![]() Chapter FourteenA Chapter by S.L.BChapter Fourteen “With foxes, we must play the fox.” " Thomas Fuller Ace I may have been saved
from answering Ronnie’s question, but it was probably the worst way I could
have imagined. “Yeah, I found him,”
I heard “What are you doing
here? I thought you were back on the
boat with everyone else.” I squared my shoulders and made sure his eyes held
mine so he wouldn’t see Ronnie. He could
smell her though, and that’s something I couldn’t control. “Everyone’s wondering
where you went. You just disappeared so
I came looking for you.” He was coming to a stop in front me and looked over my
shoulder, a grin forming on his demonic little mouth. S**t. “And who might you
be?” He stepped around me, shrugging off the hand I placed on his shoulder in
order to stop him. I turned so I was
facing the two of them, keeping my eyes on “I’m Veronica.” Her
eyes shot to “The name’s “You make that sound
like he talks about me a lot.” She shot me a gentle, yet curious look as she
stepped close to me, putting herself between me and How cute. She was protecting me. Actually, that was kind of flattering. No one’s ever tried to do that before. She scanned around casually, as if looking
for something she’d be able to use as a weapon if it came down to a fight. I followed her eyes and saw several different
things that any slayer would be able to get creative with: a broken piece of
glass that was barely visible as it poked out of the sand, a loose board under
the pier, a few sharp rocks, a rope, and even the cross necklace around my
neck. The inverted pentagram on the back
of it isn’t enough protection for him; not even close. It would hurt him just as one would without
the sign. “Let’s go somewhere
else.” I placed my hand on her lower back, feeling her muscles relax a little
bit. Her skin was naturally cool, like
all slayers’, but from the sun shining on it, it was also a little warm. “ Ronnie willingly
walked away with me, but even as our distance from I didn’t like it. “Are we going
somewhere?” She laughed a little bit and watched as I got on the ski, grinning
at her. The water was up to her waist,
hiding her interesting tattoo from me. “I saw you scanning
the ground looking for shells back there; thought you’d like to see a spot that
has a lot of good ones.” I shrugged casually and started the engine, sliding
forward for her to get on. “I’d like that.” She
bowed her head shyly and smiled as she stepped right up to me. The hand she placed on my shoulder for
balance made my skin tingle, causing me to freeze. Again, that’s new for me. I didn’t like that either. Then her hand slipped forward, over my
shoulder, and brushed part of my tattoo, sending a small shock through me. I jumped. “You alright?” She
sat down behind me, her thighs hugging my hips.
Her hands retreated to her lap and her torso moved away from my
back. Disappointment flooded within me. No. “Oh yeah.” I
don’t know what the Hell that was that sent a shock through me, but it worried
me. For all I knew, it could be her
ability, considering I’ve never seen the ability of someone with her
tattoo. And if she was able to put an
electric shock through a demon just by touch, well then that could be a
problem. I pulled up onto the
shore of an island that was a ways away from the main beach. It was pretty small and just as
deserted. People didn’t come here a lot,
except for once in a while at night for camping. I would know.
I’ve hunted there a few times. I
tried not to think about it, in fear of it showing on my face or even my eyes
changing. “So, how do you know
that guy back there?” She kept her eyes down and her hands at her sides,
walking next to me in the ankle deep water.
I wanted to touch her, put my arm around her, hold her hand or
something. But I needed to be smart
about this. She wasn’t like every other
girl I’ve met, and she’s definitely not like Zona; she was always on
guard and I could tell she had boundaries of some sort. “Childhood
friend. We were neighbors when we were
about seven and since then we’ve been each other’s right hand man.” Total
lie. Demons have never been kids " we
never age. But I needed a way to answer
her question, and hopefully a way to diminish her thoughts of “Oh…you seemed a
little worried when he showed up…considering how close you two apparently are.”
She eyed me with a slightly playful grin.
Her eyes were back to their normal blue-green color, with no sign of any
other color, and that was the first time I’ve seen a slayer’s eyes…pure, for a
lack of a better word. “Yeah…well…he has his
moments.” I watched as Ronnie picked up a pure white shell, turning it over in
her hands with careful examination. “What’d you mean?”
Not even a glance in my direction.
However, I still caught a glimpse of black creeping into her eyes. “When he meets a girl
that I’ve either said a lot about or am willing to ditch everyone to hang out
with…he usually makes his move on her and he’s charming and persuasive enough
that he always gets her…always. Telling
him to stay away or isn’t allowed to do anything only encourages him.” “And…considering you
were nervous, you must’ve provoked him unintentionally?” Implication filled her
words, making me chuckle and nod my head. “If I were to talk about you, you’d
probably get your a*s kicked and I would probably be forbidden to talk to you
or even see you.” Wind blew through,
making her hair fall in front of her eyes, stopping as soon as it happened, as
if that was its goal. She wasn’t doing
anything to fix it, and it was bugging me.
Her hair was hiding her from me when I wanted to see all of her face "
her eyes, her smile, and the expressions she made when she spoke, including how
she gently furrowed her brows with a slight frown as she asked me
questions. I watched as she bent down
again, picking up an onyx black shell, cleaning it off in the water before
standing up straight. She turned to face
me and looked between the two shells she picked up, putting each one against my
skin as if to see how they looked with my color. She still didn’t
brush her hair out of her face. “Is it because of
that one guy?” I reached up and lightly tucked her hair behind her ear. Thanks to my incredible hearing, I could hear
a very quiet, very quick intake of breath coming from her, and that alone made
me grin with pride. What the Hell? “Yeah, pretty much.”
She almost sounded…bummed out about it.
Like her ‘supposed boyfriend’ was what was holding her back from making
a move on me. I knew she wanted to
because I knew she was attracted to me just by the way she carried herself
around me. She didn’t hold her head
quite as high but she did seem to try and keep her body close to mine, whether
she left a small space between us, or her hand brushed mine. When we spoke, she opened herself up to face
me completely. Not to mention the look
she gets when she sees me: admiration and a good amount of…yearning. “I’m willing to keep
this a secret…if you want.” That would actually be better than everyone
knowing. That way, when I fulfill my
job, I’d only have one slayer to worry about.
One slayer to outsmart. One
slayer to kill. Ronnie The two shells I
picked up were now in Ace’s pocket as we left the small island on his
jet-ski. His insane body heat was as
strong as ever and it was driving me insane.
I was hot enough with the shun beating down and being against him on the
seat; I didn’t need his heat on top of that.
Sure, water was spraying on me, but that was hardly satisfactory. “How ‘bout a quick
swim?” I propped my chin on his shoulder and smiled at him. He glanced down at me with a lazy, lop-sided
grin and shrugged. “We’re not at the
beach yet.” “That’s okay, we can
just jump off of this.” “You sure?” He slowed
down and eventually cut the engine before turning to me. The sun glistened off the piercing in his
left brow and his cross necklace. Why
was he wearing it to the ocean? “Aren’t you afraid
you’ll lose this?” Taking the cross in my hand, I looked up at him and fiddled
with it between my fingers. He nodded
but didn’t do anything about it. Didn’t
take it off and didn’t wrap it around his neck a second time. Instead, he swung a leg over the seat and
dove into the water. One thing’s for
sure: if his necklace came off, I wasn’t going after it. “Come on in.” He
turned his head and spat in the water as if trying to get a bad taste out of
his mouth. Salt water. I smiled and jumped in next to him, splashing
water in his face. I received a splash
in mine as Ace’s laughter made me smile a little bit, but then I felt like I
wanted to get him back in a different way.
I squinted and pressed my thumb and forefinger against my eyes. “S**t,” I muttered. “You alright?” Ace
swam up to me but didn’t try to touch my.
I shook my head. “Get water in your eyes?” No. “Yeah.” I dropped
my hand and blinked a few times, trying not to laugh. Ace looked a little guilty, but as soon as I
splashed a big wave of water in his face, he started laughing. He tried to say something, but water in his
mouth stopped him. Splashing me back was
his first reaction, the water keeping me from being able to see him. The splashing from
his side stopped, so I stopped to look at him.
He wasn’t there. I looked around
and didn’t see him anywhere. My mind instantly
snapped back to his ‘friend’. My
instincts told me that he was undoubtedly a demon. However, he didn’t smell of the usual spice
scent to cover up the smell of rotting flesh.
I didn’t know what it was, but he smelled…different. Kind of like Ace; he smelled more…lively, a
lot of it coming from whatever cologne it was he wore. But now, my mind was racing as I worried his
friend was a demon and had gotten a hold of him. “Ace!” Something grabbed my
foot, just as I was about to swim to the jet-ski, and pulled me under. My first reaction was to kick downward with
my free foot, but whatever grabbed me released my ankle and a set of arms
wrapped around my waist just as I broke the surface. The sound of Ace’s laugher made me open my
eyes. “Really?” I couldn’t
help but laugh as I turned my head and spit.
He flinched when my hand brushed his tattoo, and when I left it right
over his hear, he moved away from me in a quick yet casual movement. I didn’t let him se that I noticed as I
splashed water in his direction, using that as a cover up. “Scare you?” He
looked hopeful. He sounded like it
too. A lop-sided grin played on his face
as his dark eyes remained locked on mine; intense and slightly amused. He created a space several feet wide between
us and maintained it, even though he looked like he wanted to be closer. “Nope.” It didn’t
scare me but it was enough to make my automatic response kick in; the same one
that happens if I’m grabbed from behind in a fight. “You’ll have to do better
than that.” I swam up to him, leaving about half a foot of space left between
us. I could smell the cologne he must’ve
been wearing before he came to the beach, mixing in with the smell of the
water. His hair was dripping, the water
making it hang slightly in front of his eyes.
A faint red was swirling into their darkness, almost reminding me of
mist. His heat was still as strong as
before, radiating off of him, even below the water’s surface. It kind of drew me in. Laughing and whistling
echoed with the sound of loud, heavy rock playing. I looked in the direction it was coming from
and saw a boat with a group of people that looked like they were in their late
teens and early twenties. They were all
dancing with cans and bottles in their hands.
Some were throwing each other into the water, some even wrestling for
better position until they fell in.
There was one girl, however, who was not dancing or pushing people
in. She was just sitting on the back of
the boat in a black, strapless bikini and a can of, what I assumed was beer, in
her hand. Her black hair and pale skin
looked familiar to me. And then she turned
around and looked at us. “Is that…is that your
sister?” I looked at Ace and immediately noticed how tense he was. He held a steady gaze with the girl in the
boat. “Let’s get you back
before Trick thinks I might’ve killed you.” He looked at me when I laughed
before following him to the jet-ski. I
waited as he got up first, and watched his hand go straight to his necklace,
making sure it was still there. He then
turned a little bit and effortlessly pulled me up and onto the seat behind
him. The motor started at the same time
as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
And then we were off. † † † † † I refused to answer
anyone’s questions from the time Ace got me back to everyone to the time we
left the beach. Trick was the worst,
asking me where we went, what we did, if he did anything to me, and so on. He was making comments about everything " not
too pleasant ones " and Andie was trying to get him to calm down and shut
up. Chett stopped talking when he
realized I was getting annoyed, and I was acting like I didn’t hear a word
Trick said, which only riled him up even more.
Andie was wearing out trying to calm him down, and she seemed ready to
give up. Chett was turning on his iPod,
his way of saying he had a headache and didn’t want to be a part of anything. “How was I supposed
to know he was going to be at the f*****g beach?” I had to get Trick to stop,
and hopefully I could do it in the five minutes we had before we were home. “We
haven’t talked to each other before we left so it was completely coincidental!” “I don’t give a s**t
if it was coincidental or not! I just
don’t like the thought of you hanging out with him!” “Why not?” “I don’t trust the
guy,” he sighed. Oh good; he was calming
down a little bit. I opened my mouth to
question that but he wasn’t done. “Besides, what about Corin?” “What about
him?” That almost got Trick to slam on his brakes as he turned around to look
at me, still driving. “He wasn’t there!
He doesn’t know and he doesn’t need to know! Just because I’m supposed to be with
him doesn’t mean I can’t hang out with another guy! I can have fun you know!” I got out of
the truck just as Trick was pulling up to the house and went inside, going
straight to the bathroom for a long, hot shower. I hated how I
couldn’t tell anyone about not wanting to be with Corin. Not only for my own freedom, but also because
I didn’t want to be leading him on when I really had no intentions of being
with him. But I couldn’t. I had to be with him. My family expected it from me, and it would
only benefit the clan. That’s all they
were really concerned about, and it’s always been that: what would benefit the
clan. I couldn’t keep it bottled up from
anyone else for too much longer; I had to tell somebody. But who can I tell? Mom and dad wouldn’t hear of it, Trick would
probably tell me to give him a chance, and Chett and Monica would say the same thing. And then there’s Andie…I don’t know what she
would say " it could go anywhere with her.
I wanted, so much, to talk to her about it, because she’s the only one
that really takes my feelings about things into consideration when we
talk. However, maybe now wasn’t quite
the time. I’d get to it eventually. Maybe I just needed to think a little
longer. Or maybe I- “Ronnie! We are not done talking about this,”
Trick growled. He stood up from the
couch where he and Andie were sitting.
His shoulders were straight back and squared at me as he stood
tall. There was a dominating essence
about him, one I’ve never felt come from him.
My guess was that Andie’s never felt one like it come from him either,
because she took on a whole new look of surprise and even some intimidation. “Well I am.” I
slipped on my tennis shoes and put my hair up, ignoring my parents in the
kitchen and Chett in his chair. “I’m going for a walk. Don’t bother to call me; I’m not taking my
phone.” I gave Trick one last scowl before walking out the front door, closing
it behind me before he could even get one last word out to me. I was done listening to him. Had we kept talking, it could’ve become a
situation where I say something I’d regret saying; like I don’t feel anything
for Corin. I guess running away
from my house for a while probably wasn’t the best way to handle things, but I
needed to get away from Trick. He
probably needed a break from me too, in order to cool down and think about
things. I hoped he’d understand what I was
trying to say to him, but the chances of that happening were low. The only place I could think of going to was
somewhere in town. I didn’t know where
yet, seeing as most of the clubs weren’t open.
There were stores or coffee shops, but I didn’t have any money on me, so
I’d probably just walk around for a while some more. The heat was
ridiculous, even in my shorts and tank top, so I put my hair up in a ponytail
in hopes of it helping me cool off. I
wasn’t really prepared for anything to happen while I was walking around, so if
I was attacked or spotted by a demon, the only defense I would have would be
the small, sterling silver cross necklace that my mom makes me wear every time
I go somewhere by myself. It would do a
good amount of damage, but it probably wouldn’t kill anything. It’d do just enough for me to get away. Due to being vulnerable, I was a little on edge;
every sound from every alley I passed made me stop and look. There was one alley I looked down and saw
something go flying further back. I
guess that was a sign for me to go check it out. With a quick glance around, I made my way
down the alley, hoping that nobody would see or follow me. Nothing jumped out at
me, or even made any noise until I was far enough into the alley where I could
barely see the end I came from. A very
large, transparent wing came into view from behind a big pile of debris, joined
by its twin. The tops of them were
covered with black fur that went along with the rest of its body. As it stood up on its hind legs, it kind of
reminded me of a wolf, only three times bigger and had a broader chest and
thicker snout. Its fangs were pearly
white and so sharp they intimidated even me.
The eyes changed from gold to red when it looked at me. Blood stained the dark fur on its muzzle,
still slightly dripping. I interrupted
its meal. S**t. I didn’t move,
knowing that if I did it’d attack, and just watched as it stared at me. No demon I’ve ever met has just had a
stare-down with a slayer. They always
attack. They never wait. Never analyze anything. Never change to a less intimidating
form. This one did. Its new form, slightly taller than me,
reminded me of the Grim Reaper without the giant scythe. I couldn’t see the face, no matter how much I
tried; I could only see the red eyes as it walked towards me. “Well if it isn’t for
a little slayer.” His voice was dark and raspy, sending chills down my
spine. With every step he took towards
me, I took one back until I hit a wall. “Who are you?” My
voice remained nice and steady, no sign showing the slight intimidation I felt
or concern in it even though deep down, I was a little worried. “I hear you’re
looking for me.” His hand closed around the front of my neck. He didn’t let go, even as I noticed pain
start filling into his eyes. It got more
noticeable every second, but he still didn’t drop his hand. “You b*****d,” I
growled. Close my hand around a sharp
plank of wood I felt at my side, I plunged it into Accursius’s rib. A pained hiss escaped from him as I plunged
it deeper in order to push him away from me.
My hand went straight to my necklace, and I noticed it was hot, meaning
he was touching it. I made the mistake of
turning my back to him, and as a consequence, he had grabbed my hair and yanked
me to the ground. Accursius leaned over
me, the wooden plank in one hand while the other pulled my shirt up just enough
to see my tattoo. At first, I didn’t
know what he was doing, but once I caught a glimpse of an inverted pentagram
glowing a fiery orange in the middle of his palm, I tensed. Demons knew about our tattoos containing a
high concentration of nerves beneath the surface, and they also knew that an
inverted pentagram touching it hurts slayers pretty badly. It doesn’t leave a burn or anything; it just
sends excruciating pain through our bodies.
Sometimes it’s enough to make us sick, and sometimes it can even make us
pass out. It’s a way of torture that the
demons find sickeningly hilarious. Accursius let out a
quiet, hair raising chuckle and his eyes filled with amusement as he looked
down at my tattoo, which was when he froze.
My mind was racing, even as he remained still. If any time was my chance to get out from
under him, it was while he was stunned about something. Quickly looking around as I gave small
jerking movements, I also froze when I saw something. Ace was standing right around the corner,
watching me. S**t. “Impossible,” he
growled. His raspy voice made me look
back up at him just in time to feel unbearable pain shoot through my body. He had his hand pressing heavily on my hip,
and looking into his eyes, I saw that anger had replaced the amusement. I clenched my jaw as tightly as I could and
forced myself to breathe steadily, no matter how much it hurt. The strong eye contact I held clearly
unsettled him, and when he lifted his hand away, relief rushed through my body. I watched as Accursius looked down at my
tattoo, his eyes filling with a mixture of emotions. Anger.
Guilt. Confusion. Sadness.
Hatred. “K-Katerina?” Never have I seen a
demon ever show anything like that, and seeing it now, it confused me
more than ever. The only things they ever feel, other than amusement, are anger
and hatred. Never sorrow and especially
never guilt. It makes me wonder what
kind of King Accursius is. There’s no
way he could be a sympathetic demon in the slightest bit; he would’ve been
overthrown a long time ago. So what kind
of King is he? And why did I see guilt
in his eyes? He pushed himself
away from me and backed up, keeping his hands down at his sides. Even as he created more space, he still
didn’t change into his bigger and stronger form. However, he did look away from me. But he looked at Ace. My whole body tensed
and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.
Whether he was watching or not, the closest innocent life a demon sees
is gone. I couldn’t let Ace get in the
middle of any of this. I don’t want him
to get hurt; especially on my watch.
Taking a deep breath, I jumped to my feet as I ripped off my necklace,
and stabbed it with as much force as I could into the middle of Accursius’s
chest. The sound he let out was more of
a cry of shock instead of pain, but the cross in the middle of his chest was
enough to make him disappear in front of me.
My guard stayed up, my body tenser than ever as I looked around to make
sure the demon wasn’t showing back up anywhere.
I ran over to Ace, who was stepping out from around the corner to meet
me, my breathing controlled but heart pounding.
As I got closer to him, there was only thought going through my mind,
one that I was taught since I was able to talk: An innocent man is a dead
man. © 2013 S.L.B |
Added on May 6, 2013 Last Updated on May 6, 2013 Author![]() S.L.BWausau, WIAboutI graduated high school a semester early and Spring of 2013 was my first semester of college. I used to play basketball (5th grade-Junior year of high school) but due to 3 concussions, knee surgery, .. more..Writing