Cult of the Mundane

Cult of the Mundane

A Story by Bailey

This depicts me and my friend finding a small clearing that seems it’s inhabitants are cult members but turns out…

Bailey Matrix-06:19-12:21
Cult Of The Mundain
For a few days to a week I was trapped, suspended in the mental agony of my environment around me, and my own ability to operate or function in any way rapidly declined. Truly the chances of seppuku were quite high if I'm being honest.
At first, it wasn't terrible, I got into the car, which doubles as the house for the week. My associate N was waiting but not exactly politely they basically only talked to say something negative. I don't wanna spend too much effort typing out letters for someone who doesn't even deserve them. N made my week horrible, I didn't get any work done, and my mental health got so bad I had 2 small freakouts in one day because of him and he yelled at me during them and basically made himself the god of the situation saying things like “okay I won't listen at all then” in response to me saying he needs to pay attention to his actions and how they affect us and the world around him. But either way, like an angel swooping down to get me I ordered an Uber, Saturday afternoon. Where is this Uber headed? Greenfield, the small little town that seemingly I can't escape, I've always tried but never could. I've been thinking and maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want to explore Greenfield for all that it has. Hm, There in Greenfield in a classic modern urban housing addition awaits the one who basically kept me from fully losing it, let's call them Prute. So Prute and I started off on an adventure, apparently, it was supposed to be for tomorrow but they never said that in the text so when I showed up at their house ready to go out it kinda kickstarted a pre-qil adventure.
The air was flowing, the energy low but you could sense the potential hidden beneath the negative vibes. Prute was the one with upbeat Jarrin vibes as I was walking flatfooted without purpose. Mainly since I've been drained of any positive aspect for a week leading up to this. We just sorta walk around looking for things to do for about an hour or so, eventually deciding to go explore a neighborhood we never had before, leading us to an ominous forest era. As we enter the forest you can feel the vibes go from curious and hesitant to happy and fulfilled, we begin grudging thru the thing grass I started thinking about what treacherous terrible bugs could be hiding in said grass so I took a knee in order to stuff my pants into my boots. Hopefully a good enough barrier for the critters to stay out. We go deeper and deeper not seeing too many magnificent things, not even animals. I was keeping my eyes peeled for the Dynastes Tityus of course. I hate all bugs but large horned beetles like that one have s special place in my heart, mainly thanks to animal crossing. But alas we never found anything interesting. However, we did discover a sort of bog-like area where a 4-inch slug was seen and we discovered what a beaver sounds like! We spent about 10 minutes simply talking and looking into the bog, we spoke about life and the different levels and meaning of it. We spoke about animals and why we like certain ones. True normal conversations, nothing was forced, nothing was fake just simply speaking thoughts.
On the walk back i realized ive lost a pair of sunglasses and we looked for a bit around us but I decided to just let it go and try to be positive about it, I hate to do that with literally everything. So what's a pair of glasses right? I mean I don't get to even think about my son so why should i spend any amount of time thinking or worrying about anything else? The time with Prute ended around 11 with them going inside and us walking off to do nothing. Then I reccied a call! Prutes partner, my considered best friend who actually might not like me, but I'm sure that's just my self-loathing being projected.
Ya know it's funny how I'm trying to figure out my style of writing because it's me, who can say I can't spend 3 days absent from this then come back on June 22nd at 05:03 lowkey tipsy and continue writing? After all, I wanted to incorporate drug usage into it but court cases and other aspects of life tell me it's best not to even do any at the time. Anywho, I need to be myself more, and well, this is me, a chaotic out of place character in a chaotic out of place world yet somehow I fit in nowhere. So why should I conform my writing to social beliefs? I conform myself every day and I need to knock that off immediately. But I should probably focus on the next day of adventure with Mr. Prutes here.
So I slept in a park play tube for a few hours then obtained blankets and changed to sleeping in a bush, but after that about 10 or 12, the next morning I met up with Prute once again. We started off slow and quite bored. Ventured around Greenfield just to have nothing being found. Visited their partner at work but I wasn't able to go inside sinc my ex-partner was there. But nonetheless we had a decent time. We began walking midlessly with the goal being to reaching “old Greenfield”. We never did get to that objective but what we found along the way was much more intriguing. Walking toward the direction of old greenfield we came across a small strip mall, it featured a Kroger, bath and body works, and a few other stores. We walked in one by one to every store but Kroger, and Prutes asked about jobs being charismatic as I just stroll around looking for products to, borrow. Never found anything worth it by the way. The last store we visited before we reach the main part of this exciting story was firework store. By the Bifrost it was immaculate. True American fireworks since every single one was clearly illegally imported from China or someplace else. They had copywritten art stollen and placed everywhere. Things like the “100 American Mini Missle launch” was present and dive saw such firepower unless in a firearm. I purchased 2 fireworks, Bee stingers are what they're called. After obtaining those and making plans to use them in the upcoming days, as of now we still haven't and it's been 2 days i do intend to and I will write about it in a spectacular way its just I've been busy doing a whole lot of nothing and crunching this today, sort of. Either way, Prute mentioned how there wasn't much to do and it was getting rather boring. I sprung back with the idea to walk up to the top of a hill. An innocent unsuspecting hill that we both thought to be a dead end but was shown that the universe always has hidden secrets and Greenfield is no exception.
As we ascended up the hillside a horizon came into view, Prutes and I almost simultaneously making comments about how unexpected and insisting that is, till we reached the top. Now my past is something I only recently pondered the idea of exploring but one thing ill say is my love and long history with cats. I raised them all my life, the strays that came to my childhood home were my family, even though that's quite cringy to say it's true. So when I was met with the sight of a half-eaten dug-up or possibly never finished buried cat on the top of a hill behind stores in a middle-class urban town I was maybe a little bit caught off guard.[Okay so sorry for the fourth wall break, I really gotta stop that or say screw writing norms and forge my own style after all that is how Gonzo was made, and that's what I'm following mostly, that would be the most gonzo thing to do! Anywho, I started writing this about a week ago and it's still not finished. So here we go on a sped-up yet still the detailed rush of the story as I’m multitasking by uploading some files coz I'm out of storage on my phone-whew]
As we slowly approach, surveying the area for any other threat or possible danger, i took a photo of the half-eaten animal which sorta made Prutes question me a little but oh well. Immedetly we see plenty of trash starting directly behind and to the right of the deceesed animal husk. Firstly, we noticed a bottle of liqour, a fifth fully dranken thrown next to the carcus. Leading towrads the right of a rough downhill path there was a line of trash. Vaiours items like wrappers, bags, even bits of clothes. Naturally our mind raced with endless possibilties as to what lurked deeper in this new part of the old town we’ve unearthed. A few more carefeul and risky slides, steps and jumps we arivved at level ground once again. The air thick, almost hard to move through. I was feeling cuious and exitixed while Prutes started expressining concern. We found sign of absolute inhabitents around. Thats when they started acting fearfull, finding a pole on the ground and equiping themselves with it. Even verbally experssing how uncomfortable they were getting. I didn’t quite know how to respond so i sort of got quite and reassured them, grabbing my brass kunclue and making a sly remark about how I’d let to see a cat killing cult try. We found half tents, abanboned clothes and even axe marks in a tree, complete with a few beer bottles scarbbed about, I belive that story tells itself. We carried on and found a large N nailed to a tree like it was taken from a storefront or something. Taking some photos of it and getting close Prutes felt very unsafe so instead of pushing deeper we explored the surrounding areas. It was gorgeous what we found, plains of foliage that was absolutely psychedelic to see, we encountered deer in which I tried to photograph and video but failed horribly. To finnish it off, we found a shortcut to old Greenfield, the original mission was completed via an impulse investigation. When things like that happen i tend to entertain the idea of a cosmic plan or destiny for a little while till i see the chaos once again. We tried to make it to an ice cream shop but around taking some detours to “the dark side”, a small homeless camp I was thinking of visting and of course all the ice cream shops being closed for some reason we of course never got any. That is untill we went into a pizza place and got their ice cream, that isnt quite worth mentioning but what is, is how Prute was there. So extroverted and charismatic, I dont know how I could ever reach that level of comfort in the world. Oh well. Thats the venture I suppose.

© 2023 Bailey

Author's Note

Don’t hold back yall

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Added on June 30, 2023
Last Updated on June 30, 2023
Tags: Real



Indy, IN

19yo! Currently living a sorta vagabond lifestyle, I’ve always loved journaling and writing, i one day hope to be a gonzo journalist or something.. currently going to trade school with John Casa.. more..

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A Story by Bailey