Where is the boy with the blonde curly hair?
With eyes full of mischief and devil-may-care.
He was just now beside me, holding my hand.
But I no longer see him - I don't understand.
He seems to have vanished, and left in his place,
Is a teen with a permanent scowl on his face.
They do look quite similar, that's hard to ignore,
Though the teen needs me less than the boy did before.
But when he was my baby, we were almost as one.
More like best friends than a father and son.
He told me his secrets, his dreams, and his fears.
He sought my embrace when his eyes filled with tears.
But now that he's older, it's hard to explain,
My efforts at closeness are met with distain.
And all of my questions are viewed as affronts,
And are answered in mono-syllabical grunts.
I know he still loves me; we're just growing apart,
But that gives no relief to the void in my heart.
So away with that teen who is dressed all in black,
Oh where is my baby? Oh please bring him back!
I know that it’s natural for children to grow,
But I just don't feel ready to let my child go.
And although that seems selfish, I simply don't care.
Please bring back the boy with the blonde curly hair.