I am Egypt… The first Dynasty… Writing on the walls came from… My kindling… I am china… The Great Wall… Came from my dreams… I am Ganges… The Dalai Lama… Is awed at my beauty… The stories of… Africa comes from me/// They light the sky like the… Eiffel tower… Spring time in Paris… Like the dawn of the… Amazon jungle… Hot… Rainy… The challenge of a life time… I am… The salt of the Dead Sea… Life without me… There is no life without me… I am henna… The source of carbon friendly colure… Arabian… Sheiks read the… Holy Koran and pray… Looking to the… East… Then to the… West… Shalom behind a screen I beseech… Freezing But warm in my chinchilla Vodka And Sturgeon Eggs ready I look out upon A Red City While visions of A lone Lotus and Cherry blossoms bloom in the midst of Mount Fiji Ciao Bella Greets my on lookers as Italian made shoes hit cobble stone 3Gtechnology Shoulder to Shoulder People Moving in dark suits Take my seat to have a taste of blow fish….sometimes it’s a death wish In Taiwan I rise to the glorious moments of Freedom Opportunity is at my every corner The home of the Hidden nameless foreigners And The Mile High club Zone of the hustlers The City lights at my feet Who can I be? I can just be HUMANITY I am Human This is me
thank u so much dieuxsansculte....I love the human ideal of we are so much different...lol than the next human when in reality we are all grouped into personality....likes, and dislikes talent and intellect.....thank you so much for your encouragement
When my son was a little thing, years ago, his favorite book was called, "Monsters Come in Many Colors." He'd want me to read it to him every night before he'd go to sleep. I'd like to think that it follows in the same vein as what you've written here.
Humans come in many shapes, sizes and forms. They all share one vital aspect, their humanity.
Diversity, whether in culture or biology, is the greatest boon that humankind could ask.
Fantastic write. Its simplicity offers us a glimpse of the answer to a very complex question.
ooo I love this piece - it spans the globe - the human touch here and there - the stories of age carried on - the landmarks - the panoramic view of man's climb - very interesting take! I enjoyed a lot!
I am just me, a poet that enjoys words and intrigue...I am inspired by others and love the musing over life...I am poetry...smile.
I'm an innovator in the poetry world and am CEO of my own Production.. more..