Advice a broken heart should hear.

Advice a broken heart should hear.

A Poem by Roberta

This is what every one who has ever hurt over someone should be told.

When you're split into two, you're convinced life won't be the same.
You scream, you cry and shout, and you always try to blame.
You detest, yet love the one who tore you apart.
And it hurts you to not be over the one who broke your heart.

But it's funny to think that there's green in the grass,
When the only green you see is in the bottom of a glass.
People keep on telling you it'll get better soon.
But you expected that to happen in April, May and June. 

And six months on, your heart's still there,
It's still loving and wanting the one who doesn't care.
You hate yourself for it, that you're still in pieces.
And slowly but surely, your will decreases.

You're done with fighting but still want to live.
 You can't piece yourself together yet, you still can't forgive.
And you know that it'll be okay in the end,
But you've not just lost a lover, you've lost your best friend.

But, what you don't realize is what your mind's trying to do. 
It's trying to fix you up, and make you less blue.
Stop making your heart fight it, it's not doing you good.
You know what's the truth, it's time you understood.

You're not going to hurt, forever on end. 
Just trust me, I know that your heart will mend. 
Because we've all been there, I have before.
And I know that it hurts; You can't choose who you fall for.

But listen to them, they're your closest friends.
They're content on making sure your heart amends.
Because they love you more, than anyone on this earth.
And one day, someone even better, will see what you're worth.

© 2012 Roberta

Author's Note

Just tell me what you think? :)

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Added on February 18, 2012
Last Updated on February 18, 2012



Swindon, United Kingdom

- 'Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are' more..

Remember. Remember.

A Story by Roberta