Leave me

Leave me

A Poem by Roberta

Loss is a dreadful thing.

It is real
I sit here alone
A huddle of hurt again
Tears of agony stream my face
I bury my head in my hands, and I cry
I cry for the pain in the world, I cry for my pain
'Why do bad things happen to good people?!' I scream
I scream to who ever will listen, knowing no one will understand
I don't like this shadow of a person I have recently become, but it's not my fault
Whoever God is, If he exists, the guy with one hell of a sick sense of humour, it's his fault
It's my fault, your fault, my friends fault, my parents fault, my dogs fault, any ones fault
That this feeling rips me apart inside, the mere thought of losing you, of you dead
I don't control fate, but if I did, I promise I would never make you go
I would hold you in my arms, In my steel cage of limbs
And I would never let you leave this earth
I would keep you forever
But I am not selfish
So go now
Leave me 

© 2010 Roberta

Author's Note

Please don't be shy to review. I find it incredibly useful

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i loved this for it is something i am not i will not cry or scream i hold it all in so i have respect for anyone who knows how to let it out excellent job

Posted 14 Years Ago

Extremely Deep i love it and alos the pattern is fun, i know thats weird considering the theme of the peom

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 3, 2010
Last Updated on October 3, 2010



Swindon, United Kingdom

- 'Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are' more..

Remember. Remember.

A Story by Roberta