Drunk Poem

Drunk Poem

A Poem by Mystical Ink

Just drnk

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to drown, yet found I could breathe.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to burn, but fire's touch recedes.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to cut, but no blood I concede.

In this haze of numbness, I reside,
Where pain's sharp edge is dulled inside.

A cloak of numbness shields my heart,
From tearing wounds and shadows stark.

In the depths of this intoxicated calm,
I find refuge from life's relentless qualm.

Yet beneath this numbness, a flicker burns,
A quiet yearning, a soul that yearns.

For though I cannot bleed as others do,
Emotions stir, seeking to breakthrough.

In this drunken numbness, I seek release,
A path to find myself, to find peace.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
I guess I'm drunk and numb to it.

© 2024 Mystical Ink

Author's Note

Mystical Ink
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There's not enough whiskey in the world to fill an empty heart. But there is love; real, true, beautiful love that heals and soothes, nourishes and protects; love that serves the beloved and not itself. And to quote Shakespeare, "if this be error and upon me proved, then I never writ nor no man ever loved." Hope and faith are wonderful things but love is more; more than every dream, more than every hope. We are flowers in the sun. We cannot water our roots with salty tears or alcohol. We need the sunshine of love in our lives to live and the pure, clean rain of human kindness to grow. Besides, I've never known a drink to solve any problem but I've seen it make quite a few worse. We can't find ourselves at the bottom of a bottle, only at the bottom of our souls. Just my thoughts.

Posted 3 Months Ago

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Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you for sharing in this dialogue and for your thoughtful response. It's through these exchange.. read more
A painful soul blanket's his sorrow with drink…and cannot seem to escape the hurt, except for a little flicker which gives him a shot glass of hope….in his stupor, he keeps repeating “ o why, o why I cannot bleed” which may refer to the problem of release of his drunkenness….and how to escape…
There is so much emotion and pain revealed in this piece, I had to read it several times…. To feel the pain in him…..
Stunning, revealing cfratmanship
Warmly, B🌷

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your deeply thoughtful and empathetic response. Your understanding and appreci.. read more
Betty Hermelee

3 Months Ago

It is my pleasure🌷
warmly, B

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12 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2024
Last Updated on June 22, 2024
Tags: stress, escape mechanism, problematic


Mystical Ink
Mystical Ink


I am a poet who digs into the shadows of the human experience, weaving words into dark tapestries that explore the twisted depths of the soul. With ink as my medium, I paint haunting verses that reson.. more..


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