A tent.

A tent.

A Poem by Roberta


In those few days, inside that little tent, there was something perfect.
Something that was meaningful, a thing that couldn't be wrecked.
Four days felt like four years, and I could tell you knew me well.
You coaxed me out of feeling nothing, you ripped me out of my shell.

It was like living in a dream, you and I against the earth.
We told each other everything, and gave ourselves some worth.
I could be who I wanted to be, and so could you too.
Yet you remained confused, and my feelings just grew and grew.

We left with those few memories, of sunrises and chattering too much.
We promised to remain close, and we vowed never to lose touch.
And the weeks that followed were agony, because I didn't like being apart.
Because if to be perfectly honest, I missed the guy who stole my heart.

And when we  met soon later, my heart swelled to the size of an apple.
Because our feelings were so all over the place, and were so bloody hard to grapple.
And when you said you couldn't do it, I was ripped into half and half.
Yet when those sweet memories resurfaced, it was hard just not to laugh.

Memories of jokes and joy, and tender moments that happened sometimes. 
But then I remembered the hurt and pain, and the consequences of our crimes.
But then everything got better, and in a way I got you back.
Yet every time we got upset, we seemed to automatically attack.

And, I wish I had a time machine, so I could live back in that blissful time.
And it's funny, that to get all of this out, I had to use some rhyme.
But to be honest, I don't know what to do with you, whether to stay or just flee.
It's horrible playing guessing games, and being a small boat out at sea.

In a sea that is unsteady, and constantly within turmoil.
But I don't want to unravel too soon, and let the old feelings uncoil.
I don't want to expect anything, or feel like I want to just go.
But sometimes, just sometimes, what's going on, I would just like to know.

I don't want to upset you, and I don't want to be too strong,
But the thought of losing you again, would make my whole world wrong.
Because, although it's not like it used to be, in my eyes, there's something to mend.
As, although we do not feel the same, you'll always be my friend.

© 2012 Roberta

Author's Note

A special memory.

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Added on April 4, 2012
Last Updated on April 4, 2012



Swindon, United Kingdom

- 'Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are' more..

Remember. Remember.

A Story by Roberta