Its killing me

Its killing me

A Poem by Roberta

A message from a fading light.

I'm counting down the days to go
Day by day
Forever it seems, that death taunts me
Watching, waiting
He wants me to just give in, but I'll fight
I'll see you again
All the ones I love, all the ones I need
But I know
That my time to go is nearing
I don't have long
I can't bring myself to fight any more
It kills me inside
Just like this cancer is killing my shell of a body
Dragging me down
Pulling apart my body limb from limb
Draining me
Tearing apart what mind I have left
Its almost anamalistic
But when I leave this cruel place known as earth
I'll be there to watch over you, always
I will guide you 
And alas, love you from afar
I shall be the stars
That watch you while you sleep at night
I shall be the wind
That whispers your name when you're alone
I shall be the tears
That run down your face when you cry
 I shall be your angel
That never leaves your side
My spark is gone
Never forget me, for never shall I leave you.

© 2010 Roberta

Author's Note

I'm just looking for some tips to improve, and I'm good with criticism.

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This is honest and heartfelt..thank you for sharing your words..
Your words were like remnants of sun on the fading blue of a sky.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 3, 2010
Last Updated on October 3, 2010



Swindon, United Kingdom

- 'Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are' more..

Remember. Remember.

A Story by Roberta