![]() PrologueA Chapter by BCBatesLiverpool - 15th April 1989 The Greenstock household was a warming place, consisting of Lilly, Brian, and their 9 year old son Gordon. The door was always open for friends and neighbours, and the kettle was always ready to boil that reassuring cup of tea. They were a well liked family in the community, and despite the tough times in the city, they had a name for always being positive. The city had taken a turn for the worst during the last few years. Toxteth was raging with ferocious riots, caused by vast unemployment and police racism. Albert Docks which was once the pinnacle frontier in the city's industry, was now crumbling apart with no restoration looking probable. The people of Liverpool felt forgotten. Despite the turmoil surrounding the city, there was something that was managing to help the people hang on to hope. Liverpool FC. The reds were on the verge of winning the league for the record 17th time, and they had flew into the semi final of the FA Cup. The country's most prestigous trophy. Brian Greenstock had been a lifelong fan of Liverpool FC, and persuaded his son Gordon to follow in his footsteps. They had attended every single home match since Gordon was a toddler, and travelled to away games whenever they got the chance. Gordon preffered the quality time with his dad more than the football, yet he would never tell him that. He knew his dad was overjoyed about the commitment Gordon was showing for Liverpool. He knew all the chants, and had every autograph and programme. "Hurry up Gordon, we need to be at The Queens Head in ten minutes" It was the day of the FA Cup semi final, and Brian had purchased two tickets immediately after they went on sale. It had cost him a small fortune, but lucklily his job as an accountant was well payed, and he needed something exciting in his life to rid him of the mundane 9-5. He'd also purchased two coach tickets from the local pub to take the pair to the game. "Two minutes. I can't find my shirt" Replied Gordon from the top of the stairs. He also needed to gel his hair, but he wasn't going to admit that. Even for a 9 year old, he took his appearence seriously. He was the tallest in his class, and with freckles dotted around his face, he had to draw the attention to his dark brown hair. "Its down here love. I washed it for you, it should be dry by now" Lilly didn't work, she had stopped when Gordon was born, and not really got around to finding anything new. She now spent her days keeping her palace clean and her knights well fed. She wasn't happy about her situation but she pleasently at ease with it. Gordon came sprinting down the stairs, grabbed his Liverpool shirt off the clothes horse, and proceeded to put his Reebok Classic trainers on. "K I'm ready" stated Gordon, has he stood up and gave his mum a kiss on the cheek. "See ya later mum" 'Finally' thought Brian. He had spent the last three hours checking the clock continously, hoping it would move faster. He had a feeling today was going to be special, and after last years upset at Wembley by Wimbledon, he was sure this was Liverpools time. He headed for the door, turning slightly to say bye to his wife. "See ya love" His blonde wavy hair dissapearing through the door frame. "Have a good day you two. I hope they win. Love y..." Her sentence was cut short due to the front door slamming shut. "You" Lilly said quietly to herself. The Queens Head was Brians local pub. He wasn't a heavy drinker, but occasionally on a Friday he'd pay the place a visit for an hour. The atmosphere was good, and it seemed to attract the right crowd. Brian tended to stay away from pubs while he was wearing a suit, it caused unwanted attention. Also his Tall, streaky persona didn't do him any favours when trying to stand up for himself. As they approached the car park Gordon could hear the chants of the Liverpool fans waiting excitedly for the coach doors to open. He used to find the mass of people rather intimidating, but over the years he got used to it. He seen them as part of his family. And the majority knew him by his first name, which he thought was pretty cool. A sea of red and white overtook the normally mundane car park. The four coaches which were waiting to take them to the stadium were barely visible in the crowds. "Keep a look out for Mike, Gordon" Brian said urgently, has he strained his neck and rotated his head like a periscope. Mike was Brians best friend. They had accompanied each other to every game since they were kids. He was stick thin and very tall, with bright fiery red hair. "There he is dad" Mike was standing by one of the coach tires smoking a cigarette. Brian held Gordons hand and directed them through the maze of people towards his best friend. "Al right Mike. Busy today innit'" Brian wasn't really expecting such a big turnout, maybe all the coach company's had decided to meet in the same place. "Al right Brian. Al right Gordon. Don't think anybody wants to miss this game. Would be better if we playing United instead, but never mind." The coach doors starting opening and people started loading on. Mike and Gordon managed to squeeze the way to the front and board the coach, taking a seat near the back. Brian never really had to worry about his son on match days. Everybody knew the little lad, and always took care of him. Finally Brian managed to find the steps to the vehicle, and proceded the climb towards the driver. "Sorry mate. This ones full, you'll have to jump on the one in front" The coach driver shown Brian his counter and gave the best sympathetic face possible. He was an overweight man, which made his facial expressions all the more exaggarated. "I just need to get my son from the back, he rushed on ahead the little bugger" The driver nodded and Brian made his way to the back of the coach to locate Gordon. Gordon was sat playing cards with Mike by the time Brian had wormed his way to the back. Over peoples legs and bags, and through heated discussions he kept being asked his opinion on. "Ah, finally. Gordon are you gonna be all right with Mike, i need to change coaches. Is that all right Mike?" Brian knew Mike wouldn't mind, he just wanted to reassure himself. Lilly would go mad if she knew he was leaving Gordon on his own. "Ye sure mate. He aint leaving this seat till i get my chocolate bar left. You never told me your son could play poker?" Mike grinned, which had a contagious affect on Gordon and Brian. He had always been the entertainer, which meant he had a knack with kids. "You gonna be all right Gordon?" He had to double check, and deep down wanted Gordon to say he wanted to go with him. But had a feeling he would have more fun with Mike. "Ye i'll be fine dad. Its only two hours" "We'll meet you in the stadium, Gordons got his ticket" Mike interrupted "K then. Well, see you there then" And with that Brian departed the coach and boarded the vacant one. "K everyone" shouted the driver "We'll stop at the services in Stockport so everyone can take a piss." The coach began moving and Gordon was on his way to making Mike bankrupt in poker. It took just under an hour to get to Stockport, and it surprised Gordon how many people needed to relieve themselves after such a short time. "Ten minutes. If your not back, i'm leaving without you" Was the drivers instructions. Gordon opted to stay on the coach, he didn't need the toilet and he no money to play video games. Mike squeezed past him and ran towards the already full toilet block. Brian was hoping to see Gordon at the service station, but the driver insisted he drove straight there. Apparently there were lenghty ques to get in, and he didn't want to miss a second of the match. 'Oh well, I'll see him at the stadium' Thought Brian. Ten minutes passed and everyone seemed to back on the coach. Mike was telling Gordon how taking a piss seemed better than sex when your bursting. It made Gordon smile, but inside he wished he had gone with his dad. "K is everybody aboard?" Questioned the overwieght driver "Perfect, we'll get moving then". He turned the key but nothing happened. Just a pathetic clicking sound. He tried again but to no avail. "It seems we've got a problem. The engine wont start. I'm gonna jump out and take a look. I don't suppose anybody knows about engines do they?" The driver rushed outside and lifted up the side panel to reviel the engine which was smoking. One of the supporters followed the driver to assist him in diagnosis. "You a mechanic?" Asked the driver, looking rather distressed. "Sure am mate. Looks like your radiator has overheated. You wont get this thing started without taking it into a garage." The supporter put his hands on his hips and shook his head. The driver went and sat back behind steering wheel. The coach was rigged up with a CB radio, hopefully the company could send a replacement vehicle to pick them up in time for the game. "You there Paddy, its Gary. I've got a problem." The mechanic got back on the coach and started breaking the bad news to the rest of the passengers. "You mean its fucked. Like, completely fucked?" Came a voice from the back. "Are they sending a replacement?" Came another Questions became discussions, that seemed to get louder the more the situation sunk in. "There's a replacement coach on its way. It'll be here within the hour. You might miss the start of the game though lads" Stated a rather shaky driver. The last thing he wanted was a group of unhappy football fans pointing the finger at him. So he decided to leave the situation and let them argue between themselves until the coach turned up. "Thats great that innit. £2 I payed for this journey, and another £25 for the ticket. I hope there gonna reimburse us" Mike wasn't happy at all. Gordon felt like somebody had stuck a knife in his throat. He couldn't breath. Something massive was telling him that he needed to see his dad, and it seemed he wouldn't be seeing him anytime soon. Brians coach pulled up at the stadium along with quite a few others. The place was packed with fans. Everyone chanting, laughing, all excited for the upcoming fixture. Brian made his way to the turnstiles and qued up to get into the stadium. He checked his watch 14:25, 35 minutes until kick off. 'Gordon should be here any minute, today was going to be special' he thought to himself. 30 minutes passed by, and there was still no sign of the replacement coach, or the driver. "Anybody got a radio?" Mike shouted. "Kick off is in two minutes" "Ye I got one. I'ts not very loud though" The radio was positioned at the front of the coach, so everybody tried to get as close as possible. Gordon stayed where he was. It was about spending time with his dad more than the football.
Brian took his place in the stadium, he loved the fact of standing up at a football game. It added to the atmosphere he thought. He couldn't help noticing how busy the place was. There was no way Mike and Gordon would find him in this crowd. Brian started making his way as close to the entrance as possible, but the amount of fans coming towards him was making it impossible. As he glanced to his left he could see people being lifted onto the top terraces. He heard the whistle for kick off, but the crowd was to dense to see the pitch.
Lilly was never interested in football, but she thought if she at least knew the score, then it would be easier to engage in the excited conversation which was bound to happen when her boys got back from Hillsborough. She flicked on the TV just as the referee blew for Kick off.
The radio was turned on and everybody went quiet. Gordon faintly heard the referee blow for kick off, but nobody cared about the game anymore.
The events which followed changed the lives of millions of families, friends and football fans all over the world. 96 people never made it back from that game, after being crushed to death by other fans. It led to a massive investigation, which still to this day has never had an end result. A tradegy like this would ruin most peoples lives, but others seem to triumph. This a story of one boy who managed to defeat these demons, along with his own, and succeed in a way he never thought possible. © 2013 BCBatesAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on January 15, 2013 Last Updated on January 17, 2013 Tags: teen, football, young adult, fiction Previous Versions Author |