Wow that was really interesting.. and fun.. dreaming is just that.. you can be and do anything you choose in your dreams.. no one can control and alot of the times we can't even control our own dreams.. my dreams are very vivid and colourful.. I can remember many and consider myself lucky for the dreams I have at night.. I only rarely have a nightmare but then it too is very vivid but usually pretty interesting all the same! Thank you for sharing.. maybe you will inspire a good dream this way for me tonight! =)
That was a clever little poem. Not much meaning in it but it was just fun to read. I thoughly enjoyed it. Dreams gives you a small sense of weightlessness allowing you to fly high and do what you want.
Oh, man. I know what your saying. I'll be in an amazing dream, and my dad will wake me up for school. It sucks... a lot. And you were talking about how you could date as many girls as you liked: hmm... would you want to date like a lot of girls, or would you rather have that one that just like... lights up your world?
Wow that was really interesting.. and fun.. dreaming is just that.. you can be and do anything you choose in your dreams.. no one can control and alot of the times we can't even control our own dreams.. my dreams are very vivid and colourful.. I can remember many and consider myself lucky for the dreams I have at night.. I only rarely have a nightmare but then it too is very vivid but usually pretty interesting all the same! Thank you for sharing.. maybe you will inspire a good dream this way for me tonight! =)
The ending was awsome. And the poem made me laugh.
I really liked it, and I like the whole idea of it.
"I can fly a plane, and travel anywhere and anytime I so please, summer, winter, and fall; spring is reserved for making love
I can drink as much as I want, get plastered, and still be as sober as if I had not drunk at all. I can be witty, charming, romantic, and sexy, even overwhelm you with my tender touch"
No matter how dark life is, or how clouded, there is always a lighter side to itone that fills you heart with love and your soul with joy
Im a complex person of multiracial background, about 5.. more..