Know, See, FeelA Poem by Brad
What comfort naivete! What a curse to know!
To know is to know that you don’t know
The one that knows cannot not know, and so pursues
The things that make us and hold our hearts
Where the soul rests, the more they are loved
Slowly grow until the pattern cannot hold them
We know there must be more to know
Brightness to discover and darkness to drive away
Like a painting in a gallery we stare transfixed
Eyes starving for every minute detail
Then comes a tap on the shoulder and a voice says
“Ah! But have you seen this one?”
What comfort to see! What a curse to have seen!
To see is to know that there is more to see
One that has seen must keep seeing
The eyes now straying from your own picture behold the wall
A wall as wide and as tall as your entire life and more
Infinite paintings of revelry and sorrow, heroes and villains, right and injustice
Billions of people, billions of places, calling, clamoring, craving to be known
Piercing brightness, desperate darkness
Impossible to see them all but you can’t look away
You must know, for now you know you don’t know
And you have seen there is so much more to see
So, you tap a shoulder, “Ah! But have you seen this one?”
What comfort to feel! What a curse to have felt!
To feel is to know one cannot not feel
Having felt you must keep feeling
The inestimable wall pours into you, overwhelming the senses
Brightness stirring the choirs of Heaven, darkness from the pits of Hell
You feel it all, all of it, your mind stunned and senses blurred
At once, everything is in color - but also black and white
You love it, and hate it, and there is no going back
As if you could cap a geyser with your hand
For having known and seen and felt, you must know and see and feel
But you can’t do it alone So, you tap a shoulder
© 2023 BradFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on January 13, 2020 Last Updated on August 26, 2023 |