Mystery Guy

Mystery Guy

A Chapter by BlackVeilBridesBVBArmy

I dived to the very bottom of the pool, thankful that it let out under the island and out into the ocean. I saw a boy, no more than my age, taking his shirt off. He was handsome, with black hair and ocean blue eyes. His perfect body glimmered in the moonlight. He stuck his stuff in a corner, clearly not seeing my stuff on the opposite side. He then stuck his ankles into the water and let out a sigh. I watched in amazement as gills appeared in the crooks of his ankles. I decided to test them out and swam close enough to touch him. His eyes were closed giving me the perfect advantage. I pulled hard on both of his legs, making him fall into the pool with a splash. I smiled and waved as he looked at my tail in disbelief. I pointed a finger up and swam to the surface. I plopped myself on

the side of the pool and waited for him to join me. He came up and

took big gasps of air, pretending to have been drowning.

"Cut the innocent act I saw the gills on your ankles," He laughed, and what a wonderful sound it was. Like heaven on earth in a voice. He was radiating heat like a fire. He was sooo handsome.

"Are you real?" Oh my god his voice sounded as good as he looked. Like smooth silky velvet deep and lovely.

"Well I certainly hope so, if not I've been told a lie for 16 years." He laughed again and I nearly melted at the sound. He got out of the water and toweled off his chest and arms, turning and exposing an x shaped scar on his back. I wanted to ask but I didn’t want to be rude.

"How do you even exist? I've been coming hear since I was 10 and I've never seen you here before." He came and sat next to me, dipping his feet back into the water. God he was so close, and so handsome. I couldn’t help but lean over and kiss him right on the mouth. He was surprised but it didn’t take him long to Kiss back. I pulled away and blushed.

"I'm sorry that was rude, I won't do it again." I pulled myself out of the water and grabbed my towel.

"What are you doing?" His face was set in a frown, clearly not liking what I had said.

"I'm drying off." I was almost done drying off and I wanted to hurry so I could get out of here. What a good calming spot now ruined by someone else. "Why? I thought mermaids needed water to survive?"

I laughed and he smiled at the sound of it. When I finally dried off, the tingling sensation came back, and my feet did too. Along with my boring one color hair I was back to normal. He leaned over and touched my skin. I stood up and he followed.

He looked at the water then back at my legs. A light bulb must have gone off because after that he splashed me with water and waited to catch me. I landed softly into his arms. So close to his face, I could just imagine kissing him again. He must have read my mind because he leaned down to kiss me first. I quickly avoided his lips and sat up on my own.

"Well that was irritating. You're not very smart are you? I'm Catalina Katniss Reaper now would you be so kind to dry me off and tell me who you are?" He laughed at my sarcasm and irritation. He grabbed my towel and softly ran it up and down my tail. It felt pretty good, no one ever touched me like that and it was refreshing.

"My name is  Tristian Anthony Grim. I love your last name it matches mine. I'm sorry for the water, its just I've always thought I was the only one who knew about Aphrodite Island and came here to relax. I also thought I was the only one who was strange but clearly I'm not." He smiled trying to improve my mood. My skin returned, replacing my scales. I got up grabbed my stuff and made my way out of the moon room and down the side of the volcano. A couple steps out, he ran after me.

"No don’t go! We can both stay here!" He had managed to stop just short of the tunnel out, standing right next to the waterfall. He was insane if he thought I was spending another minute here. I wasn’t getting involved with anyone. Especially not someone who knew my secret.

"Come on, what was that kiss for? Stay with me. Let me get to know you."

Ok enough was enough. I smiled a fake smile and walked towards him. He smiled and stepped closer to the edge to let me pass and enter the moon room. As I passed him I quickly pushed him into the river and ran for my row boat. I rowed as fast as I could and got to my yacht in record time. I started the engine and sped out so hard it splashed the shore. As soon as I was out of seeing view, I put the yacht on auto and went below decks. I took a shower and put my outfit back on, thankful for my secret stash of bras and panties on the yacht. I walked above deck and drove the rest of the way to the docks. I couldn't believe there was someone like me. And I sure as hell couldn't believe I had acted like a total girl, swooning over him because he was handsome. I was the thinker, the risk taker, the no boys rule maker and I had just kissed a guy without even knowing his name first. And I was so not doing that again.

I walked to my bike slowly, enjoying myself with the wind. All of the drunks had left and now it was just me and a rare couple of people laying on the beach. I hopped on my bike and started to head home; stopping at Chingow's to get fish and lobster.

I got home about 12:00. I walked in and was welcomed home by a hungry meow from Boo.

"Yes I brought you your dinner."  I poured the fish into her cat bowl and put on my silk nightie. I sat on the bed and watched Boo eat, not hungry but then again I never was. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and both Boo and I jumped. I got up and walked to the door slowly, wishing I had a peep hole so I didn’t have to open it to see who it was. I opened the door and there was Tristian, dry and looking a bit passionate. He gave one glance at my nightie and grabbed me. He pulled me close and planted a firm kiss on my lips, the kiss then turning soft and needy. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He picked me up and placed me on the bed, rolling to where I was on top. He stopped kissing me and looked deep into my yellow eyes.

"Go to sleep my cuddly kitten."

He covered us up in my blanket and I soon fell asleep on his chest.

© 2012 BlackVeilBridesBVBArmy

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Added on April 23, 2012
Last Updated on April 23, 2012



Houston, TX

I love to Dance, to Write, and listen to music. Im open and random sometimes, my favorite color is black, I love hanging with friends. more..
