BDunderthestars: Uplifting poem and I enjoyed it very much. We all have chains, your writing seems to encourage us to let go of so many things that hinder us from fulfilling our dreams; that keep us in stalemate, never believing in our possibilities: which without self-esteem cannot be achieved.. Great writing.
Have more confiden(ce)t
in yourself
There will be on day
when you will be free
from these chains
of darkness
I hope and pray everyone will be - Encouraging work. Dale
BDunderthestars: Uplifting poem and I enjoyed it very much. We all have chains, your writing seems to encourage us to let go of so many things that hinder us from fulfilling our dreams; that keep us in stalemate, never believing in our possibilities: which without self-esteem cannot be achieved.. Great writing.
Have more confiden(ce)t
in yourself
There will be on day
when you will be free
from these chains
of darkness
I hope and pray everyone will be - Encouraging work. Dale
A great message lies within this piece. The struggle feels real, and the positive increase through the poem is inspiring. There are a few words that misused and a couple spelling errors. Also, I would recommend playing with the words a bit to increase the emotional impact. Thank you for sharing. Nice pen.
That is a wonderful poem. It seems to speaks straight to me and give me the hope to keep moving forward and to not let my fears control my life. Thank you for writes this poem
Hi! I am Bhumika Devkota. I am the youngest from my extended family, which makes me a little - I suppose a lot- spoiled at times. I live with my parents and my older sister, who is currently a senior,.. more..