![]() Prologue, Chapters 1 - 3, and a little bit of 4A Chapter by Brittney Mae ZielinskiPrologue
“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or
even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together,
justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces
on the floor and move the f**k on.”
can only move
forward with my name, Kenzie Lisa Carmichael. No matter how much I may want to,
however, I can never forget my past. I can bury it in the recesses of my mind,
but I can never forget it. You see, my past still links me to my grandmother
and my biological mother and father. To forget my past would be to forget them
and I just can’t do that, regardless of the fact that I don’t have any memories
of my mother and father. I have wonderful memories of my grandmother; I only
wish she would have told me she was my maternal grandmother. I also wish she would
have taken me from Bonnie and Bill, my pathetic excuse for adoptive parents. Don’t get
me wrong, I have known from the time I was five that I was adopted. Bonnie made
sure to remind me every day that there was no way she could’ve given birth to
such a f**k up like me. Seems only fitting that she couldn’t have kids then
because I’m sure all of them would have been fucked up one way or the other.
Bill also made sure that I knew his distaste and obvious hatred towards me. I
guess I just always assumed that Ana was Bonnie’s mother and hadn’t been given
a lot to work with when Bonnie grew up. I could certainly understand that. A
freezer was warmer and more maternal than Bonnie! I never questioned why they
adopted me, funny enough, I never thought of it. I just
wish Ana, my grandmother, was still around to explain everything to me so I
would be less confused. Instead, I found out from having to sign paper work for
her attorney, Tom Garrety. It didn’t take me long to put two and two together,
I’m an exceptionally smart girl. I also had some help from the letter my
grandmother left explaining a little bit of my life’s back story. Tell me what
you think of this letter: My
Dearest Kenzie, If
you’re reading this, then the worst has happened and I am no longer with you. (Pretty cliché, right?) If you’ve gotten
to this letter, then I know you’ve already signed several papers to claim what
I have left for you. I’m sure you’ve noticed my last name and yours are the
same, whereas Bill’s and Bonnie’s differ. (What.
The. F**k?) I
can assure you that I never wanted you to find out this way, but I didn’t know
how to explain it to you yet. That’s why I’ve written this letter though, so I
can explain it to you as best I can. (Well,
let’s get on with it then! Geeze Ana, you know I’ve never been patient!) I know patience
isn’t you’re best virtue, (See?
Told you so!) but
I need you to be patient and bear with me as I try my best to explain this.
This will be as hard for you to hear as it is for me to write. (Slightly ominous Ana, well
played. You’ve got my attention.) I am indeed your maternal grandmother.
Your mother, Lisa, was such a beautiful woman. You actually remind me quite a
bit of her. Your beauty, your personality, your intelligence; your mother would
be proud. Of course, I can’t forget your father, Bryan. (I was about to say!) He would probably
have locked you in your room away from boys. He was a bit over-protective. (I’ll say! Not that I’m a w***e
or even go around flirting with boys and all, but it still doesn’t mean I can’t
look! I may still be a virgin, but I like looking at Channing Tatum’s delicious
body as much as the next girl!) Your mother was so happy during her
pregnancy. You were her miracle child; doctors told her she would never be able
to conceive a child. (Shows
how smart those doctors were!) She immediately chose the name Kenzie, even after people
asked her about a boy’s name. Lisa was absolutely adamant that she was having a
girl and she wouldn’t even consider a boy’s name. (A mother’s intuition is always
right, I guess.) I
wish I could go back and change so many things, but I can’t. I’m just grateful
you were still here to help ease my pain. (Okay
Ana, seriously. I love you, but you take so damn long to tell a story! I’m
dying here!) Everything went
well with the pregnancy, you were developing quite nicely, and your mother had no
complications. Bryan and Lisa were the happiest they had ever been. Labor came
and went; Lisa had a really easy time giving birth to you. About a week after
though, there was a complication that was missed during delivery and it
resulted in your mother’s death. (Wow,
now I see why you took your time writing this.)
was a double tragedy that day, really, because we also lost your father in a
car accident on his way to the hospital to be with your mother. (Double f*****g whammy! My chest
actually hurts right now. Maybe I was destined to have a fucked up life. I
mean, seriously, who loses both parents like that? Wait a minute, don’t answer
that. I’m just having my moment of grief.) After having identified the body of your
father and confirming I was the mother of Lisa, I was told guardianship of you
would be left to me until I found a suitable couple to adopt you. The agency
said I was in no condition to raise you myself. I had to search for the right
family to adopt you and let me remain a part of your life. I needed to be with
you when you grew up and I needed to watch over you. Bill
and Bonnie Fields were a random choice, but they required money for it. I
actually had to pay them to adopt you and let me be in your life. (Greedy f*****g b******s!) I also had to pay them to keep our shared blood a secret
from you until I was ready to tell you. They were not allowed to change your
name or your last name. (Thank
God because I heard Bonnie once say that she didn’t understand why I couldn’t
be named Bambi and I probably would have died from embarrassment!) I’m sorry it has
taken you this long to find out and I’m sorry about the way you found out. Just
remember that no matter what Kenzie, we all loved you very much. I’m sorry for
the way I let Bill and Bonnie treat you, but I have given you more than enough
ways to take revenge if you wish to do so. I will always be around for guidance
and you will always be able to talk to me about anything. Continue to make me
proud and do well at your new school. I have no doubts about your acceptance. Love
Eternally, Ana
letter had so many questions racing through my head. I know that wasn’t the
whole story. I have a feeling she left a lot out. I can’t explain it, but I
have a feeling I’ll find out what she left out soon enough. I just can’t tell
you if I think it will be good or bad when I do find out. For now though, I’m going
to be optimistic about it. I just don’t understand why she left me with Bonnie
and Bill when she knew how horrible they were, regardless of her thoughts of
the revenge I could take. I guess that will just be another mystery of the
world. I know I said I was moving forward, but I’m going to give you a more recent
memory so that you can understand what I am talking about when it comes to
Bonnie and Bill. You’ll see just how spectacular these people are, and then
maybe you can sympathize with me a little bit.
“I’m leaving. Lucy and I are going to New Hampshire
to go to Franklin Pierce University; I got my acceptance letter yesterday. I
won’t be coming back here ever…” I kept practicing this in the mirror over and
over again until I was sure that I could pull off the cold indifference the
situation surely called for. I know I’m getting closer because my voice hasn’t
cracked the last two times and everyone knows you need to appear strong in
front of Bill or he’ll rip you apart before you get a word out. I mean, he’ll
rip you apart regardless, but you’ll at least be able to get a sentence out
before he starts in on you. I’m nervous as hell and my hands are so clammy that
I’m afraid to pick up my glass of water for fear of dropping it. I turned and looked wistfully at my light blue, beach
themed room. This room has been my sanctuary for the last five years of my life
as Bonnie and Bill became increasingly monstrous. Ana even had my walls sound
proofed so I could crank up my music without fear of repercussion from Bill.
The only downside was that I could never tell when he was on a war path and
headed for my room. I’ll be the first person to admit that Bill scared the s**t
out of me. He had a nasty temper and liked to throw and break things when he
was extremely pissed at me. Sometimes I found his anger comical despite my fear
though. Bill had an “over-active” saliva gland which basically meant that he
practically drooled when he got angry. A sharp pounding on my door startles me
out of my little day dream and before I can even retain a semblance of calm,
Bill bursts through the white oak door. “Why the f**k is there luggage blocking my garage
door?!?” He’s practically red with rage and I completely forgot about putting
my hot pink, zebra print suitcases there. “I…I…I’m leaving tonight. Lucy and I are headed to
New Hamp-“ I can’t even finish my sentence before he starts his tirade and I
curse my stupid nervous stammer. I let him catch me off guard and now he’ll
still see me as weak, even when I tell him I’m not coming back. “I don’t f*****g care about the details! I can’t get
in my damn garage because of some stupid, frilly suitcases. Move the s**t!”
Bill is so damn loud that a picture on my wall actually vibrates from it! He’d
definitely have enough room to park in the garage if the fat a*s actually knew
how to drive. “I am packing it into my car and leaving in an hour.
I’m not coming back here again.” This time I manage to get it out without the
stammer or my voice cracking. Bill just looks shocked, but he recovers after a
moment and gives a hearty laugh. “Good! Was that supposed to be a f*****g threat?
You’re just a stupid as you’re damn grandmother.” He really thinks he’s funny.
I even shock myself with what I say next. “Watch it, Bill. Remember that I own this house now.
I can very easily throw you out on the street because I owe you nothing. You’re
lucky that I don’t want this house because of all the bad memories from it. I
can play nice, but do not ever, ever say another ill word of my grandmother.
Goodbye Bill.” Oh. My. God! I don’t even know where that came from. That wasn’t
at all what I planned to say. At least it shut him up for a minute though. “Get your s**t and get out.” And with that, he
walked out of the room and slammed the door so hard, the picture next to it
crashed to the ground. My hands were shaking and my knees felt a little weak,
but I was immensely proud of myself. After fourteen years, I finally put Bill
in his place.
don’t think that just because Bonnie wasn’t in this particular memory, that she
must not seem so bad. Mommy dearest happened to be at the spa that evening,
lamenting over the fact that Ana only left them fifty thousand dollars from her
will and I basically got enough money to buy and run my own small country. Hah!
Take that b***h! Bonnie could be just as cold and heartless as Bill, I didn’t
pity either of them. One day when I’m a stronger person, I think I will take my
house back. I just can’t bring myself to do it right now. Just
because I don’t want to forget about my past, doesn’t mean I have time for it
though. I am Kenzie Lisa Carmichael. I am an orphan. My grandmother is gone. But
I am not alone. I have my best friend, Lucy Partridge, with me. Lucy and her
mother, Marlene, have been more of my family than Bonnie and Bill ever were. They’ve
seen me at my worst and they’ve seen me at my best. They’ve never judged me for
any of it, only offered a hug and comfort when I needed it. My life will be
different from here on out. I can feel it. Something great is going to happen
at Franklin Pierce University, I just know it. I’ve told Lucy my thoughts a
million times in the last twenty four hours on the road and she always says the
same thing. “You’re damn straight and I’ll be right there with you.” I know
we’re in this together and I also know that she will never let me try to forget
my past either, she’ll only help me fill in the time so I don’t have to think
about it. I know it will get easier eventually, but for now, I am more grateful
to Lucy than she’ll ever know. You,
readers, should feel very privileged that I am going to share my present and
future with you. I don’t even know you, but I feel like I can trust you enough
not to judge me and scream at me when I make mistakes. I know I can trust you
to give me encouragement when I need it. I can also trust to laugh when I say
something witty because I’m pretty f*****g hilarious when I finally break out
of my shyness around people. I also trust that you won’t judge me too harshly
for my potty mouth. I’m sorry, but I really can’t help it. So, I seriously hope
you enjoy this and remember: I am Kenzie Lisa Carmichael and I can only move
forward without trying to forget about my past.
Chapter 1
I’m surrounded by it. It’s suffocating me, I can’t breathe. Shouting and breaking
glass are like whispers in the wind, you don’t know who or which direction it
came from. It’s just a distant memory, a fleeting thought. I can’t quite grasp
it no matter how hard I try. I can literally feel it slipping through my
fingers. I feel like I need to remember this, to figure this out. If only I
could get out of this damn world without color. The blackness is unrelenting,
not even a shimmer of light. It wants me to be scared, to fear it. I am deathly
afraid, but I continue to put one foot in front of the other. I’m trembling, I
can feel it. It’s strange how all of your other senses become more alert when
one of them is taken away. It’s almost like they’re defending the lost one. The
vicious and insistent blaring of the alarm clock jolts me out of my terrible
nightmare. It’s the same nightmare I’ve had since leaving Bonnie and Bill’s
house to go to Franklin Pierce with Lucy. The first time I had it, Lucy was in
the driver’s seat and I had fallen asleep in the passenger seat of my cherry red
and chrome 2013 Ford Fusion, of which I affectionately named Lola. Thank God I
had my seatbelt on because I scared the s**t of Lucy and she almost drove Lola
into a ditch! Apparently I wasn’t only screaming in my dream. I look
over at the obnoxious red numbers on my alarm clock, 7:13, and abruptly throw
my comforter off of me. Lucy decided to leave the window open again last night,
so our room is freezing and I’m only wearing my panties and a tank top. Well
played Lucy, well played. As I’m scrambling around this tiny excuse for a room,
the door bangs open and Lucy’s chirpy voice immediately follows. “Good
morning, Sleeping Beauty! Since I am the most amazing best friend ever, I have
taken the liberty of getting you a latte and a doughnut. I know how much of a
monster you are without one.” She has this s**t-eating grin on her face that I
just want to smack right off. It should be illegal to be that happy this early
in the morning. “Yeah,
the world’s best friend wouldn’t leave the damn window open all night so her
best friend would freeze her a*s off as soon as she got out of bed!” I’m
shouting, but it’s not an angry shout. If you’ve ever had a best friend, then
I’m sure you all talk to each other the same way. It can be classified as a
happy shout. “Not my
fault you go to bed practically naked. Plus, I thought it would help you wake
up faster.” Again with that damn grin! “Not cool
Luce, not cool. Thanks for the latte though, you’re forgiven.” I can’t help but
flash a grin of my own. “Hey!
What about the doughnut?!? And DO NOT call me Luce, Kenz!” Lucy actually looks
like she might be seething right now. Now we are on an even score card. “Can’t
eat right now, gotta go take a shower. And don’t leave the window open anymore,
b***h.” “You’re
lucky I love you.” My thoughts exactly, best friend mind-reading power! By this
time, I’ve managed to grab all my shower stuff and figure I’ll just dash to the
bathroom because I can’t find my robe anywhere and we live in a co-ed building.
At least the bathrooms aren’t co-ed. I have a mountain of hair that will take
me at least twenty minutes to shampoo and condition, I’m lucky my class doesn’t
start until nine. Of course Lucy left the door open when she came in (again!)
and as I’m turning around to chew her out about it, I smack my head straight
into a wall and my shower stuff scatters everywhere. “What
the-“ “Geeze,
you got a hard head.” As I’m rubbing my temple, I practically jump out of my
skin. Guess I didn’t walk into a wall, walking into a sexy guy is so much
better. Relief and mortification are battling it out at the moment. I take a
minute to watch him rub his chest and wince as if I actually hurt him. He’s
clearly mocking me, but I’m a little mesmerized over the muscles rippling under
his sleeve until he coughs and lets out a light chuckle. Jerk! I’ve also just
made the mistake of making eye contact with him and getting lost in those dark
grey-blue eyes of his. I swear I always feel like I’m looking at the dark
clouds that form before a storm hits whenever I look in his eyes. I quickly
shake my head and avert my eyes to the floor where my shower stuff is. “Uhh..sorry
Deacon, wasn’t watching where I was going.” Deacon Smith told me when I first
met him, that I was the only one who got away with calling him Deacon. I just
shook my head and stuck to Deacon when he tried to get me to call him “Deek”. “I hope
you’re not going to class like that, although I don’t think the guys would mind
very much.” Mortification quickly slams relief into the ground and kicks it a
few times to ensure that it stays down. My cheeks are on fire and I’m sure the
rest of my pale skin is blushing as well. I forgot to mention that my panties
are hot pink and say BITE ME on the back and my tank is white and lacy. “Yeah…no.
I’m on my way to go shower and I couldn’t find my robe. Please tell me you are
the only guy awake right now?” I don’t think I could stand any more humiliation
if any other guy were to see me like this. I also don’t even realize I’m
bending over to pick up my stuff until Deacon gives me a little smirk and
raises his black eyebrow at my choice of underwear. My palm is just itching to
slap his perfect, strong jaw. “Here,
take my robe before someone decides to actually bite you. I was heading to the
showers too, I’ll walk with you.” He is f*****g winking at me! I know I’m the
color of a tomato right now, so I hastily take his robe and, angrily, stuff my
arms into it. “Thanks,
but what are you gonna-“ “I’ll
just walk up in my boxers, doesn’t matter to me.” His voice has taken on an
amused tone and I am struggling to maintain eye contact. I refuse to look at
his boxers, I absolutely refuse. The walk
to the showers is a little quiet, but it’s not awkward. I got a brief glimpse
of his lightly tanned back and saw the faintest scars sporadically lining it. Deacon
is incredibly tall, and I’m not just saying that because I’m short. I’ve
noticed he has to duck to fit in some doorways; I also barely come up to his
chest. The first day I met him he told me I could fit in his pocket and I was
so offended that he offered to help carry mine and Lucy’s boxes up for us. It
wasn’t that I was actually offended; I just didn’t want to think about fitting
in his pocket, let alone anyone else’s. He then proceeded to tell me that my
temper made up for my tiny frame more than enough. I slapped his shoulder in
response and felt like I dislocated a knuckle. Deacon is pure, solid muscle and
I found out the hard way. I clear
my throat as we approach the adjoining-but-separate bathrooms and turn to face
him. He’s crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, as if in
anticipation of what I’m going to say. “Uhh…I
take kinda long showers because I got all this damn hair and I’m sure you’ll be
done before I get out, but uhhh…do you…do you uhhh…” I’m stammering like a damn
idiot and he has the nerve to smirk at me! “Hold on
to the robe, I’ll get it sometime. See ya later.” “Yeah,
okay. See ya later.” Neither of us were turning to move though. Some type of
emotion passed through his stormy eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came
and left me no time to process what it could’ve been. With an abrupt shake of
his head and slight muttering, Deacon turned into his respective bathroom. I
also notice he’s casting his hand through his barely-there raven black hair. Heaving
a sigh, I went just as quickly into my bathroom and turned the water on as hot
I could stand it before stripping down and getting in. The hot water beat down on
my pale skin, quickly turning it pink, and rinsing away the remnants of last
night’s nightmare. While dealing with Deacon and my mortification, I’d pushed
the nightmare to the back of my mind and almost forgotten it. I’m not
typically scared of the dark, but it was more than that in the nightmare. I can
tell by the lingering chill when I woke up that it wasn’t just “innocent”
darkness. The place in my nightmare was like a void, like falling into the
rabbit hole and never quite making it out. It gave me shivers just thinking
about it. I quickly went to washing my hair and body to help me forget about
the dream and also to keep from running out of hot water. My hair is such a
long process to wash, blow dry, and style. It comes down to my hips and is a
natural light brown, with natural highlights that everyone swears is store
bought. I’ve left my hair partially damp so that it’s easier to twist into a
bun at the nape of my neck. Despite the chilliness of the morning, it’s
supposed to be an uncharacteristically warm, fall day and I’ll suffer later if
I leave it hanging down my back. I’m already asking for punishment by wearing a
black, fitted t-shirt. My low-rise light blue Levi’s show off just a hint of my
stomach and my black, low-top Converses complete my ensemble. Make-up is
minimal; I only wear a little bit of eyeliner and mascara to bring out my blue
eyes. Deciding that this is as good as it’s going to get, I gather up all my
stuff, including Deacon’s black robe, and head back to my room. I tried
to linger a little bit, walking slowly on my way back to see if Deacon would
magically appear so I could give him his robe, but no such luck for me. It
couldn’t be easy to give back. Now I’ll probably end up losing it to the monkey
who lives in my room, named Fred, whom likes to rip my clothes out of my
closet. That damn monkey stole my own robe too. To distract myself from
thoughts of robes and room-destroying monkeys, I mentally prepare myself for my
English Lit class. Apparently reading To
Kill A Mockingbird in high school wasn’t enough, I have to read it again
and write a twenty page paper on the character dynamics of Scout, Jeb, Atticus,
and Boo Radley. Lucky for me, I actually like the book. I also have to remind
myself to bring my old copy of the book for my only other female friend, Megan
Lucas, because that girl almost never has anything with her. I’ll be sure to
grab an extra notebook and pen, as well. After that, I have Glassblowing with
Mr. Richter (yes, readers, that is an actual class that counts towards my Fine
Arts credit). At least this class is an easy A and fills, even though I suck at
it. My last project unfortunately (but comically) ended turning into a deformed
balls-and-penis-blow-fish disaster. It’s not really my fault that Lucy decided
to make a dirty innuendo while I was mid-blow and make me laugh. The rest of
the day is free so I plan on catching up on some serious studying for my
Psychology class and meeting up with some kid, Luke, to help tutor him in
College Algebra. There’s some type of program that pays students for tutoring
other students, but I’m just doing it for free since I already have way more
money than I’ll ever know what to do with. While I’m
gathering up all the books I’ll need for the day, my phone starts vibrating out
of control on my desk. I glance over and see that it’s a text from a number not
saved in my phone. I think about ignoring it, but decide against and click on
the annoying beeping text icon. 221-555-8696: We still on 4 l8r? Me: Uhm…who is this? 221-555-8696: Luke Melbourne. Got ur # frm student
directory. I quickly
save his number in my phone and continue my text conversation. I really didn’t
think about getting his number from the Student Directory to confirm our study
plans. Me: Oh, hey. Yeah. I’ll be in the library around 3:30 if
that’s alright? Luke: Was actually thinkn we culd go 2 starbucks? I’ll need
caffeine. Latte on me? Me: Sure, but I can get my own drink. I’ll see you at 3:30. Luke: K, but I’m still gettn u coffee. I don’t
understand why people don’t text you with their name to begin with, it saves so
much confusion. I’m also surprised he doesn’t need help in English. I hate
Ebonics. Hopefully he doesn’t actually talk like that. I suppose Starbucks will
be a good place since my latte is now too cold to drink anyway. On my way out
the door, I scoop up my keys and lock the door behind me and make my way over
to DiGregorio Hall which holds my English Lit class in it. It’s about a half
mile walk, but I enjoy the exercise and beautiful scenery. Ravencroft Theater
is about half a block away, so it’s a short distance to my second class.
There’s a beautiful lake close by that I like to jog around sometimes when I
have stuff to work out in my head, and the trees are beautiful this time of
year. It’s a truly remarkable campus, especially with the marble-and-stone
buildings. My building, Granite Hall, is one of the newer buildings
incorporated within the last couple years and it still managed to have a matching
structure and design like the rest of buildings. There are
a couple of guys playing football on a grassy field not far from where I’m
walking. One of the guys overestimates their throw and launches it into my
shoulder, making me drop all my books and bite my tongue to keep from crying
out in pain. Two of the culprits that appear to be twins, both with dark hair
and tanned skin, jog a little ways toward me. One of them is leering at me in a
way that makes my skin crawl while the other one actually looks concerned.
Another jock, whom looks entirely too pretty and owner of the offending ball,
starts jogging over to me and I quickly raise my hand, halting him right where
he is. I pick up the beat up, brown leather football and throw it with a
perfect arc and spiral back over to Pretty Boy. He catches it with ease and
makes his way over to me while I’m trying to gather my books. Pretty Boy stops
a couple feet from me and starts to stoop down to grab my pens before I snatch
them away. I may be proud of my throwing skills, but I’m absolutely livid that
my shoulder nearly got dislocated in the process. My semi-hostile demeanor
makes Pretty Boy back up a little bit with hands up in a surrendering position.
Serves him right, the jerk! Without
looking up at him, I toss a snarky comment at him. “Looks like you can catch better
than you throw.” It appears to have made him uncomfortable, as it should. My
shoulder is f*****g throbbing! “Sorry, Ryan
didn’t run as fast as he was supposed to, or else it wouldn’t have hit you.”
Now I just detect amusement and it pisses me off. “Of
course, Pretty Boy can’t take the blame for his own fucked up coordination. You
have to blame someone else. Well, the ball left your hands, not this Ryan
person, so therefore I am blaming you.” A*****e. “Pretty
Boy? I don’t know if I should feel insulted or take that as a compliment. I’m
leaning more toward compliment though since it came from a beautiful girl.” I
glance up into his brown eyes and narrow my blue ones. No way will this
bullshit flattery work on me. “I meant
it as an insult. Obviously you’re just too stupid to pick up on it. I have to
go.” I’ve picked up the last of my books and look at him once more. His jaw is
clenched and there’s a flare of anger in his eyes that intimidate me just a little bit, causing me to drop my eyes
and shoulder past him (with my good one). “Hmm, I
think I will take it as a compliment. Have a good day!” He’s so sarcastic about
it that I can’t help but turn around and flip him the bird. I hate a*****e
jocks who think they can just do and say whatever they want and everyone will
just love and accept them. I make it
to class with five minutes to spare and I can also feel the mark on my shoulder
turning into an angry bruise. I already know it’s going to hurt when I take
shower tonight and I feel it starting to stiffen slightly. Great! I glance
around and notice Megan Lucas’s fiery red hair, before I actually see her, in
our usual seats and let my eyes scan over the sandy-blonde haired b***h, named
Keegan Melbourne, who is sitting a couple of seats away. Keegan is pretty much
the only person here who I’ve had a bad encounter with, except for Pretty Boy
just now. She actually kind of reminds me of Pretty Boy. Weird coincidence? As
I’m walking passed the rows of seats to get to my section with Megan, Keegan
conveniently sticks out her ugly, patent-leather black heel and trips me. Usually
I can manage to avoid it, but today just really isn’t my day and I end up
falling flat on my stomach. I’m sure that will be another lovely bruise on my body.
I hear Keegan’s snicker and try to manage the best f**k-you glare I can while
having my face on the floor when I see another pair black patent leather heels.
Only these are not ugly and actually make themselves into thigh-high boots worn
over dark skinny jeans. I already know who the owner of these shoes are and I
know that my day is about to get a whole lot better. Megan hates Keegan just as
much as I do. “Don’t
worry about those knock-off Michael Kors. I’m sure your scuff mark from
tripping over them will only make them look better.” Megan bends down to help
me up and reveals the rest of her ensemble, along with her ample cleavage. Her
tight, black baby-doll tee only emphasizes it more, especially with her bright
red hair spilling over shoulder and along the curve of her bust line. “I. Do.
Not. Wear. Knock. Offs! Kenzie is just a clumsy idiot.” Oohh, good one Keegan.
Not! How many brain cells did it take to come up with that come back? “Hmm,
they’re ugly enough to be. How about you stop f*****g with Kenzie before I make
it so you can never wear heels again?” I am seriously glad Megan is on my side
because this chick scares me. “Is that
a threat, Lucas?” Keegan is raising her overly-arched brow like it’s supposed
to mean something. “Hah!
Didn’t you learn your lesson at my brother’s pool party a few weeks ago?” We
have everyone’s attention by now, but at least I’ve managed to make it off the
floor and make my f**k-you glare more intimidating. Megan’s emerald green eyes
are flashing with intended violence. “Whatever.
Go take your little charity case and sit down.” Keegan’s face has actually
blanched a little bit so I’m guessing she remembers that event all too well.
Apparently, the way Megan told me, Keegan thought it would be acceptable to
flirt with one of Megan’s older brothers, Ashton Lucas. Megan had warned her
previously to not even try to stick her claws in him and Keegan just isn’t very
smart. Megan had to remind her by fisting up a handful of her shoulder-length
sandy-blonde hair and tossing her in the pool " fully clothed. Let’s just say
that Christian Dior does not make chlorine-proof outfits. “B***h.”
Megan links arms with me, flips her hair over her other shoulder, and walks us
to our seats. “Thanks,
Meggy.” I lean over and whisper with a smirk on my face, knowing full well that
Megan despises my little nickname for her. “No
problem, Kenny. What’s up with your shoulder, looked like you were struggling
with your books.” I, also, absolutely despise my chosen nickname from Megan. I
see the humor dancing in her eyes though, so I let her have that one. “Stupid
jock overthrew his football and practically detached my shoulder from my body.
It’s been an all-around bad morning for me.” I explain to her about my
encounter with Deacon this morning and she nearly falls out of her chair
laughing. Her lightly tanned skin is flushed by the time she calms down, but it
only adds to her beauty. I swear I’ve never met another natural red-head with a
tan like Megan’s. “Oh I bet
Deek just loved that. I wish I lived in your dorm. Are you blaming your missing
robe on Fred again?” I have already explained to her about the unwelcome monkey
in my room when she came over last week to borrow some notes for our History
class. “Fred is
always the guilty party. That’s why he hides, he’s always guilty.” I give her a
deadpan look because she enjoys playing this game just as much as I do. There’s
an elephant named Ted in her room who has a fetish with her shoes, they’re
always strewn throughout her room and he never picks them up. It drives her
boyfriend, Derrick, nuts whenever we talk about Fred and Ted in front of him. “Derrick
might have mentioned to me that Deek may be seeing some girl he met at a party
a couple weeks ago. Have you seen her?” Her tone is no longer playful and I
know she is trying to avoid looking at me. “Nope,
can’t say that I have. But it doesn’t bother me. I’m not into him. Yeah, he’s
hot, like ridiculously hot, but I’m just not interested.” She lets out a silent
breath and I do too. I don’t know why Derrick and Megan are always throwing out
little hints about Deacon not being interested in me, I know I’m not his type
and I also know he wouldn’t ever be interested in me that way. I understand
that as his brother, Derrick just wants to make sure I don’t turn into some
crazy-lunatic-stalker girl, but we’re just friends. I’m like 5’2, how scary do
they think I am anyway? “Okay.
Derrick just wanted me to give you a heads-up about it. Did you bring your
extra copy of this stupid a*s book?” And just like that, we are back on
steadier ground. Mrs.
Kingston finally shows up to begin class as I take out my extra supplies for
Megan. I hand her the book, notebook, and pen before she can even ask for the
other things and focus on what the professor is saying. She still uses a
chalkboard and almost always has yellow and white dusty handprint smudges on
her uniform black slacks from wiping her hands on them constantly. She never
uses the same piece of chalk twice and the front of her classroom usually has a
light dusting of yellow and white chalk dust in front of the board. Her unruly,
curly black hair is always clipped high on top her head and she has
thick-framed, black glasses that sit perched on her nose, making her near-black
almond-shaped eyes look huge. Mrs. Kingston usually sports a scowl on her
lightly wrinkled face, but today her chapped beige lips are pursed as if in
deep thought. She starts to write something on the board, but then thinks
better of it and wipes it away with the side of her fist and tells us to just
read our book or talk amongst ourselves in her high-pitched nasally voice. Megan
and I both glance over at each other and hold up the book at the same time as
if to say “I’m just gonna read” and go about opening our books. That was
the longest hour and a half of my life. I finished the book and started
outlining my thoughts and ideas for my paper due next week. Megan hands me back
all the stuff I loaned her and meets Derrick over by the door. I nod for her to
go on without me; I plan on running over to the vending machine to grab a Red
Bull to help me get through the next few hours of the day. I’m regretting not
making time for my latte this morning. As I’m walking out of class, my phone
pings in my back pocket and proceeds to vibrate for thirty seconds to signal I
have a new text message. Luke: Think u can meet a lil earlier @ starbucks? Me: Actually, that would be great for me. Had a rough
morning so I want to get this day over with as quickly as possible. What time? Luke: How abt 1? My last class is canceled so I jus want the
extra study time. Me: Okay, see ya then. Luke: K, remember I’m still buyn the latte ;) Me: Whatever. Just
because he gave me a wink-y face does not mean that he is buying my drink. I
have more than enough money of my own and I hate doing that to people. It’s not
that I’m ungrateful or anything, it just makes me feel bad for some reason. I
almost always buy the meals for Lucy and myself, even Megan when she joins us
occasionally. I could do this for ten years straight and it wouldn’t even make
a dent in a quarter of the money Ana left me. I bet if Keegan knew how much
money I really had the b***h would want to be my best friend. I swipe my main
bank card through the new credit card slot on the vending machine and choose
the selection for Red Bull. The can barely has a chance to hit the bottom
before I pop the top and chug almost all of it down in one gulp. I toss the can
in the nearby blue recycling bin and swipe my card for another Red Bull,
knowing Lucy will probably need one as well. Finally feeling a kick start in my
veins, I practically skip to the Ravencroft Theater for Glassblowing class.
Lucy is waiting at the door for me, shaking her head which causes her
pixie-style black hair to swish under her ears gently. “Hey
Lucy. How was your first class?” She holds up her hand and snatches the
proffered Red Bull from my hand. Yep, Lucy definitely needed it. I can tell by
the way she chugged it the same as I did. “Don’t
even wanna talk about it. You?” I tell her the story of my morning and scold
her for leaving the door open again. “Glad you
put Pretty Boy in his place and screw Keegan. She’s a self-entitled b***h. And
no matter how many times you yell at me, I’m still going to leave the door open
so you should just save your breath.” We both roll our eyes at each other and
turn to go in the class. There are only ten people in the class, including Lucy
and I, so it’s usually pretty quiet in here. The notes pinned to our station
tell us how we are going to incorporate different colored glass together for
one piece. Goody, maybe this project won’t turn out to be a disaster. I’m
thankful for the peace and quiet Lucy gives me when we go to our stations and see
the step-by-step instructions Mr. Richter has left for us. Those instructions
mean he won’t be in class today and everyone needs to sign underneath them so
he can account for attendance. Mr. Richter usually has these out at least one
class period per week, and we only meet twice a week. Mr. Richter is six feet
tall, lanky, and is geek/Napoleon Dynamite personified. He has wire-y, brillo"pad-type
orange hair atop his unevenly-shaped head; along with a forehead high enough to
be considered a mirror, beady hazel eyes behind a pair brown coke-bottle
glasses, and sunk-in cheeks. The glasses sit perched on a narrow, pointy nose.
There are usually deep splotches of purple under his eyes that only add to his
sickly pale and pimply complexion. When Mr. Richter does manage to make an
appearance in class, his khaki pants are always wrinkled and his button down
shirt always looks like he wore it to bed the night before. I wonder why he’s
always missing and quickly rule out a secret rendezvous with one of his
co-workers. Eww! Definitely a mental picture I didn’t need now or ever. He never really expects anyone to do anything
when he’s not here, so I just scribble my name on the paper and put my head
down. I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep until Lucy shakes me slightly and
I see her backpack over her shoulder. Stretching and working out the kinks in
my injured shoulder, I slowly grab my bag and make my way to the door. I remind
Lucy that I have tutoring today and won’t be back to the room until later and
she tells me that she’s going to do a little bit of studying and a lot of
shopping. Yeah, something is really bugging her today and I’m going to have to
figure it out when we are both back in the dorm. I make my way back over to the
dorm so I can drop off my books and exchange them for my Algebra textbook and
also pick up my car. I toss my book on the passenger seat and slide into the
smooth black leather of the driver’s seat. My car has a push-to-start ignition
so I don’t have to dig in my pocket for the key and set my cd player to Survive
by Rise Against. It’s my mantra for when I’m having a bad day. I pull out of my
reserved parking spot and head for the school’s entrance. The security officer
checks the sticker on my windshield and waves me through. Starbucks is only
five minutes away from the campus and I see a couple of people, students and
teachers alike, strolling down the sidewalk and enjoying the warm day. I
probably should have walked, but I’m feeling a little lazy today. Besides, I
love driving my car. I pull in
between a sleek black Lexus and an outdated Toyota Corolla and check my clock,
12:55. I grab my book and make my way inside to the line. It’s unusually empty
inside, with maybe five patrons milling about. I’m getting in line as a
customer turns around and run into none other than Pretty Boy. I notice a drink
in each hand, which he almost spills on me. “We just
keep running into each other today.” He quips with an amused tone. I think I
see a flash of that damn smirk. “Yeah and
each time you attempt bodily harm.” I seethe. My day just keeps getting better
and better. “The
first time was an accident and this time I didn’t even do anything. I am sorry
about earlier.” “Whatever.
Just let me order my latte. Have a nice day, Pretty Boy.” I throw his own parting
line back at him while he just shakes his head and steps out of line. I’m just
finished placing my order when my phone chimes. Luke: Here Me: Me too, I’m in line. I slip my
phone back in my pocket to collect my French vanilla latte and turn around and
nearly collide into Pretty Boy again. My drink spills all over the floor and I
hear shuffling behind the counter, presumably someone coming around to clean up
my mess. I’d really like rub Pretty Boy’s face in it. “What
the-“ “Are you
the tutor, Kenzie?” He has an unreadable expression on his face and it takes me
a second to put it together. “You have
got to be f*****g kidding me!” I wish I could start this day over. He at least
has enough decency to look sheepish. “Well, I
guess you can stop calling me Pretty Boy. And I still have your latte.” Luke is
wearing this smile that he obviously thinks is going to charm me or something,
it won’t work. I’ll still take the latte though. “Thanks.”
I mutter and motion for him to follow me.
Chapter 2
choose a brown weathered table that is pushed
against another table with four chairs near the back of the shop that is less
likely to have people wandering by, I don’t want those innocent people
subjected to Luke’s clumsiness. It seems I’ve already gotten the brunt of it
though today. My textbook lands on the table with a loud THUMP and I set my
latte down next to it. Luke starts to walk to the same side of the table as me
and I shoot him a death glare, there is no way that I am risking his arm
knocking my latte into my lap. He heeds my glare and wisely chooses the seat
diagonally from me, letting his textbook and spiral notebook drop with the same
THUMP. I’m casually sipping my latte waiting for him to get this little session
started. Luke reached out to me for help so he can get it underway. He opens
his mouth and closes it a few times, eyeing me warily in the process. It’s not
like I have three heads or bite, well I might bite him depending on what comes
out of his mouth. “Look, I know I haven’t made the greatest
impression. I truly am sorry for nailing you in the shoulder with the football.
I’m sorry if I made you think I was blaming my…’fucked up coordination’, I
believe that’s how you phrased it, on my friend. I’m sorry for nearly spilling
the latte on you and for also contributing to the one you dropped.” He’s eyeing
me expectantly; I don’t like how his dark brown eyes are slowly roving over my
face and upper half of my body. “Okay Pretty…I…uh…I mean, Luke. Apology, or should I
say apologies, accepted. However, I reserve the right to reserve the right to
revoke my forgiveness at any time should you attempt bodily harm again.” I
crack a smile because I want him to know I’m joking, even though my eyes are
still narrowed at him. Luke chuckles deeply, then sighs before shaking his
head and continuing. “Okay you have a deal. Would you like to inflict bodily
harm on me so our score is even?” There’s humor that sparkles in his eyes. “Nahh, I wouldn’t want to mess your pretty face up.
Plus, I’m not really a fighter. But I can still poke you if necessary.” I’m
trying really hard to keep the laughter out of my voice, but it’s not working
and it only causes us both to laugh harder. “In all seriousness though, how is your shoulder? I
did throw that ball pretty hard.” “Yeah, what was up with that? It felt like a f*****g
cinderblock hit me. And it’s actually pretty sore. I haven’t really looked at
it yet.” “Ryan, the guy I was throwing too, and I do that to
each other sometimes. We just see who can throw it harder.” “Typical males and their pissing contests. Well, I’m
guessing you win that game a lot.” “He actually throws a lot harder than I do. You’re
lucky it was me throwing it and not him. Do you mind if I take a look at your
shoulder?” Luke’s already up and behind my seat before I can even say anything.
I can feel his breath on my neck as he stoops down behind me and his fingers
lightly trace the collar of my shirt. This situation makes me a little
uncomfortable, but I don’t want to say anything about it. He clears his throat,
as if waiting for permission to pull my shirt collar over my shoulder. My
fingers skim over his and hear him suck in a sharp breath as I slowly pull the
opening over my shoulder. From what I can see there is a deep purple and black
bruise that starts almost on top of my shoulder and extends down. Luke’s
fingers trace it lightly and it feels like his fingers stop about mid-way down.
I suppress a little shiver as I pull my shirt back right and straighten my
back. Luke gets up and walks back over to his seat. Shame, guilt, and something
I can’t quite make out…suspicion maybe?..are all shining in his eyes as he
looks at me and it almost makes me feel bad for him. I shake my head almost
imperceptibly though. I’m the one who got hit with the damn ball, why am I
feeling bad for him? “I know I already said this, but I’m really sorry. I
feel like such an a*s now.” His tone is too serious and there’s a tension in
the atmosphere that I don’t like. Tension brings up too many memories from my
past and I don’t want to remember it right now. “As well you should be! Maybe next time you won’t
target unsuspecting females who are just minding their own damn business.” I
smirk at him to show him I’m joking and Luke’s demeanor visibly lightens. “I don’t suppose I can make it up to you by taking
you to a party with me this weekend? It’s actually at Ryan’s house. Maybe I can
also get a do-over too?” “Uhh…I don’t know. I mean…” I don’t know what to
say, this is unfamiliar territory for me. I have literally never been on a date
of any kind in my life. “You don’t have to come, it’s cool.” His expression
falls and for some odd reason I want to see him smile again. “If we have a productive tutoring session, then
fine, I’ll go with you.” I quickly blurt out and I am rewarded with one of his
best smiles yet. His whole face lights up and his eyes even appear a lighter
shade of brown. “Alright, well let’s get crackin’. You’re supposed
to be tutoring me, not distracting me.” I let out an indignant huff and
let him open my book to one of the sections that are troubling him. Factors in
Your Equations. Goody. I’m good at math, but I still don’t understand who
thought it was a good idea to incorporate the alphabet with a bunch of numbers.
I don’t need a kindergarten review of my ABC’s while I’m trying to add two and
After a little over two hours of explaining and
showing examples of various “x + 9 " 3 = y” problems, Luke has finally gotten
the hang of it. He seemed a little embarrassed at first, but he started to mellow
out once I told him my thoughts on the whole chapter. We actually shared a
couple laughs over it. I also found out that Luke is the quarterback for our
team, the Ravens. He’s held a football as soon as he could walk and never put
it down. And his new favorite color is blue. I wonder why it’s his new favorite?
I shared with him that I was born and raised in Seattle, but refused to go into
any details about Bonnie and Bill. I’ve never had a boyfriend. And my favorite
color isn’t just any old red, but a specific red: Cherry Red. He correctly
guessed that the beautiful Fusion parked out front is mine. An obnoxious
vibrating startles the quiet around us and I realize it’s my phone demanding
attention. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that I have a text message
from another unknown number. 431-555-6732: Wanna grab burgers with my bro and Meg? Seriously, why can’t people ever announce who they
are! Me: Would be
tempting if I actually knew who this was… 431-555-6732:
Haha, sorry. It’s Deacon. Got your number from S.D If this keeps up, I may just have to unlist my
number. I don’t mind that Deacon is texting me though. I quickly save his
number before replying. Me: Hey! Sure.
What time? Deacon: In about
30 mins? I check the time and realize it’s almost three
o’clock now. A little early to be getting dinner, but I don’t have anything
else to do tonight. Me: Okay. I just
have to finish up with this tutoring thing and I’ll be back at the dorms in
like 20 minutes. Deacon: Cool,
see ya then. When I glance up, Luke has this weird look on his
face that makes me a little uneasy. We are both silent for a few moments before
he shakes his head and flashes me a dazzling smile. Can this guy be any more
mercurial? “Well, I think I’ve got the hang of this stuff now.
Thanks again. I guess I’d better head on out. I have practice in a little
while.” “That’s great, I’m glad I could help.” We both get
up and gather our stuff and make our way over to the door. I glance around
again and notice that Starbucks is still surprisingly quiet. Must be a bad day
for business for them. Luke walks ahead of me to open the door for me and
starts following me to my car. “Coming over to admire Lola?” I smirk at him. “Lola?” He has the cutest puzzled expression on his
face that I can’t help but laugh. “Yes Lola! She’s my car.” I’m grinning from ear to
ear like an idiot and I’m sure if there was anyone nearby they’d be laughing at
me too. “Oh, I thought only guys named their cars? And no.
The Lexus is mine.” He’s pointing to over the Black Beauty and smiling proudly. “Well, girls do too. And I hope you don’t already
have a name for yours because I just named her Black Beauty.” Why the hell did
I just say that out loud? What is wrong with me right now? Am I doing a botched
attempt at flirting? I don’t even know. “Then her name will stay Black Beauty. Have a good
night Kenzie.” Luke smiles affectionately at me before we both get in our cars.
We both fiddle with our radios for a minute. I settle on Alive by Krewella and
he has something playing with a lot of bass. Luke motions for me to go first
and I pull out, waving goodbye. He honks his horn and pulls out behind me. I’m just pulling back into the dorm parking lot when
I see Deacon walking over to me, phone cradled in his shoulder against his ear.
He opens my passenger door and grabs my textbook for me and meets me at the
driver’s side, opening my door for me. As I’m getting out, his hand brushes
along my thigh accidentally and leaves a lingering heat in its wake. “Megan is picking up Five Guys and we are just going
to eat in my room. Is that okay?” I stifle a giggle while nodding and hold my
hand out for his phone, tapping my shoe and looking at him expectantly. He
shrugs and hands it over. “Really Megan? Five Guys? Won’t Derrick be a little
bit jealous?” I can’t even hold in my laughter anymore. “I told Deek not to say it like that to you. You’re
a dirty w***e!” I think I can hear Derrick’s muffled laughter and an “oomph” in
the background, presumably Megan slapping him upside his head. “I had to do it, you would’ve done the same.” Deacon
and I start walking back up to our rooms and he nudges me playful. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you want?” “Double bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato,
grilled onions, and mayo please? Oh and a large fry with a large Coke!” I
practically squeal into the phone. I know I’ll have to hide money in her car
somewhere later before she leaves. “You sure you can eat all that? You’re so damn
tiny!” “Yes b***h, now hurry up!” I hang up the phone and
toss it back toward Deacon. He nudges my shoulder again, this time my bad one,
and I suck in a painful breath. “What’s wrong?” Deacon’s eyes appear to have taken
on a darker grey with the concern evident in them. He’s eyeing me rubbing my
shoulder lightly and before I can protest, he pulls the side of my collar over
my shoulder. I brush his hand away and pull my shirt back to normal before he
can actually see the worst of it. I look up and notice that his eyes have
widened slightly as he took in the lingering redness and swelling from the
laces on the football. I wonder how he would’ve looked if he’d seen the whole
bruise. “What the f**k happened? Did you walk into an actual
wall this time?” He’s trying to mask his concern with amusement, but it’s
really not working out for him. Suddenly I’m a little nervous and apprehensive
about telling him. I haven’t really seen this side of Deacon yet. “Well, I didn’t walk into anyone or anything. A
football comes flying through the air and nails me in the shoulder. At first I
thought someone chucked a brick at me.” I’m trying to lighten the situation,
but Deacon isn’t taking the bait. Maybe I need to brush up on my humor. “Okay…I know there’s more to it than that. So start
talking.” His tone causes me to bristle. If I was a cat right now, my tail
would be fluffed to the max " that’s how irritated I am with him. I look up and down the long, narrow hallway and see
a few girls and guys outside of their rooms or with their doors open. The walls
are an off-white with the tell-tale scuff marks of people moving in and out and
the carpet is a bleak grey. I don’t like all the commotion in the hallway, it’s a cacophony of noise in
my head and it’s a little overwhelming while I’m looking into Deacon’s eyes.
The grey in his eyes are holding me captive and I suddenly want to escape his
scrutinizing stare. “Uhm, can we go sit down or something at least? I
don’t really wanna talk about this in the middle of the hallway.” “Yeah, might as well go in my room.” He turns toward
his room, holding my textbook hostage like it’s the only thing that would cause
me to follow him. He sets it neatly on the edge of his desk and motions for me
to sit on his unmade bed, while he pulls up his desk chair. I’m looking around
the room to avoid looking directly at him and take everything in. It’s a mirror
image of mine, except he has a single bed in his room. Four white walls. The
same bleak grey carpet. One window in the wall directly across from his door. A
standard sized twin bed, located against the wall to the left of the door, with
his own choice of a dark blue comforter and two pillows with matching cases. A
small oak wood desk sits directly under the window with the black rolling chair,
which he is now occupying. His dresser sits in front of the wall across from
his bed; it’s made from the same oak wood that the desk is made from. His
closet in the corner is open and I can see all his jeans hung up neatly on the
rack along with two pairs of motorcycle boots, black Nike running shoes, and a
few black and grey button down shirts. His leather jacket is tossed haphazardly
near the top of the bed and his laundry basket is overflowing with clothes.
It’s still surprisingly neat for a guy’s room though. “Are you finished with studying my room?” His tone
isn’t unkind, but it doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies either. “No, I think I have to check your drawers first. You
can tell a lot about a person by the underwear they choose.” I look at him
completely deadpan and start to shuffle off the bed. His smile has returned and
I feel accomplished, but I also know I’ve completely left myself open for
attack. As I walk by him, he snags my hand and bites my wrist gently. “HEY!” I screech indignantly. “Well, you like to be bit. I figured I’d take your
wise wisdom about the underwear thing.” Deacon is outright laughing now and I
can’t help but join in. I let him pull me down into his lap because I know he
wants me to finish telling him what happened to my shoulder. My feet are
dangling about six inches from the floor and I’m kicking them back and forth softly.
I feel so tiny and vulnerable like this. I take a deep breath to blow out the
fluttery feeling in my stomach. “Okay, so, I was walking to English Lit and these
three huge jocks were outside playing football. They weren’t as giant as you
though.” I add the last part about him under my breath and I can feel the smile
rather than see it as he leans his chin on my good shoulder. “I’m minding my
own business when BOOM! Out of nowhere something hits me hard and knocks my
stuff out of hands. I see these two dark haired guys start jogging toward me
and when they stop, I notice the guy who threw it is getting closer to me. My
shoulder is f*****g killing me by this point and I just aim my awesome death
glare and hold up my hand for him to stay where he is. I pick up his stupid
ball and throw it back to him. I really didn’t want him anywhere near me.” “I’m trying to finish picking my books up when I see
him bend down, trying to pick up my pens. I mean, he seriously thought I wanted
his f*****g help. I think I might have growled at him and he let me snatch my
pens away when he stood up and held up his hands like he was fending off a
beast. That just pissed me off. Seriously, he had the nerve to look agitated.
You know how I get.” I turn my head to look at him and notice he’s playing with
a few strands of my hair that came loose from my bun. Again with these strange
flutters in my stomach. It’s like someone set a bunch of crazy butterflies loose
inside of me. “You’re pretty feisty when you get like that. I
thought you were going to chew my head off when I said I wanted to put you in
my pocket because you were so tiny.” I’m glad he still thinks that is funny. “I am not a dog, I do not chew. And I didn’t even
know you! I barely looked at your face for five seconds before you winked at me
and told me the pocket thing. Then you tried to flash your dimple at me like
that would make it better!” I don’t let on to the fact that his dimple secretly
thrilled me. “Whatever, it’s all part of my charm. It’s why we’re
bffs now!” Deacon raised his voice into a high pitch squeak towards the end,
trying to mimic a dumb blonde. “Shush, I’m telling a story and it’s rude to
interrupt!” He wriggles his legs under my lap and I start to squirm. I slap his
thigh trying to make him stop, but I only end up with my making my palm sting
from the sharp slap. I’m shaking it out when Deacon breathes a low chuckle in
my ear and I desperately try to suppress a shudder. I clear my throat so I can
continue. “Anyway, I end up snapping at him because he tries
to blame it on the other guy for hitting me and I call him pretty boy and blame
him because it was his fucked up coordination. He tries to call me beautiful
and I brush him off and end up flipping him the middle finger when he tells me
to have a nice day.” I turn around and look at Deacon. He has this bright smile
on his face. “That’s my little firecracker. Let’s see your
shoulder.” He stands up so I’m forced to scoot off his lap and join him. He
slides my shirt to the side and I’d almost forgotten how bad Luke said it
looked when Deacon sucks in his breath harshly. I turn around to face him,
fixing my shirt and wincing in the process. His jaw is tightly clenched and I’m
almost scared to look into his eyes. They’re so dark they almost look black. I
see his throat swallow and I notice the flutters in my stomach have vanished. “Jesus Christ Kenzie! You made it sound like it
wasn’t that bad!” “I told you it f*****g hurt! Did you want me to say
it felt like he almost ripped my shoulder out?” “Well, yeah! Your shoulder is black and f*****g
purple! Yet you joke around like it’s not serious!” “It’s NOT! Luke apologized already three times!” “How do you know his name? You told me you called
him Pretty Boy?” “He ended up being the guy I had to tutor.” “You still f*****g helped him? God Kenz, you
should’ve punched him and-“ We are both shouting so loud that neither of us
heard or saw Megan come in until she wedges herself between us and starts
pushing us both away from each other. “What the hell is going on?” Megan’s voice
immediately fills the now quiet room except for our audible breathing. “Mind your business Megan.” Deacon’s voice has taken
on a dark quality that I hadn’t even heard him use during our argument. “Calm the f**k down Deek. And back up.” I glance
towards the door and notice Derrick is filling the frame with his broad body,
his large fist making our bags of food appear extra small. “I’m f*****g calm.” Deacon backs up anyway and looks
over apologetically at Megan. He doesn’t look at me; he literally turns his
head to avoid looking at me and for some reason, it stings. Seeing the slight
stubble along his jaw hurts me more than I want to acknowledge. Megan puts her
hand on my bad shoulder to guide me back a few steps and it’s like déjà vu with
the whole sucking-in-a-painful-breath thing. Megan narrows her vibrant green
eyes at me, but then they widen in understanding. She remembered me telling her
the tale of my epic battle this morning. “Are you really all bent out of shape because she
got hit with a damn football?” There’s nothing but silence and the sounds of
Deacon’s ragged breaths. “Answer me d****t!” Megan’s voice is like a command
that Deacon can’t ignore. It’s a little funny watching this play of power and
knowing Megan will be the victor. She never loses. I sneak a glance at her to
see she’s pulled her long red hair into a sleek ponytail, which somehow makes
her outfit look even sexier. I’d kill for a pair of those thigh-high leather
boots, even though I’d never have the confidence to pull them off. She looks
over at me and sees me coveting her boots with my eyes and winks at me. “Did you see the f*****g bruise it left?” His voice was
controlled, but still angry and startles us both. “It was an accident, God, Deacon. Just drop it! Luke
apologized, I told him he had s****y quarterback skills, and he apologized
again. He didn’t do it intentionally.” Deacon just narrows his eyes at me like
he wished I’d stop speaking. I happily oblige. “Turn around.” Megan commands me and I unwillingly
submit to her ministrations. She carefully pulls my sleeve aside to reveal my
shoulder and gasps. I mean, I know it’s ugly, but they don’t have to keep
making such a big deal out of it. She leaves my sleeve and collar pulled over
my shoulder and turns me so my back is facing Derrick, leaving Deacon directly
in my path. I feel Derrick come up behind, but don’t even so much as flinch
when his fingers brush along my shoulder because I’m once again held captive by
Deacon’s stormy eyes. “F**k.” It’s the only syllable Derrick utters, but
it makes me feel uneasy. It’s like they’re privy to something I’m not and it’s
my own damn body. I must have a funny look on my face because Deacon quirks his
brow up at me. Derrick puts my shirt back where it’s supposed to be on my
shoulder, but it feels loose and bulky on my shoulder now. Great. Now my shirt
is stretched out from being pulled at all day. “Hey Megs, why don’t you and Kenz go through the
food and divvy it out? I’m gonna have a quick talk with my brother.” He steps
around me to kiss Megan soundly on the lips and pulls a reluctant Deacon by his
forearm. They step outside and as soon as we hear the door latch click, Megan
and I both release a shaky breath. She smiles uneasily at me and scoops up the
greasy bags Derrick left on the desk, wiping up the grease stain with a napkin
set off to the side.
As soon as Derrick shuts the door and we are out in
the safety of the hallway, I jerk my arm from his grasp. I’m not a damn kid and
he doesn’t have to drag me around like one. I probably would have gone more
willingly if he’d just asked me nicely…maybe. Something in me just didn’t want
to leave Kenzie unprotected. “That bruise…it couldn’t have happened from just a
football.” Derrick is pacing with his hands scrubbing back and forth through
his dark hair, giving it a slightly disheveled look. “You know Megan would have called her out on it and
it seems like she knew the story already.” I start pacing too because my mind
is trying to grasp something but it’s just out of reach. It’s f*****g frustrating. “Yeah, I believe Kenzie is telling the truth about
the situation from what she witnessed on her end, but a regular quarterback
couldn’t have done that.” “What are you getting at Der, just spit it the f**k
out already.” I hate it when he talks in riddles. He abruptly stops pacing and
gives me a sharp look, like that s**t is supposed to scare me. I’ve been
through the same training as him and beat all of his old records. He knows I’d
be a damn good match against him, I don’t know why he keeps playing up the
intimidation look. “You know we can’t talk about it here. We need to go
to the mansion sometime this week with my girl and discuss it with Jerad. If
it’s because of what I think it is, then maybe it would be best to back off of
Kenzie for a little while. Her close friendship with you could be what’s
causing this.” He gives me another sharp look, like he’s trying to tell me he’s
really serious this time. We’ve had a lot of discussions this week about my
friendship with Kenzie. I know it’s for the best, but whenever I think about
putting distance between us…it just doesn’t feel right. “Okay, my Thursday afternoon is free. Is that good
for you guys?” I’m not really ready to agree with Derrick’s assessment of my
friendship with Kenzie until I know more of what’s going on. “It’s good with me, I’ll talk to Megs. Don’t think
that you’re off the hook with what else I said.” “Look, Der, I know how you feel and I understand,
but…it’s just…there’s something about her. I can’t help it.” He gets right up
in my face and straightens his 6’5 frame out against my 6’6. He may be broader
than me, but I still have the height advantage and I know it pisses him off to
have to look up that extra inch at me. “You. Need. To. Help. It.” He’s jabbing my chest to
emphasize each word. “You know it’s not safe for her if you continue this.” “Look, you need to-“ We both stiffen at the sound of
the knob turning and Megan poking her head. She glares at both of us and
sweetens her voice in Derrick’s direction. “Baby, the food’s gonna get cold. Come on in and
eat.” That was her basically telling us to shut the hell up and get over it.
They’re gazing at each other and I know they are silently communicating. I
clear my throat because that s**t makes uncomfortable as hell. Derrick claps me
on the back and motions for us to go in after he cuts me a look that says
“We’re not finished this conversation”. I just shrug my shoulders because as
far as I’m concerned, the part about my friendship with Kenzie is done.
Megan and I finished sorting the food in silence. I
could hear their muffled voices through the door and Megan just looked at me
and shrugged her shoulders. One of them started raising their voice and Megan
decided that would be a good time to call them back in for food. Derrick and
Megan walked over holding hands and he grabbed both their burgers in his other hand.
Megan’s height complimented Derrick’s well, he didn’t have to lean down too far
to show her any sort of affection and she only had to raise on her tip toes
just the slightest amount to receive it.
His hair was a lighter shade of black than Deacon’s and slightly longer. Where
Deacon appeared to only have scars on his back, Derrick had one along the top
of his left eyebrow, forearms, and along the side of his next. I asked him
about the vicious-looking scar on his neck the second time I saw him and he
only said “s**t happens”. Both guys had strong jaws, angular cheek bones, and
near-perfect physiques. The only contrast in their facial features was their
eyes. Derrick had honey-colored eyes compared to Deacon’s grey-blue. They both
wore the same type of outfit: dark jeans that narrowed at the hips,
form-fitting dark t-shirts, boots, and leather jackets when the weather called
for it. I had to admit to myself that Derrick and Megan made a gorgeous couple.
Everything about each other offset the other nicely. Although the brothers
could pass for twins, their personalities differed vastly. Where Derrick was
quiet and thoughtful, Deacon was a flirt and could handle his own in conversation. When Deacon saunters in, I imagined how I would
measure up next to him when people saw us together. I just barely came up to
his chest which might make intimate things a little awkward. Next to Megan, I
felt just down-right frumpy. I must not do a good job of keeping my emotions off
my face because Deacon gently pulls me up from his bed by my hand and tucks me
in close to his body. He bends his head down toward my ear and whispers in it,
causing the loose hairs tucked behind my ear to tickle it. “You’re still perfect just the way you are.” He
presses a quick kiss to my temple and pulls the tie of my bun, letting my hair
cascade down my back in waves. My eyes start to glaze over as he runs his
fingers softly through my hair, untangling it, when Derrick clears his throats
and startles us both out of our reveries, shooting Deacon a severe look. He
eyes Deacon the entire time until a takes he step back from me and lets his
hand drop to his side. I’m suddenly left feeling bereft and for some reason, I
don’t like it. I scoop up my own burger and flop down on the bed, unraveling it
in my lap. Megan breaks the tension by clicking on the flat
screen TV mounted to the wall above the dresser. A music video from Bad
Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman fills the room and Megan starts swaying her
hips seductively towards Derrick. He puts his hand on her hip, pulling her
against him while Deacon bops his head to the upbeat tempo of the guitar and
takes a monstrous bite of his burger. The silence amongst us is broken when
mayonnaise slides down Deacon’s chin and Megan laughs loudly at him. Derrick
looks over at him, his gaze on his girlfriend’s hips broken by the intoxicating
sound of her light laughter. He lets out a chuckle of his own and tosses a
napkin at Deacon’s face. “Geeze man, can’t take you out in public at all, can
we?” “Well I’m in the privacy of my bedroom so I can eat
however I want.” Their easy banter completely erases all of the tension and now
we’re all laughing. Megan quirks her brow up in my direction. “Kenz, I thought you wanted onions on your burger?” “It’s not my fault they’re falling out. Worry about
your own food.” I growl at her as I take a big bite of my own burger. Deacon
pretends to moves his hand toward it and I chomp my teeth down in his
direction. “Hands off buddy!” He reaches in the bag and tosses a fry at me that
I catch in my mouth and moan loudly around. They all start laughing again and
we finish our food with light conversation about classes. I pick up everyone’s empty wrappers and fry
containers and toss them in the trash can to the side of Deacon’s desk. I pull
my phone out of my back pocket and check the time, 5:36. I know we are going to
be over here for a while hanging out because the boys have pulled out the PS3
and started rifling through the games and movies. My jeans are starting to feel
a little stiff and my stretched shirt is annoying the crap out of me, plus I
want to go put my keys and textbook up before I end up losing them. “Hey guys, I’m gonna go put my s**t away and change
real quick. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I start to grab my book when
Deacon’s hand lands on top of mine, causing me to look up at him. “Can I talk to you for a minute? I’ll walk over with
you.” I shrug and let him carry my book across the hall. I try the door, but
remember it’s locked because Lucy had some stuff to do this afternoon. I dig
out my keys and unlock the door, pushing it wide open so Deacon can go around
me. As he brushes by me and into my room, I can feel his body heat seep through
my clothes. I turn my back to him and shut the door; I don’t why I feel so
nervous with him in my room. I guess it’s the unknown topic of the situation. I
really don’t want to argue with him anymore today.
Chapter 3
quietly lock the door behind me and turn
around. My hands are slightly trembling and my thoughts are running a mile per
minute. I don’t know why Deacon wants to talk to me; I just know that I am done
arguing. I stood up for myself and Luke apologized. End. Of. Story. Well, I haven’t
yet told Deacon about my little date with Luke or the fact that it will be my
first party pretty much ever. The last and only party I went to was in my
sophomore year of high school and it was disastrous. Deacon’s abrupt laughter
pulls me out of my mind and my past and brings me back to room. “Why are
you giggling like a little school girl? Surely you’ve been in a girl’s room
before.” I snap at him, figuring he’ll probably just make some remark about my
room being messier than a boy’s. “Well,
usually there aren’t bras hanging from the lamp or thongs scattered over the
desk. And you just locked the door. It f***s with a guy’s mind a little bit.”
Deacon’s calloused, tanned hands pick up and fling my black strapless lacy bra
at my face. I can feel the heated blush creep even further up my face as he
picks up the matching black lace thong and twirls it around his middle finger.
“I guess Victoria doesn’t have a secret anymore.” He murmurs as he inspects the
pale pink tag. Thank God those are clean! “Deacon!
Seriously! Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not polite to raid through a
woman’s underwear drawer?!?” Definitely awkward and he just keeps twirling my
panties around, with that damn Cheshire cat grin plastered to his face. I want
that grin off his face, so I throw something I have balled up in my hand at his
head. I gasp when I realize too late that it was my bra and he catches it with
ease right before it hits my target. He flings it over his shoulder and lets
out a loud snort. “My
mother never lectured me about a woman’s underwear chilling on her desk.
Besides that, a pretty smart girl once told me that you can tell a lot about a
person by the type of underwear they wear and I’m inclined to agree.” I don’t
know what to do with this conversation. It’s quickly going into unfamiliar
territory. Besides not knowing how to flirt, Derrick’s and Megan’s incessant
warnings about staying away from Deacon are ringing loud and clear in the back
of my mind. I’m obviously attracted to him and knowing he’ll never see me that
way, I have to try and steer the conversation back into safe territory. Fast. “A*****e!
So…uh…what did you…uh…wanna talk to me about?” Man, real smooth Kenz. Real
f*****g smooth. It must have worked though because there is a slight change in
Deacon’s posture. “Uhm…I
wanted to apologize for freaking out like that.” Oh. He doesn’t owe me an
apology for that because I would react the same way if the situation were
reversed. I won’t tell him that though, the b*****d is already smug and cocky
enough as it is. “Thanks
Deacon. Apology accepted.” I beam a bright smile in his direction, but the
storm in his eyes doesn’t lessen any. I don’t know how long we’ve been staring
at each other; seconds, minutes, hours. The trance is broken when my phone
chimes and I’ve never been so grateful for the annoying ping in my life. Even
though I don’t have any experience with boys, I know it’s not a good idea to
lose sense of time around them and that always happens between Deacon and me. I
pull my phone out, breaking eye contact, and glance down at the text message
opened on the screen. Lucy: Be home in a couple hours. Found a fab top for you and
you ARE NOT paying me back for it. Me: Thank you and I’ll just return the favor. Lucy: Love you b***h J Me: Love you too b***h J My grin
is wide as I toss my phone onto my messy, unmade bed. Fred is seriously a pain
in the a*s. I love my little text conversations with Lucy, she gets why I feel
a certain way about people buying stuff for me. She does it anyway, but I
always return the favor for her and she doesn’t grumble too badly about it. “Hmm. I
hope a guy doesn’t have you smiling like that. I may have to break his face.”
He winks at me while I roll my eyes at him. That damn wink! It’s going to be
the death of me. “It was
Lucy. Bff stuff.” I stick my tongue out at him like my inner two year old
demands. He gasps
and puts a hand over his mock wounded heart. “I thought we were bffs?” “Hah! We
are, poor baby. However, you’re a particular bff I can’t change in front of
so…OUT!” I point my finger toward the door to emphasize my point and the jerk
just laughs at me. “Well
fine. I, however, am not the one who locked the door behind us. But, I’m just
gonna leave it alone.” Deacon saunters toward me and stops just behind my back.
His fingers lightly brush my hair out of the way and gingerly pull my sleeve
down. I am absolutely frozen in place and can barely breathe as he presses a
light kiss to my injured shoulder. He brings his lips to my ear and whispers
softly against it. “By the way, if I ever find another mark on you like this, I
will not hesitate to break the responsible person’s face.” He stands
up from leaning down to my level and fixes my shirt. Deacon continues his trek
through the obstacle course that is my room over to my door, making a show of
unlocking the handle and opening it. “Two things. One: wear a tank top and I’ll
rub some Icy Hot on your shoulder. Two: I think you need to evict Fred.” He
calls over his shoulder to me as he steps into the hallway and closes the door
behind him. His chuckle is muffled after the door is closed, but I know it’s a
deep, throaty chuckle. He loved my story of Fred when I first complained to him
about the unbearable mammal. I turn
away from the door with a slight smirk on my face, secretly giddy that he
remembers Fred. That damn monkey. I rummage around in my drawers, pulling out a
pair of grey and blue plaid boxers that I stole from Deacon and a grey
camisole. I gingerly remove my t-shirt and throw it in the trash can, knowing
I’ll never get it to fit normally again. I pull the camisole over my head and
fix my hair into a quick ponytail. Kicking off my Converses and socks, I shimmy
out of my jeans and yank my boxers on. I also throw on a fresh pair of lime
green socks and put on a fresh coating of deodorant. Grabbing my phone from my
bed, I tuck it into my bra and make my way back over to Deacon’s room. I stop
for a minute and listen to the muffled laughter of my three friends. They are
talking about watching Paranormal Activity 4 and even though I am anything but
thrilled by their movie choice, I am still happy they are in my life. Opening
the door, I can’t help but look in Deacon’s direction first. His quirks his
brows at the boxers I’m wearing, clearly remembering the day I barged in and
stole them because all of my girly ones were dirty. Stepping fully into the
room, I roll the waistband down slightly so the boxers won’t be as long on me
and send a smug smile in his direction. Yeah, we both know that he’s never
getting these boxers back. “Hey
Kenz. We’re gonna watch Paranormal Activity 4. You in?” Megan raises an eyebrow
at me in challenge. This b***h knows damn well that me and scary movies do not
get along. “Whatever.
Just know how much I hate you.” I throw back at her, watching her auburn
eyebrows creep up her forehead in surprise. “Calm down
killer. You know love us.” Derrick interjects in an innocent voice, the kind
you reserve for timid f*****g puppies. I hate that damn tone. “Pfft!
She loves me, you guys are just unwanted spectators.” Deacon quips while
Derrick narrows his eyes at him, pressing his lips into a thin line that can
only spell trouble later. Sensing a
change between the brothers starting to unfurl, I pull out my most charming
smile and aim it in Deacon’s direction.
“Yeah right boys, don’t think to highly of yourselves. The only person I love
in this room is my Meggy.” And just like that, the tension is broken and
Megan’s shoulders slump in a silent relief. “I love
you too, Kenny.” She beams a bright smile in my direction. I clamber
onto the bed with Deacon upon seeing the blue and white container of Icy Hot in
his hand. Megan and Derrick are both sprawled on the floor with one of Deacon’s
pillows underneath their heads. While waiting for the opening credits to start,
Deacon motions me between his legs. He opens the container and the minty,
medicinal smell immediately hits my nostrils while slowly permeating the air. I
wrinkle my nose in protest, as if that alone could save my poor sense of smell.
That stuff seriously stunk and the odor would probably be lingering on my clothing
and in my hair even after being washed. Yuck! “F**k
Deek, that s**t stinks!” Derrick starts coughing loudly. “Don’t be
such a p***y Der. It’s for Kenz’s shoulder.” After tugging my camisole and bra
straps closer to my neck, Deacon gets a scoopful on his index and middle
fingers and gently applies it to my exposed shoulder. I suck a
quick breath. “F**k, that’s cold!” “Duh!
That’s the point of it being called Icy Hot genius. Haven’t you ever heard the
commercial ‘Icy to dull the pain, Hot to relax it away’?” Megan deepens her
voice towards the end to sound like the creepy infomercial guy. “Keep it
up and we’ll see how well it works lodged in your eye.” I mutter. “Ha. Ha.
Smart a*s!” Megan replies. “Rather
be a smart a*s then a dumb a*s.” I call back in a sing-song voice. My next
thoughts are lost as Deacon’s skilled fingers deftly massage the gel into my
shoulders. The heat seeps in and I slowly release a shuddering breath,
wondering if it’s from his touch or the gel. It’s over all too quickly and I go
to move when Deacon lowers his mouth to my ear. “Don’t go
anywhere. I’m gonna close the curtains and shut off the light.” His whisper is
feather light against the sensitive spot my ear and a cage of ninja butterflies
are released in my stomach. I feel like I just got karate chopped and round house
kicked in the ribs about thirty different times. Twisting the blue cap back on
the white bottle, he tosses it on the desk and gets up to move around the room.
I feel like these damn butterflies are about to take about a rib or puncture a
lung or something. The room
becomes submerged in semi-darkness, due to Deacon owning black-out curtains, as
I start to scoot back against the pillow. When Deacon returns, he’s sporting an
adorable little frown on his lips while motioning me with his finger to move
forward. I’m sure my face displays the confusion I’m feeling as I reluctantly
crawl out of my comfortable spot. Deacon breathes out a low chuckle while climbing
into my previously claimed spot. I’m about to start a protest when he guides me
back between his legs, with my chest resting against his solid, smooth chest. I
let out a strangled gasp as I feel the hard planes of chest come in contact
with my back and Derrick whips his head around in our direction. “Didn’t
realize friends sat between each other’s legs and laid their heads on the
other’s shoulder, Kenz.” Derrick sneers at me. The only sound in that moment is
a sharp clap of hand against skin as Megan slaps him upside his head. It
sounded like it might have hurt a little, but Derrick didn’t even wince. “Knock it
off, baby. I believe we used to sit like that too when we were friends.” Megan
attempts to soothe it over in a placating voice, one reserved for trying to
convince a child that a grocery store is not the appropriate place to throw a
temper tantrum. “Not a
good point, doll, considering where we’re at now.” He replies in a biting tone.
He’s still eyeing me with contempt. Megan’s face screws up in anger, but I jump
in before she can unleash it. “We ARE
just friends, Derrick. I don’t understand what the big deal is!?!” I throw my
hands up in exasperation. “Of
course you don’t fuc-” Derrick is immediately cut off by the steel in Deacon’s
voice. “Knock it
off, Der. My bed is too small to sit next to each other and God knows what kind
of fornicating you two will be doing on my damn floor. So. Shut. The. F**k.
Up.” Agitation and something else I’m unfamiliar with vibrate from Deacon’s
chest. “Bet your
sweet a*s it will only be the good kind of fornicating we’ll be doing.” Megan
quips with a wink and blows a kiss at Derrick. Derrick
grumbles out something that resembles an apology as Deacon guides me back flush
against his chest. Deacon checks to make sure everyone is ready before hitting
the play button on the PS3 controller. The movie begins to play as he scoots
the blanket out from underneath us and pulls it over our legs. Nestled between
his muscular thighs and cushioned by his broad chest with his arms wrapped delicately
around me, I lean my head in the crook of his shoulder feeling the safest and
most secure I have ever felt in my life. Feeling the deep vibrations of his
breathing against me, I snuggle in deeper and feel his arms wrap tighter around
me. Ten
minutes into the movie and I started to regret watching it. Sorry, but
possession and demon movies just aren’t my thing. Now, it’s an hour into and I
am scared out of my mind. I wish Megan would have picked out Magic Mike; I’d
much rather see Channing Tatum’s naked chest instead of watching some demon
from Hell throw a little girl around by her hair. I’ve just inched Deacon’s
hand slowly from my eyes, which has been plastered there for the last thirty
minutes, when a loud BOOM erupts through the room and a door gets kicked in by
the demon in the movie. F**k. That. An ear-shattering scream, which starts in
my gut, erupts from my lungs at the same time Megan shrieks nearly as loudly.
Deacon’s door creeks open slowly as Megan and I continue our onslaught against
the boys’ ears, when Lucy pops her head in whilst covering her own ears. The
boys burst out laughing while my blood is still thundering in my ears and my
heart is actively trying to seek an escape route through my ribs. “Someone’s
a little scared.” Lucy bubbly voice floats through the room. It sounds
suspiciously like it’s coated in amusement and I instantly narrow my eyes at
her. She walks in the rest of the way, turns on the light switch, and closes
the door behind her. “That
would be an understatement.” Deacon’s breath causes the hair behind my ear to
stir slightly. “Leave
Kenz alone!” Megan comes quickly to my defense. Banshee screamers have to stick
together after all. “Babe,
you screamed almost as loud as Kenzie did.” Derrick deadpans while Megan
narrows her emerald eyes in his direction. “Babe, I
don’t hear you complaining about my screaming any other time.” She says in this
sickly sweet voice that I know is used to get under Derrick’s skin. Their
exchanges are just so amusing to watch. Megan has a very expressive face and
some of the looks she gives…well, I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression. “F**k.
That. Movie!” I cut in before this conversation reveals too many details that
no one needs to know. As amusing as it is to watch the exchanges, I don’t care
to hear about bed-breaking-mirror-shattering-wall-denting-awesome sex details
between the two. And yes, Megan has used those words to describe their sex life
to me the second day after meeting her. “Deek, I
distinctly remember my bff telling you that she loathes scary movies almost as
much as she loathes giggling blondes and starting her say without caffeine.
You’re not a true bff if you don’t remember that detail.” Lucy wags a scolding
finger in Deacon’s direction. “It
definitely looked like she was comfortable though.” Megan pipes out, earning a
glare from Derrick and chuckles from Lucy and Derrick. Loud
chiming and audible vibrations start going crazy in my bra, startling me
slightly because I forgot I put my phone there. Hey, don’t judge! I don’t have
any pockets in my boxers. I can feel Deacon’s jaw drop against my shoulder
blade as I reach in quickly to pull it out. The slightly ragged breathing coming
from him tickle the hair behind my ear and unlock the cage of lethal
butterflies perpetually trapped in my stomach. With a slight tremble to my
fingers, I slide the lock on my phone to see a text icon appear on the screen.
Luke’s name is visible underneath the icon, letting me know that he was the one
who made my bra go all crazy. I feel a light swish of air by my cheek as Deacon
shakes his and breaks himself out of whatever thoughts had him trapped inside
his own head for the last minute or two. Part of me desperately wants to know
what had him so seemingly shaken up, but the other part of me, the logical
part, knows it doesn’t have anything to do with me. Lucy engages him a
conversation that I block out while I finally open the message from Luke. Luke: Hey ;) Well this
is bound to be a stimulating conversation. Monosyllable texts and wink-y faces
always make me want to engage someone in conversation…NOT! Me: Hello Luke: Sup? Me: Hanging out with some friends in another friend’s room.
You? Luke: Nuthn much jus chillen Me: Okay? I can
feel Lucy’s eyes boring a hole into my forehead, either because I missed an
important part of their conversation that they thought I should actively
participate in or I’m wearing my annoyed face " lips pursed, eyes narrowed, and
brows furrowed. I’m assuming it’s the latter. “Who ya
textin’ over there chica?” She has this mischievous
I’m-up-to-something-and-you-won’t-figure-it-out-util-it’s-too-late grin on her
face, the grin I absolutely abhor with my whole being because it usually means
she’s trying to stir something up. “Uhmm…a
friend?” I really want to know what this girl is plotting so I can avoid it at
all costs. “Uh huh,
sure. Except all of your friends are right here in this room. Since I don’t see
anyone, but you with a phone out, I am going to assume it’s either a guy you
want to keep a secret or a guy you just met. So spill it chickadee.” Lucy
retorts with a smug look in her onyx eyes, her blue-black ahri swishing softly
under her ears. “That’s
totally not true and you know it. I’m friends with that girl, Stevie, in
Environmental Science and Blake from Psychology and…and whatever, I don’t have
to list my friends’ names for you!” I seethe. Lucy
raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow, but keeps a neutral expression on her face
and in her tone. “Kenzie, someone asking to see your notes real quick does not
qualify them as friends.” My cheeks slightly burn as the rest of our audience
attempts and fails to hold in their laughter. “It could
very well be Kingsley or the twins.” Yes, I’m still trying to save face because
I know what kind of reaction I’ll get if I say I’m texting Luke. “Sweetie,
if one of my brothers are texting you eight o’clock at night, then it’s either
about homework or trying to get into your pants.” Megan deadpans, blowing my
save-face-and-not-tell-them-about-Luke operation. I would totally suck as an
undercover detective because I always forget the finer details. Like the fact
that Kingsley Lucas and the twins, Ashton and Asher Lucas, are all undoubtedly
man-w****s. “Meg, I
love you like a sister and all, but if that s**t happens, I’m breaking some
vital body parts for your brothers.” Deacon growls. “What
s**t, Deek?” Megan shoots back innocently. And now, it’s beyond embarrassing. I
imagine I’m as red as a tomato at this point and that is so not a cute look for
me. Luckily I’m saved by the chime of my text alert and no longer have to pay
attention to the conversation. Luke: So the party starts @10 Fri nite. U still dwn? “Oh.
S**t.” I immediately cover my mouth as four sets of eyes abruptly swing in my
direction, realizing I just said that out loud. Now I’ll definitely have to
tell everyone and not to mention, I totally forgot that I agreed to go to the
party with him. Me: Yes. Where’s it at? Luke: I can pik u up. Parkn will b crazy Me: How will I get home? Luke: Uhh me… Me: Will there be alcohol? Luke: Srsly? Yea… I know it
was a stupid question, but he’s more stupid if he thinks I am letting him drive
me anywhere while he’s drunk. Nope, no thank you. “Earth to
Kenzie! Who the hell is it and why did you just say ‘oh s**t’ like you found OJ
Simpson hiding in your closet?” Lucy barks at me, while flailing around like a
damn octopus that just lost one of their precious tentacles. “It’s
Luke.” I mutter, hoping no one caught that.
A flicker of emotion passes through Lucy’s eyes. It’s gone so fast that
I can’t even decipher it, but I know whatever it was, it wasn’t good. “Who is
this Luke person? What are his intentions? Is he trying to steal your virtue? I
swear I’ll chop off-” I abruptly stop Lucy from finishing that sentence. “First:
you know him as Pretty Boy. He ended up being the guy I had to go tutor today.
Second: He wants me to go to a party with him Friday night as a peace offering
to make up for what happened. And third: my virtue is no one’s damn business!” “Oh, well
okay then. We gotta find you something hot to wear then!” Lucy starts jabbering
in excitement. “Yes! I
have the perfect hooker boots, as you call them Kenz, for you to wear!” Megan
pitches in, just as excited. “Whoa…wait
a minute! You’re actually gonna go to a party by yourself with this d****e when
you don’t even know him? And Megan, she definitely doesn’t need your skank
gear.” Deacon throws out, like I’m an idiot and don’t know what I’m doing.
Megan glares at him and Deacon looks back at her with a sheepish apology grin
on his face. “Deacon,
no one asked you what I should or shouldn’t wear, thank you very much!” I leave
the rest of his statement unanswered deliberately. I need to send a text to
Luke first before I can even ask them to come with me. Luke: ??? Me: I’d feel more comfortable driving myself. We have
another session this week, so I’ll get the address then. Luke: K Me: Uhmm is it okay if I bring a few friends? Luke: Idc, open party Me: Thanks Luke: NP Me: Well goodnight then. Luke: ;) “Why do
you look like you wanna spin kick someone in the face right now?” Derrick looks
over at me questioningly. “I don’t
necessarily wanna spin kick-” “Dude,
she’s too short to spin kick someone in the face!” Deacon abruptly cuts me off.
A*****e. I turn my body slightly and punch him in the upper arm, hurting my own
knuckles more than him. Deacon just grins at me as I shake my hand out. “Shut the
f**k up, jerk. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys wanna come to this party
with me? I’ve never really been to a party before and I barely know Luke and he
wants to drive me, but I told him no and it seemed like he got mad and…” Even I
know I’m rambling at this point. “Slow
down chickadee, that’s like the longest sentence ever. I can’t go to the party,
I wish I could. I’m going back home until Monday night.” Lucy informs me. We’ve
been here for three weeks. I wonder why she wants to go home so soon. As soon
as I feel my face drop, Deacon speaks up. “I’ll drive you to and from the
party. You’re not getting in that tool’s car.” “Derrick
and I can take my car or his and you and Kenz can take hers, unless she wants
to brave your motorcycle.” Megan helpfully points out. I don’t think I’d mind
riding on Deacon’s bike actually. “Kenz, you
wanna take my bike?” Deacon lifts a questioning eyebrow in my direction. “Uhmm,
sure that’s f…fine.” I manage to stammer out. “I don’t
have to leave for my flight until nine thirty, so me and Megsters can help you
get ready.” Lucy states with a huge grin on her face. She has wanted to turn me
into her own personal Barbie doll for years and now, apparently, Megan is in on
it too. I feel like I should be scaredy “We will
have you sexed-up better than a Victoria’s Secret model!” Megan adds,
excitement evident in her voice. “Just
remember she has to get on my bike ladies.” Deacon drawls. “Like you
have any say in this matter Deek, really. Just shush.” “Well, as
fun an evening as this has been, I need to go get some work done and sleep. See
y’all tomorrow.” I announce to everyone as I’m yawning and stretching up from
the bed. Deacon softly tugs on my wrist to get my attention. “Good
night, Kenz.” He whispers softly. “Good
night, Deacon.” I reply back just as softly. Scooping
up my cell phone and fixing my camisole, I make my way out the door and across
the hall to my own room. I sneak a quick glance at my alarm clock and see that
it’s already flashing the numbers 9:45. Mentally reviewing what I need to do
for classes, I realize I have nothing pertinent due in the next few days and
decide it’s most definitely time for bed. I know Lucy will be across the hall
for a while, probably discussing the many ways her and Megan are going to ‘sex
me up’ for the party Friday night. Folding back my zebra-print comforter, I
climb happily into bed and snuggle down until I find my comfy spot. I’m asleep
by the time my eyelashes barely make contact with my cheeks. Chapter 4
He darkness was there to greet me
when my eyelids drifted closed. Your body is supposed to relax in its
dream-state, but mine tensed for its fight-or-flight response. This dream was
changing though. It was evident in the way the pitch black void lightened to a
foggy grey. It was also evident in the way sounds became more distinguished. Metal
crunching against metal. Glass shattering. Voices screaming. Snarls floated
through the screams and something heavy beat through the air. My feet moved of
their own accord. Mentally, I was screaming at myself to run away. I didn’t
want to experience a new version of the same dream. The black void may have
been creepy, but it was almost soothing at this point now. I knew what to
expect. Now, now I feel like things will never be the same again. Physically, I
push against my mental demands. My body knows I need to figure this out, scared
to or not. The
closer I get, the more the snarls and screaming make my skin crawl. The screams
are almost deafening. The snarls are so vicious, I picture a rabid dog on the
attack. Amidst the chaos of noise and destruction, I can just barely make out
an angry conversation. “Lisa,
just give her up. You cannot defeat me. You are foolish if you even consider
yourself capable of it.” The cold, hard voice demanded. “You will
never get your hands on my daughter. I will die first!” A female voice blared
with confidence and finality. The man
chuckled, but not out of amusement. More like irritation. “You will die
regardless. I will make it less painful, however, should you hand your daughter
over to me.” “Go back
to Hell!” The female screamed back. There was a crushing sound and a deafening
BOOM that followed. Smoky
black wisps started to invade the fog, trying to grab me. I twisted and dodged
the wisps, trying to get closer to the sound that was fading every second. I
needed to know more. The monstrosity blaring in my real life started to trickle
in, effectively pulling me from the dream. Taking me from what I need to know,
what I need to figure out. I couldn’t fight it any longer and slowly my eyelids
peeled open.
© 2014 Brittney Mae Zielinski |
Added on March 7, 2014 Last Updated on March 7, 2014 Author![]() Brittney Mae ZielinskiRoseville, MIAboutI am a 22 year old with a passion for reading and writing. I would love to have my own book published. I have started writing one series and already have an idea for another series, sometimes my brain.. more..Writing