolf just melted away, the brown fur drifting away like smoke to reveal a very battered and very naked Gage. I averted my eyes quickly and stood up, I really should have planned ahead; I would never get that out of my mind now. "Good choice, I'll go get you some clothes," my voice was weak and I rushed out, running to the guest bedroom and pulling out a pair of white pyjama bottoms, they'd have to do, my clothes would never fit him. I stopped to pick up his black boots, gloves and Dundee knife. I went back to him and passed him his stuff, keeping my eyes away from him and muttering an apology about the clothes.
He stepped out over the ruined wall and smirked down at me, then frowned, he touched my neck and cheek with soft fingers and I winced.
"I'm sorry," he said soberly, and I guessed he meant about not protecting me, I pushed his hand away grinning,
"Don't be, I can take care of myself," I walked back to the living room, Frannie nodded at me and left the apartment with Boots at her feet, I guessed Oscar had already taken Lucas. I took a look around the room then went into my bedroom. I grabbed a bag and quickly packed some clothes, my red Polo top, my hair clip, underwear and some other tops and trousers. Then I looked around desperately, there was something I was really missing but I couldn't put my finger on it.
I slung the bag over my shoulder and with a final look at my room I left. Frannie, Gage and even Boots were silent on the elevator ride down. Frannie was looking at Gage's battered and bruised body in obvious admiration whilst I slunk slowly back into the numbing pain of loss. The doors pinged open to reveal one of the tenants. I smiled cheerfully at his stunned face and he hastily retreated away from us as we left the lift. I glanced back over my shoulder and snorted. We were almost at the doors when a familiar voice called out to me.
"Miss?" I almost cried with relief at the normalcy of it all. I skipped back to Mike who was trying not to stare at my dishevelled appearance and completely ignoring my companions.
"Hey Mike, what's up?" He smiled tightly and pointed to a dry cleaning bag. I thanked him and tore open the plastic where I was. And joy of joys, my jacket, in all it's ripped and burnt, albeit cleaner, glory. I almost cried as I put it on, walking back to my group I fingered one of the holes, a small smile playing on my lips.
"Nice jacket," Frannie said sarcastically as Frank shut the door behind us and I smiled widely,
"I like to think so," I replied as we got into a large black SUV parked at the doors, "Everything's good so long as I have my jacket." I slumped back into my seat and pulled it tightly around me, smiling slightly.
Life's alright as long as you know how to live it. I'll live it for you Marcus, I'll live it for you Henny, but most of all I'll live it because I want to.
No bloodsucker frog was going to kill me, fact.

18. The Not So Great Escape.

I wish I could say that we drove into the sunset and everything was fine. That Jean-Claude forgot about me and I didn't have to look over my shoulder in fear of my life.
But this was my life we were talking about and since when has anything been that simple?
We were all packed in the car, Gage sat shotgun whilst Oscar drove, trying to find a route that didn't put us in the traffic. Lucas's unconscious body was strapped in between me and Frannie and his head rolled about with every turn, he'd have one hellova headache when he woke up. I stared out the window, keeping an eye out for any of Priscilla's posse whilst Frannie kept the chatter up.
"We'll go to the Sanctuary, get cleaned up and then tell the Council what happened, they can deal with this Claude guy, maybe provide you with sanctuary," I almost laughed at that, did Frannie honestly not know who Jean Claude was? He had people everywhere; it wouldn't surprise me if the famous Hunters Council weren't influenced by him.
I appreciated their concern but I had other things to do than explain myself to a bunch of old guys. They'll want to know everything, from my star sign to how I knew about Priscilla, and I wouldn't put it past them to ask about Cosmo whilst they're at it. No way, I did not need that.
I didn't want to know how close we had come to dying today. If my paranoia hadn't been so strong then we could probably have been killed by Priscilla. Thank god for my mental instability, huh? But it had come very close, too close, and Oscar, Frannie and Lucas shouldn't even be involved, sure they may have been Hunters, Hell they were older than me and could take care of themselves but I didn't want to get them hurt even more. One person was dead, and that was on me, I didn't want another death hanging over me.
I needed to get away from any distractions. I needed to lay low for a while, hide out and find some answers. I already knew the answers about Jean-Claude, there was nothing I could do that would get rid of him, but I did need to find out about the tattoos on my back. Something was telling me that they were important, and I kind of wanted to know why I had the oldest language known to man on my back. Who knew what they were doing to me... for all I knew they could be the reason for my growth in powers.
I knew a lot about running away and hiding, I mean, I'd hidden from the police when I was only thirteen, and they'd had signs and everything all over the place, I avoided them the whole six months they were looking for me. I guess it would be a little harder when the people looking for me had abnormal abilities but I thought I'd manage.
Gage must have sensed something because his eyes reflected back at me from the mirror, full of suspicion. He would definitely be tricky to get rid of, my werewolf bodyguard who was determined to make sure I didn't get hurt.
Oscar swore as the car was boxed in by cars on all side, the traffic wasn't moving and I pursed my lips thoughtfully. Make a break for it or try my luck later? There wouldn't be a better opportunity, Gage was injured, Lucas was out for the count and Frannie and Oscar were on opposite sides of the car. I'd have to leave my stuff and Boots. I think I could risk that.
I absently reached back over the seat to pat Boots, hoping the movement would distract Gage. It did and he didn't see my other hand subtly reach for the door handle, I tensed, ready to move, and saw Gage frown in the mirror, distract him,
"We should keep an eye out for Priscilla's werewolves, they could ambush us here in traffic," Gage nodded and looked out his window. I went for it.
The door handle clicked but I was out the car quickly, I didn't bother to shut it behind me, I just ran, weaving between cars as I raced back the way we came, the honking of horns drowned out whatever Gage and the others yelled after me.
I turned back to see Gage's blood streaked body gaining on me, so much for being injured. I jumped onto a car bonnet and ran up it, leaping easily from roof to roof, Jason Bourne style, and trying to get to the side of the road where I might lose him in the hoards of pedestrians. Quite a few heads turned to watch me but I ignored the spectacle I was making and kept an eye on Gage, he was pretty close now. I leapt one final leap and pressed into the crowd, pushing through them, not looking back to see whether Gage was close, he must look quite the sight, all gory and half naked.
I didn't know where I was going, I hadn't been around the city long enough to know the names of streets or which one went where. I ducked and slipped down an alley, one of the dark smelly narrow ones but it led me between buildings and ahead of me was a smaller street where there didn't seem to be many people and the traffic was flowing freely. I jumped over split garbage bags and over some hobo's legs, my footsteps were echoed by someone else's and I turned quickly to see Gage's thunderous face. He caught my hand and spun me round, damn; I was so close to the bloody road.

19. You Did Not Just Do What I Think You Did.

I yelped as he pushed me against the wall, his hands catching my shoulders and I looked up at his angry face defiantly.
"I should say thank you," I snapped, "I was expecting to be rugby tackled."
He was breathing heavily and a growl rumbled in his chest, "Why'd you run? Are you determined to get yourself killed?" He was snarling down at me, sounding and acting more like the wolf he was.
"Ha, yeah I am actually so if you don't mind," I tried to push his body away but it was like pushing a rock. I gave up and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why'd you run? We were finally going to get you somewhere safe!" his fingers dug into me and I half expected him to shake me but he didn't.
"Safe? I thought I was safe when Cosmo went but look what happens, I get kidnapped by wolves, a witch tries to kill me - she already killed Henny - and a master vampire has his bloody vampires after me!"
"I'm sorry about Henny but you can't blame yourself for that," he had softened his voice but I didn't trust him one bit. I may have found him attractive and he was a pretty decent enough guy but I couldn't let myself trust him, it was too risky.
"I don't blame myself for that! I just don't want to -" I cut myself off, not sure what to say, a part of me did want to stay with them, to let someone else deal with it for once, but I was not that type of person. I was reckless and young and I always fought my own battles.
"If you don't want to go with the Hunters then I can take you to my pack, we can protect you there, Marietta," his fingers were loosening on my shoulders and his voice was kind, I so wanted to just let him take care of me, but how long would he able to? How long could he fend off Jean-Claude and keep me safe without getting himself majorly hurt in the process?
"I am not going with anyone! Not the Hunters, not the werewolves and not you!" I hit his chest and tried to escape but he held me tightly, roughly pushing me back against the wall.
"Why won't you trust us?" Gage demanded, his steely eyes boring into me like drills, and I laughed incredulously,
"This isn't about trust! This is about keeping people safe, I can look after myself but I can't look after you! Henny's proof enough of that," I added,
"You're avoiding the real issue here, Marietta!" and I frowned at him, "I don't care if I get hurt, you know that, Lucas and his friends were pretty quick to defend you too. We are more than capable to look after ourselves and you! So try again Marietta, why don't you trust us?"
B*****d, I wanted to kick and scream, to hit him and hurt him as much as he hurt me. He was so annoyingly infuriating!
"I do trust you!" I yelled at him, I ignored the looks the hobo was sending us from under his tatty torn umbrella.  He probably didn't hear many people arguing about vampires and Hunters.
"Then what's the problem?" Gage demanded his voice cold and he stooped so it was impossible for me not to look anywhere but at his face.
"The problem is that the people I trust end up getting hurt," I breathed heavily and shook my head, "I don't want that on me."
The next thing I knew he was kissing me; he had simply breathed my name and kissed me, no warning whatsoever, no mushy 'he leans forward and she closes the gap' crap. Selfish b*****d.
My mind was telling me not to kiss him that it would only make leaving him harder, but my body was already reacting to the burning feel of his lips against mine. My fingers plunged into his hair and I tried to pull him even closer, desperate for more of him, like I was drowning and he was my air.
His hands trailed down my shoulders, one going to cup my neck whilst the other skimmed over my ribs to my hip. The hand tightened and he pulled me closer, I whimpered as our bodies melded together, curve for curve and he moaned. It was so perfect, so right, and it scared the hell out of me.
He broke away from my lips and I let out a sound of protest but his lips weren't far away, they began brushing along my jaw, leaving burning reminders of his lips. I sighed blissfully then watched over his head as cars zoomed past, they reminded me of my plan, of my need to get away from him. I pushed his head away and kissed his lips gently, reminding myself of the feel and taste of him. His hands relaxed their hold on me as I gently kissed up his neck, dragging my hands down to his chest and pushing lightly so we were both stood in the middle of the alley. Finally I broke off from him, gasping and looking up at him as though embarrassed, not really too hard to fake. He smiled softly and I returned it meekly, his hands fell away and he took a strand of my hair, loosely toying with it like he had at the apartment.
"Lets go, Marietta, please," he whispered and looked at me hopefully, making the mistake of thinking that the kiss meant I would going to walk the earth for him. I smiled, my hands still pressed to his chest and I watched the traffic from the corner of my eye,
"I wish things were different, Gage," he frowned at my words but before he could act I had pushed him with all the force I had. He stumbled backwards whilst I leapt out of the alley and onto the street; I twisted and jumped, timing it perfectly.
My hand caught the end of the passing truck, holding onto the handle easily as it yanked me out of the air. I crashed against the metal doors and clung on for dear life, the lorry must have been going forty, and my shoulder felt as though it had been pulled from its socket. That feat was pretty dangerous and I was quite proud of myself, but when I looked back my heart crumbled. Gage was standing alone on the sidewalk, his face a picture of pain and betrayal. I watched him until the truck turned the corner.
"I really do wish things were different," I whispered into the wind as it whipped my hair around my face.

20. And For My Next Trick...
I clung onto the truck for almost twenty minutes, laughing at the incredulous looks of passing drivers. When the truck came to a stop at the fifth set of traffic lights I jumped off and ran to the sidewalk, quickly mingling with the crowd.
I had a lot of work to do. Phase one of Operation Disappear was in motion.
I kept my senses open, so I could be sure there were no werewolves or any other creature around that might recognize me. Then I did what I did best: I stole. I pulled money out of every pocket I could until I had at least a thousand dollars in my pockets. Then I went into a pharmaceutical store and bought some strong hair dye, scissors and lots of vanilla scented perfume, body oil and shampoo. Vanilla messed up a werewolf's sense of smell. The next shop I went into was a clothes store and I bought a new pair of shoes, socks, underwear, cord trousers and a t shirt; hell I even bought a swanky handbag. I was careful not to touch the clothes too much; I didn't want my scent to get on them.
Then I went to the nearest and cheapest hotel. I paid in cash and told them I would only be staying for the night; I signed my name as Etta Kaye.
In my room I double locked the door and threw the new clothes onto the bed and took the other stuff into the bathroom. There I stripped down and dyed my hair, then I cut it, I'd spent the past three years cutting my own hair so I wasn't too bothered about it. When I looked at the mirror I was a new person, a messy bob of dark chocolate hair framed my face and no longer hid my right eye like it originally had. The new haircut seemed to make my features more prominent; my lips were bigger, my cheekbones more defined and my neck longer and swan like. The cut on my cheek was nothing but a thin scratch but the one on my neck still leaked blood, I pressed tissue to it. From a distance you wouldn't even recognize me, I doubted even Cosmo would. It wasn't just the way I looked different, it was the way I behaved differently; my shoulders and neck were taut with stress, my lips pursed with frustration, my usual clear green eyes were troubled and my skin was pale from exhaustion and something else. I sighed and looked away from the mirror, then began running a bath, pouring all the perfume into the water. I bagged up my clothes, bar my jacket which I kept hung on the wall beside the bath, so the scented steam would cling to it.
I soaked in the vanilla bath for two hours, washing my new hair with the vanilla shampoo. The plan was for the vanilla to change my scent so that at first, when the vanilla was so strong, a Werewolf would be disorientated a hundred yards away and give me time to escape. And then later, after I routinely soaked myself in vanilla, the scent would become my own, not a blatantly strong smell but natural and no one would recognize, not even Gage.
I pulled the jacket down and changed into my new clothes. The clothes I had picked were completely different to what I usually wore; I had tight white cord jeans and a black cotton t shirt that slipped over my hips, then on my feet I had on some black two inch heel suede boots. I never wore heels because I didn't need the height and they were a bugger to run in. I'd have to start practising.
The resulting look - with my jacket on - was sophisticated and casual at the same time. I wrapped the old clothes tightly in the bag and sprayed more vanilla perfume on me before stuffing the rest of the pots and bottles into my new leather bag.
I looked nothing like Marietta Kingdom; this was a new stranger, even to my eyes. I left through the fire escape, just in case anyone managed to trace me to the hotel and figure out Etta Kaye was me. I dumped my clothes in the dumpster and joined the bustling streets of unsuspicious pedestrians of New York, vanilla wafting around me.
Marietta was gone; people would look for her and find no one.


Part Two
1. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.
Apparently people were still looking for her, Marietta Kingdom. It had been almost a year since she'd disappeared. Jean-Claude was more than pissed that his target had escaped, Alpha of the New York Packs, Sebastian, was annoyed that his mysterious 'friend' was gone, the Hunters were worried about having a possible threat on the loose and Cosmo her so called teacher? Who knew how he felt.
   The last person to see Marietta was Gage Summers, Beta of the New York Packs, but we don't like to talk about him. She had been falling in love with him and he had definitely had feelings for her if the kiss he gave her before she jumped onto a moving lorry was any indication.
   No, I'm not some creepy stalker.
   My name is Selena White and I used to be Marietta Kingdom, so it was only logical that I knew so much. Funnily enough I was using my real name, Selena had been the name the nurses at the hospital gave me and it had stuck with all my foster families, and White? I just picked something generic to keep the officials off my back. Marietta Kingdom had been the name I gave myself when I became a runaway. It had sounded cool and impressive and had stuck. There was no Marietta Kingdom in any records back in England and to the people looking for me I had simply disappeared off the face of the earth.
   Little did they know that I was still in New York... Yep, I did the unexpected and stayed, using stolen money to have Birth papers and passports forged, I was a member of the US of A and legit. I stayed under the radar, steering clear of all things supernatural and living an ordinary mundane life.
   Except for when I was practising with my powers. I had now mastered the art of mind reading, mind manipulation and telekinesis. It had taken me three months to get the mind reading stuff sorted so that I could now read people's emotions through their auras and then when I concentrated I could hear their whispering thoughts and add my own. I could still do the whole thought transference thing but I had pretty good control over when it happened.
   The telekinesis was harder to get to grips with; lets just say that my first attempt of using it was really messy. The moral of the story: keep nothing valuable within a twenty yard radius when practising. But I could do the basic stuff, push and pull objects, nothing fancy like tying someone's shoe laces when they're standing still. Shame but with practice I would get there eventually.
   During the day of my life I would go to the Public library where unbeknownst to the librarians there was a secret underground floor. This was where the oldest of books ever written by Supernatural Beings were kept and I was steadily working my way through them. I was still researching the Script of the Angel, trying to find out if the symbols on my back were the things causing my powers to expand. At the moment I had yet to find a book that even mentioned the Script.
   And during the night? I got a job. Ridiculous but I wanted to earn cash as well as steal it.
   I had been working for six months at a place called High Fever, one of those nightclubs where teenagers could come, get drunk and make out with random strangers whilst loud music pumped out in the back ground. The good thing about High Fever was that it was Supernatural free, bar the occasional demon or vampire, who come in to pick their next victim.
   I wasn't the only person avoiding the preternatural world. My co worker and close friend, Oz, was an elf with an attitude, shunned from the community because he 'killed' the Elven Prince. Pretty big stuff but he had been framed for the murder and never fit in since. He'd been willing to trust me and I'd returned that trust by telling him my story, from my days as a simple thief in London all the way up to my annoyingly complex powers. I knew Oz would never tell anyone, he was like a brother to me, and he was also my connection to the Supernaturals' Gossip Line.
   He was the one to tell me about the results of the searching; apparently Gage had been all around Europe to find me. He had even teamed up with Hunters, weird or what? I hadn't really known he had grown so attached to me in those few days I'd known him, or maybe he was just taking the whole bodyguard thing really seriously.
   I had moved on but I hadn't forgotten him, it would be wrong to do so, just like I hadn't forgotten Marcus or Henny. They were never far from my thoughts but that didn't mean I couldn't live my life. I was a born survivor and I wasn't about to eat myself up with guilt and regret.
   Some would say I was cold and had the emotional capacity of a rat, I just said I was smart.


2. Unwelcome Attention.
I arrived at the club at seven, pulling my motorbike to a halt and chaining it to the wall outside the back door. It was a pretty awesome bike if I didn't say so myself, a Honda Evo 6, black and silver, all curves and elegance in a rebellious kind of way, and a present from Oz. The six -cylinder 1800-plus-cc engine looks way better on this naked bike than it ever did in the Runes. I won't bore you with the whole engine sizes and stuff, all I knew was that it looked good when I kept it polished and was fast. * This bike is just a concept atm but if you look it up on the internet you can understand where I'm coming from when I say it is GAWGUSS! *
   I walked through the back corridors, calling out hellos to some of the other workers,
   "Selena!" A voice shouted and I spun on the spot to find myself facing the DJ. Sammy was new to the bar and always coming onto me, it was quite ridiculous really, he didn't seem to understand that my fist in his face meant no. "I'm s**t scared, Selena, give me a kiss to keep back the nerves."
   Like I said, what he lacks in intelligence he more than makes up in stupidity.
   "You're always scared and I'd rather kiss a toad, thank you very much Sammy," I murmured and walked away, ignoring him as he professed his love for me. More like lust.
   I entered the club room and made a beeline for the bar. The bar was on a rise and to one side of the vast space; comfy red leather chairs and tables lined the walls and overlooked the dance floor whilst the DJ's booth was on the balcony overlooking everything. The club wasn't opening until half seven and the techies were still setting up the lights.
   "Hey Vanilla!" A familiar figure called to me from behind the bar and I grinned at Oz, taking in his never changing appearance. He always wore the same style of silk shirts and black jeans, sometimes even leather pants. Today was one of those days, he had a burgundy silk shirt on and the top of his six pack was showing because he hadn't bothered to button it up. His white peroxide hair stood up at odd angles and he had sharp handsome features. He was a chick magnet and loved to show that fact off whenever he could, especially in front of Sammy.
   I on the other hand looked pretty simple compared to him, I didn't do anything special with my brown bob, just left it to dry and curl naturally. I still had the side parting and it seemed for some reason that I didn't have to die my hair anymore because my hair had decided to change permanently. Odd little trick but I wasn't complaining, I had hated the smell of hair dye. I didn't put make up on as I was lucky enough to already have very thick eyelashes, although I did smudge lipstick onto my lips for colour, but too much made them look too big. My new wardrobe of clothes consisted mainly of blacks, whites and greens and tonight I was wearing a simple green top, white cord jeans and black suede boots.
   Oz had nicknamed me Vanilla when we first met and he had taught me the ropes, joking that one whiff of me would have all the bloody werewolves running away. He had found out not much sooner that that had been the idea.
   "I really don't know why Sammy keeps hassling me," I muttered as I slipped round the bar and put my small apron on. "You would have thought the fact that I'd punched him would have put him off but no! Every damn day, Selene, kiss me! And everyday I have to resist the urge to hit him because Dutchy would probably fire me," Dutchy was the owner and manager of the club and whilst he was a nice enough guy he had strict rules about violence.
   Oz chuckled and shrugged in a way of saying, what can I say? "Men like a challenge,"
   "I'm not a challenge, or a puzzle, I made it pretty clear that I didn't like him," I rubbed my eyes agitatedly and Oz wrapped me in a comforting hug,
   "You need to take a break, Vanilla," he murmured against my forehead as I slowly relaxed against him. He was right, I needed a break, but I would never let myself have one, I needed to find the answers or I would feel that everything that had happened was all for nothing.
   "Oi, lovebirds, go do something useful!" Sammy shouted from the balcony, smirking as we broke away. Oz gave the annoying DJ the finger and grinned back at me before going back to stacking the glasses under the bar, ready for use.
   I watched Sammy thoughtfully, he was definitely jealous, but there was no reason to be, not when it came to Oz and me. I had never felt that way about him and as far as I knew neither did he, if he did he was doing a damn good job at hiding it. But I would only ever think of him as a friend, albeit a very close one and I wouldn't risk that friendship. I had had a few dates with guys, trying to move on from Gage, I mean, I was only seventeen, not even the eighteen I pretended to be, I wasn't about to give up what chance I had for happiness. I may have acted otherwise but I was still young and still a girl, I had my needs.
   It was only later in the night when something interesting happened. Music was blaring and I was serving drinks left right centre to the throngs of sweaty people, laughing as Oz politely declined to dance with a few drunken girls. It was ten o'clock and my feet were killing me, I just wanted to get out. Oz had noticed my growing frustration and shouted at me over the music,
   "Just go, Vanilla! I'll talk to Dutchy," I was about to agree when I felt the aura of a malicious demon. My head whipped round and my eyes latched onto the filth as he prowled around the edges of the dance floor, looking for his next meal. I caught Oz's eye and he shrugged, his face stony, he didn't like to get involved when it came to demons or vampires but I was not the type of person to stand back and let an unsuspecting life be taken. I untied my apron and quickly pushed my way through the mass of dancing bodies, I could see the demon greet a girl and then using his damn magical charm he led her outside. Damn it!
   I raced to the door and brushed past Eddy the bouncer; I mumbled a reply to his cheerful hello and stood in the middle of the street, focusing with my senses on where Demon Guy was. I ran towards them, making as little noise as I could. I had learnt how to run in high heels, not easy but I could manage, I'd even practised fighting with them on. The moon was shining brightly through the smog, casting eerie shadows across the street.
   I ran through the small car park and crept towards a narrow alley, I looked round the corner to see what they were doing. He was kissing her, gross, who knew where that mouth had been and I wasn't about to touch him to find out. Her emotions were all pleasure and excitement, his aura was showing that he was excited for another reason; he was hungry for her flesh.
   He tangled his hands in her golden hair, held her head still and bared her neck, trailing kisses up and down her jaw before I saw a flash of fangs and I hit him hard with my telekinesis. Thank God no one was around or they'd be more than a little miffed as to why he flew a whole ten metres in the air and crashed into the chain link fence at the end of the alley. I went straight to the girl's side, cupped her face and spoke before she could even say 'what the Hell',
   "Listen to me, Katrina, I want you to go back to the club, go to the bar and get a drink, then go home," I reiterated this by pushing my thoughts into her mind and she nodded dumbly and walked back the way we came. I spun round at a snarl and stood hands on hips glaring at the red eyed demon as he shook himself off and stalked towards me. Whereas Vampires only had two fangs demons had a full set of pointed gnashers and he was snapping them at me menacingly.
   "How many times do I have to tell you monsters this is not a hunting ground?"
   It was probably because I killed them before they could pass on the message, oh well.
   "You cost me my supper!" he growled and leapt at me, he moved so fast he was a blur but I was ready for it, I fell to a crouch, pulled a dagger from my boot and swung it under his outstretched arm. It slipped through his ribs into his heart. I yanked the knife out and leapt backwards. I did not need demon blood staining my clothes; it was a bugger to wash out. I watched impassively as the demon staggered, an expression of pure shock on its face before it exploded, literally, into dust - Buffy the vampire style. I looked down at the blade in my hand. Black thick blood covered it and I took a shuddering breath. That was my fifty sixth demon, yeah, I kept count. They may have been demons but I was still killing, I didn't like killing. But it turned out I had a knack for it, which scared me even more than Jean Claude ever would.

3. Answers And Surprises
   I waited a while longer outside to let my heart calm down and to process the information I had learned from touching the monster before I went back into the club. I wouldn't go back home in this mood, it was too depressing. I ignored Oz's looks of concern and carried on serving the partiers. Only about half an hour later did something else drastic happen.
   I caught a glimpse of familiar faces entering the door and with a yelp I dived behind Oz,
   "What is it? Everyone Annoy Selena Day?" I cried as Oz hurried me into the back store room. There I could just make out through the weird glass the shapes of three Hunters coming up to talk to Oz. Oscar, Frannie and Lucas, people I hadn't seen in a while - at least never this close. Bugger. I could just hear what they were talking about,
   "Hey Oz," Lucas said, he was thinking pretty nice thoughts about the elf, raising him in my good books. Oscar on the other hand was distracted but all the pretty girls and Frannie was totally obsessed with whatever Lucas said; such a happy couple. "Hoping you might have seen something recently, a demon,"
   I almost groaned, he was thinking about the demon I had only gotten rid of that evening.
   "No demons here, tonight," Oz told him, busying himself at the bar. "Try down the road at Hell's Angels." The local demon bar. "What's got you all after a demon anyway?"
   Good ol' Oz, he knew I could only read thoughts whilst they were being thought, so whilst Lucas said it didn't matter I knew the truth. The demon had helped in the murder of a witch and the Hunters were looking for a spell book. Funny that I now knew where that spell book was, thank you Mr. Demon. Not that I was going to tell the Hunters, there was something fishy going on nowadays and I had been doing my best to figure it out. I was like a psychic Veronica Mars, an undeniably awesome mix.
   "See you around, Oz," Lucas said, tapping the bar distractedly before walking away, Frannie on his arm. Oscar paused and looked at the store room thoughtfully, his thoughts were suspicious, and eerily close to the truth. When Oz rounded on him Oscar smiled slightly,
   "Gage is back in town," he said innocently and the information knocked the air from me, "thought you'd both like to know." And with that he was gone. I stood shell shocked and not a minute later Oz appeared in the room, he pulled me into a hug before holding me at arms length.
   "Well?" He demanded
   "He knows I'm here, but he won't tell anyone," I told him numbly, but Gage was back, Oscar was going to tell Gage. I had to get my answers and leave.
   "You know about this spell book?"
   "Its not a spell book," I told him, rubbing my eyes, "It's a book of the Script, different symbols and such except the demons can't read it but someone else might be able to."
   "You mean it has translations?" Oz asked in wonder but said nothing when I shrugged. I just knew I had to find it; the book was linked to my tattoos and to the weird happenings.
   "I need to go, Oz," I told him, he nodded and I left.
   I was suspicious when I was outside, I couldn't risk running into Oscar or the others. So I had pulled on my helmet and jacket in doors so outside I would be unrecognizable. Thank God for my paranoia because standing almost next to my bike was a werewolf I knew well. Her name was Mia and she was the first werewolf I'd fought with when I'd come to New York, she had a grudge against me but when I came closer she caught a whiff of my vanilla scent and with a look of disgust she moved away. I tried not to look back when I was speeding down the street on my bike. Jeez, it was like memory lane!
   It was a twenty minute ride to the place the demon stashed his stuff. The book had belonged to a witch, an old lady who lived on a corner house above a café. Poor lady had put up one hellova fight before being overpowered by none other than Priscilla, so the lady was killing witches and working with demons. The demon had the book because he couldn't read it and would protect it whilst Priscilla went witch hunting - she probably hadn't counted on the demon getting peckish. Or it running into me.
   The other thing that distracted me as I rode was none other than Gage. Why did he always have to pop up? Whenever he came back into town I had to leave - usually to Oz's sister all the way in Washington. And now he was back just as I got a big break in my research! He was going to mess everything up.
   I was pulled out of my mental cursing when I arrived at the warehouse the demon and his pals hid at. It looked seriously creepy, with its shattered windows, crumbling bricks and the malicious aura seeping from it. It ruined my judgement so until I was inside I wouldn't know whether there were demons with me. Swearing I pulled off my helmet and pulled on a beanie instead, then I took off my jacket and put my black sweater on then wrapped my neck guard on, this one was leather around the neck and then thin cotton that hid my mouth and nose. All you could see now was my eyes. I tightened my leather gloves and swore at my bad choice of white jeans, so I reached into my bike and pulled out a pair of ratty track suit bottoms. I quickly changed my trousers, hiding behind a wall. Okay, so I was breaking into an old warehouse, probably into a nest of hungry demons, so it was only practical to change especially when I could move easier in these. Shaking my limbs out I walked towards the warehouse, in my hands I had my two trusted daggers - courtesy of Oz. I crept around the side of the warehouse until I reached a reasonable sized hole in crumbling wall, then I slid through it, trying my hardest not to make a noise. If I did get caught in the middle of something I would probably just jump out a window. Old habits die hard.
   I could see nothing on the bottom floor, just piles of useless rubble and a few rats. Wrinkling my nose in disgust I found some rust iron stairs and carefully made my way up them, trying not to stand on the really bad looking ones. I needed skin contact to do the whole thought transference thing and I was not risking taking off my gloves, no way. Who knew what germs I could pick up...
   Upstairs the floor was thank god stable under my feet and didn't creak. I looked around quickly, seeing no one and nothing - I knew for a fact that the demon had hidden the book in the electricity box. I made my way to it, placing my feet carefully, remembering from the demons memories and thoughts which part of the floor was ready to break and which was a little sturdier. I hated creeping around in high heels... I got to the box, there it was, green and rusty and half hanging off the wall. I pried it open and there was the book. Wrapped in fading red velvet it was the size of my hand and about two inches thick. Smiling to myself at how angry Priscilla would be I pulled it into my hands then dived to the side. It wasn't some booby trap like in Indiana Jones. Nope, it was a werewolf. I'd only just sensed it's intentions in time and now the man had flown head first into the electricity box, he crumpled to the floor as I danced away, dodging other arms. I was completely surrounded - that's why I hated going into places that messed with my senses. Finally I had my back to a flimsy wall and was looking at a pack of around fifteen werewolves, in the dark their eyes glowed a feral yellow. Then a familiar figure walked forwards, parting the wall of his minions. Sebastian, aka Shrek, stood in front of me, watching me curiously. He probably didn't recognise me, thank god.
   And then another person appeared, and his appearance caused my heart to stutter to a stop before starting again at twice the speed. Shoot, here was Gage, bane of my so called life. Alpha and Beta watched me thoughtfully, their auras mingling together to make a sickening and dizzying mix. I held the book up in my hand and their eyes snapped to it,
   "Give me the book and I will not kill you," Sebastian told me, he said it mildly, as though he were talking about the weather.
   "Why do you want a book you can't read?" I asked curiously, glad that my mask muffled my voice. In the circle I could see Roman with his boyish eager grin, Luc with his calm impassive face and Elise, her pretty features contorted to one of menace. Shrek stiffened,
   "How did you know that?" He snapped and I grinned, knowing he would be able to see the laughter in my eyes,
   "I didn't, you just told me," I knew from the tightening of his face that he was scolding himself for that slip up. I tried not to study Gage for too long but I could see that he had changed, his body was still tall but he seemed to have lost a bit of his bulk, not that he wasn't still an impressive sight...
   "And what are you going to do with that book?" Gage asked, his voice uninterested, he definitely wanted to be somewhere else - looking for me. He just never gave up, I couldn't tell from his thoughts whether he hated me or liked me. With werewolves I could only get the gist of their thoughts. Sebastian was only curious about me. Thank god I'd prepared myself for strong Auras or I would have given myself away.
   "What are you going to do with the book?" I retorted and saw a few people tense, "you can't read it, can't translate the mysterious runes under your pretty little house, you can't use the book so why do you want it?" he didn't like me taunting him with information I shouldn't know, it made him nervous as well. "I want to protect it from others like the demons and the witch who stole it."
   "Did they steal it from you?" He asked, keeping his voice calm. I tilted my head, contemplating, maybe it was time to reveal what I knew, better someone big and powerful like Sebastian know what's going on than little ol' me.
   "No... the witch who employed the demons to protect the book killed the owner Mistress Noll," there was only silence, Shrek was waiting for more info, pleased to have them hooked I carried on, "you know what happens when a witch kills another..."
   "She gains that witch's power," Shrek murmured, his eyes were on mine and I hoped he wouldn't recognize me.
   "Precisely. This witch has been killing others for almost five months, gaining in strength with every murder," Sebastian doesn't look like he believes me. He wouldn't, he would have heard if there were witches being murdered. "Your Strega Ring, its not working any more is it?"
   There was a collective murmur and I smiled grimly, I thought so.
   "What's that got to do with it?" Gage asked, finally taking an interest.
   "When the creator dies so shall his creations," Sebastian said, finally catching on.
   "I'm afraid to tell you but the Five are dead," I said it point blank, just to get through to them. 
   "Who is this murdering witch?" Sebastian asked, his voice grim,
   "Have a guess," I said dryly, "she's a pain in the back side, a cocky b***h and has a very annoying accent."
   "Priscilla," Gage answered and I nodded to him,
   "Bingo, she's been killing and gaining power so that she could overrule the spell that stops her from reading the book," I held up the book, "she found out that she hadn't enough power so she's gone to find the next strongest witch. She left the Book in the hands of the demons to protect it."
   "Who is the next witch?" Sebastian had pulled out his phone and was probably going to issue a warning out.
   "Not a witch," I replied, my voice bleak. "Warlock... Cosmo."
   There was silence, not even the shuffling of rats and then Sebastian issued the warning to all magic users to beware of Priscilla. He snapped his phone shut and stared at me, I had begun flipping through the book, to my delight I could read it. It was just a whole load of symbols with medieval writing underneath. I would have to try and decipher it later.
   "Can you read it?" Gage asked, watched me closely. I snapped the book shut and shook my head. I'd guessed when I'd first heard of the book that I'd be able to read it, after all I had the same writing on my back, I sort of assumed that meant I was blessed in a way other Underworlders weren't.
   "How do you know so much? About Priscilla and about my runes?" Sebastian demanded and I fingered my beanie for a moment.
   "You won't like the truth, Shrek," I joked and saw his eyes narrow whilst Gage's teeth clicked together with an audible snap.
   "Marietta," he breathed and I smiled wryly as all eyes turned to me. I pulled off my beanie and then loosened the mask from my face.
   "Howdy, big guy," I said cheerfully and there were growls all around me. I couldn't read Gage's face, he had completely closed himself off to me. I timed it perfectly. I had felt the unmistakable aura of Priscilla reappearing, she shifted right in front of the electric box. Everyone was distracted by her sudden appearance and she screeched at seeing werewolves in her den. Then her eyes snapped to me, I was creeping closer to a window, she didn't see that I had the book because I had slipped it into my beanie - luckily. She fired one spell and the floor shuddered underneath everyone, I had managed to cover my eyes in the explosion but someone else had tackled me onto the floor, taking the brute of the explosion. I looked up through the dust to see piercing grey eyes staring back down at me. Lips pressed to mine in a breathless moment and Gage whispered a hoarse, 'go!' and then he rolled off of me, leaving my path clear to the window. Sebastian was yelling orders not to let me out of their sight and a short burly man got in my way. As Roman and I circled I smiled wolfishly at him and jumped backwards. I used my power to make the window explode outwards whilst other remaining windows shattered inwards.
   I arched in the air and landed in a crouch on the hard concrete below. I didn't look up but instead raced to my bike. I pulled on my jacket and helmet and raced off into the busy night, my lips tingled and I smiled slightly to myself. Lovelorn idiot...

4. Unexpected Visitor
Back at my apartment I kicked off my shoes and chucked everything out of the way before sitting down to a hot chocolate, an re-heated pizza and the Book of the Script. Priscilla had seen me, she might assume I had it but with Sebastian there she would probably think the Alpha had taken it from me. Just like I'd hoped. Sometimes I'm just too smart.
   I flipped through the coarse parchment and began committing each page to memory. See, I had a very strange memory, photographic and precise, I think it's called Eidetic. Very useful in my line of work. When I was done doing that I got out some tracing paper and a pencil and began copying out the book. Just in case anyone came and managed to steal it back from me. Doubtful but probable.
   It took me an hour to do it, it was now almost one o'clock and I was knackered, the aftermath of the adrenalin rush had left me weary. I was ready for bed when the doorbell rang. Taking a deep breath I opened the door slightly and saw a face which had haunted me for almost a year. I drunk him in, his dusty appearance, his handsome features, his emotions puzzled me, his aura was solemn and serious. Oh dear, lets see what he wants to say about my disappearing, surely he'd expected that what with him being my bodyguard.
   "Can I come in?" he asked softly, his fingers came through the gap and lightly brushed my cheek. I shivered and widened the door. He stepped in past me.
   "How did you find me?" I double bolted the door and led him into the living room. He went to the window and looked down at the busy street below. I just leant against the opposite wall and watched him.
   "Follow the vanilla," he replied with a small smile and I fingered my Devil's Trap nervously, I'd had it ever since I'd started fishing about Priscilla. "Sebastian's torn between coming after you and going after Priscilla." I smiled slightly back and he just watched me, drinking in my appearance like I had his. He glanced at the table where the book was, I'd already put away the copies.
   There was a long silence and then I finally said it, words I'd wanted to say for a long time, "I'm sorry. If I hurt you I never meant to," it was stupid, of course I'd hurt him. His smile was sad but slightly amused.
   "I've told you before, Marietta, I'm your bodyguard; I expected everything from you," his voice was soft, "even seduction."
   I snorted, he had kissed me first, "But that doesn't make it better. You asked me to trust you and I didn't, that hurt you more than anything." He didn't deny it and I smiled dryly.
   "So you've been here all along? Oscar rang me tonight, he says you work at High Fever..." he folded his arms and looked at me curiously, "you don't seem surprised."
   "Oscar and the other two often come to High Fever, I knew Oscar was bright enough to figure out the information Oz gave was faulty sooner or later."
   It was Gage's turn to snort, "You set many trails out for us and yet you were right under our noses. Very sneaky, Marietta - and hazardous." His voice hardened, "how am I supposed to protect you when you go head first into danger?"
   "Haven't you heard?" I asked, lightly, "I'm un-killable - death can't catch slippery snakes." From the hard grey look in his eyes I knew he didn't find it funny.
   "It's no joke, Marietta!" he snapped, wow I'm good. After that he was silent, I got bored. I pushed off from the wall and walked towards my bedroom,
   "There should be food in the fridge if you get hungry," I told him over my shoulder; "I'll go see Sebastian in the morning." And then I shut the door. I leant against it and took a deep breath before moving to my bed.
   Bodyguard Gage I had liked, but bossy Beta Gage who snapped at me left right and centre? I couldn't deal with over protectiveness, not now at least. I slumped on my bed and looked at my hands. I guess I had expected worse, after all I had ditched him, kissed him and run away; who does that but a cold hearted b***h? I felt his aura outside the door uncertain but determined, I called 'come in' before he knocked. He stood in the door way looking ever more like the familiar Gage I had left behind, not the stony faced stranger. I waited as the silence drew longer and then something snapped inside of him as our eyes locked. He strode forward and I stood up, frowning,
   "What -" his lips cut me off. It was just like last time, no warning whatsoever. At some point I'd like to try the whole lean in thing.
   A hand cupped the back of my neck and the other pushed the small of my back so I was pressed snugly against him. I didn't even fight against him, I suddenly realized what it was that had been annoying me; it wasn't him, but the lack of him. I responded fiercely, plunging my fingers into his hair I brought him even closer, a small moan escaping my lips. The hand on my back went lower, and he picked me off my feet, my legs went instantly around him and the next thing I knew we were on the bed. He lay over me; finally bringing his hands away so he could balance himself over me without squishing me completely. His lips broke away from mine and I made a small sound of protest.
   I took short gasping gulps of air and looked up at him, knowing my eyes were wide and my expression revealed my most secret uncertainties. He stroked my cheek and kissed me lightly, whispering my name between the kisses he trailed down my neck and back up to my lips. His aura swamped me and I groaned as his hand began exploring under my shirt. Christ he'd have me to a whimpering mess of nothing at this rate. My hands clutched his shirt and I pulled his lips roughly back down to mine, I should have some control, right? Before I knew it he had worked my trousers off and he dragged his lips away from mine long enough to pull my shirt over my head and throw it to join the discarded trousers.  My body worked with his, my hands roving under his shirt and dipping to his trousers now and then, he groaned, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tighter to him. Then at my insistence he slipped his arms from me and pulled his shirt off. Damn he was fine, I would have been happy just to look at his chiselled chest, let alone touch it.
   My hands went to the button of his jeans, fumbling with the belt a little. Soon he was clothing less and all mine, I let my hands run over his body. His perfect chest felt smooth, and warm against mine, nearly driving me insane. My hands slid up his back, to his head, gripping his hair with my fingers.
  I felt completely out of control, not a feeling I'd ever had before, but I wasn't scared this time. However I could feel other things and wasn't scared of the incredible pleasure he was giving me. His fingers slid from my chest, down my sides, in between my legs. His lips locked with mine again, his tongue parting them instantly. My hands gripped his shoulders, sliding to the base of his neck and over his torso leaving red tender marks with my nails.
   A feral sensation rose up through my chest, causing me to moan inside if his mouth and my back arched almost painfully, pressing myself as close to him as I could. His hand worked against me, his fingers throwing me into uncontainable pleasure. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, I was certain it would shudder to a stop. My legs wound around him, his hand pressed tighter from in between his body and my own, he groaned when my nails dug in deeper, but not from pain.
   His body began to shake. I felt his growing erection, my entire body relaxed as he pulled his hand from between my legs, but I tensed when he pressed himself to me. My breathing turned into quick, unsteady gasps, unable to fill my lungs. His lips broke into a smile against mine; one hand cupped the back of my neck whilst the other held a thigh. All the while he was gentle, god how I'd missed his sweet nature.
   His lips took their time against mine, every muscle in my body tightened, my heart beating so rapidly it was almost escaping my chest like a caged bird.
   Slowly I felt him enter me, causing a small moan to escape my throat. He pushed himself in deeper; every emotion I could possibly feel seemed to take over me to an extent that I couldn't handle. He grew faster, in time to our breathing; his aura adding to the mix of pleasure. It was almost too much to bear.
   His hands moved again, his fingers working at the roots of my hair whilst his other hand stroked and massaged. An incredible feeling broke through me, his lips moving from mine, down the side of my neck, moaning as he did. A rush of cold air entered my lungs; I let it out as a pathetic mew as he grew faster. His lips worked hungrily at the base of my neck, his breath coming in quick, steep gasps. He worked his way back up to my lips, forcing them open instantly.
   His teeth caught my lower lip, releasing it as his tongue worked against mine. He slowed his pace, forcing himself deeper, my fingers gripped painfully at the roots of his hair, it was unendurable and my body arched again at the waves of painful pleasure, I was teetering between begging him to stop and shouting for him to carry on. He let out a moan at every plunge, his grip on me got tighter.
   My entire body shook, another rush of excruciating pleasure shot through me and I swear my back creaked as I tried to press my body closer to him. His aura swept over me again and again, kissing me in places I didn't know were so sensitive. My fingers slid down his neck, digging into his back, he grinded his hips on mine as he became more rough.
   He elevated his body slightly above mine as he grew faster. His trailed biting kisses up and down my neck as my head fell back. One of his hands slid back to my thigh, where he gripped it, pulling it around him tighter. His thrusts were rougher now and I found it impossible to hold back a serious of moans.
   Suddenly I felt his entire body tense; a hard, small moan escaped his throat. His grip on my thigh got harder, as he began to slow his pace. He suddenly went hard and deep, causing me to let out a loud moan, biting down on my lip, my fingers gripped his hair and he bit down on my shoulder, drawing blood. It didn't hurt, mixed with his aura and everything else he was doing it actually added to the pleasure and I held his head there. It was too much for the both of us and he tensed and shuddered, gasping, whilst my back arched once more. My stomach suddenly felt warm, and every muscle in his body relaxed. He pulled out exhausted, both of us moaning as he did.
   Gage didn't release his grip on me, instead he collapsed over me, burying his face on my shoulder, taking in deep, slow breaths whilst he kissed over and over the wound on my shoulder. I felt exhausted, and weak, my breathing did not slow, and then a burning sensation flitted across my shoulder. I glanced at the wound and instead of finding teeth marks I found a swirling mix of black tattoo vines and a crescent moon. I was his now, usually I would have been angry, but this time I let it slide and cuddled against him, to exhausted to do anything else. His fingers slowly traced on my side, his lips gently kissing my new mark over and over whilst his aura wrapped around his like a secure blanket.

5. You get What you Ask For.
   I had been awake for about an hour, something kept nagging at the back of my head and it wasn't Henny's disapproving voice from the beyond about the twenty two year old guy who slept naked in my bed. I hadn't known the guy for even a week and I'd slept with him. Sure I'd had one night stands, yes even at my age but when you work at the hottest bar you're bound to get carried away. But last night hadn't been just sex, it had been making love. Soppy I know, but that was how it felt. I guess that was part of the whole imprint thing, our attraction had grown whilst we were apart and come together with one hell of an explosion. I looked in on my bedroom and pursed my lips, trying to keep a blush down. Gage was tangled in the sheets, his arms and legs all over the place and lying on his stomach. His tawny hair was a mess and I knew if I could see his face he'd be frowning adorably. That's how I left him ten minutes ago and now I was making breakfast.
   I had things to consider, like the fact that he had marked me, he had imprinted with me and I was now, in werewolf terms, his mate. A lifetime commitment, stronger than marriage as now we were bound to each other with our souls. Or some gooey crap like that. I could actually feel the way my aura could now slip over him and entwine with his own.
   At half nine it was pretty late for me to be up but hey, it had been a late night. I frowned and looked out the window at the grey cloud, a thunderstorm over New York. That cloud had been growing since one o'clock according to Oz who had texted me. It was an unnatural thunderstorm; I could only guess that Miss Priscilla was in a bad mood. And I needed to get to Sebastian, the only person who could take me there was fast asleep and I really didn't want to wake him up.
   But after another half an hour I was showered, changed and had even blow dried my hair. He could sleep through a friggin' holocaust the lazy bugger. Finally I brought in a bacon butty; I wafted the plate in front of his face and smiled with grim satisfaction as first his nose twitched and then his eyes peeked open. He smiled lazily when he saw me,
   "Who said you could get out of bed?" he asked, pulling the plate from my hand he put it on my bedside table. I wasn't rich but I'd furnished my small apartment with the basics, I even had a small reading lamp. He rolled over in the bed and dragged me down beside him so I could snuggle into his shoulder.
   "You sleep like the dead," I murmured and he chuckled and leant down to kiss me. I pulled away before he could, not entirely sure what I wanted from him. Did I want to be his mate? I mean, it took two to imprint but sure, last night I'd been more than willing to do pretty much anything for the guy. His grey eyes clouded over when he saw my hesitation and he gently lowered my shirt collar to look at the mark. He traced it lightly with his fingers and his aura snapped around me, our auras met with one another and I groaned at the alien pleasurable feeling. From Gage's wide eyes I knew he had had the same reaction - and there were other signs... The next thing I knew I was straddling him and pressing my lips to his in a feverish desperation. Great, now I was definitely acting like some s****y girlfriend. I knew from some of my studying that this was how most new imprints behaved, sex driven. But I could not be distracted, not now. But even with that in mind I found it hard to drag my lips away from Gage's for even a millisecond, it was made harder by the undeniably satisfying feel of our auras melding together and brushing over our skin. Finally I rolled away from Gage's wandering hands and before you could say 'protection' I was on the other side of the room, hands firmly behind my back and leaning against the wall. I watched Gage like I didn't trust him and I slowly got my breathing back under control. Gage seemed to be having a little more trouble containing himself as he was panting and half off the bed to follow me, the sheets sliding down is body. He groaned and slumped back on the bed and began rubbing his eyes. I watched warily as he began cursing himself in desperation.
   "Damn I didn't know that would happen, Marietta," he said and finally looked at me through his fingers, the pleading was clear in them. "I didn't mean to imprint, I would never have done anything against your will."
   I snorted and stepped closer, I only stopped when his eyes squeezed close tight and a feral growl rumbled deep in his chest. The noise sent shivers down my spine, "You have nothing to apologise for, Summers. I may have only known you for what, technically four days? But after the mess was sorted out I was planning on jumping you anyway," it was the truth, it just meant now we were distractions to each other and that made the path before us harder.
   He looked up with a raised eyebrow, "'Jumping' me?" His voice was low and dangerously sexy.
   I grinned and backed away casually, "I'd demonstrate but I have things to do."
   "Like?" He asked as he slowly rolled back on the bed to grab the butty, he ripped into it hungrily. His sharp eyes let me know that he hadn't missed my retreat.
   "Going to see Sebastian," he growled through his meal, it seemed that now we were imprinted he was growling more and more in front of me and it didn't bother me in the slightest. "I can understand if you're too busy, I can get someone else to take me." I slipped past the bed and looked out the window, I pursed my lips at the purpling clouds.
   "Can't you go in later?" Gage asked and I glanced at him, the butty was gone and he was lazing on the bed like some god, completely at home.
   "No, but its alright, I'll go alone," he didn't say anything at that so I carried on mildly, "I just want to warn him about Priscilla's storm." In a flash Gage was behind me, breathing over my shoulder as he studied the storm. He was too close for comfort, the heat radiated from his naked chest invitingly. He obviously had the same idea because his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer,
   "Are you sure it's Priscilla?" He breathed into my neck. At my quick almost panicked nod he sighed and kissed the back of my neck and moved away. "Then I'd better get changed."
   I watched as he picked his clothes up off the floor and quickly left the room before I got any more distracted. D****t, I was seventeen, almost eighteen, surely I shouldn't feel such strong... lust or love? The new feelings scared me, sure it was fine when I first met him, wasn't it? I mean he'd distracted me because he was something to look at, but then I realized what it was that scared me more than my feelings.
   It was the fact that he knew me, he saw me more than anyone else ever had. He hadn't said anything to make me think that, but it was there, in his eyes, when I said something he'd look as if he knew the words I really wanted to say. Even Cosmo and Henny hadn't known me that well. This guy had been there when I was chained to a wall, he had held me when I cried for Marcus, he had taken a knife in the chest because I was some sadistic and bitter cow, he had fought Priscilla for me and then offered me safety. He had kissed me when he didn't even know me. He had made me, a seventeen year old girl, fall in love with him in three days. B*****d.
   I picked up the book which was still on the coffee table and traced my fingers over the leather worn cover, my touch was almost reverent. The emblem on the front was a symbol, like the others of the Script it was of lines and dots, except this one seemed to resemble a sort of bird, a phoenix maybe. My fingers lightly followed the curve of the rune and I stared at it long and hard until, like a door had been opened in my mind, I could suddenly picture every single rune of the script and though they had no human meaning I understood each one. I took a shuddering breath at this new revelation, my mind overwhelmed and my legs went from under me. Suddenly Gage was there, his arms secure around my waist and he fell to the floor with me, cradling my body to his chest and whispering words into my ear. I couldn't understand him, there was a veil between us that allowed me to be foggily aware of my body and surroundings but my mind was elsewhere, lost in the terrifying wonders of the Script. There were millions of them, each rune burning clear in my mind and screaming its meaning in a thousand voices, sorrow, anger, sadness, happiness, relief. It was a deafening and blinding roar. Until in the blink of an eye they were gone but my dizziness was not.
   I fought of the blackness and took deep shuddering breaths, trying to reel myself back in. I focused on Gage's worried voice, holding onto it like a life line. Slowly I became conscious of his hard chest pressed to my back, one arm tight around my waist and the other cupped my face as my head lolled against his shoulder. I was sat between his legs and he was leaning on the sofa,
   "Marietta, come on, snap out of it," he begged, his voice finally broke and I shakily reached a hand up, I patted his cheek and grinned, looking up at him as I twisted my body to look at him without cricking my neck,
   "I'm okay, Fido," I murmured and his lips pressed hard on mine, he drew back before kissing me again and again. I sighed and buried my head in his neck as his arms began running up and down my body. I didn't realize I was shivering, but I was, not the violent type, just the way you do when you feel cold. And I felt really cold, like sub zero freezing cold.
   "Jesus, Marietta," he muttered breathlessly after kissing me and he picked me up gently and cradled me close to him as he stood up and then sat back down on the sofa. I went limply then rearranged myself so my legs were over the side and it was only my body he held. I kissed his neck and breathed in his spicy scent, like apples and cinnamon.
   Wait what? Since when could I smell his scent? That was his werewolf scent; no human would be able to smell that. In fact I smelt things no one should be able to smell, like the two day old macaroni cheese rotting in the garbage can - in the kitchen, or the musky smell of the sofa I sat on, or the sweet smell of varnish from the wooden coffee table. Hell I could even hear things, like the soft murmur of Nancy singing in her shower on the floor below. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, everything glowed with a faint light, after glow really. They were the traces of auras, left behind like a smell. I knew what was wrong with me.
   I had the Sight; the magical gift of hearing, seeing and smelling anything that is usually unnoticed by the human and often supernatural eye. Great. It was a very rare gift, and the damn script had given it to me. Typical, God and his angels were just giving more and more reason for people to hunt me down.

6. Sometimes I just don't understand me.
   "Marietta," Gage's voice was layered, I could hear the echo of a wolf's howl and I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that when I opened them everything would be fine. But this is my life, right? I can't go ten minutes without something odd happening. I opened them again and yep, everything still glowed, and now, where usually I would only sense and feel Gage's Aura I could see it. It glowed a dark forest green and pulsed around him, trailing like wisps of smoke. My own aura radiated from me, a dangerous dark red and I wondered how the colour represented me, dangerous? I hoped not, but what with my unerring skill of killing I couldn't doubt it, my emotions always scared me, that's why I kept them so locked up.
   "I'm alright," I reassured him and patted his cheek again before starting to move off him. His arms tightened and before I knew it he had rolled over and pinned me underneath his body. What the hell was his problem? I read his emotions and realised that he was scared and angry that I was trying to keep him out. My hands were pinned by his and he frowned as he pressed his forehead to mine,
   "You're cold!" He exclaimed pulling back and I pouted in mock hurt,
   "I do try to be nice," I was rewarded with a growl that rumbled through his chest and with the added effect of the growling wolf it left me breathless. He let go of one of my hands to touch my forehead and then the rest of my face, each touch sent shivers down my spine. Bad idea to touch the hormonal girl, very bad idea.
   "No, I mean you're freezing, like ice," he sounded panicked and pulled me up so I was slung across his lap and he chafed his hands on my arms. "Jesus Marietta, what did that book do to you?"
   "Can you not call me Marietta?" I asked, ignoring the questions, if I told him the truth he'd be bound to tell Sebastian, I didn't want that. Gage looked at me confused through his worry, "Selena is my real name,"
   He was silent for the longest moment, just his arms trying to rub heat back into me and the steady beat of his heart. I looked up at his face and saw a look of pain that cut me to the core,
   "You don't trust me," But I thought the words he was looking for were really: I don't know who you are. I reached a hand up and caught his face, I made his pain filled eyes meet mine,
   "I was abandoned when I was a baby at Charing Cross Hospital, London, 1992, the nurse who looked after me was called Babs. She named me Selena and it stuck even when I went to the orphanage. Families picked me because I was 'charming', then got rid of me because I was 'stubborn and argumentative'. When I was thirteen I ran away. I met a werewolf my first night alone, on a full moon. He tried to eat me and I was rescued by a passing fairy. She offered me a place in her apartment and I lived as a thief, giving half of what I took to my other roommate, Nog, a goblin. You know the rest, I've been to Vienna, Rome, Venice, Madrid - all those cities. My favourite one was Venice, but I also liked Vienna because that was where I met Henny. My favourite colour is blue, I think my star sign is Leo - that says I'm stubborn, feisty and loyal. I think I'm all those things, other people have called me cold, unemotional and stupid. They're right and I hate people being right about me because it means they've seen me. Marietta Kingdom was just a name, one I made up in London, one that I could hide behind, a name that could be all those things and no one would know the real me. When someone calls me Selena I feel I can go back to the beginning, back to those normal families, hell even back to the Orphanage," my voice was low but firm, betraying none of my emotion, "I was normal at the orphanage, a little girl with no family, I fit in, no one wanted to hurt me, there was no special treatment, we were all pitied and we were all hopeful. There was nothing beyond our little world, we didn't dream of vampires or werewolves, we only dreamt of finding a family we could enjoy our lives with. That's who I am. Selena the Orphan. I don't want to be some sneaky snake with no friends; I don't want to be the person everyone wants... I just want to be the same."
   His hands were still, there was no sound now but our breathing, his was heavy and mine shallow as I tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to ruin me. I dropped my hand from his face and made to get up but his hands stopped me, he caught my face in his hand and ran his fingers through my hair before cupping my face.
   "Marietta-" he started and cut off when I choked on a sob,
   I whispered in a hoarse broken voice, "I don't want to be Marietta anymore, Gage, no more. Please," why I was begging I had no idea, but it seemed something had broken in my unbreakable mind, my secret safe of emotions had disappeared and memories and emotions I'd locked up were forcing up and out.
   "Selena," he whispered and the tension left my body at hearing my name leave his body. I sighed in content and shut my eyes, leaning into the safety of his hands. He kissed me gently on my lips before hugging me close. I shifted so that my legs were on either side of him then I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder. His hands ran up and down my back, burning me even through my shirt. There was nothing sexual about our position, I held him to be close and comforted. Yeah, right, who was I kidding, it was real sexual but I was trying not to be distracted.
   "I don't know why I'm cold but it's got something to do with that book," I told him and leaned away slightly so that I could see his face. His serious grey eyes held mine and I traced his face lightly, his eyelids drooped slightly as he and his wolf hummed with satisfaction at the feel of me against him. "I swear that's all I know, Gage," my voice was pleading and I leant closer until my lips were barely an inch from his.
   "I trust you, Selena," he told me, his voice a murmur now that my fingers were brushing over his jaw and then to his lips. I pressed my lips to his and kissed him passionately, pleased when he responded.
   It was a reassuring kiss, not one that would have led us to the bedroom but one that definitely let me know I was forgiven for being such a devious b***h. A shrill ring startled me and I pulled away from Gage, looking at him indignantly as a phone vibrated in his pocket. He cursed as he pulled his hands from under my shirt - from my back you dirty minded perverts! And then fumbled in his pocket for his phone, he snapped it open,
   "Yes?" His voice was smooth and commanding, his chest rose and fell rapidly but he didn't let his breathlessness show. I heard the unmistakable voice on the other line but didn't reveal that I could hear. Gage stiffened and I pursed my lips as he said in a clipped voice, "Sebastian."
   "Where are you Gage?" The voice on the other line was loud enough to me that Shrek could have been standing right beside us.
   "I am-" he cut off when I coughed and I heard Sebastian ask who I was, I smiled and pried the phone from Gage's fingers.
   "Hello Sebastian," I said cheerfully,
   "Marietta," his voice was a mixture of incredulity and annoyance,
   "Actually it's Selena, but never mind," I smiled at Gage's stunned face and began drawing patterns on his chest. He was wearing the same clothes he wore last night, a black t shirt and faded jeans; he'd managed to brush most of the dirt off from last night's explosion.
   "Gage found you," Sebastian stated flatly.
   "Uh huh, he was just persuading me to come and see you," Gage frowned at me, mouthing 'what are you doing?' I smiled and pressed my fingers to his lips whilst also pressing my body closer to his more intimate places. His hands came back to clutch me on the hips,
   "Is that what you kids call it nowadays," His voice had obtained more its normal amused tone and I grinned,
   "Hows about calling it Kiss-and-Make-Up? Does that sound better?" there was a chuckle on the other line and I winked at Gage, his eyes sparkled wickedly and this time his warm hands went under my shirt and skimmed over my ribs and higher.
   "So, have you been persuaded to come and see me?" Sebastian's voice snapped me back from the feel of Gage's hands and slapped his arms away uselessly, he just grinned evilly. I guess I kind of deserved it.
   "Twelve o'clock, Central Park Huddlestone Arch," even Gage looked confused at the order. It was almost eleven and took only twenty minutes to get to the bridge.
   "Twelve?" Sebastian asked, and I shrugged even though I knew he couldn't see it.
   "You can't use the Strega Ring so I thought I'd give you more time for you to round up your pack and gather together there," I leant forward so that my chin was resting on Gage's broad shoulder and waited.
   "Do you want the pack there?" Sebastian finally asked and again I shrugged,
   "It doesn't really matter, Shrek, you want them there so they will be there," Gage was playing with my hair again, it wasn't long enough for him to twist it around his fingers but he did seem to like running his fingers through it.
   "You understand me too well, Selena," the Alpha murmured softly and I laughed,
   "No, I just have very accurate guesses, I'll see you there then," I said good bye and handed the phone back to Gage, he spoke to Sebastian a minute longer - Sebastian warning Gage that they would talk later about me. I guessed that as Gage was beta of the pack everyone would have felt him making me his mate, now I was like the second in command female. Creepy. Not many would be pleased about it.
   With the phone hung up I stayed still on Gage's shoulder as he mulled things over. Finally he said, "Why the arch?"
   "If I say it's a surprise will you be satisfied?" I asked, teasing but serious, it wasn't really a surprise but I didn't want to face the humiliation if my plan failed. I know, my pride is so annoying. He sighed, giving up,
   "No but that probably doesn't bother you,"
   I pulled back so that he could see my pout, "Now that's unfair, you know I don't like seeing you unhappy,"
   His eyes sparked angrily, "If that was the case then you would have revealed yourself months ago!"
   I was silent, one of his hands was still in my hair whilst the other hand moved to my hip where his fingers grasped tightly.
   I put my hands on his chest and slowly let one trail down to the waistband of his jeans whilst the other massaged the back of his neck. I could feel his aura around me and his emotions changing unwillingly to pleasure, he hated that he couldn't hold onto his anger.
   "That's doubly unfair Gage," I breathed as I leant forwards, I let my nails rake tenderly in the gap between his shirt and jeans and though he tried not to show anything I could hear his wolf humming with satisfaction. He leant away from me so he could hide the excitement in his eyes and when he looked again his expression was stern,
   "No its not, I don't even know you but I went all over the world to find you and now you expect me to be fine with everything! With this, with us!" I felt the words stab me and pulled away from him,
   "No I don't expect you to be fine. I wasn't expecting to have sex with you or imprint with you, I don't expect a lot of things but I did expect you to try and understand!" My voice was cold and I pushed off of his lap and stood in the living room glaring down at him. He shifted so that he wasn't standing but his posture showed that he was trying to be the dominant one. Stupid werewolf.
   "Understand what exactly?"
   "I don't know you!" I hissed, "I am seventeen you moron and I don't even know you! All I know is that you're Gage Summers and Beta of the New York Pack and that oddly enough I love you!" there was a stunned silence and before he could say anything I stalked away to my bed room, calling over my shoulder, "I'm leaving in a minute."

7. Biting off more than I can chew. Bad Idea.
   In my bedroom I couldn't just stand still and burst into tears, I had to stay occupied. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out my jacket. I pulled it on before brushing my hair back into a messy ponytail.
   God why I had I said that? Once the question was out there was no taking it back and my thoughts flooded with the memory of his shocked face at my revelation. But it was true, every word. I didn't know him; all I knew was a name and my feelings. Bugger and I'd say the L word, the dreaded L word. What sane seventeen year old says they're in Love? So maybe I wasn't the sanest of people, I mean I hang out with werewolves and elves and demons and the like, but my head was screwed on secure and I knew what should and shouldn't and me being in love was high up on the latter side.
   I stormed out of my room, barely glanced at Gage as he sat brooding on the couch where I'd left him and went to the front door. I knew he followed; of course he did because I was the one with the plan that might just stop some crazy witch.
   We were on the streets and silent, the tension between us practically a physical wall. He walked just a few steps behind me and the feel of his eyes on the back of my head was unnerving. The pavements were practically empty, part of the whole black supernatural thunder clouds that filled the sky kept people indoors. Lightening cut through the clouds every so often followed by deafening thunder that to me sounded like yells of fury and pain, there was no rain - yet, I didn't want to know what they would look like to my new Sight. Even so the few people out kept a well away from me and Gage. Maybe it was my livid expression or his huge size, either way people avoided us and I was fine with that.
   "I was born a werewolf," Gage's voice shocked me, it was quiet and rushed and he walked at my shoulder so close that his breath brushed my neck. "I was born in 1882 and grew up with my parents in a small pack called Rush Valley in Montana. My father was the Alpha but when I was seventeen my pack were killed. I went rogue," Christ, a rogue werewolf so young and during that time? There would have been hunts for werewolves, he would have been dangerous and in danger more than he ever would be now. "Sebastian found me and it took a while for him to persuade me to join him. I became beta because I was stronger than the others and because I had reason to become it. In 1934 I found my family's murderers and killed them all."
   I was silent, I hadn't turned to look at him, I didn't need to see his expression, it would have been closed off and scary, his emotions were dark enough to let me know the inner turmoil.  Instead I cocked my head to one side and remembered reading about the Rush Valley slaughter and also about another coven of vampires who had been murdered in 1934. Both murders had been brutal, but I couldn't blame Gage for it. What would I have done? I probably would have wallowed in the guilt of surviving and hid, hoping to push the pain to one side and lock it up and never think of it again, but Gage had strived to become the best so that he could kill. Was that who I loved? A killer?
   But I didn't believe that, not from the way he was so good at protecting me. And his tentative hand creeping into mine banished any ugly thoughts I had of him. I sighed and the tension fell from my shoulders as I squeezed his hand back and brought him closer to me. We were on some path now in Central Park and I stopped to look up at him. I frowned and pursed my lips, trying for unhappy to show he wasn't completely forgiven, he brushed his fingers along them before pushing a loose curl from my eyes.
   "I didn't want to scare you away," he muttered, grey eyes seriously,
   "Liar," I retorted although my heart wasn't in it, "you just didn't want to burden me."
   He nodded and leant his head down so that he could rest his forehead on mine, "true," he brought my hand up to his face and softly brushed his lips over my knuckles. I turned his wrist so I could see his watch, ten to twelve. I smiled gently at him and began walking again, past the Lasker Ice rink and cutting through some trees. As we crossed the small bridge I jumped over the side and landed casually on the path below. I thanked God that there was no one sane enough to walk through the park. Gage landed behind me and we both watched as a few werewolves appeared. I nodded friendlily to Roman, Elise and Luc and they spared me a few smiles.
   "Right on time Sebastian," I said cheerfully and the huge man loomed from under the bridge. He smiled easily,
   "Actually we're both early," he corrected and nodded to Gage in greeting. I studied the other faces of the fifteen werewolves, they were the same ones from the warehouse last night but there was an extra one, Mia. She glared hatefully at me whilst the other wolves were simply wary. I found from their thoughts that they were curious as to why I was able to be Gage's mate. Did I mention that it's very rare for a human to be a werewolf's imprint? Very rare... But Mia was jealous; she was planning on challenging me for the position as Beta female. Good luck with that love. "Is there a reason we are here?"
   "Oh, right yea, the bridge is magical," I waved at the beautiful arch. All rocks of different sizes, the first time I'd seen it I'd thought that if you pulled out one small rock from it then the whole thing would come tumbling down. But I recognized the strength inside the ugly thing. The stream ran parallel to the footpath and I thought it a shame that the wildness of trees and rocks and the brook were ruined by the horrible concrete of the Lasker ice rink. "It was made in 1866 by some witch sisters. It was made as a refuge, so that anyone being hunted by say a werewolf or a vampire could come here and be protected. Very good magic," They all looked at the bridge surprised,
   "Then how come we're allowed near it?" Roman asked and they all looked back to me for the answer, I shrugged,
   "You're not hunting anyone... at the moment," I added, grinning wickedly at Roman and he winked back. I was glad to see the trio still had that casual way about them.
   "So how will the bridge being magical help us against," Sebastian pointed to the scary thunderstorm and I my smile faltered,
   "I'm hoping that the bridge will enhance magical powers,"
   "Whose magical powers? Yours?" Sebastian looked suspicious now and I fidgeted uncomfortably,
   "I haven't got an ounce of magic... but there is one person I know who might be able to reverse Priscilla's spell," they all waited and Gage narrowed his eyes at me, "now don't get angry-"
   I sensed him arrive and I winced as Cosmo jumped down and landed beside me, "have I missed much?" there were growls all around and I held up my hands quickly,
   "Wait, he's just here to help and then he'll be gone, I promise," Sebastian had shifted closer and Cosmo regarded him with that aloof curious way of his. I kicked his leg, "we promise."
   "Oh yes of course, no trouble from me," Cosmo was quick to say, "I'm just here to annoy Priscilla and then I'll be off back to Neverland." I rolled my eyes and smiled nervously at Sebastian, he stared at Cosmo for a long time, and his werewolves were tense and ready to grab Cosmo - even Gage. I waited; here was Sebastian's moment to capture the elusive warlock. But Sebastian saw how desperate the situation was; Cosmo would never trap himself unless things were extremely dire. Good ol' Sebastian. He nodded and Cosmo smiled like he was his best friend. Cosmo then turned to look at me, I smiled at him, it had been seven months since I last saw him - I'd refused his help to hide me and he'd kept in touch now and then. He really hadn't changed; he wore a long silk black coat, a dark navy blue frilly shirt tucked into leather pants. He was so flamboyant.
   "You know the spell, Cosmo?" I asked and he shook his head good naturedly, I sighed in annoyance,
   "Really, must I do everything?" I held my arm out and we clasped forearms. As soon as we did I linked my mind with his. I bit back a smile as his sharp eyes widened and his hand tightened.
   In my mind I showed him the spell I had picked up from Aurora's mind. I could feel his amazement that I even knew such a spell - I kept the history behind the spell from his head.
   "You just say the spell, Cosmo," I whispered and everything around us was silent, even the thunderclaps had ceased, as though the army of furious monsters were watching curiously, waiting to see what the magic would be. I was aware of the werewolves pulling back from us, their auras burning light multi coloured flames and their wolves just a shadow behind their faces. "I'll do the rest." He nodded jerkily and I felt his magic surface as Latin words flowed from his lips.
   I felt the power within me stir, it was a power I didn't wholly understand, after all I'd only just finished developing it that morning. My power with the Script, the inhuman and very un-unnatural power. There were no human words for the symbols but just thinking about them made the power rise, I plucked the rune from the whirlwind of others in my mind. I saw as the bridge reacted to Cosmo's magic, an earthy green aura slowly trickled towards Cosmo's sharp purple magic and as they joined I threw my power at it.
   There was no reaction at first but then the purple and green glowed and became a burning gold that rose and fell before swirling around me and Cosmo. My head roared with the power as it flowed out of me, strengthening Cosmo's spell of protection and destruction in one. I wondered if the gold was visible to the spectators, I could hear their wolves howling, an eerie sound over the sweet rustling of the magic. I knew that my power was more spiritual and guessed that it had weird effects on people. Cosmo's eyes were wide as he followed the golden tornado that encased us. My eyes picked out burning white runes here and there before the golden tunnel grew up and up, strengthened by my power. There was a huge silent explosion when the magic reached the thunderstorm. The golden streaked across the black clouds and they shattered, screams filled the air and as though I were distantly connected to her I heard Priscilla's enraged and terrified scream. When I looked up the sky over New York was golden and humming with a warm power. I kept the magic going for a while longer until I was certain all trace of malice was gone. Then I cut off my power, silently thanking God for my unerring grasp of this awesome gift. The golden tunnel shrunk back until it balled around Cosmo and me and then in another deafening burst of silent thunder it exploded outwards, trees swayed as the golden wall of mist hit them and then disappeared all around us in the park. Then it was over.
   There was nothing but silence. The Arch was humming with its used power, and golden mist coated the floor, shifting as slowly the werewolves began to move. Their wolves were still howling and looking at them I could see their animal eyes glowing bright with excitement and something else. Their faces were flushed and I knew that it was the spiritual power of life. Sad and soppy but true. I was sure that every supernatural creature would have been affected some way by the power I had unleashed. I looked at Cosmo and smiled weakly but proudly,
   "That should have Priscilla peeing her pants, huh?" I joked as I let my arm fall away. He stumbled and shook his head, he was wondering how the hell I was able to do that; he was scared but intrigued by my new power. I softly shook my head and said with my eyes, 'later', he understood and lips twitching into a smile he disappeared in a crack of energy. Then I was left with the still stunned werewolves. I glanced at them all and their fierce wondrous expressions. I looked at Sebastian, his wolf was a shadow in his face, a handsome black beast and it still howled, clawing for a way out. The same went with Gage and carefully I slipped towards him; their minds were all elsewhere, too focused on the new feelings. Who knew what touching him would do, would I startle him. I reached out a hand to him and drew back surprised, my hand was glowing, not with an aura but it was like a golden light seeped through my skin. Weird that it was such a warm colour but I felt so cold. It was a warm strengthening power to others but that power came from me leaving me weak. I was ready to pay the price. I watched as the golden mist swirled around his legs and knew that their minds were far beyond me, I'd have to wait it out. Weird, wait out my power, it wasn't something I could just click my fingers and make disappear like Cosmo's power.
   With an impatient and weary sigh I moved to the side of the uneven circle the wolves had formed and sat on the cool ground. My whole body was cold, from the skin down to my bones and I shook away the sudden drowsiness that threatened to overwhelm me. Wrapping my jacket tighter around me I frowned into the distance and kept my fingers clenched so that the pain of my nails digging into my palm kept me awake.
   I'd stopped Priscilla's storm, which was one worry off my mind, but the destruction of the storm would only slow her plans not stop them, that much was certain. I didn't know what she was planning but it was going to be big.
   I couldn't believe what I'd just done. I'd thought for a while that the symbols on my back meant my powers were beyond anything else - that much was clear from the lack of mention in all the archives. But it was only a while back that I began having these flashes of power that went beyond my psychic ones. It both thrilled me and scared me that I could now use it at will. It also scared me that it left my body so drained. Sighing again I stared out blankly at the now clear and natural sky.
   Before I knew it a familiar face was in front of mine and gentle hands were shaking me. I jerked startled and yelped at Gage, "God don't you know better than to pull someone out a daydream?"
   He sighed in relief and gently helped me to my feet, "You were out of it, completely out of it." I grimaced at my stiff bones and leant heavily against him, he hissed in sympathy as he saw my bloody palms - I'd pierced the skin I'd clenched my hands so tightly. Quickly I hid my hands and looked at the rest of them; they were all wide eyed and shaking themselves as if to wake themselves up. Roman kept tilting his head and knocking his ear, like he was trying to get water from his head.
   "If I was out of it then so were you," I retorted, "there could have been an apocalypse and you never would have known."
   His expression was serious but before he could admonish me Sebastian was there, the look on his face was livid and unwillingly I shrank back against Gage, his arm wound tight around my waist. I was too weak to deal with this; just talking was leaving me dead tired.
   "What was that?" Sebastian growled
   "That was a boulder in Priscilla's plan," I said smugly then shrugged, "I honestly didn't know that you would all react like that." I tried not to sound too wicked; I could tell they were all embarrassed about it.
   "You should have warned me about Cosmo," he snapped and I wavered again, brushing a hand across my forehead to try and banish dizziness I then forced myself to answer,
   "And then what would you have done? Not shown up or shown up ready to kill the guy?" I took a shuddering breath, "I thought Gage giving you the Book would make it up to you." Gage's arm tightened and I smiled bitterly at him, "I did notice you pick it up when we left the apartment."
   I didn't expect him to say sorry, not in front of his Alpha but then Sebastian laughed, "Then I guess we are both in the wrong, I apologise for being angry and having Gage steal it from you." I waved his apology away and was about to say something witty when my mind finally succumbed to the fog.
   Blackness seeped around me, drowning out the comforting glow of my golden power.

8. Reality Dreams
   I dreamt. I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was all too real. I was in a huge chamber, but the details were blurred by smoke and an eerie black fog. I stood in the centre of the vast room, torn between one end of the chamber and the other. Different people stood at the opposite ends, their blurry unknown faces turned towards me and their creepy musical voices called to me.
   I had the horrible feeling that I had to make a choice. A choice between one group of people and another, one life and another. I hoped this dream wasn't some sort of premonition - I hated making life changing choices.
   "Are you afraid?" I turned sharply to see a tall handsome man stood beside me. He was tall with ghostly white skin, shining black hair and obsidian eyes. He wore only loose trousers and his chest glowed in the magical light. Despite his beauty he was evil. I could feel it oozing from him sickeningly.
   "Of what?" I retorted, making my voice stronger than I felt, "You? I don't think so," He stepped closer and I tried to step back but his eyes trapped me, I couldn't fight him off. His hand cupped my stiff chin before he trailed his hand lower until his cold fingers gently wrapped around my neck and he felt my thrumming pulse. He tilted his head and seemed to listen to it with fascination,
   "You're not scared of me, Dea," he murmured seductively but seriously, "You're scared of yourself." I tried to pull away, my mind screamed no as his lips came to meet mine but my body was frozen. His lips brushed mine and then he strengthened the kiss, he didn't care that my lips were unresponsive but then I felt his fingers tighten on my neck, with a cry and all my strength I pushed him in the chest. He went flying but he spun in the air and landed gracefully in a feline crouch. His black eyes flashed dangerously and I took up a fighter's stance, legs apart and my body slightly sideways I held my fists up threateningly.
   "What is this? Dream rape?" I snapped and he snarled before standing up slowly,
   "You should be careful, Dea," his voice was strong and everything but he was fading into a black mist, the voices and creepy ghosts and the chamber were engulfed by it. "You have used your powers better than we had all anticipated but soon you will have to face me - and you will not win."
   With that chilling prophecy the man disappeared leaving me with more questions.

9. Enlighten you? Where to start?
   When I became aware of my surroundings I was relieved, there was something scary about that too-real-dream, and that was the fact that the stranger was telling me he'd kill me - he'd almost done it in that small dream. He also knew things about my power, who was this 'we' who had anticipated me to be bad at controlling them? For the first time in a long time I wondered who my parents were.
   I opened my eyes cautiously and looked around, no foggy chamber, no scary ghosts and no sadistic mad man. I was in a large room, but it was dark and I couldn't make out loads. The bed I was in was King sized and just so wonderfully comfy I was almost tempted to drift off again and remain burrowed in the pile of blankets around me.
   I was warming up now, weird to think that I was still cold but my body was so stiff now. Stretching and rolling out of my curled up position I rammed into something.
   Gage was fast asleep, his hair tousled and his mouth hanging open in sleep. I smiled softly, revelling in the feel of waking up with him right beside me. Slowly I rolled under the heavy blankets and pressed a cool hand to his forehead. He waspractically sweating he was so hot, he had stripped to his jeans he was so hot. Not that I wasn't practically naked. I was in my underwear and I guessed Gage's idea had been to warm up by holding me to his fevered skin, bare skin to bare skin.
   He twitched and sighed as I pressed my cold limbs to his body, hoping it would cool him as well as warm me. Slowly he woke up, his grey eyes immediately met mine and he smiled in relief.
   "You're boiling hot," I whispered, pressing my hand to his cheek and he leant into it slightly. Then he chuckled and his arms snaked around me, holding me closer, I almost blushed as I felt his bare chest on my stomach.
   "That was the point," he murmured and his fingers traced lightly on my back. "You scared the hell out of me Selena,"
   "What can I say?" I shrugged light heartedly, "it's what I do best." He didn't laugh, instead his eyes were serious, I didn't want serious, I didn't want to answer questions; I just wanted to be done with everything. I had enjoyed my reasonably normal life the past year; I wanted to go back to being human.
   "I didn't know you could do magic," it wasn't a question but he still wanted an answer. I rolled out of his arms with a resigned sigh and looked up at the bare ceiling.
   "I don't do magic, not spells or whatnot," I began, may as well tell him everything, I told myself, so he doesn't get suspicious every time I do something odd. "I'm sort of psychic, like mind reading, telekinesis and all that jazz. Only very recently did I get the Sight." His sharp intake of breath made me glance at him but I quickly looked back at the ceiling, "this morning was me using another gift of mine. I don't fully understand it; I've never used it before."
   "You mean you were using magic that you don't actually know how to use?" His voice was sharp and I looked at him again,
   "I knew how to use it, Gage, its part of me, like my psychic mumbo jumbo is and my Sight is," I pursed my lips, "my powers have always been a part of me but its like they've suddenly been unlocked, released so that I can use them."
   "That Book unlocked them didn't they?"
   "Possibly, I mean I can read the Script and -"
   "You can read it?" he exclaimed and his face loomed over me, I blinked and nodded,
   "Have you seen me back?" With a frown he shook his head and I slowly rolled over, I felt him lift the covers slightly and the cold air rushed over me. His burning fingers traced my tattoos and I shivered.
   "When? How?" He asked and I rested my head on my arms as he dropped the covers but kept his fingers tracing the symbols.
   "When I was fourteen, I designed the tattoo, and that was before I even knew about the Script," I shrugged again, glad that my face was turned away from him, "I guess subconsciously I knew what they were."
   "You think your powers are related to this mark?" Gage's breath brushed my neck and he rested his head on my back, rubbing my tattoos tenderly,
   "I don't know," my voice wavered uncertainly. My psychic abilities had kicked in way before the tattoo and I had at first assumed that my weird powers of inhuman strength and stuff like that were the tattoos fault. But how did I know about the Script unless it was already in my head? The man's words flickered back into my head 'you have used your powers better than we had anticipated', had I been born with these powers and left to fend for myself as some sort of experiment, or had he and the rest of the 'we' put the symbols into my head to see how they might affect me. Both options were cruel. But then again, the man had known me, he'd called me Dea. Wasn't that Goddess in Latin?
   "You're thinking," Gage murmured and I tried not to shiver at the delight I felt when his lips moved against my back. "What are you thinking about?"
   "About what to do next," I replied, just a small white lie, "I'm scared not knowing Priscilla's plan."
   "You can't know everything, Selena," his voice was half amused and half serious.
   "No but I'd like to," I grumbled and he moved to kiss the back of my neck, "What time is it?" I asked.
   "Almost ten," his voice was husky as he let his chest press against my side and his other hand wandered up my other hip and drummed lightly on my ribs. "Sebastian wants to see you when you're better. I think you're warming up pretty well, but to be safe we'd better give it an hour."
   I chuckled but didn't move, "Only an hour? I'm still so tired," I stretched and yawned exaggeratingly. He laughed once and rolled me over before hovering over me. He smiled and the tender look in his eyes knocked the breath out of me, he sighed contentedly as I let my hand trace his jaw and his wolf hummed with satisfaction.
   "Earlier you said something..." his eyes were uncertain now, "I don't know if you were saying it to make me feel guilty or that you were just being rash-" I cut him off by pressing my fingers to his lips, then, with my hands in his hair I pulled him closer,
   "I love you, Gage Summers," his smile was blinding and he kissed me fiercely, murmuring how much he loved me every time he pulled back, each time he said it my heart soared. It was hard to roll around kissing with such heavy covers on, that's what I thought and I guessed so did Gage because with a growl he sat up and pushed them away. I laughed once, surprised by how light and happy my laugh was, then I sat up and leant into him. I didn't let him push me back down; instead I pressed my chest against his and held him firmly upright. Now was not the time to be getting 'jiggy with it'. But it was oh so tempting... maybe an hour would be alright?
   With a smile Gage kissed me so passionately that I completely forget about all my arguments for not doing it.

10. We don't have a plan A, B or C; we may as well skip to the apocalypse and be done with it.
   True to his word an hour later I was stood in Sebastian's office, showered and dressed in borrowed clothes, I needed more because I was so cold. I must have looked like a girl ready to go play in the snow. I had a woolly multicoloured hat over my frizzy hair, a scarf and under my jacket I wore one of Gage's thermal training tops - why a human radiator needs one of those I don't know - another of his black shirts which just wasn't tight on me like they are on him, on my legs I had some leggings and then some baggy but thick tracksuit bottoms that were tucked into insulated workers boots. I was stood next to the fire Sebastian had had specially lit but I wasn't even sweating.
   There were nine of us in the large room: Sebastian, Gage, Roman, Elise, Luc, Mia and two others called Charles and Lucian - oh and me. Apparently we were the Alpha's Favours - like his most loyal members of the pack. If that was the case I had no idea what I was doing in there. Mia had the same thoughts; if looks could kill I would be cold and dead. She was jealous because Gage hadn't taken his eyes off my face, even though he was on the opposite side of the room, sat on the window seat like he had when I had first met Sebastian. In fact, all of them were looking at me so I had no idea why Mia was so jealous. Sebastian was sat at his desk, flanked by Charles - a tall man with crazy blue spiky hair and studs in any possible place in his face, eyebrows, lips, nose and ears, who knew how many more he had... And Lucian stood at his Alpha's other shoulder, Lucian was a huge African man, his hair tightly cropped he was almost bald but he was more intimidating than his alpha. I wondered how on earth Gage had managed to become Beta so quickly if this guy was the competition, or if they'd come recently how he'd managed to keep the title.
   Elise sat on one of the chairs at the desk and had turned it so she was looking between her Alpha and me whilst her boyfriend and Luc leant on the wall behind her. They were all waiting for me to explain, I guess I had just told them what to do and they'd all trusted me, I wondered what else I could have them do...
   "The storm was a Focus," I began and was immediately interrupted,
   "What's that?" Mia asked, her voice unpleasant and slightly patronizing. Stupid cow.
   "Something that a witch uses to hold their reserve magic," I kept my voice as polite as can be and rubbed my hands together. I was wearing the same type of multicoloured cotton gloves except they were fingerless and my fingertips were purple from cold.
   "I thought a Focus was something like a ring or a necklace," she interrupted again and I counted to ten in my head. Gage's lips twitched into a smile and I wondered who else was getting pissed by her know it all tone of voice.
   "Usually they are but Priscilla is a little bit more powerful than a normal witch so she needs a larger focus. Plus, she's a bit more obvious than other witches - why have a ring when she can have her very own thundercloud?" I glared at her, waiting for her to say something else and there was a tense moment before Mia reddened slightly in the face. Roman chuckled whilst Elise was a bit more subtle and changed her chuckle into a cough.
   Sebastian broke the tense silence, "And destroying the Focus, did that destroy her power?"
   I shook my head and began pacing quickly, back and forth in front of the huge fireplace, "No, Focus's are funny things, destroy them and your power just goes walk about for a while, the time is indefinite but it will always return. The problem for Priscilla is that it isn't her power - not by birthright anyway - so whether the power recognizes her as its owner it could be a year before she gets that magic back or a day." I shrugged, "All I can say is that she won't wait for her power to return, she and Jean Claude are impatient to do whatever it is they're planning and Priscilla is certainly powerful enough without her stolen power to do it."
   "Then why create the Focus, why kill all those other witches if she's strong enough?" Lucian's voice was a deep rumbling and I gave Gage a startled glance.
   "Priscilla's not worried about the before - she's worried about the after, how she's going to stay in control," I answered, meeting the mans deep pits of brown eyes, "which makes me think that whatever she's planning is probably some sort of awakening."
   "An Awakening?" Mia asked, glad that she had something to pick at and with a sharp intake of breath and another round of counting in my head I answered her with a tight smile,
   "An Awakening of a master vampire, a demon, a god - anything powerful," Sebastian looked unsurprised whilst the others looked grim and disbelieving, "And let's not forget the guy's army of minions."
   "Jean Claude needs Priscilla to be powerful to awake this creature and then to control it," Lucian asked, just to be sure, at my nod he continued, "do you really think Priscilla's power combined with the other six witches' power be enough?"
   I tapped my chin and looked into the fire before turning to look at them, "No, to awaken it yes, to control it - no. I've been following Priscilla around for a while but there's one thing I need to find out before I can put the pieces together."
   "What's that?" Sebastian leant forwards in his chair and rested his elbows on his huge desk,
   "I need to go to the library," my voice was cheerful and the bemused looks made me smile.
   "The library?" Mia asked as if I was joking, she looked at her comrades, "Please tell me she's not serious? Do you actually believe her? She hasn't got one speck of evidence about this Awakening! She could be lying and tricking us into helping her,"
   "The Focus should have been proof enough," I said wearily,
   "A trick set up by you and your warlock!" she spat and I pinched the bridge of my nose,
   "Believe me or not, all I need to do is go to the library - I just thought you'd like to know my guess,"
   "Your guess," she scoffed then fell silent when Gage dropped a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and up at him then dropped her eyes in submission,
   "Selena's assumptions have never been wrong," Sebastian told his werewolf and I pressed a hand over my heart in mock embarrassment,
   "Oh Shrek, stop it, you flatter me," with my eyes I told Gage to get away from Mia, I could sense which was she was going. He stepped away from the woman with a quizzical look to me.
   "Its true," Sebastian carried on with an amused expression, "You knew where the book was, you knew I could not read it and what I wanted it for, and you even knew that Gage would give the book to me. You are almost always correct," I waved a hand at him before fanning myself,
   "Psh, you're making me blush, Sebastian you ol' flirt," I surreptitiously stepped closer to one of the wall pieces decorating the side of the fire place. "Surely you know better than to play with a young girl's fickle heart?" Sebastian's laugh was booming and I think I even startled a laugh out of Lucian but I couldn't be sure. Mia had jumped at me. With a growl and inhuman speed she leapt across the floor and was close to me before the others could react. I didn't dodge out the way, instead I turned so that I faced the ornamental weapon display and as she went to tackle me I jumped and with my feet I leapt off the wall and over her head. Mia spun quickly to my turned back but before she could even utter a curse at me I had stepped to the side and had one of the ornamental Elven Swords pressed to her neck. I didn't need to look at her to see her terrified expression. The blade was pretty terrifying, a paper thin slightly curved wide blade, silver with a sheen of blue that glittered dangerously in the light. The hilt was a twist of silver and leather vines and fit my hand perfectly.
   The other werewolves were shocked, I guess I must have looked pretty impressive - I certainly hoped I did. I was standing all cool and ninja like, my legs a shoulder width apart, my back to the fire silhouetting me, and to my side my arm was outstretched steadily so that the blade was a whisker away from pressing into Mia's tense fragile neck. In a movement so fast it shocked me I lifted the blade away, kicked her knee from under her and when she collapsed the floor, I pressed the flat of the blade to the back of her neck. On her knees now it looked like I was about to execute her.
   "I just want to go to the library, idiot," my voice was mild, as though I didn't have a knife pressed to her. "You don't have to attack me for wanting to read a book."
   She was shivering in fear and anger at her fear; she couldn't believe that a human like could make her look like a fool. That's the problem with people, always underestimating a girl. If I was, say, a boy then Mia might have thought defeat was a possibility. She just hadn't learnt from the last time she'd fought me. Idiot.
   "I think we can arrange a trip to the library," Sebastian's voice was calm but I knew they were all on tensed up, ready to spring to either my defence or Mia's. "I assume you mean New York Public Library, Selena." When he said my name I knew he was trying to warn me, warning me to get away from his werewolf, with an innocent smile at Sebastian I stepped nimbly away from the kneeling wolf and let the blade dangle uselessly at my side. Lucian was unwillingly impressed, Charles was thoughtful and my other three friends were a little amused but also a little uneasy. They hadn't thought that I would be so fast. If only they knew how many demons and vampires I'd fought. Gage on the other hand was neither impressed nor uneasy, he was proud. I'd just shown that I was worthy to be a Beta female; I could look after myself and had shown dominance over a lower wolf.
   "Exactly that one," I said and I smiled apologetically at the Alpha, I hadn't meant to offend him or anything, he just shook his head and covered his mouth to hide the smile. Mia crawled away and shuffled to her feet then marched to the door and slammed it behind her. I watched her leave and bit my lip before succumbing to my smile,
   "I would say sorry but she was getting on my nerves," there were a few chuckles and I was about to put the sword back when Luc asked,
   "Where did you learn to use a sword?"
   I turned surprised and weighed the blade in my hand, "I didn't - I use daggers," at his surprise I grinned wickedly and chucked the blade in the air, it span and quickly I stepped in and caught the hilt, I smiled beautifully, "I'm a show off me, I like to act like I know what I'm doing but, honestly, give me a sword in a real fight and I'd probably cut my own arm off." I put the Sword back and stepped away,
   "I need to get going, the archives are open 24/7," although in my mind I was telling them that we needed to hurry. Sebastian nodded in understanding,
   "Lucian, Charles and Luc will accompany you," I didn't show my annoyance at being separated from Gage, instead I said something else,
   "Sebastian," My tone implied I needed to talk to him alone and with a wave of his hand the others left, Gage touched my wrist lightly before following after Charles and shut the door with a final click.
   "What is wrong, Selena?" His tone was fatherly concern and I knew it was genuine. What can I say? People like me.
   I stepped closer to his desk and rubbed my hands together agitated,
   "The Focus was over New York which means Priscilla is still there, but she saw you and me at the warehouse - she knows that we have the book and she's probably linked the destruction spell to the book,"
   "Which means she knows that it is us opposing her," Sebastian had caught on even though in my worry I wasn't sure I actually made sense.
   "And that means she's scared and will probably try to get rid of us to get the book back and to stop us from interfering again," I leaned forwards, bracing my hands on the desk, "you will have to defend the mansion."
   "It had occurred to me," Sebastian said wryly, "that's why I have Gage and Roman remaining behind."
   "Did it also occur to you that this place is a place of strong magic - stronger than Huddlestone Arch?"
   That had Sebastian thinking, "Ah, I had not thought of that."
   "Never mind - you know now," I saluted him mockingly before walking out the door, I paused only when he told me to be careful, the sincerity of his voice shocked me and I nodded solemnly before leaving.

11. Silence in the Library!
The car journey had been awkward. I'd sat in the back of a posh black Mercedes with Luc driving, Charles in the front seat and Lucian's lumber body sat beside me. After a while I'd given up with the friendly chatting, it was obvious that their minds were elsewhere - probably wondering what the hell a seventeen year old girl could do to stop a six times more powerful witch - and a creature of your worst nightmares if Priscilla prevails.
   And now we were marching through the library doors - manned by a small nymph with glowing green hair. He looked at the three imposing werewolves and gulped, I didn't blame him; I would have turned tail and ran at the sight of them.
   "Hey Prit," I waved from inside the protective triangle they had made around me and Prit smiled impishly at me before waving us in,
   "You know where to go, Selena," he squeaked and I waved over my shoulder as I was ushered in. Frowning at Lucian's huge back I wondered why they were protecting me, Sebastian hadn't told them to but there was something else, something hidden at the back of their thoughts, too indistinct for me to hear. Luc glanced at me and sent me a reassuring smile and we all pressed into a small cupboard labelled Janitor. It was a pretty tight fit but then the magic kicked in and the room stretched out for us so I could peel myself away from Charles. Grunting with annoyance I reached around Lucian and yanked on a handle that stuck out of the wall beside the door. With a lurch the elevator dropped and I had the sickening feel of my stomach being left behind.
   It ground to a halt and I pushed Lucian out the door impatiently. He turned and frowned at me but I ignored him. I was having a childish tantrum because I couldn't read their minds.
   "Where do we go?" Charles asked and I realized I hadn't actually heard him speak before this. He had a nice voice in contrast to his whacky appearance, you could imagine Charles being a lead role in a Shakespeare play with a voice like that.
   Clapping my hands, lights came on revealing row after row of high book shelves, the types only really old libraries have. I ignored the question and knelt on the ground, and then I pressed my hand to floor and without having to think about it my little psychic gift sprung into action.
   I sifted through the images of normal hedge witches searching for love potions, elves searching for historical records and pixies searching for new tricks to play on humans. And then I found the one I wanted. Jean Claude himself had come down to the library and gone to find a book. Thankfully he had read it and left it. I straightened quickly and smiling wickedly at the confused werewolves I snapped my fingers, "Heel Cerberus." Grumbling about the remark they followed me down an isle, "Don't complain, it was a compliment - Cerberus was the three headed guard dog of the underworld and a very good one. You three should be honoured."
   It stopped their complaints out loud but inside they watched me from behind and mused about things I couldn't quite hear and it bugged the hell out of me. I reached the huge bookshelf of Myths and Legends and beckoned a ladder to come. It whizzed towards me and I quickly climbed up to the top shelf, twelve feet above the ground - thank god I wasn't scared of heights... I tapped the spines of the books until I reached the one that still had traces of Jean Claude's horrible aura. Vampire's auras always feel like death, empty and dark. Jean Claude's was especially strong. I pulled it out and tucked the huge book under my arm and began my descent. Once I was on the ground I held it in front of me and made my way to a nearby table,
   "The Book of Exiled Memories," I said, my voice hushed as I looked at the worn black leather cover. "It contains all the exiled creatures ever to have existed, the spells used to bind them to worlds other than earth, and forbidden spells to break the chains that bind them." I dropped it on the table and gently ran my hand over the cover before flipping through the pages, the other three watched with interest as I flashed through pages of the creatures. The Titans, the Kraken, the Chimera, they were all there, all the creatures that were too dangerous to roam the earth. Finally I stopped on a page and I pursed my lips at the name.
   "Lilith," I expected horror orchestra music or booming drums, dum dum da but no, there was an unimpressive silence. "Bearer of disease, illness and death, she has an army of demon sadistic women called Lilitu. Well, that doesn't sound so bad," I looked at the others and saw that under the golden lights they were all pale, even Lucian who just looked sick.
   "Are you sure?" Luc asked, keeping his voice steady.
   "Um, if I could make it the Marshmallow man I would but this is the page Jean Claude looked at and this is the person Jean Claude wants set loose on the world," I pursed my lips and looked at the picture that went with the demon queen. She had one of those full bodies, long red tresses of hair that wrapped around her naked chest like a constricting snake. In one hand she held a burning red apple and in the other she petted the head of a python. "Well, Jean Claude would go for the beautiful apocalypse..." At Lucian's urging I read the spell that was needed to bring her back.
   "An incantation, The blood of The Binding power, the Sacrifice of One Pure Nephilim and the Runes of Which she Lived," I pursed my lips thoughtfully, "the Binding Power was the Five and they're gone, the incantation takes a lot of power... the runes I'm guessing is the Script," I snapped the book shut and watched mournfully as the magic of the library took it back to its original place, "That book really shouldn't be here..."
   I began walking towards the elevator, "Sebastian has the Book of the Script," Luc pointed out worriedly and I nodded,
   "Not only that but your mansion is built on top of the ruins of a temple," we squashed ourselves inside the elevator again.
   "Does that mean Priscilla will use our chamber to bring back Lilith," Charles's voice was calm and once again I nodded once, tightly. I couldn't believe that someone would want to raise Lilith, one hundred children a day she would kill, who wanted that? Someone who wanted to send the world back into the times of fear, that's who.
   "What about the Nephilim part," Lucian rumbled, "What is Nephilim?"
    I looked at the man surprised; surely everyone knew what a Nephilim was, "Half Angel, half human, they are the grace of angels given humanity and freedom. Although the Lilitu should be Nephilim, I guess I mean after all they are Lilith's children. The Lilitu used to be Eloji, beautiful but horrible flying creatures, when she went to the dark side so did they."
   "You do know a lot about Lilith," Charles muttered and I gave him a dark look,
   "I know a lot of things people normally don't, its part of the beauty of being psychic,"
   "You're psychic?" Luc asked, and I wondered if I had made a mistake mentioning it, then decided no, they should know, it would also make them believe me a little more.
   "Yes, so stop thinking I'm a liar because that hurts my feelings," I waved goodbye to Prit and together we got into the car to drive back to the mansion. Hopefully when we got there it would not be too late, already the hairs on the back of my neck were sticking up at the eerie calm.

12. Man the Guns!
   Sebastian wasn't happy to hear the news of our find; I guess you'd have to be seriously bonkers to actually find it amusing. The mansion was teeming with werewolves; they patrolled the thin forest around the house and set up Caterwauling Spells that would warn us of an intrusion in a ten mile radius. Inside they set up booby traps along windows and any other possible entrance. There were fifty werewolves and god knew how many vampires. I was certain that this was where they would come and I was hardly ever wrong. For once I wished I was wrong about the whole thing, damn my pride but I knew that our chances were slim, how do you fight a demented goddess of demons?
   I stared out the window, damn was four hours away, soon, it would be soon. I was in Sebastian's office, alone, and I wasn't really dressed to fight. Sebastian flanked by Gage and Lucian walked into the room and with them they brought a young girl. She was the spitting image of Lucian and I knew that this was his daughter. I smiled at the nine year old as she clung to her father's hand,
   "Selena, I would feel better if I knew you were out of harm's way," Sebastian said and I knew he was talking for Gage as well, the emotion blazing in his steely grey eyes were too strong for words. I tilted my head at the Alpha,
   "I'm not going anywhere, it's too late anyway," I added softly, Sebastian nodded sadly,
   "And little Cherie is not going anywhere either," He motioned to the young girl and she hid further behind her father's tree trunk legs, her wide chocolate eyes met mine,
   "I would feel better knowing that she is with someone who knows how to fight," Lucian said solemnly and tried to push his daughter forwards, I crouched down and tilted my head curiously at the girl,
   "Hello Cherie, I'm Selena, I find it rather unfair that your name is nicer than mine, but its only fitting; you're so much prettier," I smiled indulgently and she slowly crept round to look at me, she wore a vest and pyjama bottoms, her black frizzy hair stuck up at odd angles and I guessed she had been asleep. I shrugged out my jacket and held it up for inspection, she watched me watch it, and I sighed sadly, "This is my favourite jacket you know, like you have a favourite teddy. Do you have a favourite teddy?"
   The little girl nodded and sucked her thumb, "I've had this jacket for almost five years, and it's been all over the world with me. I don't want it to get ruined..." I looked at the girl from the corner of my eye, "I need someone big and brave to keep an eye on it for me. Do you think you can, Cherie?"
   With a nod the girl stepped closer and I held it out for her to put on, her skinny body was drowned by the large coat and I stuck my woolly hat over her hair and smiled at her. She grinned toothily back at me, "Now, why don't you go warm up by the fire?" She glanced at her father and at his encouraging nod she bounded to the huge armchair in front of the fire.
   "Thank you Selena," he breathed and I smiled sadly at him,
   "I can't promise that she won't pick up some bad habits," I said slyly and with an easier, albeit small, smile he strode off to talk to his daughter, to say goodbye.  I tuned round and looked back at Sebastian, he held out his hand to me, too solemn for my tastes so instead I flung my arms around his neck and whispered,
   "I'll see you at the end of all this, Shrek," He hugged me back fiercely before holding me at arms length,
   "You're a fine mystery, Selena," with a fatherly kiss on my forehead he strode out of the room and Lucian followed after, which left Gage. He was stood at the window, looking out of it like he had the first time. I admired him; I doubted I'd ever get over his beauty, his strong features, oozing masculinity and compassion. He wore a vest and black shorts, ready to change into his wolf form at any moment. Feeling my eyes on him he turned to look at me and his eyes were blazing so strongly that I stumbled towards him and held his face between my hands. He hugged me to him as though he'd never let go and then kissed me with one fierce but chaste kiss,
   "I love you Selena," he whispered hoarsely and I cupped his face, trying to smile bravely I retorted,
   "Of course you do, but I'm not going to say it back, I'm only going to say it when you come back to me, tomorrow morning, in one piece, okay?" Bold words but they seemed to strengthen him and he kissed my lips once more,
   "It's a date,"
   "Our first one, very romantic," I joked and pushed him towards the door, "go on, I'll be fine here, maybe I'll play scrabble with Cherie," I looked at the sobbing girl and reconsidered, "maybe not then..." he smiled softly and walked towards the door, he looked at me for a long time, as though he were putting every detail of my face to memory and then he was gone.
   "I love you," I murmured to the door. Something told me I wouldn't be seeing him in the morning.

13. Well doesn't that just blow?
   I'd managed to comfort Cherie as much as my patience and compassion allowed. Honestly I wasn't too good with kids, but for some reason they liked me so now Cherie was asleep, curled up in the overlarge armchair and hugging my jacket tightly. I smiled softly then stood up from my seat at the window. It was only ten minutes since the spells had gone off; the vampires should be arriving soon. I stripped off my heavy boots, they weighed me down a bit and I'd need to be nimble to fight a vampire. Then I pulled off my gloves and the baggy t shirt and the tracksuit bottoms, leaving me in a white thermal top and the black leggings were tucked into Elise's very own luminous pink leg warmers and my own stripy Eeyore socks. Very weird get up but at least I could move more freely.
   I felt the Mansion shake and I stumbled to regain my balance. Cherie woke up with a cry and I ran to her,
   "Hey sweetie, remember what I said, okay?" through her tears and trembling lip she managed a nod, "What did I say?"
   "You will protect me from the bogey monsters," I tweaked her nose and grinned, trying to ignore the piercing howls of werewolves and the fierce cries of vampires. French vampires. Jean Claude and his posse here to raise the dead.
   I picked Cherie up and put her in the corner beside the fireplace and pulled down the two Elven Swords. I swung them in my hands, the weight just right. I had no idea how fifty werewolves would keep out a hundred sneaky vampires, they couldn't fight them all off - especially when the vampires were much faster than huge wolves. And I guessed that Jean Claude and his other powerful vampires were using their powers to fight with the strength equivalent of ten vampires. I heard the swift almost silent patter of running feet in the hall way and knew that there were three vampires listening for beating hearts. Listening for me.
   I braced myself just as the door to the office blew off its hinges and in a deafening explosion of splinters the door and half its frame was flung into the opposite wall and shattered a few windows. Three vampires, dressed in fancy Victorian like get ups grinned manically at me, baring their fangs they began to circle, barely even sparing a glance for Cherie tucked away behind me.
   "Hello there gentlemen," I said politely and the first one lunged and was cut down by one of my swirling silver blades as I danced past and towards the next one. Silver is poisonous to vampires, and silver blessed by Elves is even more potent. The fallen vampire burst into ash. The other two roared with annoyance and I cut the next one across the stomach then spun to cut off its head. I jumped away as the final vampire leapt through the explosion of ash at me. It caught me in a death grip around my neck and I was so startled I dropped my swords. Cursing mentally I shoved him hard with some mental muscle and then knelt to pick up a sword, I shoved it into his belly as he had loomed threateningly over me. I smiled coldly then pulled the blade out. The vampire stumbled away, grasping its stomach, and I watched as its mouth moved to say something, and then to my shock it smiled as it exploded.
   I picked up the other sword and ran to Cherie, she looked up at me with awe as I helped her to her feet and picked her up onto my hip. Reading her mind I could see that there was a weapons room somewhere on the second floor. We were on the third so it was a matter of going down a flight of stairs.
   "I won't let go of you, okay Cherie?" She nodded solemnly and I ran out the hole in the wall into the corridor. The air was thick with death and pain, but thankfully it was mainly vampires dying. Thank God. I only ran into a few vampires here and there, and each one died when using my telekinesis I made the two swords fly through the air.
   Finally I got to the stairs and carefully made my way down the winding steps, keeping my back to the outside wall so I could see behind and in front of me. The second floor corridor was thick with smoke but I needed to get through there. Keeping the swords at the ready floating just in front of me I ran into the choking smoke. I leapt over bodies and dodged wolves, one growled at seeing me and I knew it was Mia, I cut down the vampire that was about to slice her neck with it's claws and ran on,
   "You can thank me later, Mia," I called and heard her bark at me, her equivalent of swear words.
    I had just reached the door when down another corridor a group of vampires had just finished with a werewolf. Cherie screamed and they all turned to look at us, their lips parted into horrible smiles. Men and women, their clothes matching the Victorian style of the house, began to run towards us, taunting me as I ran into the weapons room,
   "Just a little game, Ma Petite," one lady crooned
   "Don't run, my sweet,"
   "Pathetic human!"
   And then the ten vampies backed out of the room quickly, tripping over their feet to get away from the floating axes and scythes, long swords and other swords slashed threateningly and behind the floating orchestra of weapons was me.
  "Whose pathetic now, vampire?" I asked sweetly and they stumbled away down the corridor, Cherie clung to my side and together we steadily followed the vampires. "Nobody wants to play with me," I complained and then with a cold wave of my hand I sent the weapons to attack and kill. Control over the killing movements came chillingly easy to me. I couldn't help but admire Sebastian's taste of weapons - I wondered how many of the weapons he'd actually been there at the time to use.
  All around me I could feel the battle dwindling, werewolves had died but more vampires had been turned to ash. But I knew where we had to go, I passed Mia, changed in her human body and naked, she slumped against a wall and pressed a shaking hand against a bleeding shoulder, another werewolf tried to look after her. She nodded to me respectfully and I returned it. I was racing down the stairs to the ground floor when the explosion happened. The noise rumbled throughout the mansion and windows that had not yet been shattered exploded outwards raining glass onto the dark ground below, the foundations of the house shook and I had to hold myself against a wall to keep from falling. Cherie screamed and ran up the stairs, away from me, screaming for her father, I tried to catch her but a vampire appeared from below and trapped my body in an iron grip so that my back was to his chest,
   "Just a little drop," he murmured, I struggled then cursed my panic for blinding me. With a shove of telekinesis the guy flew away from me, his claws raked my neck and shoulders but I only grunted with pain before I had one of the long swords flying through the air to pin the vampire into the wall.
   "Greedy pig," I muttered as he exploded into dust leaving a human shaped grey mark on the wall. I would have found it comical if my insides weren't heaving with the feel that something was dangerously wrong.
   I ran the rest of the way to the chamber, it seemed the rest of the werewolves had as well because they all mulled around, some in human shape but the majority in wolf. Their fear rolled off them in suffocating waves and I pushed through the bodies, afraid of what I might see. The huge chamber lay open to us all, with grinding effort it had risen through the ground to be level with the rest of the floor and we could all see the scene in front.
   Twenty powerful vamps stood in a semi circle around Priscilla and Jean Claude, the two looked devastatingly beautiful, Priscilla in another one of her corset dresses and her curls untouched. Jean Claude was an average height man and average sized and he was more striking than handsome, with a hawk like hooked nose and piercing red eyes in a face framed by golden curls.
   At his feet was a struggling wolf Sebastian. The large wolf looked as if he was being drowned, or strangled, and as I pushed through the final row of werewolves I could feel Jean Claude's magic. Priscilla grinned prettily at me before turning to the semi circle. She threw a fire ball into the centre and began murmuring an incantation of sickening power. I wasn't the only one to fall to my knees at the physical pain it caused. All around me wolves howled and shivered at the power. When her words died I looked up through my streaming eyes and saw the orange fire darken into first blood red and then grow into a large black flame, large enough to be a doorway.
   There was silence and then with cackles beautiful women flew into the chamber, there were only ten of these ones but there would be more Lilitu. They each had the same red hair as their mother, but theirs was lanky and greasy. Their eyes were black and their mouths a bed of fangs. On their backs were bat like wings of pale translucent skin. Their naked bodies squirmed as they sniffed the air and hissed as one,
   "Freedom! She's so close! Sacrifice the Nephilim!"
   I shuddered at their voices and wondered who the hell the Nephilim was, surely Priscilla hadn't come all this way and forgotten the Nephilim. And then Priscilla turned her eyes onto me and my heart seized up,
   "Oh s**t," I breathed and slowly and shakily pushed myself to my feet. I heard Gage's voice calling me, but I met Sebastian's desperate eyes for a small moment and with a small flick of the wrist I knocked Jean Claude away, he flew into the group of Lilitu and they grabbed him and devoured him, I didn't pause to watch, even the satisfaction I felt repulsed me. Priscilla's scream cut pierced the air as she tried to stop the demons and wolves howled with delight as their Alpha was dragged by invisible forces away from death and into the crowd. He knocked over his beta and I met Gage's pained eyes with my own. Who knew what I looked like? I had known in a way that I was going to die, the weird man had said so.
   "Sacrifice the Nephilim!" the Lilitu screamed, "Our mother calls for her life!"
   Priscilla turned her livid gaze to me and I froze, wolves gently clamped jaws on my wrists and tried to drag me back into the useless protection of their bodies. But then a small brown figure appeared, carried by a vampire. I cried out when Cherie was dropped to the floor and I hoped to god Lucian was elsewhere, not dead, just unable to see that I hadn't looked after his daughter. She scrambled to her feet and raced towards me but was held back by the vampire. He held onto the colour of my jacket. Blood boiling I was suddenly across the width of the chamber and in front of him, my elbow connected with his face and he went flying into a frenzy of werewolves. I looked at the girl; she was sat on the floor looking stunned where the vampire had dropped her.
   I heard Gage's startled yell and from the corner of my eye I saw a black spear of light arc jet cut through the air towards the young girl. I cried and did the only thing I knew. I jumped in the way of it, sacrificing myself.
   Stupid, stupid Selena and her morals and good deeds.
   I felt a burst of pain lance through my chest and I collapsed to the floor as my legs gave way. Howls and voices merged into one uncomprehending jumble and I stared down a long grey tunnel, I watched Cherie as she was cuddled up by a female wolf, others were trying to get to my side, to keep the horrible demon women away. I could hear their cackling laughter above everything and it chilled me to the bone.
   Then arms, strong warm arms that even through the cold I could feel and take refuge in. I gazed up at Gage, drinking in his face as tears dripped down his cheeks. With a weak hand I forced myself to brush them away and smiled shakily,
   "Hey big guy," He held me tighter and even through the numbing pain I could feel that. "S'not quite morning but... I love you," I guess my voice was pretty quiet because he had leant down to hear them and when he did he choked on a sob. I couldn't take it as he began begging me to stay. Black mist began seeping into my vision and I closed my eyes, not wanting his face ruined by the horrible fog.
   What had I hoped for? If I had lived, what had I wanted?
   I loved my life as a thief, a cocky and annoying thief who everyone wanted to employ, I loved my life as Cosmo's apprentice, fighting here and there included, I'd loved my year as an 'enemy of the state' but the world I really wanted, the life I had only just dreamt of having, was a normal one. Living with someone I loved, doing the weekly shop, tending a garden, anything like that. I'd had enough drama to last a life time I would have easily given it up just to have the satisfaction of cooking a meal for my own family.
   "Selena, come back, don't leave me," I guess that dream was out the window. "Please..."

14. Is There A Way to Cheat Death? Only if he's very stupid.
   "How touching," a deep rich voice cut into my darkness and pain and I opened my eyes startled. Don't people know better than to leave the dead alone? Rest in Peace a-ringing any bells?
   I was back in the chamber of my dream, the black mist still hung in the air obscuring my view here and there. The ghosts still gathered at either end and their voices still mingled unintelligibly. I pushed myself to my feet and glared at the strange man, he pushed off from where he was leaning against a column and strode closer.
   "I told you we'd meet again, Dea," he sounded smug and I just wanted to wipe that smile off his face.
   "Who are you?" I stepped away when he came too close and he began circling me, looking at me musingly,
   "I am your death and your salvation, Selena," What the hell did that mean? "You are of the Nephilim; they do not die so easily."
   He sounded like me when I had more information than I let on, "Spit it out then man,"
   "A Nephilim is a child of an angel and a human; angels do not die like mortals. It is the angel blood in your veins that has brought you here. This is the Chamber of Truth. You must fight for your right to return to your place on earth, or you can give up and rightfully join the dead."
   His words, he was cajoling me into fighting, it was in the words he used, 'give up' and 'rightfully', since when did I give up without a fight and do the right thing? Never that's when.
   "Who are you?" I asked again and he looked surprised, "yeah, yeah, I know, you're my death and salvation blah, blah, blah. Do you do this for every Nephilim that dies?"
   "No, only the Nephilim who sacrifice their lives for another," huh, so Priscilla hadn't counted on me being able to come back. "I am Razial, angel to God and Guardian to all Nephilim. Not that there are many around..." he muttered as an afterthought.
   "You said I have to fight to return," I drew him back from his dark muttering, this angel was nothing like what I had expected, I expected robes and halos, not half naked evil men. "What do I fight?"
   He grinned evilly, "Yourself of course." With that he stepped aside to reveal another me. Except this one was better dressed. She wore a black hugging jumper and leather pants tucked into boots. What was it about black in this place? In her hands were two daggers and where my hair was thick and bouncy, hers was slicked back into a tight ponytail and dark brown, like when I'd first died it.
   "I guess there's a reason I'm fighting myself?" I asked mildly, although my heart beat rapidly, this wasn't me; this was Marietta, my dark counterpart. This was someone who revelled in the fighting, someone who did not want to let that life go, this was someone who wanted all that power.
   "Not really," Razial said mildly, "Everyone has to fight their nightmares at some point." With that Marietta lunged at me, my own face twisting into a snarl. I dodged as best as I could as her two daggers swept through the air and sliced by me too close for comfort.
   The problem was that without my powers of telekinesis I didn't really know how to fight. Every time I had fought it had been with the same chilling skill as Marietta was showing. This made me believe that I didn't have any of the talent that she did. Crap.
   She caught my stomach with one of the blades and I swore in pain and hit her hard in the face, she stumbled back and I followed with my fists and feet. I didn't need to have weapons. The thing was though that there was one difference between Selena and Marietta: one fought to live and the other fought for the glory of it.
   "I would have been the best!" Marietta shouted when she caught my foot inches away from her face and with one slick movement that impressed even me she spun my leg, taking my whole body with it. I landed with an 'oof' on my stomach and only just managed to roll out the way when she brought one of the daggers down with such strength that the blade shattered the marble floor and she couldn't pull it out. I kicked her from my place on the floor then flipped to my feet,
   "No, you would have been a killer," I said back in a reasonable voice and she lunged at me. I stepped to the side and grabbed her ponytail. I yanked it and she stumbled back with a strangled cry. I kicked the back of her knee and she fell to her knees. She tried to get out of my grip but my fingers were well and securely gripped in her hair. With the dagger hand she tried to slice me but I grabbed her wrist and twisted, threatening to break her wrist. She screamed and I pushed her onto her stomach and sat on top of her. She couldn't buck me off and I wasn't going to let her go anytime soon. I deftly yanked the knife from her hand and pressed it to the side of her neck, she froze. "Nobody likes a killer, Marietta, not even yourself."
   I looked up at Razial to see him watching impassively, "It's not over."
   "Do you expect me to kill myself?" I asked disgusted, "Fights aren't always about killing." Marietta struggled underneath me and I patted her neck with the flat of the dagger, "You're neck on the line, Etta."
   Razial was smiling down at me, "They said you were different, I am pleased to see they were correct." I didn't have time to ask what the hell he meant when suddenly Marietta popped into thin air and once again I was left in the blackness with Razial.
   "You can go back but know this, your life will be forever touched by the Grace of God," his eyes were sombre and he pressed his hand to my cheek tenderly, "It is not a burden but neither is it a gift."
   Heat coursed through my body, burning me and with a blinding flash of brilliant white light everything was over.

15. Round Two.
   I didn't come gasping back into life like you see on those TV dramas. My resurrection was quiet and went by unnoticed. Which kind of hurt my feelings...
   I'd been lain out on the floor in the corridor outside the chamber, my hands were folded over my stomach and I was all straight and proper. It would have been a nice and calm way to wake up if it hadn't been for the bodies of fallen werewolves lying next to me. I recognized Charles but other than that there were none that I knew closely. Still, waking up surrounded by dead people was not exactly pleasant. My body was thrumming with the power of Nephilim, the same warm feeling running through my veins like it had when I'd used it with Cosmo.
   With my power I could feel all the werewolves, they were in pain and afraid. They were all in the chamber, held prisoners by more Lilitu that had arrived and Priscilla was finishing off the final stretch of Incantation. There was no one to scream and point when I nimbly pushed myself to my feet, no one to yell 'oh my gawd! A Zombie!' and to be honest I was a little disappointed. I so loved to make a show of things and here I was, doing one thing I would never be able to do again and there was no one to witness it. My body was stronger than it had been in days and I slipped down the corridor to peek round the corner. There was Priscilla, muttering in that cursed language, the black flame flickered and pulsated with the rising power and the Lilitu, those beautiful vampiric creatures were moaning and crying their mother's name, over and over. The werewolves were chained by their necks between the blood red columns, they knew what they were being kept for. An offering to the Queen of Demons. The thought made me sick.
   My eyes sought out Gage, I skimmed over Lucian, he looked a little worse for wear but he was healing, like the rest of them, his daughter lay sobbing beside him. Roman was separated from Elise and their eyes never left each other's faces, silently talking to each other with such strong emotions it was indecent to watch. And Sebastian was shackled beside his Beta, a comforting hand on the werewolf's shoulder.
   Gage's desolate and resigned expression tore me and I knew it was my fault. A death of a mate always leaves one heart broken and empty - I'd figured that was what was up with Sebastian and Lucian, both had something ancient and mourning about them.
   Suddenly with a cry Priscilla came to an end and the fire changed into a ball of shining black gloop, more like very thick oil, that rippled and bubbled like some horrible creature.
   "Mother! She comes to us!" The women shrieked and Priscilla smiled smugly,
   "No one could have done the spell better," she purred and I snorted,
   "Still full of yourself even without an army of Vampires to powder your nose for you," eyes turned to look at stare at the cocky stranger and I stepped out from behind the corridor. There were shocked yells and but I didn't spare a glance for the wolves. I was focusing on my power, and on the shifting thing behind Priscilla,
   "You're supposed to be dead!" she screeched, "I killed you!"
   "You should have read the spell more closely," I said as I steadily moved towards her, the Lilitu followed my movements but didn't come closer. "It clearly says that murdered Nephilim have a tendency to rise from the dead. Another little blip in your plan, Frenchie," she schooled her expression into one of contempt,
   "No matter, even if you could do anything you are too late," she waved her hand at the evil behind her, "No one can stop Lilith once she is Awakened, only I can do that."
   "I very much doubt you'd be able to control a mouse once I'm done with you," my voice was conversational and now the Lilitu crept closer.
   Priscilla didn't even try to say anything back, she just waved her hand around and a black jet of light, the same that had first killed me, shot towards me from her palm. I watched it and then watched as my own golden magic whipped out from my body, not a precise point like a finger, just my body, and the flame plucked the spear of deadly magic and devoured it. To say Priscilla was shocked was one hell of an understatement. I smiled beautifully at her and she screamed, then the Lilitu were diving for me. But their fangs and claws didn't get within five feet before my burning power had their charred dead bodies flying away from me. I didn't take my eyes off Priscilla. I didn't revel in killing the women, but when it came between them and my world then I picked my world. But I could take satisfaction in Priscilla's terrified face.
   When all the Lilitu were gone or shrinking away into the corners I smiled kindly and tilted my head as I regarded Priscilla,
   "Now then, we have a little conundrum here, Frog, you killed a lot of innocent people - not to mention me, and I don't like being killed," she stumbled away from me and I could feel her magic wavering as my golden flame snaked towards her, "But I also don't like killing. But Justice cannot be served without some sort of punishment..." She was feeling relieved, as though anything I did to her did not matter so long as she did not die. There were outraged yells from the chained up werewolves and I glanced at Sebastian, his face was telling me that he was displeased but his eyes met mine and he knew that whatever I did would be satisfactory. My eyes unwillingly travelled to Gage and he just stared at me with pride and love blazing on his face and it warmed my heart.
   I turned my green eyes back to Priscilla and she shrank away, "Hows about I take away your magic?" Before she could respond my magic had converged around her and smothered her in a painful burning tornado. I watched as her black power leeched away to be destroyed and felt its horrible tang like it was on my own tongue. I felt no remorse at the pain I was causing her, the b***h deserved worse.

16. Into Hell
   Finally it finished and my golden flame died down, retreating until it swirled around me. Priscilla crumpled to the floor crying and shrieking and I looked down at her coldly, I wouldn't regret what I'd done. The odd thing was that her cries suddenly changed and soon she was shaking with manic laughter,
   "Fool! Now nobody can control her!" Her voice was a scream and I rolled my eyes and studied the black blob of evil, I could even see the shape of a woman appearing in the goo, as though she were trapped inside a black bin liner.
   "No," I agreed then shrugged, "But I can send her back." There was probably a collective gasp at my revelation but I didn't get to hear it because at that moment the black bubble burst. It actually burst and inside was a horrible load of black goo and the air shook with the invisible force that hit everything like a wall. I braced myself against it but Priscilla went flying , she tried to cling onto the floor but the smooth marble didn't let her get a hand hold and she went straight into the waiting rows of werewolves. Roman caught her neck in a strong vice whilst they all struggled to stay upright against the tumult. Then the chains linking them to the columns shattered and they managed to stand their ground against the force of Lilith's Awakening.
   Finally it stopped and I looked up to see that where the black goo had landed it had fizzed right through, there were horrible holes in the floor of the beautiful chamber and as the Lilitu crooned and sighed I looked up at the monster before me.
   Just like in the book she was naked, her red her flowing and twisting around her naked body like a living snake. Christ.
   "Mother comes," the remaining demon women crooned and they sidled up to the lady as she looked around with contempt.
   "Freedom at last, I revel in it," she sounded like she was having a friggin' orgasm as she said it and I decided to cut to business. The portal still glimmered like a black mirror behind her and I had no doubts she was leaving it open for her other demonic children to come through.
   "Not quite free yet, Lilly my dear," I said, amiably stepping closer, I heard Gage choking on my name but didn't look back to see. "You have to get through me first."
   "Insolent child," she sneered and her black eyes studied me contemptuously, her fine eyebrows quirked with mild surprise, "Nephilim child, what chance do you think you have against me?"
   I picked my nails and shrugged the picture of good humour, "One in a million -no matter how crazy they are my plans tend to work. But then again, this scene right here is a little crazy, so," I clapped my hands, "no time to waste."
   She burst out into laughter, "Confident words for a -" Whatever she was about to say I stopped her with a ball of golden flame that hit her square in the chest. She screamed and stumbled backwards. I didn't waste any time. As her own black poisonous magic began to seep in tendrils towards me I leapt at her. I actually became the flame. My body burned in wonderful pain and I relished every moment that my magic, now like added limbs, pummelled Lilith and battled with her evil magic. I tackled her backwards into the black hole that was her pit.
   Wind blew around me, threatening to crush me but I kept a tight grip on my burning power and the screaming goddess. She was not to leave her prison.
    Together we fell down the long tunnel of blackness and wind, only my crackling glow illuminated our fall and the ground when it came to meet us. I braced myself and as soon as it was there I let go of Lilith and drifted away. My shape was indefinite, I was only a flame now and I breathed in the freedom of it. Lilith lay crumpled and moaning before she finally glared at me, the hatred in her eyes would have been physically painful but now those twin daggers of malice went straight by me.
   "You will not imprison me forever!" her beautiful face was twisted and ravaged with pain and anger. I tilted my head and hovered above her, I guess I could try and imprison her forever, but I hadn't actually been given that knowledge, in fact it was pure luck that I'd managed to even get her back in her pit.
   I had no idea if I could actually get out of here myself. I looked up the long tunnel and could only see a speck of light at the top. Yep, it would definitely be a challenge to leave.
   Bugger. I turned at Lilith's manic laugh and her magic hit me sending jolts of pain through me. And so began the fight.

   17. A Wolves Wait.
   He had seen her come to life again. He had seen her burn Lilitu without lifting a hand and he had seen her become a beautiful creature of fire. Was there anything Selena couldn't do? For more than one hundred years he had never in his life met someone so amazing, so special, as Selena.
   He remembered first meeting her, her plucky courage and fiery green eyes that burnt him to his very soul. No, he had never met anyone quite like her. At sixteen she was smart, devious and had such a sense of knowing about her that anyone would think that she was an immortal, hiding her true age to the world.
   Seeing her disappear from his life all that time ago he had felt his heart ripped from his chest although he didn't understand why. The past year he had searched for her, there were times he thought it useless and other times when he thought he was so close. He had always let on that he was after her to bring her back to Sebastian but it took him too long to figure out that it was because he was desperate just to have that piercing emerald gaze look into his soul and see him, just one more time. Finding her he had felt the pain in his chest subside and she had completed him.
   Watching her die whilst he could only stand uselessly and watch he had felt more than his heart ripped out. He had died inside and holding her whilst her life slipped away he couldn't have cared less that her death meant the end of the world. It had already ended in his eyes.
   And then she was back, acting like she died and faced this type of problem every day. Her resurrection, strange as it was, had brought hope to all of the werewolves but none of the other's hope compared to his. If she had survived then anything was possible. They could live, together, and nothing so bad would happen ever again. He could almost forget the Awakening of Lilith, so long as she was alive and brought hope. She burned with it, her power blazed out of her like a beacon and he was mesmerized. She was alive, she was an angel, but why did she have to go with Lilith through the doorway. Why did she have to jump into the darkness?
  It had been two days. The other Lilitu had been killed at the freed werewolves' hands and Priscilla was due to receive her punishment from the Council. A lot of werewolves had wanted to kill her, but Sebastian followed Selena's act of mercy and kept the b***h locked up screaming in a dungeon. Gage himself had kept a diligent watch over the doorway, waiting with never dying hope that Selena would return.
   Roman, Luc, Elise and Lucian waited with him, never taking their eyes off his tense body. He had only left to change into clothes, blood still matted his hair and flaked from his arms and stained through his clothes and his grey eyes were fevered. They didn't believe that Selena was coming back. From the dead she could come back from but from the Pit of Darkness? They doubted it.
   The Council were sending some magician's to close it, Sebastian told the four others as he arrived for the third time that day to check on his Beta. Sebastian secretly hoped that it was actually the Warlock, Cosmo, who would come to close it. Selena had trusted the man; she would probably trust him to close such a powerful thing like the doorway. He was about to leave when Gage made a small sound. The big man had leant forwards in anticipation as the doorway began to glow with a warm golden colour.
   And suddenly, like a shot from cannon, a burning trail of fire burst from the doorway and gracefully an indistinct figure of a woman arched through the air and landed in front of Gage.
   The figure tilted her burning head to one side and looked at them all with black ember eyes. The rest of her features were lost into smooth fire but her figure was definitely female, with a slim waist, wider hips and breasts. What was different was the mane of burning hair that floated and crackled around her head.
   Then with a small shrug the fire died out as though being sucked back up into the body. Selena glowed for another minute before it was gone and she was left naked, her face was impassive and she didn't move to cover herself. Her hair had changed. The brownish bob was gone to be replaced with burning gold locks that reached her hips. A few tendrils of curls snaked over her shoulders to provide a little cover over her chest.
   Gage choked on her name and slowly came forward as though worried he might startle her, Selena's pretty head tilted to the side again and she smiled wickedly,
You know, time passes real slow down there," her voice was sly and familiar, "and the only thing I could think was, 'God, I could really do with a bacon butty'."
Gage let out a delighted choked laugh and she walked into his embrace, crushing her lips to his and molding her body against his. The others left the couple to enjoy the reunion in privacy. Selena wrapped her arms around Gage's neck and rested her forehead on his, relishing the comforting arms around her waist,
"How do you like my new do?" She grinned and he kissed her again to wipe it from her face,
"I love it," Gage breathed and his grey eyes met her own twinkling emeralds, both had water in their eyes. "I love you."

   Gage and Selena left the New York pack and started their own separate lives in Montana, Haven Valley; there Selena began her life as a cyber Agony Aunt and kept her gifts of the Nephilim to do good in the world. Gage started his own pack, taking up the place of his father before him. Selena was their Alpha female, their leader, their mother and their angel.
   Elise became a mother nine months after the Fight of the Moon and Luc became godfather to the bouncing baby girl, appropriately named Henny. Priscilla was executed on the seventh of January, now known as Relief Day. Cosmo was indeed the Warlock to close the doorway and he was pardoned officially by the Council for any misdemeanours - but unofficially he was still hated and he retreated back to his villa in Italy to tend to his vineyards.
   Selena was known as the Burning Angel for the rest of her life... in fact she's still around somewhere, apparently nephilim are immortal. Weird.

© 2010 Bea Batts

My Review

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This is an amazing write, Bea. I really enjoyed reading it, and this is most definitely going to be added to my collection!

You are very adept at writing great works of fantasy/ fiction and are great at descriptiveness. I enjoyed this piece of writing as your characters are quite easy to relate to, and are superbly realistic. You managed to convey your characters as very real and intricate, almost as though they were a real life human being (or, in this case, a supernatural being. :) ). I feel like I could connect with Selena and her darker side, Marietta, quite easily.

I also noticed, however, that there were a few grammatical errors where words must have been left out, as well as one or two punctuational errors.

I think that you should try and get this published, for, if I were a publisher and you sent this to me, I would most certainly publish it for you. And, if you do get this published, I would definitely run to the nearest bookstore and purchase it!

Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see what else you put up!


Posted 14 Years Ago

Nice. Very descriptive. I love fantasy.
You should write a book about this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
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Added on August 4, 2010
Last Updated on August 4, 2010


Bea Batts
Bea Batts

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

All you need to know about me. ~ I'm a procrastinator, like right now there's probably something way more important for me to be doing than this. ~ I'm an aspiring artist... yeah who am I kidding? I.. more..
