![]() Episode 30 Robert's arrestA Chapter by Ballpark Frank![]() Robert is placed in a cell at the county jail for questioning regarding Todd's murder.![]() Robert spends the night in a dimly lit room in Hennepin County Jail. He's been placed in a block style, solitary room after being arrested on suspicion of murder. The room features a toilet, something like a sink, (or maybe it's a water fountain), and a steel table with four adjoining steel chairs. No clock, TV, or anything else. As Robert sits he wonders how long they will hold him without any questioning, and whether he will have to spend the entire weekend here. After a few hours, Robert receives a tray of food consisting of a cold hotdog, corn, apple sauce, cake, and a milk container. The tray is placed through a small slot in the door to his room. After what seems like an entire day in this room a guard opens the door and advises Robert to follow her. “You've got guys that want to talk to you.” She appears oddly cheerful. Robert is led to a conference room down the hallway just seconds away. “I'm Special Investigator Thompson.” A short, heavy set man says who is seated at the table in the small room. Next to him is another suited man. “We need some information from you. Sit down.” Robert takes his seat at the table. “You're in a lot of trouble Robert Martin. You could be looking at spending a long time in prison, but speaking with us could make things easier for you.” After a pause, Robert is asked by Thompson, “So what happened with Todd? What did he do to you? He pissed you off? Is this a jealousy thing with Miss Marie? Were you screwing his wife and he got mad or what? So you killed him?” After a lengthy awkward pause, the investigator continues, “I've got this notepad here. I'd like you to write down what happened that Saturday morning a few weeks ago on September 28th. Just write down what happened and you'll be helping yourself out. We'll give you as much time to write as you need. If you decide to not cooperate however, things are gonna get a lot worse for you. We've got witnesses. I've been working hard on this case. We just need to fill in a few blanks.” Robert doesn't answer the men. He sits quietly pretty sure that there is likely no actual evidence linking him to anything. But he starts to feel the familiar effects of this type of verbal bullying. His muscles tighten, his scalp starts to feel hot, he notices his throat tightening, and his skin goes cold. He wants to avoid looking at them directly or speaking since he knows his eyes have likely changed color and his voice will sound much different. Robert knows that at this point he is fully capable of killing both these armed men easily with his bare hands. But why ruin my life for the sake of these two dim witts? I would no longer be able to help my family and I probably would never see Marie again. But killing them would feel very good! Ridding the world of these two would be real nice. After another minute of silence, Investigator Thompson smirks, “Are you gonna cooperate or not? I don't have time to screw around with you dude.” Slowly, Robert straightens up his posture, returns the smirk, makes clear eye contact with both men,and says confidently, “I want a lawyer.” Both cops see and hear a difference in Robert's appearance. Thompsons partner instinctively puts his hand on his weapon, but neither say anything about these changes in their suspect. “We can go that route too. No problem. Your choice.” Thompson is so flustered his voice is shaking. Without another word the men arrange to have Robert returned to his solitary cell. After thinking for a moment on what just happened Robert decides to push the buzzer switch which is near the door. “I need to call a lawyer.” The female voice responds with, “Ummm. Ok. Just a second.” After another minute Robert is surprised to see his cell door open and the same guard motions for him to follow her. “Where are we going?” “You're being released “ Robert is given his personal items back after signing for them and is released without being given any more information. He can't help but to look in his rear view mirror all the way home. Upon arriving back at his apartment Robert realizes this arrest and interrogation has only taken a few hours. It's late, so he decides to contact an attorney in the morning since this situation isn't likely to just go away. Robert wants to meet with a good criminal defense attorney soon in case it's necessary. © 2024 Ballpark Frank |
1 Review Added on March 22, 2024 Last Updated on March 22, 2024 Author![]() Ballpark FrankMNAboutI need a space to share my writings so i can grow as a writer. I mostly write short stories, but I'm working on a book about a serious family saga. Things seem calmer these days at the cafe. I'm .. more..Writing