My top reviewed pice of poetry, and one of my favorites. Based on a discussion I once had with an old friend.
His eyes met mine
Proverbially, across space crowded with faces
(I saw his hunger)
And in that somewhat handsome face,
The eyes traveled down.
And his lips parted slowly,
As though kissing me, or
Drawing in smoke.
He reconciled the difference,
Did the other sexual math:
no tits=no puss+broad shoulders+painted face=f*g
And those lips sealed tight.
Offended testosterone rose, engulfed,
Poisoned the brain.
Out came the word:
All excuses aside,
You saw me,
And wanted something of me,
until you saw that you could (would)
I have no time for people who judge, they usually live in houses of glass and should know better. I love this poem, it expresses the hypocrisy and prejudice still lurking in our "so called" progressive society. Having said all that I truly believe it is what's inside that counts and try as we might we all make snap decisions about other people until we get to know them. It is something I try hard to avoid although occasionally I falter, but I never judge anyone on appearence alone, and I find people who do shallow and abhorrent.
An excellent poem, filled with passion and perception. Very well done indeed!
A great piece--I'm glad Faerie Whisper introduced me to this piece.
I like this part: "no tits=no puss+broad shoulders+painted face=f*g" because so many homophobes think in "black and white terms." They think of the world and people like a math equation, and don't realze people are human, have feelings, have desires, etc. that may not match theirs exactly. They have an irrational fear of it, but have no desire to learn about the gay community to understand. They just judge, using the math formula you used in your piece.
Definitely a social disease. This is raw and straight to the point, and I agree. I can't stand those who judge and we all know that inside the desires are there. They may choose not to act upon it and that is their choice. But don't condemn others for feeling free enough to act upon it.
The eyes traveled down.
And his lips parted slowly,
As though kissing me, or
Drawing in smoke.
I have no time for people who judge, they usually live in houses of glass and should know better. I love this poem, it expresses the hypocrisy and prejudice still lurking in our "so called" progressive society. Having said all that I truly believe it is what's inside that counts and try as we might we all make snap decisions about other people until we get to know them. It is something I try hard to avoid although occasionally I falter, but I never judge anyone on appearence alone, and I find people who do shallow and abhorrent.
An excellent poem, filled with passion and perception. Very well done indeed!
Concise, to the point, brilliant! .... You know, I have a number of really good friends who are gay (bothe men and women) ... The lesbian women (is that still PC? In German it is.) ocasionally have all-girl parties (heteros and gays together) and they are always such a blast ... immense fun! a gals party. period. but Ive been asked a number of times by my male (hetero) friends whether that was never awkward ... and I just laughed. It struck me then that such an all-male party (with gays and heteros) would not be possible - homophobia!!!!!
guess thats why there is no such thing as - what - femmo-phobia ....LOL, xxx
Very, very, very well done!
i love it.
it's such a short poem yet you mange to get across so much! And it really is true, i feel that is the most common reason people are homophobic. i love the imagery details that you used in the beginning of the poem, they were very vivid. this poem is essentially about homophobes, yet there is this delicious underlying sexual tension through out the poem.
I agree with Faerie Whisper. That was a good write and the essence was captured perfectly. Having gay friends, I know how hard it is for them these days. Its a cruel world.
outstanding insight!!! you've captured the essence of homophobia perfectly!
i love how you introduced the subject matter in a flash short story within a poem as well!
this is going in my fav list to throw at any homophobes who come my way in the future! :) i run into them quite often. being born inter-sexed, men will see me and start flirting, etc. when they find out i'm not a gg (genetic girl) they immediately flip out knowing they were turned on by me and then comes the hatred, hearing "f****t" thrown in my face. i have some of my pics in photo's on my profile.
i'm also sending a link to your poem to a few of my friends who i'm sure will agree that this is a brilliant piece! :)
Where to begin?
Do I begin with the adventures of homeschooling, the thrill of being brought up fundamentalist pentacostal and survivalist? Adventures in the woods? My sudden thrust into the world .. more..