Into the night the mist swirled, pierced by thin streams of light cast down by the moon overhead. The north winds blew in rippling the surface of the water by which I stood. The night, though cold, was refreshing to my flushed face as I ran through the winding streets seeking solace from the one who hunted me. I had screwed up and badly, now if I did not find a place to hide I would pay for that mistake with my life. As the oldest in my family, descended from a long line of witches, it is my duty to uphold the family name and protect those who are hunted by the forces of darkness. In this day and age it may seem only fantasy; witches, warlocks, vampires and the like but to me this is reality. A reality in which I protect all those who believe it to be fantasy. Humans walk the streets afraid of theives and murderes but few stop to think about what else could be lurking in the shadows stalking them in the night. As the moon rises high in the sky I am offered a brief reprieve from my hunter. The dark forces of the night cannot stray into the moon's sheltering light for it burns their skin causing extreme agony. Darkness has had many names over the course of time but the entity itself has yet to change, as has the mission of my family and so many others. We are to hunt it, kill it, protect those who do not have the power to protect themselves and tonight I have gone from hunter to hunted. Pride is the downfall of all man and the killer of all kings.
In the early years of this world the gods fought over how to control the darkness that consumed the humans; the darkness of evil. Evil did not exist as the gods did at the beginning of time, but was instead born of the hatred that lurked deep within the souls of man. The myth of Pandora's Box was created to explain this evil, for no human wants to believe the evil exists within themselves. The greed, hate and pride that existed deep within their beings began to take on a life of its own as it consumed more of those who lived upon the earth, becoming a living, breathing entity in its own right. This anathema spread over the land causing great wars and destruction until the gods could no longer watch the world destroy itself. They argued for many days and the world was plunged into darkness, the sun did not shine and the moon did not offer her comforting rays. Thunder boomed from the skies and mixtures of rain and snow pummelled the earth. None of the heavenly forces could procure a solution to this evil plaguing the land.
At the beginning of the third week of caliginosity three powerful sisters met in secrecy from the other gods to create a plan of their own. They knew, although evil was born from men, men were not inherintly evil. Good still existed in a world of constant turmoil, it shone through an innocent child's eyes, a young woman giving birth, the knowledge one finds in death. Mankind could be saved if only they could be shown the way.
For three days and three nights the sisters met and discussed their plan of action. The other gods had decided to destroy all of man if no suggestions were made to rid this evil that consumed them. The sisters realized no matter how they used their godly powers they would not be able to rid the darkness from the world for it was far too strong, but the oldest of the sisters Hecate did not wish to rid the world of darkness. She began to write down her thoughts in hopes of ordering her mind and contriving a means of saving mankind.
"The gods wish to rid the world of all darkness but they realize not the calamity that would create. The world was created out of balance; a balance of day and night, and life and death. With every good that is in the world must come a necessary evil. One cannot have birth without an eventual death following. There shall always be evil in men's hearts but if that evil can be controlled then balance is still within our grasps. Good has been hidden in the shadows for far too long but my sisters and I hope to show the gods there is still a chance for it to shine once again. I am the goddess of the night and I cherish the darkness but understand the need for light to follow every night. The evil need not be destroyed but merely contained. I am the most powerful and wise of my sisters, forever in the stage of croning, older than all the gods but my mother Gaia. I alone can control the darkness. The only way in which to stop the evil from spreading is to chain it to the darkness it so flourishes."
And so the sisters combined their magic and banished the evil to the night where Hecate ruled. The two other sisters Artemis and Selene would protect the world with the light of the moon, casting light within the night weakening the strength of evil. On the night of the full moon all darkness would be paralyzed by the moon's virigin glow but the night of the new moon when no light shown from the sky all evil would reign to protect the balance the world so depended on.