Drunk Poem

Drunk Poem

A Poem by Mystical Ink

Just drnk

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to drown, yet found I could breathe.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to burn, but fire's touch recedes.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
Tried to cut, but no blood I concede.

In this haze of numbness, I reside,
Where pain's sharp edge is dulled inside.

A cloak of numbness shields my heart,
From tearing wounds and shadows stark.

In the depths of this intoxicated calm,
I find refuge from life's relentless qualm.

Yet beneath this numbness, a flicker burns,
A quiet yearning, a soul that yearns.

For though I cannot bleed as others do,
Emotions stir, seeking to breakthrough.

In this drunken numbness, I seek release,
A path to find myself, to find peace.

O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
I guess I'm drunk and numb to it.

© 2024 Mystical Ink

Author's Note

Mystical Ink
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Powerful work. The pain is palpable.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you!
It's strange because I was just reading (and looking at a video) about Lani Lane, the singer for Warrant. He drowned in alcohol to relieve the numbness, despair, and depression he faced from being drugged and raped. Your poem lays bear the life of someone who cannot cope with what's moving like an ocean during a storm in his head.

Well done, Priestess.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Her story is unfortunate but what a coincidence. Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your .. read more
Thoroughly cheeky & arresting. Why don't my feelings match the other guy/girl? We are all in our cocoons and whoever is able to unweave that silky case can truly know us. Nice job, Priestess.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts and for your kind words.
An excellently penned metaphoric gem which describes a place within where no human being should ever go to visit. The roads of life are like magnets which pull us one way though we want to go another way. We get numb when we stop fighting the demands and you have very poetically captured that in this poem through excellent word choice. A spine-chilling write very finely penned. Thank you for sharing, dear poetess...

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful comment! I'm deeply moved by your interpretatio.. read more

3 Months Ago

Most welcome, dear poetess...
I've never been in this situation described here. I'm glad too. I've known others who have though and it's freaking scary! Its like standing on a large fence that separates good from evil and being pulled hard.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

It's comforting to hear that you've never been in such a situation, and I hope you never have to be... read more
Like calloused skin that has seen muchhard manual work it becomes numb to friction over time, I guess one's heart also takes on similar attributes when love has broken or at very least almost broken it too many times??

Marvelous metaphor in fine, flowing rhythm and rhyme!!

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Your comparison of a calloused heart to calloused skin is bot.. read more
sometimes breathing is bleeding...and we want to stop.
I remember one time looking for that peace, that release...and then at the last moment...
stopped what I was doing...and came back from the edge.
This poem hits me in a spot.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you for sharing such a personal and profound experience. I'm truly touched that my poem resona.. read more
Repitation worked well in this poem. Excellent lines. Enjoyed reading

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you for stopping by!
Yes dear poet. I tried often in my life to forget.
"O why, o why, I cannot bleed,
I guess I'm drunk and numb to it."
The above lines does become true. One day. We have no blood left. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry. I did enjoy.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Mystical Ink

3 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your heartfelt response to my poetry. Your words deeply resonate with the them.. read more
Coyote Poetry

3 Months Ago

I did. In old age. I drink the whiskey and I write. Sometimes, we need something to awake the muse. .. read more

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12 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2024
Last Updated on June 22, 2024
Tags: stress, escape mechanism, problematic


Mystical Ink
Mystical Ink


I am a poet who digs into the shadows of the human experience, weaving words into dark tapestries that explore the twisted depths of the soul. With ink as my medium, I paint haunting verses that reson.. more..


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