I love Joan of Arc, i'm so glad you attempted to write about her, did you just write this? That would explain the blood and battle typo. So often I have typos in my poems too, I get so excited, I rarely edit my work which is a terrible habit, but I'm sort of attached to the creative process, as opposed to the well-crafted product....
This poem is extremly elegant, I find it very suiting.
I think you did a wonderful job summarizing the hardships of Joan of Arc with your words. I'm not Christian either, but I do respect her for what she went through on behalf of her beliefs. I particularly like the fourth line. : )
Blessed Be!
Posted 16 Years Ago
This is a great ode to Joan of Arc! The words captured so much! Great poem!
A picture perfect portrait, telling her story in a few words.
You do have talent as a writer and Bennett Logan's suggest of extending it further does have merit. My suggestion would be that you perhaps do another piece on Joan of Arc maybe a short story or essay, where you can take the facts you know and colour them with your imagination- you could get a fiery, red blooded action piece going there - you do have the talent for it.
I really enjoyed Joan of Arc as it is - thank you for writing such a lovely piece about her, offering her well deseved respect. It is so hard to stick to a particular path against all odds, Saint or Sinner, Witch or Zealot Joan stood for what she believed in and paid the ultimate price.
I really like this poem: heroic and daring words followed up with death by fire. It offers a kind of finality. I especially liked the lines, "Hearing saint's voices on the wind./A mission, a lonely decision/To Follow the word of God."
The only suggestion I would make here is this: describe the the woman in the poem. You used very telling language here, but I'd like to see you run wild with imagery and descriptions. Describe the war, the fire, the blood, her passionate beliefs... You have a strong poetic voice and command of the language. I'd be interested to see what you come up with. You certainly don't have to rewrite, but you may be surprised with the outcome.
Your poem here stands just fine on its own, though. Thanks for posting it. Definately keep writing and keep up the good work!
It's funny because of the views of Joan vary according to the time. During her life she was viewed as evil by some and paid a horrible price for that..now she's a saint..it would have been nice if she had appreciated more while she was alive. I always thought it seemed pretty hypocritical of the Catholic church to torture someone to death and then call them a saint later. The lives of the saints are full of such stories...you'd think they'd have noticed their holiness earlier...oh well...I love this poem and the honor and respect you pay to Joan. She deserved it then and now :)
So many things have changed and I'm just trying to catch my bearings. All I want is to start writing again and not lose myself to all this change.