White Masks and Sick Faces
A Book by BattleAxePirate
Don't go into the woods if you don't plan on bringing Him home. 
© 2012 BattleAxePirate
Author's Note
This belongs more in the the experimental category, but I wanted horror fans to be able to find my writing and tell me what I need to change. So yeah, this story is being made up as I go, so if you have any suggestions let me know ^.^
Added on August 27, 2012
Last Updated on August 27, 2012
Tags: White, masks, and, sick, faces, horror, experimental, slender, blog, man
BattleAxePirateThat little place between imagination and reality
If I don't let out my creativity I'll explode o.o so most of the time I write to let it out. I don't really take my writing seriously, it's more for fun. So on that note I guess you could say that it .. more..