Murder with a Loophole

Murder with a Loophole

A Story by Ralphy

For my friend Cindy



Murder with a loophole
 1: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought 2 a: something very difficult or dangerous <the traffic was murder> b: something outrageous or blameworthy <getting away with murder>
Murder is the most mordacious acts that can be expressed in our society since the beginning of time. One of the first books known to man or as in the form of keeping records was the Holy Bible. The main commandment lead in the testament was thou shall not kill, and based on that we abide by this rule…or do we.
Murder has many avenues and each has a label placed upon it. Murder can be intentional, unintentional, premeditated, and manslaughter. Of course, murder can be accidental, but just because it was an accident you’re not excused for it, and will still go to jail. Of all the murder definitions, I find this one unacceptable because an accident is just that, an accident, and it would be more difficult to live with killing someone by accident than any other killing.
In walks Mary, a warm-hearted mother that has spent the past 5 years slaving for her children. Mary is a single mother with no assurance in life. She works 12 hours a day to make just enough money to buy groceries, second-hand clothes and pay all the bills dealt with managing a house. Oh did I mention that Mary was studying to be a nurse too, hmmm, must have slipped my mind. On top of all the bills Mary has, the health insurance cost a pretty penny but at least she has insurance or so you would think.
Mary’s yearly checkup requires a mammogram to be performed, but this year was different. Mary’s checkup showed a black mark and caused her to have another test and another until Mary was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Her healthcare provider rejected most of the treatments that eased Mary’s pain and actually added fifty times more stress into her life. Poor Mary, she had to work the 12 hours a day to pay for food, supplies and to pay for the healthcare, along with the increasing fees. 
Mary’s health became increasing unstable as she tried her best to make a life for her family but it didn’t matter, Mary’s body could not handle the increase level of stress that doctors and insurance carriers placed on her. The harder Mary tried the less apt she could adjust until one day Mary died.
In walks Jack, a caring family man that worked in the automotive industry. Jack was a smoker who smoked 2 packs a day since he could remember. He never really knew why he smoked, he just did. Cigarettes were expensive but it did not matter he was hooked and could not quit. All the knowledge accumulated over the years about cigarettes indicated it was a fatal substance but many millions of people were caught up with the addictive ingredient. The product was still regulated and distributed.
Jack family was large, and he made great money working for the automotive industry. Jack, although becoming a little sluggish, would go to work every day for nearly thirty years. One day Jack became increasing ill and out of breath.  When Jack sought medical attention, the doctor diagnosed him with emphysema. Emphysema is a slow progression and will make your life miserable until your life has been exhausted.  Fifteen of the thirty years Jack work for the auto industry, he worked as a paint processor.
Jacks insurance company blamed the tobacco industry, who blamed Jack. The automotive industry would not help Jack because he smoked cigarettes and because the background of Nicotine was more fluent, he was squeezed into a crack with no direction to go until Jack went from middle class to poverty in a few weeks time. Poor Jack became weaker and weaker as the days went by until one day Jack died.
The two stories are the same, because they are about murder. It is an intentional murder, a heartless one, with no greater passion then that of killing a spider or maybe the spider gets more passion. It is not about accidental murder, because an accident means it wasn’t intentional and doesn’t repeat itself. Mary’s life was robbed because of the greed of money caused by the insurance provider, and Jack’s was two-fold, not only was he subject to hazardous chemicals but by a company who produced a product know to repeat death in every case. Although, the industry could proudly hide behind the tobacco industry skirt and legally get away with murder.
Yes, this is know a Murder, Legal Murder,..Oh yes, Murder, with a loophole. 

© 2008 Ralphy

Author's Note

first draft

I felt like a hero after reading Haresh Review...might be silly but I just did

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Bush should get a copy of this one.

This story evidently resides around us, and many have turned a blind eye, only to realize others did not want to be in the situation they're in, they were put there because of the system.

Quite like some doctors who will not put as much effort in saving a patient. You will find some terrifying stories in 3rd world countries in this aspect.

Life is all about potential to make a change, and others do. Others take that for granted and waste it away... Aside from the powerful message in this story, another important message also becomes evident, make the most out of our lives and shine your potential.

All your pieces are always written very well and have a wonderful format, I do not want to be redundant on that, this is a well crafted and enjoyable piece.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I knew I liked you for some reason. This is def one of them. I completely agree on everything that you are saying here and I think you should send a copy to all of congress lol!

Posted 16 Years Ago

I am a fan of you now. I like the way you write. It appeals to me. Your bank heist story was crazy, but a great twist!

and this one makes a person think, and thinking is good for any poem or story. putting a spark in my mind is a good thing. i see what you are saying. It is sad how insurance companies aren't always there to help the person. and as human beings, we can't do everything all the time.

i am sending you a read request for one of my stories as well.

can't wait to read part 2!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Interesting Ralphie and fascinating!! Maybe if there were more active involvement and less passing the buck, we could find a way to get more affordable health insurance for everyone and people wouldn't so easily succumb to illness and disease. But in this nation the system is not about helping people in need, sad to say!

In the case of this accident with Mary, I feel that the punishment should be severe. She didn't have to die and has become a helpless victim. I realize that it may take some doing and that it would take everyones cooperation, but I hope that someday there will be affordable coverage for all.

Maybe this is just a pipe dream though.

Good Work!! Way to bring the issue to light!

Posted 16 Years Ago

well, I must say I was not expecting this. The points you make are spot on, unfortunately it seems to be common knowledge and filed away in the backs of our minds, generating default responses when we hear about such instances like "That's a shame", and "Damn tobacco companies".

This was very well written, a perfect eye opener. Accidents can be a touchy subject, but I know what you mean, sometimes they are simply accidents. Then you get instances such as these where fingers get pointed in all kinds of random directions, and yet the afflicted are the ones who suffer. Probably with less heart involved than killing a spider or swatting a mosquito, at least those creatures pose some sort of threat.

The United States remains as one of the countries that doesn't have a plan to ensure that everyone gets health coverage. Something like that, I'm not qualified to talk about it as my knowledge is limited. But thanks to you, it is a little less limited and a little less ignorant! Wonderful job, my friend (:

Posted 16 Years Ago

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This is so brilliant! Very different and I loved the closing lines! Very powerful and of course I agree- 'greed' is disgusting, but unfortunately inevitable...

I loved that you incorporated preliminary crimes, because usually they are treated as second class when in comparison to any other crime....Although I disagree with you in that 'accidents' should not be punished as severely, because guilt would make them pay enough... Yes, guilt is fine for the perpetrator to suffer...but families need accident does not change the fact that something happened....maybe it wasn't an accident and they use such an excuse to avoid the penalty...
However the legal system does use key elements in determining a suitable punishment by assessing Mens Rea and Actus Reus and also the Accessories in the first degree, second and after the fact.

Very nice! You should be proud!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Good job, Ralphy!!! Bravisimo!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Bush should get a copy of this one.

This story evidently resides around us, and many have turned a blind eye, only to realize others did not want to be in the situation they're in, they were put there because of the system.

Quite like some doctors who will not put as much effort in saving a patient. You will find some terrifying stories in 3rd world countries in this aspect.

Life is all about potential to make a change, and others do. Others take that for granted and waste it away... Aside from the powerful message in this story, another important message also becomes evident, make the most out of our lives and shine your potential.

All your pieces are always written very well and have a wonderful format, I do not want to be redundant on that, this is a well crafted and enjoyable piece.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Interesting story, sorry I turned off read requests I just have been swamped with things to play catchup on

Posted 16 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on July 4, 2008
Last Updated on July 5, 2008



Belleville, MI

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