![]() A Day of Unexpected ConflictA Story by Baily Thomas![]() One person's account of a very unexpected day.![]() A Day Of Unexpected Conflict 1. Blue sky. That’s what I see. Endless blue sky stretching as far as my eyes will follow. While marveling at the colors, I’m also aware of cold air caressing my exposed face. The fact that I’m not moving my head is okay. I’m content for now studying the eternal blue sky while experiencing the cold air. My senses remain sharp while listening to the faint whisper of air through the snow grains. The vibration of the air moving over the snow surface strengthens to an audible feel, only to fade into the departing cold breeze. I hope those six people I assaulted earlier are dead and not coming for me. I don’t think I can go through that again. I’m so tired both physically and mentally. I think the fact that I haven’t moved in some time indicates a greater mental fatigue. I am content to lie half buried in snow on the side of a high mountain. I don’t know the actual location where I’m at, but my thinking is above 9,000 ft. somewhere. I don’t care. Part of my brain screams to get up and descend to lower a elevation where I may find shelter and safety, but the thought doesn’t reach my body. I continue, immobile while observing the deep blue print of the sky while embracing the cold air. I am content and expect nothing. During the malaise that is my consciousness, I review what it was like to die yesterday. Some parts were awful, and some wonderful. It’s pretty awful now though. 2. The day didn’t start this way. It was one of promise and adventure, but as you can tell now, things have gone sideways. It started with the promise of of finding food for my small band of people, great friends and family really, and they rely on me and a few of my partners to find food during the difficult winter times. I did not want to attack those other people, but I did. During the encounter, they gave me no choice. They wanted what I had, and to keep my friends safe and defend myself, I think I killed them all. It was over so fast that I’ve had to replay what happened multiple times. They shot my friend and took his daughter, but I tracked them and killed most of them. The chase and conflict took it’s toll. I ran through a great deal of ammunition during the fight, which is unfortunate as ammo is in short supply. But it was necessary. I ended up shooting five, and stabbed another one to death. I’m not sure of the other two. It may sound like I’m a violent person, but I’m not. I did what I did to ensure the girl was returned, my partner was not shot again and we retained our stuff. I think I accomplished the goal. There’s more to this story. Much more and it’s the important stuff. I should go back to the very beginning of my story. I’m hoping at that time You’ll find that I’m not violent. It’s important to me that you understand this. 3. We live in what used to be a high end mountain ski community. The place was called The Colony and was inhabited by extremely wealthy people residing for about two weeks at a time annually. Mostly around holidays. The residences are massive and cost lots of money when money meant something. But now those people are gone and most likely not to return. My small band of family members and friends moved up here as it’s at a higher elevation and difficult to attack. This is important in the story. The gigantic mountain lodge/house we now call home is located within an old ski resort. The old ski runs are used to travel during the winter. Before the biological events wiped out most of the population around us, and maybe the world, we would ski the resort and look at the great residences and wish we lived in such a home. Think of a massive ski lodge with large beams and huge fire places in a snow covered field. That’s where we are now. We moved up here after most of our neighbors and friends died from the diseases that made their way through the community at first, or were murdered by groups of roving bands more recently. Living in a remote area high in the mountains keeps our small group isolated from threats, either airborne or from attack. Lots of snow and difficult uphill travel keep the nasties away for most of the time. We’ve been here three years now and we have a semi-nice existence. If you can call living on the edge of death on a daily basis a nice existence, then we’re golden. My new family consists of my wife, daughter and three other families. All are my loved ones or best friends. We co-exist and share the work to sustain our lifestyle. I’ve had other very good friends over the past 5 years or so, but they died from some of the above mentioned maladies. Recently, bands of killers continue to roam the land preying on the weak. They’re the absolute worst. They almost got us when we lived in the lower elevations of our ski town, but after a couple of nasty gun fights and rescues, we decided it would be safer to move to a higher elevation. We also have two dogs that keep an eye on things and alert us to unwanted visitors. Dogs are a scarce quantity due to the fact that people eat dog now. We’re not there and I hope we never will be there. The six people I killed earlier were one of the roving bands of evil. B******s. 4. So now you have a rough idea of our existence. We hunt, fish, and during the winter months tend a green house of fruits and vegetables to carry us through. We haven’t been able to obtain any livestock, but something to consider in the future. We also have a chicken coop. Sorry, forgot about the chickens. The chickens are tended to by the smaller children who feed and water and keep them safe. The coops are located indoors to ensure their safety from predators. It works quite well. We augment our diet with larger game such as elk and deer. This is where I come in. I learned to hunt on while traveling through the backcountry on skis. I used to be a professional ski patrolman in my youth, and used to ski recreationally up until all the bad stuff happened. My main skill is not so much a hunter, but a skier who has a rifle that shoots long distances. So while I was out with one of my best friends and his daughter looking for game, we were attacked by the eight mostly deceased nasties. They shot my friend and tried to take his daughter. He wasn’t killed, but wounded. I became aware of our plight as I heard the shot and saw him fall. I also saw the bad guys take his daughter and try to make it up and over the ridge. Downslope from their location, it took me a bit to ski up to his position and figure out his status and the direction of his daughter. Seeing that it looked like the bullet wound would not kill him, we both decided I had to go after his daughter and get her back from the bad guys. I gave him my sleeping bag and the small camp stove and skied after them. I did get her back, but it took a bit of doing. After leaving my friend, I found a profound fear bubbling up from the depths of my psyche. This is not a good thing to have at this time as it can be paralyzing. A bit of fear worked well in the past skirmishes, but this was different. I’m on the verge of panic, and I’m not sure why. Granted I should be afraid of the impending fight that could get me killed, but not panic. I’ve been here before, so what’s up? I put the skins on the bottom of my skis and started to move up the mountainside to the top of the ridge. If you’re not familiar with skins, they’re really pretty interesting. A skin is a piece of fabric shaped like your ski with glue on one side and a fiber on the other. The fiber is angled to allow the skin to slide forward, but grip the snow to stop you from sliding backward. It is the way we ascend snowy mountain slopes. This is probably more information than you need, but I thought to throw it out there. Enough of this for now. Let me be frank, these people were evil. I felt it when they shot my friend and grabbed his daughter. I felt their evil just by the scent in the wind. These people were bad and it frightened me. So to help ease the fear, I asked for help from my Guides and Angels. I know, right? This is different than what I’ve been talking about earlier, but it’s part of my consciousness. Part of my being. I don’t explain this connection to most people, as it’s been with me for some time and I get guidance when I need it the most. They came through as they typically do and a nice warm energy engulfed my sense. A nice part of the calm that engulfed me came great resolve. Instead of fear, I felt a nasty aggressive mindset that did not bode well for the people I’m now chasing. You see, the girl is one of the sweetest people I know. She’s really not a girl anymore, but a woman. She’s 22 years old and I’ve known her since she was a little kid. Her name is Jan and she has a heart of gold. A fun hippy kind of kid throughout her youth, and now a free spirit who loves animals and powder skiing. She doesn’t deserve to be taken against her will and whatever fate awaits her. So I’m going to get her back. 5. I’ve gotten pretty good at tracking deer and elk in these mountains over the years. I can discern movement and how long ago the animal moved through the area. Some tracks are a bit more difficult, but the ones I’m following now are easy to follow. I count at least 8 people in a group moving with Jan. With such a large group, I’m thinking they’ll move slower than me, and I can catch them before it gets too dark. What happens then I’m not really sure, but it will be violent. I reach the ridge in under 40 minutes and slowly scan the downhill slope. I find the group maybe a half mile away moving toward the front side of the mountains to the bigger city environment. If they get off the mountain and into the remnants of the city, it will be harder to get Jan back. I need to catch them while they’re in the mountains and on skis and snowshoes. Summiting the ridge, I scan downhill for a potential ambush and notice a nervous looking male peering uphill near my general vicinity. When I notice he doesn’t see me, I glide behind a group of thick fir trees and slowly ease myself onto my stomach. He’s about 300 yards from me and continues to scan and twitch. Ever so quietly, I ease my M4 carbine rifle off the side of my pack. The rifle is attached with very strong velcro and makes the velcro tearing sound as I pull it free. The rifle is ranged with a round in the chamber and a 30 round magazine ready to go. Looking through the scope, I automatically flick the safety off. The panicky feeling I had earlier is gone, thanks to my Guides help. I slow my breathing and relax. I am about to shoot a man and don’t have any regrets at this time. Maybe later, but not now. Giving one last look at his location, my consciousness slides into the scope resting on top of the rifle. I peer into the glass looking through the cross hairs and what lies beyond. Slowly moving the rifle to his direction I find him not moving. This is good. I put the cross hairs on his head and elevate the rifle a bit so that his head is located just below the intersection of the two bisecting lines. I’m estimating he’s at the 300 yard range so the bullet will have a bit of a drop due to gravity. Slowing my breathing once again, I exhale then gently squeeze the trigger. The rifle bucks in my hand and I lose sight of my target. I look with my naked eye at the general location I fired and find he’s down. His head looks messed up and that’s good. He’s not going to be attacking with me anytime soon. I also notice the noise from the shot has gained the attention of the group that’s fleeing with Jan. They stop, and someone wails a terrible cry as they look at the guy. I could give a s**t. I’m up, stick the rifle back on the velcro, grab my poles and ski towards the group through the trees. I’m jacked up from the shot and maybe too much adrenaline so I don’t ski right down to their position, but move laterally keeping an eye on their body language. I find several of the men in the group take shots at me, but they’re too far away and waisting rounds. I hope they don’t hurt Jan from what I’ve done, but it had to be that way. 6. After moving around several large fir trees, I stop and observe their position. I find one person has Jan and is shaking her around violently. Before I think, the rifle snicks off the velcro once again and it’s in my hands. My eye is back in the reticle and I’ve got the cross hairs on the guy’s chest. He’s moving around shaking Jan, and I don’t want to hit her. I’m tracking him pretty well and I see that Jan falls down into the snow. I don’t hesitate and take the shot. This time I see the round hit the guy and exit his back with a large spray. He falls backward into the snow like a limp rag doll. I’m up and moving once again with the rifle in my hands and the ski poles attache to the pack where the rifle had been earlier. Now I’m committed and I feel the rage coming on. Two down, six to go. I really don’t think that I’m going to die this evening, but I do. More on that part in a minute. 7. After taking the shot, I ski as fast as possible to reach Jan. I find three males trying to shoot me, but not doing very well. I’m skiing very fast directly toward them. No turns, but a straight line to their location. At about 75 yards out I turn hard to the right, ducking behind another tree and stop. I do a quick scan with my naked eye, then look through the scope. I find the group is flailing around trying to get away from me, and the men looked a bit panicked and frankly stupid. They’ve temporarily left Jan in the snow, and are not making much progress doing anything. I’m pretty sure the most recent dead guy’s fate has panicked the group. I find myself quite calm but my breathing is too fast to take an accurate shot. Thinking this, I move around the tree and screaming with my war face on, I move directly toward them. I must look wild as the three women scatter in a group into the soft snow and fall together hanging on one another. The remaining three look indecisive, which is a giant mistake at this time. They should act in force against me, not look to each other wondering what to do. Skiing fast and straight to their position, I aim the rifle from the hip and shoot. I’m so close, it’s hard to miss. I point and shoot at the first guy, and he goes down. Then I then acquire another target and shoot him with the same result. Before I can acquire the third guy, he steps into my path and hits me hard with some type of club. Stupidly, I l drop the rifle and fall awkwardly to my right. I’m still clipped in my skis and can’t move very well, but it doesn’t matter as the guy lands on me. At this time I lose some of my courage as his face is right in mine. He is a demon with incredibly bad teeth and breath that smells awful. He is screaming and spitting in my face while repeatedly hitting me with the club. I’m on the defensive bad, and in pain as he’s landing these blows on my head and neck. I’m getting my a*s kicked and don’t really have an answer to this beating. There is something about evil in this world that when you come face to face, it rings down to your soul. I’m terrified of this person trying to kill me and it shows. He is snarling and making inhuman sounds as he beats on my head with the club. I manage to deflect most of the blows, but he’s gaining and I’m losing. I find I can’t move around too well with my skis attached and stuck in the snow and he’s on me. I try to hit him but it’s not working. I manage to get my left arm free and jab my two fingers pointed straight out into his right eye. This stuns him, and in that instant I reach down and find my rather large knife attached to my belt. Pulling the weapon free I jab at his throat. I miss and immediately stick the thing into his left eye. It goes in quite deep and he produces this awful squealing noise at the top of his lungs. I pull the knife out again and stick it back into his eye. At this point he is making odd motions and noises, which tells me I’m into his brain. I then shove him off me and to the left as his dying brain instructs his limbs to jerk around. That’s when I see the woman coming. 8. I’m relieved the nasty guy is gone, and I take a second to breath and access my situation. Within that second I hear a screech and see an older rough looking woman pointing a gun at me. I grab my rifle from the snow and point the muzzle at her middle. I get off one shot before I feel the impact of her round hitting me in the chest. Reeling from being shot, my mind slows and I see her fly backward with a surprised look on her face. The round has hit me in the upper left part of my chest and it hurts bad. It feels like a combination of being hit by a sledgehammer while having hot soup poured on me. Both are not good. Things at this point get a bit hazy, as I tell myself that I’m shot and wonder if I’m dying. I also notice it’s really quiet. All sound is echoed away with the last salvo. It’s kind of surreal actually. Either that or I’m in shock or dying. But I have the presence of mind to once more aim and shoot the downed woman to ensure she’s not coming at me again. I notice she’s got a nasty head wound and forget her. Then I see Jan’s concerned face in mine and I feel better. 9. Jan let’s out a shriek and runs to me through the deep snow. As she gets to me I ask about the remaining two people in a voice that sounds more like choking, but she understands and looks over her shoulder. She tells me they’re gone or at least going. She is pulling the zipper on my jacket down and then unbuttons my shirt. We both look down and it’s not good. I’ve got a big hole in my left upper chest. She then pulls me forward and looks at my back, where she sees another bigger hole. The woman shot me from point blank range and it went right through me. I find that I’m really in not much pain, but it’s hard to breath. That and there is lots of blood all over the front of my shirt and I can feel it running down my back. I smile at her and tell her it’s okay. That I’m fine, but what comes out is a geyser of blood that covers my teeth, lips and jaw and runs down my shirt. I’m covered in the stuff and it’s going down my throat. I really can’t breath as I feel as though I’m drowning. I try to sit up and Jan helps me. This is better, but I continue to gag and cough up lots of blood. Scared and somewhat panicky, any feeling of things okay have gone. I’m in bad shape and she knows it. I continue to gag and choke, but after a bit of this my consciousness begins to drift. I notice the scared painful sensation is being replaced with a warm hazy feeling. That and the sound of the quiet mountains has been replaced by a soft hissing sound. I look up and around for the sound, but notice the sky looks hazy and indistinct. I hear Jan’s voice from far away yelling to me to stay with her, but I notice more of the sky is filling my vision. My head is tipping back and it continues to slide until all I can see if sky. I’m not really scared or in pain at this time, but content. And then it happens. The hissing sound gets really loud, and I’m out of my body looking down at Jan and myself. I’m not in pain and feel quite peaceful actually. This is like looking at a movie of two people from about 20 feet off the ground. I don’t feel pity or sadness for the form that used to be me. In fact, its quite odd that I’m so detached mentally and physically from my form. I watch as Jan is crying over me and my former self looks pretty bad. I’m covered in blood and my head is tipped way back with my eyes open. It doesn’t make any impact on me though as I start to rise and move upward. It’s nice. It’s like a warm blanket is around me and I’m totally relaxed and loved. I like what’s going on and don’t look back. 10. I find I’m moving through a tunnel that’s kind of dark. I still feel pretty good, but I notice they’re are things on the periphery that are reaching out to me. They’re kind of gross and I feel their bad wanting energy. I sense they want to part of me, maybe my energy, or my soul? I feel this and continue to move through the tunnel away from these beings. As I continue to rise, the warmth returns. After what feels like a minute, the tunnel is getting wider and lighter. The things are below me, and I’m moving really really fast. It’s exhilarating as I look around and continue to speed toward...what? I don’t know. I’m moving though and it feels somewhat familiar, like I’ve done this before. Before I know it, I can see a landscape in the distance. It’s almost totally white, with what looks like gossamer paper covering a white painting of a city or something like that. As I get closer, the gossamer paper thins out and I realize I’m walking on smooth marble that’s part of a large outdoor foyer. As I walk I can see a large group of people ahead of me. They’re not moving but waiting for something. As I walk I can make out faces in this lovely environment. A big smile spreads across my face as I recognize the people. They are family and friends from this past life, and other lives I’ve lived. I know this now as I gaze at the loving eyes that are on me. I know this place. I know these people. This is my home. I am home. Unbelievable happiness engulfs my spirit as I realize where I’m at. It’s euphoric and I don’t want it to end. I’m home. 11. I start to run at them yelling at the top of my lungs with my arms over my head. I reach them and immediately embrace the first of the group. Everyone is laughing and whooping at my entry. I continue to recognize more and more faces. Past family members, friends, lovers, and all sorts of relations that I’ve traveled time with. Originating from different races and time periods, most look to be in their late 20’s or early 30’s. With each new person I receive a great hug and in some instances kisses and words of love and relief. It feels like a good three hours while I go through the crowd of all my past lives. It’s wonderful and I want it to last forever, but I find as I reach the back of the group, there are about 12 or so people waiting patiently. They are from different nationalities, wearing an assortment of dress that indicate different time periods. They are my Guides. They are the ones I’ve received guidance from over this past life. They were the ones I asked to help calm my panic as I went after Jan. I am so happy to see these people. Happy and grateful they were in my past life which in retrospect was so very hard. They were there all the time to assist me and guide me to do the correct thing. Interesting enough though I feel a great pang of guilt the way things ended in this most recent past life. I was a killer. I killed six people in my final moments. I look at them wondering what they’ll say, and find they do not have judgement or condemnation in their gazes as they look at me. I shuffle my feet like a small child and smile at them. Expecting a rebuke, I ask them straight out if what I did was wrong. My main Guide’s name is Jean. She is very British in nature and has an awesome accent. I’ve heard her voice in my head ever since I was a small child. Always patient and wise, she has helped me so many times I cannot count. Jean is very close to me and I defer to her initially. When I ask, Jean looks at the others and then at me. No Brian, what you did was done out of love and concern for your friends. Look in your heart. Did you have malice or hatred for these people you killed? Did you attack them with vengeance or greed for their things? I slowly shake my head no. I wanted to get Jan back and ensure my friend did not die of his gunshot wound. Their heads nod in agreement. A man from the back named Horatio explains in a very deep voice that the world that I just came from is designed to be difficult, in fact it is one of the most difficult worlds to incarnate. These events are daily and how we react are what make up our soul and karma. I killed others to save two lives. It is unfortunate that Jan and myself were involved with this violent situation, and for that matter, the entire world as it was when I left. The people that tried to take Jan were indeed evil. They were very low evolving souls who embraced the dark energy. The one’s that I killed immediately reincarnated into another body intent to do more damage in the world. They have turned their backs on the light and live in the dark. What I did was to lay down my life for others. There is no greater gift. I feel embarrassed hearing these words and say I didn’t think I would die, that I thought I was better than that. At that, we all embrace in a quiet moment and I can sense they are relaying to me telepathically how they admired my kindness and selflessness in this past life. I am so relived to be done and home now. With that thought I notice Jean look at me with compassion and concern. Brian, I’m afraid I’ve got a bit of hard news for you. 12. I don’t want to go back. I really really don’t. I want to stay here with you I say, sounding a bit childish. Really though, the thought of leaving this place with the fabulous feeling of positive energy and loving acceptance is hard. Even thinking of going back is frightening. Jean explains to me that my journey is not over, that I need to go back and do more to help my family and friends. At that I feel guilty that I don’t want to return to see my daughter and wife, and for that matter all the people in my small band. They rely on you to provide strength and sustenance she says. They are there now, and without you to help them their time there will be that much more difficult. You need to go back and finish what you planned. What? I’m confused. What I planned? I’m not sure what she’s getting at. I then ask the group, what did I plan? The group motions for me to walk with them as they turn and stroll in the direction of a massive edifice in the distance. I’m still trying to obtain an answer to my question, but the group continues the stroll lost in thought. We walk through a very pretty garden on our way to the building, and all the while I’m trying to process what Jean has told me. Before I realize where we are, we enter a very large ornate towering building that’s situated adjacent to an endless sea. Why I didn’t see this initially kind of stuns me. How do you miss an ocean? We ease into the building and pass through a very ornate room adorned with ancient artwork and furniture. I’m awed by the architecture and the roominess of the entryway. The doors are at least two stories high, and open with ease. I push the door back and forth to see how easy it moves. Interesting. It’s like that here. My question remains unanswered as I am awed by what I’m seeing. I find I want to touch everything and scan the entryway like a small child. I’m trying to think of something to make them believe that I don’t have to go back as we walk down a large hallway, but the ornate lighting and carpets that adorn the walls and floor are something. Also, the ceilings are at least 50’ high with ribbed beams that curve to the apex of the ceiling. Think of a very narrow hallway where you could stash a very narrow five story building inside. That’s the scale I’m looking at. The ceilings are curved and have ribbed beams that don’t look like any type of building material. Muted orange lighting fixtures hang from great cables attached to a faraway ceiling. It’s really quite impressive until we move into another room, and this one is something else. This room has ceilings that are 100’ high. A ten story building can fit in here. At the far end of the room I’m looking at the ocean through a floor to ceiling sloped window. The glass starts vertical at the carpeted floor and slopes at an angle all the way up to the distant ceiling. At that point, the glass is horizontal to the floor. It’s amazing and I’m gaping at the wondrous nature of the room. At that time, a large wave moves toward the window crashing over the top of the glass and sloshes up against the building. We are now looking at the ocean from underneath the waves and sea. It’s incredible. After what seems to be a long time, the wave moves away from the window with a very quiet whooshing sound, only to recede back to the main body of water, this motion is repeated again and again as I gape at the wonder. Within a minute or so, another wave surges over the window and the room lighting dramatically changes. In one instance the blue sky and sunshine caress the room like a sunlit blanket, the next instance a green tint slowly creeps into the room evolving to a darker green color as the sea water surges over the large glass. Completing it’s trek and in transition until the waves moves back to the sea, the room is quite dark, only illuminated by the soft orange glow that emanates from the lamps hanging from unending cables. As the wave slides back to the sea, the light brightens and blue sky is once again visible. I don’t have words to describe this scene. The people I’m with look at the phenomenon with mild interest at the timeless motion of the sea. I’m astonished and my expression says just that. When I finally make words, they’re mostly non-sensical phrases that delight my Guides. Knowing me for eons, they understand my enthusiasm over things like this, they share an amused smile. After watching the ocean’s rhythms for a few more minutes, they gesture for me to sit in a soft chair facing the window, while they take the seats facing me. 13. After a quick glimpse at the others, Jean begins and reiterates that it is not my time here, that I must go back. Before I can rebuke her, she holds up a hand and soothingly says that it’s not up to us, that it’s preordained. She then explains to me that I’ve made the plan for this current life and must see it through to the end. How much more do I have to endure down there I ask. They all smile and say nothing. I could really use some help here I hear myself yell. My voice echoes across the great room, only to be dissolved into the whooshing sound of the sea moving across the glass. Why am I here then? If I’m not to stay, then why did I end up here? Horatio, the Guide with the very deep voice tells me that when I return I am to relay what I’ve seen here. Not only to just my small band, but to all who will listen. Tell them that they are not alone and this place awaits them when their time has come and their plan is complete. That is why I’m here. I planned on this visit in the current incarnation and I must go back and do the rest. I ask them how I’m supposed to do this with a body that’s so broken. Another Guide, this one is a small oriental female tells me in a very quiet and soft voice that my body is not as broken as it appears. The wound that I received did not affect major organs and in time I will heal. Tell the world that we are here and this place exists. You are a giver of hope. You are to tell them of your journey since you were wounded, and what you see here. Tell them of the wonder and the beauty, and yes, the room with the restless sea. 14. After a bit more information I understand what’s in store for me and reluctantly accept my plan. At this they each get up, give me a warm hug with words that say they’ll see me when I return. The last Guide is Jean and she gives me the longest hug of all and gestures for me to walk toward the window. Once we get there she embraces me so our faces are very close and tells me not to lose faith. I’m here she says and I will watch over you. If you need help, just ask. Okay I say. And with that, I’m gone. 15. I snap back into my broken body like a car crash. It hurts so bad I can’t believe I signed up for this. I can’t really move and I’m gasping for breath. My mouth tastes like old nickels and pain is all encompassing. I find I pass out after a few minutes from the pain. When I regain consciousness I try to move, but the pain is too much. After a bit, I take stock of my surroundings and find Jan is gone and so is everyone else for that matter. The dead, motionless and inert, slumber, but no living beings remain in this valley. I try to yell for Jan, but I find more blood comes up and I’m choking again to start the entire process of coughing, groaning, and pain. After a time I find that if I go slow I can breathe without coughing and the bleeding has slowed. It’s really cold now and I think that’s help with my bleeding. As I got shot on my left side, my left arm doesn’t work very well. I try to sit up and find I can move to a sitting position. Once sitting, standing is another story. It takes me at least 5 tries before I can stand, and once there, I pass out and fall again. It’s getting dark now and I’m alone. I look at nothing and wait for something. Not sure what, but I wait in the dark. 16. After a very difficult night where dead people danced and taunted my inert form, I awake to see blue sky. That’s what I see. Endless blue sky stretching as far as my eyes will follow. While marveling at the colors, I’m also aware of cold air caressing my exposed face. The fact that I’m not moving my head is okay. I’m content for now studying the eternal blue sky while experiencing the cold air. My senses remain sharp while listening to the faint whisper of air through the snow grains. The vibration of the air moving over the snow surface strengthens to an audible feel, only to fade into the departing cold breeze. This sensation goes on for what feels like quite some time until I hear movement on the ridge of the valley. I don’t turn my head, but hear skis making turns in the snow. It’s either the nasties, in which case I’ll be back to my home in no time at all, or it’s my friends. I hear familiar voices and know It’s my friends and they’ve come for me. I had an initial selfish thought that bad guys equate to going home, but I’m glad it’s my friends and I’m back with them. They fawn over me and once realize I’m not dead, let out a great whoop. This is followed by crying, hugging, and kisses to my bloody mouth and face. The ones more knowledgable in medicine tend to my wounds. After great inspection, one of the women who used to be an ER nurse takes a small pocket knife and opens the front hole in my chest. It hurts like hell, but I notice a rush of air that jets outside of the hole in a funny sound. She digs around the hole a bit and inserts a small rubber tube into the hole keeping the space open. I later found out that my lung collapsed and needed to vent the air around my collapsed lung so I could inflate the lung once again. I can breathe a bit easier after she does this. Jan is there also and she’s hysterical. She’s crying and thanking me for saving her and apologizing for leaving me over and over with a great smile interspersed with the tears. Once she stops crying, she moves her face right in front of mine and with an inquisitive look quietly whispers how can that be? You were dead? I’m so sorry for leaving you, but I thought you were dead. You were dead she says again looking confused. I look her in the eye and tell her yes, I was dead, but not now. In time, I’ll tell all of them where I was and what I saw as I’ll tell everyone who will listen. She tries to hug me, but some of the residual blood from my gunshot gets on her nice jacket and the strain of hug makes me groan so she stops. 17. My friends lift me into a big curved sled that is a leftover from the old ski resort and pull me up the hill. Once we reach the ridge, two of the stronger skiers guide the litter down the other side of the mountain in the direction of our home. I ask about my friend who was shot earlier and they indicate he’s fine. His gunshot wound didn’t hit anything major and he’s expected to make a full recovery. Nodding at this news, I feel better that I’m here and he and Jan are both healthy and in our company. With this thought I relax and let them guide me home. The others ski next to the sled and provide encouraging words that I’ll be home soon too. © 2015 Baily ThomasAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on June 18, 2015 Last Updated on June 18, 2015 Author![]() Baily ThomasSeattle, WAAboutMy name is Bailey. The attached stories took shape slowly, originated over many months from my subconscious mind. They are shaped from events that occurred in my life. Bailey. more..Writing