March 18, 2017

March 18, 2017

A Chapter by Bardy

The world is currently in deep turmoil. I would not have you born in it just yet. There is a lot of work to be done first. I rather not see you have to continue this fight. One that so many of us are in the current mist of. I seek to see it far removed before your arrival. Your mother and I will become a powerful force together to keep hope alive. One where we will shall compliment one another quite well.

I aim in making so you're not to be ashamed of your body. Whether natural occurring or not. I would rather you love the parts about yourself that you don't like because it's still a part of you. Just as I will love you. Love you no matter your faults or how much you say you hate me. That way I can break any doubts you have. More importantly, not give up on you so easily. I don't want you to hurt.

I can't wait to see you on the other side. Where I hope to teach you things.
Including what a man and father should be like. Where you will be free. Where you will be able to have every opportunity as anyone else. Not looked down upon for having a uterus. Where you will be able to make your own reproductive choices without fear of prosecution.

I look forward to the day I can finally meet and hold you. Instantly fall in love the moment I look into your eyes. Trying to hold back tears of joy, I'll say "My Amira" before leaning down for a soft kiss on your forehead.

When I lean down and put my face close to yours, I may try and snuggle you by lightly rubbing my face against yours. If you reach out to me, I'll let you grab my big nose if you desire. Fall asleep in my arms as much as you want. I'll be there to watch over you. I will love and protect you with every fiber of my being.

Until then, I will continue to see you and I together as I gaze upon fathers with their daughters. I must first go through the mouth of the unknown in order to become a better man for you. Hope to see you soon, princess. 😘

(Amira is Arabic for princess. Which makes it the perfect name.)

© 2017 Bardy

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Added on September 13, 2017
Last Updated on September 13, 2017



You will find all my posts are either random thoughts I've had, things I've had said to people in conversation, memories of the past or questions that I wonder about. more..

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