She is forever running, fleeing from her past,
Yet she ends up constantly blurring the line
Between past and
They haunt at night, not the Ghosts,
But the echoes of the past that will reverberate with a
rising sun.
He tries to hide under sheets,
While she tries to hide between his warmth.
This constant ebb and flow that curses us so profoundly
The curse of ‘day in day out’ that plagues our nights,
And stops us from
When will it ever end?
Will their love ever be enough to break these deadly cycles we are born in
But she shies away from the present and into the shadows,
In the process denying him of his lost love.
He struggles, forever failing in the process
To keep their love together-
Away from the hell that is the future
Or is it the hell of the past ?
Only time will tell,
But isn't time, those forever ticking hands
Part of your never ending cycle?
The ticks and the tocks, the measurers of progress,
The ultimate
mockery for all of human kind?