The Truth of the Holy Grail

The Truth of the Holy Grail

A Story by Babbette Francis

Imagine you've stumbled across news that would change the world. Would the world believe you or put you away or even have you put to death? What if it was about the identity of the antichrist?

For centuries religious relics from long ago have been hidden, buried, dug up and moved for safe keeping. Battles have also been fought to ensure these relics remain safe and securely hidden away from the common man.  Kings and Priests have paid high value to guarding these religious relics until they were to reach their next destination.  Not once have these relics been in the hands of the unqualified.  Plans have been made for the use of some of these precious relics and the blood of Jesus Christ, collected at Calvary, is at the front line of these protected relics. 

For centuries stories have been told and lies manifested to protect the whereabouts of the blood of Jesus and the vessel that holds it. It has been believed that the Holy Grail was the vessel that was used during the last supper to hold the wine that was shared between Jesus and his disciples. 
Some believe the Holy Grail is the blood-line of Jesus Christ.  It is believed that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a baby.  It’s also believed that this baby grew to have children and the blood-line of Christ was carried through the generations and is alive and well today. Quite simple. If only that was the end of the story but it's so much more complicated.

You have heard the story of Mary Magdalene bearing a child for the Messiah and that his blood-line has lived for hundreds of generations without being identified and that the plans to hide the identity of the Christ blood-line has been a success.  What is unheard of are the facts.  Indeed the blood-line of Jesus Christ is alive and doing very well but it is how this offspring came to be that gives the story a more dark and sinister twist. 

Unlike the romantic story Dan Brown told in the Da Vinci Code, the child come to be through evil intent.  Dan Brown's story is only a cover up for the truth.  Just a lie meant to throw you off from seeking the real truth and believing it when presented to you.  All part of the plan to carry out the next steps to the introduction of the Christ blood-line before the take over of the world by the antichrist.  To keep the true plans hidden, much blood has been spilled and much more will be but I tell you this because there’s power in numbers and much power is needed.  Make copies of my message to you and give them to the ones you love and trust and tell them to do the same.  You’ll need as many people on your side as you can get.  Now, with my own life at risk, I will tell you the truth of the Holy Grail.

How do I know the truth?  My name is Veronnica Conley.  I am known, in my profession, as a File Shuffler.  I contract out of my home to run hard copy files between companies and individuals.  On this particular assignment I was paid $150,000 to transport a stack of subject files 300 miles to it’s final destination to be transferred to a flash drive ordered by the individual or company for whom the files belonged.  There were no swear-ins nor were there any added security to carry the files.  No special orders nor instructions.  It was a simple assignment and one I had performed many times before.

I was to do my job as I normally do and get the files safely from point A to point B.  It doesn't need to be said how highly illegal it is to invade the privacy of these files.  I signed my name to contracts that I would not learn a word of these files.  It’s not my nature to put my nose where it does not belong so my job was easy as pie. Except for the wind and rain I would have done the job I was contracted to do, as I have done on so many occasions before.  But on this particular night things went wild.

After picking up the files.I pulled up and parked in my hotels driveway. Taking the files in for safe keeping, I grabbed the stack of files and folders that were assigned to me and stepped out of the car. The expected storm was starting to pass through and the wind and rain blew hard against the files in my arms. Rubber-bands, old and dry rotted, broke free from around the thick folders that housed top secret information. The wind ripped through the folders causing the bands to break and files to fly.  Document after document flew freely out of its folder and onto the wet pavement of the driveway.  Reflex made me reach to catch them, causing me to drop the other files and folders I was holding.  I watched it all happen and instantly realized the damage.  What wasn’t soaked with rain from the wet pavement was tumbling around, carried by the wind. 

I grabbed up the sopping wet papers and rushed them into my room, to the bathroom sink and laid the watery folders in the tub and headed back out into the rain to find the other water-logged documents.  All the documents were intact but would now be beaten by the weather, as an after effect damaging my reputation as a professional.  Of course I would do my best to dry them and put them in the right order.  Keeping the rules of procedure I would send pictures and fill out forms for the insurance company and all would be good for the damages but word would get around that a serious mistake had been made, and I was the one that made it, if the files cannot be read.

I had to be sure that the files were completely dry and still totally legible and could be read by the scanner.  I laid each document out on the carpet to dry overnight and in the morning I began to attempt placing the files in their proper orders.  Looking over the papers to ensure they were in the right order, names began to pop out at me.  Names I had recognized from tabloids and television. Important events kept grabbing my attention.  Important names and events were jumping out at me causing me to fear what I was looking at. 

The importance of these files could end my career.  At least I thought that was all I had to worry about.  I wish the loss of a $3,000,000 a year career was the worst of it but the truth is I’m doomed.  We all are.  It just hasn’t smacked us in the face yet, but its right there.  A half inch away from hitting its goal and putting a reckoning on the whole earth in the form of something wonderful and fabulous. Even miraculous, some might say.  What I had in my presence was of major importance to the world and totally at the mercy of its handlers and a rather cheap insurance policy.  No extra precautions were taken to secure the highly secretive and majorly important files I have come to know as the curse of humanity. 

I suggest you get right with Jesus before the day of doom comes and sends its thief to steal your soul by smooth manipulation.  Repent now and mark my words… the day of doom is here and I have the proof. 

The first name I noticed from years of being a fan of hers and hers only was the name Diana Spencer aka Princess Diana.  Camille, Prince Charles’s mistress appeared along the side of the names of Princess Diana and Prince Charles also.  She was involved but the files do not say how.  I was looking at files belonging to the Royal Family. Royal paternity and low down trickery was what these files possessed. Dr. Hugo,the name of the doctor who allegedly stole one of Princess Diana’s eggs for his own wife was mentioned. He's also the doctor that's involved with the insuring the pregnancy of Princess Diana.

Realizing the value of these documents, now tattered and beaten by the rain made me sick to my stomach.  I continued to put the documents in order, reading bits and pieces to insure the pages made sense when read consecutively.   I had full intentions of fixing what I could of the files and getting them back to the best shape possible before snapping a picture for my insurance report but I'd have to read the files in order to do that. By having to read the files I found myself in a tough position.  I quickly came to realize that the files I was looking at were words from the diary of Princess Diana, along with clippings of articles and copies of medical records.  I was horrified by the lack of care someone would take in transferring these files. These files should have been in a safe and transfered by Wells Fargo. Not me. I continued to examine the files, reading what was in front of me.  A very sad and private story began to play itself out as I continued to place the files back in order with snapshots of the damages.  I felt ashamed for having to pry.  I felt I had intruded into Princess Daina’s private affairs.  I felt she would not approve.

According to the files Princess Diana's life with Prince Charles was an embarrassment to the Princess but it was her fear that kept her by the side of Prince.  Setting her free from the evils of the man she once loved and trusted, she was dismissed from her duties as Princess by the wishes of the Queen. The Prince and Princess went their separate ways.

The files were full of her diary entries. Dark and morbid events, backed by written statements of the doctor who stole and sold the eggs of Princess Diana.  Records of half truths and  out-and-out lies echoed in the Princess's words from her diary entries.  Her diary told the story of Dr. Hugo and Prince Charles making deals to obtain the vial that holds the blood of Jesus. The goal was to have the DNA of Jesus Christ brought to the doctors lab and produce a fertilized egg of Daina’s. 

The twisted tale of lies and sacrilegious practices began to come to life, my mind picturing each word in bright, living color, from the black and white lines of the files.  The words explained how the doctor began to cheat Prince Charles out of his money with false reports that the eggs did not take.  The files explained how the doctor manipulated Charles into leaving samples of his own sperm for testing against the Holy DNA. It was a trick of the doctors to sell the prince and princesses offspring sperm and eggs to crazed mom-wanna-bes. 

The doctor benefitted richly before finally inseminating Diana's egg with the Holy DNA and having full success and reporting the success to the Prince.  The good news reached the ears of the Prince and he and the Princess were on their way to accept the embryo of their first child into her womb. The Princess was clueless to the trick played on her by her husband and the doctor. When they returned Princess Diana was in true celebration.  Carrying her child in her womb brought the Princess hope. She would be loved and share love with her precious child.  It wouldn’t be until Prince William, their first born male child turned three that Princess Diana would learn the truth.  It was then that the Prince told her that she was tricked and used to playing her part in the plans to bring forth a King of Royal Kings.  It was the Royal calling of Prince Charles and the time was now. Age old agendas and actions had been taken in the past to make this moment a reality. Diana was to carry the child in her womb and raise him in the Royals way of life and train him to be King but the charade was too much for her and it began to show.

The news destroyed all hope, making her the laughing stock of Satan himself.  In front of God and Prince Charles, Princess Daina was told that she had been fooled into given birth to the antichrist and nurturing him with love until the day she was killed for the secret she kept. Princess Daina viewed herself as the carrier and the evil mother of the sinister side of the Holy Grail.  She was fooled, used and later killed for knowing the secrets that could never be revealed. Today Prince William awaits his seat as King and when he reigns all things, world wide will change and doom will be upon us.

In short the Holy Grail is the bloodline of Christ. But sacrilegious practices has giving birth to the Antichrist through the bloodline. The antichrist has come to be by artificial insemination from the DNA of Jesus implanted by the Royal family and is a grown man waiting to take his throne. It was planned generations ago and according to the book of Revelations will succeed. Prepare yourself and watch out for trickery. They tricked Princess Diana. They will trick you too.

Hopefully by now you can understand why I am trying to reach out to tell anyone who will believe me.  I’ve given up everything and am on the run for my life, with an armful of files to get this message out.  Take heed to my words.  They sacrificed their Princess for the rise of evil.  They will kill us too.  Repent and trust nothing that glitters, including the glitter of the Royals.  May God be with you.  

© 2023 Babbette Francis

Author's Note

Babbette Francis
Written for the "Anything Fiction" contest

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Added on March 12, 2023
Last Updated on March 15, 2023


Babbette Francis
Babbette Francis

Merryville, LA

Its been years since I've written anything on this site but I entered a story in a contest and would like to see what becomes of it. I guess we'll see how that turns out. You can say I'm new again an.. more..
