It constantly amazes me how you somehow always develop this fantastic piece of writing which is breathtaking, yet at the same time, easy to connect to. Wonderful work.
Did you hypnotize me and asked me questions? brillient guessing! Id also like to leave room for thinking and id like that each person will analyze the song in his own way :)
I struggled with accepting your rebellion of linguistic code in lowercasing the "i". I found it's kind of brilliant. It makes the "self" diminutive in comparison to infinity and the "endless art and ides". Great! I think that was your intention, right?
My name is Yoel Salimsom. I'm 23 years old, i live in a little town in Israel. I'm ex- military, served in a Combat Engineer. i play guitar for 8 years and im a singer in a band. for more informatio, .. more..