This happened a couple nights ago. Just when i fell asleep i started dreaming i was kidnapped.
The Dream started with me staring at a group of thugs laying around sleeping and my first thought was to run out the door. The house i was in was like an old out of date place, and it was one of those dreams where you think its a house then you think its a hotel. I ran out the door and realized someone is after me. " HEY COME BACK HERE!" Some guy yelled. I was confused when i woke up because chasing dreams usually means I'm running away from something in reality, but not only do i know I'm not running away from anything, in the dream i actually got away. I closed my eyes in the dream and opened my third eye to find out how to get away. i was in a large open field looking for a place to run to. "take a sharp left, make yourself invisible" i thought. I heard him yell from a distance: " WHERE THE F*** DID SHE GO?" i made it back home and asked my step-dad to borrow his pocket knifes and switchblades. I forgot i had a friend still back there who i thought was Robin Williams and i was going to go back to rescue him. Unfortunately, the alarm woke me up before i could get to him. When i woke up i thought about Robin and realized that A: he didn't look anything like him and B: he wasn't even in the first part of the dream so how did i think he was in the house? He didn't look anything like Robin he was just an old man who i saw for 2 seconds in the dream when i remembered he was still back there.