A different type of Santa

A different type of Santa

A Story by Ralphy

A fictional story about a new Santa



A Different type of Santa
Sometimes life delivers a wealth beyond our wildest dreams and other times, a vacant lot not stable enough to build on. That seems the best analogy to describe this year and how the world events shape our life, putting gloom and disparity into an overfull glass. Can there be a touch of magic, which wades through such murkiness?
It was a wild year, plagued with hardship, pain, and uncertainty. What a most unforgiving world. People struggling to make ends meet, while simultaneously watching their money disappear like flash paper. It would seem that the very air you breathe would become the back draft in this inferno targeting our money.
For me, this year was extremely difficult to maintain a pagoda of good. Health, medical, and all those untimely costs drove me to the brink of disaster, not unlike my brothers and sisters around the world. The stress of finance breeds depression and with all due respect, that is an unwelcome disease.
To deal with depression, another avenue needs to be free of traffic and my favorite is the kind jesters that reaches out in epic proportion and lingers in the faces of children, beaming from their smiles. My method would start with their eyes, the lids drawn back and pupils become dilated as if left in a dark enclosure for days on end. The whites of their eyes would literally vanish, leaving the beautiful colors of the eye, saturating the pupil like a portrait of a unique child most precious moment. The pure excitement from their innocence’s would flush the darkest cheeks and pump them with that red color of happiness and a tint of joy. Almost all of the finite cheeks would puff, while hyperactive gasp’s give ways to the riveting giggle that these children would make. This very sound on its own would crack the sound barrier allowing his or her free will to explode into the elation that brightens everyone’s day. One might even consider posting warning signs because something so good has to fail…“the no good deeds goes unpunished” …awe but it wasn’t necessary. The happiness of these children made me feel like a million bucks for just doing something simple and who knows maybe it would make them a better person in the end.
Back a few weeks ago I met a trio of girls I named cutes. Each of these wonderful women is comprised of charm, beauty, and brains. Their inspiration and poise guard the glass housings that are normally shattered by misperception of the tiring women of the past; the ones that tend to lose their reality after the train leaves the port. No, now the women want to change the future, and rightfully so, they are uniquely qualified. These women now create a new world, one of vigor and releases the black hole sculptures of Santa, and replace it with a sleek, sexier version of cuteness. One could only imagine a Christmas that is not just a once a year deal, but could happen at any time for anyone, children and adult. A few cargo planes and trucks replace reindeers and the North Pole myth vanishes with Florida, Hawaii, and Mexico. I suppose our trio really did not like the cold.
Our Santas, known as cute, cutest, and of cute, have become the new Santa’s know to humankind. Cute changed her name to Cute Santa or CS for short. CS has long flowing brown hair, lightly tanned skin and tiny ears, but that does not stop her from listening to what you have to say. Her eyes sparkle like green emeralds that merge with her smile and rosy cheeks. To look at her body is as if you’re eating strawberry ice cream, melts oh so quick. Falling in love with her would be easy but beware CS’s personality is like that of a teddy bear and lioness, she’s cute but your really don’t want to make her anger, for No really does mean NO with her. On her days off, which are rare, you can find her in the Floridian sun soaking rays and sipping fruit drinks.
Cutest migrated her name to Cuteness of Santa we will call her Cosign, for she just seems to have all the curves and angles. Being that she is the cutest of all the Santas, Cosign has a vivid imagination to clause. Her top priority is children; she loves them more than any possession that one could want. Cosign has short bright blonde hair that makes her irresistible in almost anyone’s eyes. She has a much deeper tan because she spends many days in the Acapulco sun, drinking sodas and eating shellfish. Her face is like a star chart, full of color and symbols that make her even more attractive then she already is. It is prohibit to look into her rich blue eyes for fear of a faint cracking sound, like that of an iceberg, will give away your thoughts and intentions. Cosign’s personality is peaceful, thoughtful and harmonious. You really have to work hard to get her upset.
Of cute, totally redid her name to Just as Cute, so we will call her JAC. She always has to be the different one as you will see. JAC hair is red like fire, smoldering hot fire, long and thick. She is the sexiest of the three. It is easy to see why she is the sexiest of the three since her body is perfectly proportional to height and weight. Her eyes are two tones, depending on the time of day and mood she chooses to be at that moment. If she is a naughty girl, her eyes become a limerick green and if she is an angel, her eyes are a crisp blue. She too like Cosign has freckles but hers, with the accent of the light reddish-tan skin, makes her very desirable. This look of JAC makes her nose stand out, even though it is a button of a nose, I still would like to gentle push it with my nose. JAC loves to surf in the Hawaiian sun, riding those colossal blue waves into the shores. Sometimes she likes to ride them at night, under a starlit sky, floating on her designer board as if she is surfing the stars. JAC’s personality is reserved, and sometimes withdrawn but don’t let that fool you, it just means she spends more time computing then reacting but just wait, you’ll see her swift reactions when she has had enough.
All three Santas have a taste for style and a flare to dress. They wasted no time designing their Santa suits and trimming them to a centimeter of perfection. Even with all that I know about them, I cannot be sure what the driving force was that cause them to become these sweet, gentle, loving women of the world. To give your most precious time by being a Santa has to say a lot about a person.
Honestly, Santa himself could not fill the suits the same way as these sexy Santas do and of course, losing the beard was a great improvement. Each of these women, sexy, and sharp as a razor, had men at a lost when it came to approaching them. Even when they were on the beach, most men would not say more than “hi.” Of course, they would never whistle at them, especially if Christmas was nearing and presents could be looming. That was not the only thing that seemed to loom, for if they wanted their wives or girlfriends to give them that special treat, a twenty-four hour romantic vacation, that will have them saying I love you for weeks at a time; good behavior takes presentences. Santa has the magical recipe and right incentive to make it happen…this was a new level of respect for Santa, one that has been invisible for millions of years, and this year, 2008 would test their validity.
I just woke up from a long afternoon siesta when my door alert buzzer sounded. That annoying sound that reverberates in the back of your head, which is typical of many apartment complexes. As I approached the door, I could hear many sounds converging in the hallway. The little girl down the hall screaming her sounds of joy, as a typical little child would do to annoy someone but in essence, it’s the necessary growth for expand their lungs. I could also hear my next-door neighbors, Elle and Jared, chattering with a noticeable level of excitement that made me wonder what is going on. As I open the door, Jared turned to greet me with a smile.
“Hey dude, check this out.” He motions for me too look down the hall at the trio of Santa’s dragging some rather large packages.
I stood there and starring at the finely embroidered letters on CS’s jacket. As she glides towards us, her footsteps gracing in poetry like words on a Hemmingway page. Her sleek walk captures an audience of many, as time seems to stand still or drift along in slow motion. Yeah, when Santa moves, his belly shakes like a bowl of jelly. When these girls move, their entire body shakes and shimmers to the rhythm of motions. This is a quality rarely seen on a daily basis, although, some of us tend to pay more attention than we should. I suppose it was only me paying such close attention, considering Jared’s eyes had better be fixating on his golden hair honey, Elle.
As the trio drags the heavy boxes down the hall, an excitement began to grow and reflect in Elle’s eyes, one of happiness as she tugs on Jared. Jared’s expressions sprung out, like a geyser rushing its way to the surface, catching someone off guard with the element of surprise. As for me, I was not sure what was going on but I thought maybe, presents were in order. Nevertheless, I was in awe just watching the trio approaching, not paying attention to the boxes.
Cosign spoke to Elle and Jared and asking them a single question.
“Have you been good this year?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, they respond “YES!”
The Christmas light from Elle and Jared’s Christmas theme tree came into view as JAC made a rather warm comment about them,
“Oh how beautiful. I really like the black and purple ornaments”
In the mist of Elle’s excitement, she missed that comment but Jared caught it and responded.
“Thank you JAC, we shopped for a long time just to find the right theme to celebrate Christmas this year.”
The most important words spoken came from CS, which was a reminder not to open the presents until Christmas day. With much excitement, they agree. The trio pushes the large packages into Elle and Jared’s place consuming most of the living space of that room.
Afterwards JAC carried a bag then laced it around my doorknob and smiled. I thought for a moment then looked into the bag. My smiled turned to a frown, then to sudden anger as I pulled out several lumps of coal. I turned to JAC and said…
“What is this, why are these coal in my stocking, and why didn’t I get presents like Jared and Elle?”
“Well, they were good this year, and treated each other with dignity and respect so we gave them items that glisten in gold and savor in flavor. I’m truly sorry you weren’t given the good stuff, but we were informed of your naughty behavior.”
“I wasn’t naughty, I sure your mistaken?”
“I must disagree with you, Memphis Payne has on numerous occasions called you a pervert, and to our standards this is classified as naughty.”
“MEMPHIS PAYNE, she’s lost in the rocky horror picture show, and she always calls me perverted, I think it had something to do with a picture of hers I liked, but I’m not perverted. Not at all JAC, really, I’ve done so many wonderful things this year, I don’t deserve this stocking of coal!”
“Why would Memphis Payne lie? She’s not that type of person.”
“She’s not lying, she joking; you know me, you have that magic scope that shows all those great things I’ve done …without bolstering it on my behalf.”
“Ok, Ralphy, lets open the scope and look to see what you have done this year to deserve presents of wonder, instead of the lumps of coal.”
“See, I’m giving that little child a toy, and he is so happy. His smile could brighten the densest forest, or light up a tunnel, see the happiness, feel his spirit. Look, look, there is another one. That little girl has sadness on her face and I gave her a snowman, now just look at the joy in her face. Her spirit flows like a river over a fall. That was my good just to name a few, and I’m so surprised that anyone, especially you JAC, would question my attentions. You know it’s difficult to do anything nice for kids now a days, most parents just don’t trust people giving gifts.”
“Well, well, I suppose your right. You do deserve the same presents as Elle and Jared.”
After that intense argument, JAC motions to CS and Cosign to bring the last set of gifts in. The little girl ran down the hall, screaming “Santa.” Her face was flushing with joy.
“I was good, I was good; just ask my mommy, she’ll tell you. I waited the whole year for something great, wonderful, and stupendous to come for me. Did you bring me anything?” She asked JAC.
“Why yes I did, it’s coming in the door now.”
The little girl starts screaming in excitement as the large boxes scuff along the carpet. I watch in anticipation as each box passes my room and start to realize that my presents now belong to this sweet little girl. JAC reminded the little girl she could not open the presents until Christmas day and the child agrees.
I turned to JAC and said. “It never had anything to do with Memphis Payne, it had to do with this little girl, and you wanted me to give up my presents so she could have them. You didn’t need to give me the sack of coal, I would have understood.”
“You are a gracious man, but we have reasons for everything that we do, you should not read too much into it.”
I tried to hold back the tears as JAC kisses me on my cheek. It began to tingle like a numbing sensation, and then CS gave me one on my other cheek, which did the same thing, tingling as my cheeks lit up. Then finally, Cosign kisses my lips and my knees buckle and I fell back. In a foggy state of mine, I could feel them carrying to my bed and comforting my soul…I was dreaming but I could hear them exclaiming…
“Merry Christmas to all, we’ll be back sooner than you think.”
It’s only a few days till Christmas, I suppose my gift came early and they will have to wait to open there’s…

© 2009 Ralphy

My Review

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Featured Review

This was the best christmas story I have read in the past 5 years.

I cannot remember any christmas story before that.

And how I wish to meet these sexy santas.

Your form of writing is amazing, and this time, the flow has vastly improved, it was like cutting through butter with a hot knife, it was smooth.

Your fundamentals have vastly improved, and is amazing.

This is a wonderful piece.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This was simply an amazing story with a great clear point. I tend to ignore the little things like grammer and spelling and look more at the general writing. The story was very good. Grammar and spelling can be fixed. To make a bad story into a good one, not so easy. This story is the good one. Bravo!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ralphy if you gave your writing more time and less angst it would be awsome, its diffilcult to ignore grammar and such to be honest, although, you didnt do a bad job at all, I like the way you bring the scenes to life,
keep up the great work, but you will improve the quality if you dont rush it.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Cute story, with the Ralphy "touch" to it!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

*scratches head* well, the gesture and meaning of the story is great. I would almost compare it to the message from "the gift of the magi" and that is saying something.
But my problem wasn't your story or the context. It was the wordage and tense that kept jumping back and forth.
and one major misspelling i noticed was "intentions" not "attentions'

this was good, but could be better. keep up the good work,

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was the best christmas story I have read in the past 5 years.

I cannot remember any christmas story before that.

And how I wish to meet these sexy santas.

Your form of writing is amazing, and this time, the flow has vastly improved, it was like cutting through butter with a hot knife, it was smooth.

Your fundamentals have vastly improved, and is amazing.

This is a wonderful piece.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Aww why thank you for mentioning me, hahahaha I was going to say that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that I prevented you from getting the gift you wanted. Really who needs gold baubles ^_^ good story now let's see if people actually get the meaning behind it.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on December 21, 2008
Last Updated on May 19, 2009
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